SEAA Inter County Cross Country Championship

at Horspath, Oxford on Saturday 7th December 2019

U13 Girls -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Num Name                         Club                             Time  

       1  127  Abigail Reed                 Essex                             11:39
       2  196  Tabitha Brown                Surrey B                          11:47
       3  192  Verity Valentine             Suffolk                           11:50
       4  164  Lily Slack                   Kent                              11:53
       5  135  Macy Connolly                Hampshire                         11:59
       6  131  Eve Bailey                   Hampshire                         12:00
       7  154  Natalia Austin               Kent                              12:00
       8  149  Tilly Major                  Hertfordshire                     12:02
       9  122  Lyla Belshaw                 Essex                             12:08
      10  162  Abigail Richards             Kent                              12:09
      11  195  Lily-Rose Brown              Surrey                            12:10
      12  182  Isla McGowan                 Oxfordshire                       12:12
      13  158  Penny Horne                  Kent B                            12:14
      14  161  M Mooney-Clarke              Kent                              12:14
      15  197  Abigail Bushell              Surrey                            12:15
      16  200  Madison Emment               Surrey                            12:15
      17  121  Kayleigh Atkinson            Essex                             12:18
      18  190  Eloise Rufford               Suffolk                           12:18
      19  224  Dulcie Yelling               Sussex                            12:19
      20  215  Anna Fox                     Sussex                            12:20
      21  165  Emer Tynan                   Kent                              12:21
      22  169  Connie Easter                Norfolk                           12:22
      23  183  Evey Powell                  Oxfordshire                       12:23
      24  203  Eva O'Hanlon                 Surrey B                          12:24
      25  139  Darcy Hawkins                Hampshire                         12:25
      26  202  Rosalie Laban                Surrey                            12:25
      27  213  Rihanon Daniels              Sussex                            12:26
      28  216  Rosie Gasson                 Sussex                            12:27
      29  150  Abigail Manson               Hertfordshire                     12:28
      30  179 $Gracie McAuley               Kent                              12:28
      31  210  Isabelle Chappell            Sussex                            12:29
      32  155 $Megan Barlow                 Kent                              12:30
      33  136  Finney Coomber               Hampshire                         12:31
      34  220 $Lucianne Smith               Sussex                            12:31
      35  219  Rae LeFae                    Sussex                            12:32
      36  207  Florence White               Surrey                            12:33
      37  227  V Marshal                    Surrey B                          12:33
      38  206  Eloisa Symonds               Surrey                            12:34
      39  198  Ava Clarke                   Surrey                            12:35
      40  137  Florence East                Hampshire                         12:37
      41  156  Millie Dack                  Kent                              12:40
      42  123  Gaby Bilbie                  Essex                             12:41
      43  228  G O'Hanlon                   Surrey B                          12:42
      44  147  Poppy Fisher                 Hertfordshire                     12:44
      45  168  Edith Avowlanu               Norfolk                           12:44
      46  157 $Gabriella Horne              Kent                              12:45
      47  223  Grace Tuesday                Sussex B                          12:46
      48  209  Macy Brooking                Sussex                            12:47
      49  133  Emerson Churcher             Hampshire                         12:48
      50  211  Alice Cox                    Sussex                            12:49
      51  222  Esme Stephenson              Sussex B                          12:50
      52  180  Isabella HainesGray          Oxfordshire                       12:51
      53  212  Xanthe Cox                   Sussex B                          12:52
      54  128  Molly Sherrin                Essex                             12:53
      55  184 $Neve Batchelor               Kent                              12:54
      56  163  Maria Salamanca              Kent B                            12:55
      57  138  Rebecca Gascoyne             Hampshire                         12:56
      58  160 $Tallulah Ndikanwu            Kent                              12:59
      59  176  Payton Carter                Oxfordshire                       13:03
      60  167  Millie Adams                 Norfolk                           13:03
      61  181  Charlotte Hall               Oxfordshire                       13:04
      62  132  Hatti Bond                   Hampshire                         13:04
      63  185  Phoebe HarpurDavis           Suffolk                           13:05
      64  172  Isabelle Last                Norfolk                           13:06
      65  159  Lara Jee                     Kent B                            13:07
      66  125  Seraphina Harris             Essex                             13:08
      67  205  Izzy Perry                   Surrey B                          13:10
      68  145  Brooke Evans                 Hertfordshire                     13:11
      69  178  Roxy Davies                  Oxfordshire                       13:12
      70  134  Emily Churcher               Hampshire                         13:13
      71  218  Laila Hellyer                Sussex B                          13:14
      72  170  Evie Hood                    Norfolk                           13:15
      73  189  Elosie Perry                 Suffolk                           13:16
      74  186  Rose Jackson                 Suffolk                           13:17
      75  142  Lara Connell                 Hertfordshire                     13:18
      76  171  Esme Jonas                   Norfolk                           13:19
      77  140  Chloe Jones                  Hampshire                         13:21
      78  208  Carrie Anelay                Sussex B                          13:23
      79  146  Georgie Featherstone         Hertfordshire                     13:25
      80  194  Lara Zie                     Suffolk                           13:26
      81  174  Bethany Wilson               Norfolk                           13:27
      82  225  Kitty Brydon                 Hampshire                         13:29
      83  221 $Amy Gourd                    Sussex                            13:32
      84  187  Isabel Moore                 Suffolk                           13:35
      85  204  Eva Payne                    Surrey B                          13:38
      86  175  Cecelia Bower                Oxfordshire                       15:44
      87  151  Francesca Rollison           Hertfordshire                     16:16


NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Kent                               35
                                 4  Lily Slack          
                                 7  Natalia Austin      
                                10  Abigail Richards    
                                14  M Mooney-Clarke     
  2  Essex                              66
                                 1  Abigail Reed        
                                 9  Lyla Belshaw        
                                17  Kayleigh Atkinson   
                                39  Gaby Bilbie         
  3  Hampshire                          67
                                 5  Macy Connolly       
                                 6  Eve Bailey          
                                25  Darcy Hawkins       
                                31  Finney Coomber      
  4  Surrey                             68
                                11  Lily-Rose Brown     
                                15  Abigail Bushell     
                                16  Madison Emment      
                                26  Rosalie Laban       
  5  Sussex                             94
                                19  Dulcie Yelling      
                                20  Anna Fox            
                                27  Rihanon Daniels     
                                28  Rosie Gasson        
  6  Surrey B                          100
                                 2  Tabitha Brown       
                                24  Eva O'Hanlon        
                                34  V Marshal           
                                40  G O'Hanlon          
  7  Oxfordshire                       136
                                12  Isla McGowan        
                                23  Evey Powell         
                                48  Isabella HainesGray 
                                53  Payton Carter       
  8  Hertfordshire                     140
                                 8  Tilly Major         
                                29  Abigail Manson      
                                41  Poppy Fisher        
                                62  Brooke Evans        
  9  Suffolk                           145
                                 3  Verity Valentine    
                                18  Eloise Rufford      
                                57  Phoebe HarpurDavis  
                                67  Elosie Perry        
 10  Norfolk                           176
                                22  Connie Easter       
                                42  Edith Avowlanu      
                                54  Millie Adams        
                                58  Isabelle Last       
 11  Sussex B                          204
                                43  Grace Tuesday       
                                47  Esme Stephenson     
                                49  Xanthe Cox          
                                65  Laila Hellyer       

Under 13 Boys -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Num Name                         Club                             Time  

       1   23  Gianleo Stubbs               Hertfordshire                     10:46
       2   11  James Lewis                  Hampshire                         10:50
       3   27  Alex Dack                    Kent                              10:55
       4    5  Sam Plummer                  Essex                             10:57
       5   56  Zachary Dunne                Norfolk                           11:06
       6   13  Stanley Parkinson            Hampshire                         11:08
       7   51  Louis Reynolds               Middlesex                         11:11
       8   20  Calum Fairey                 Hertfordshire                     11:12
       9   86  Tom Harmer                   Surrey                            11:13
      10   74  Liam Davison                 Suffolk                           11:16
      11   12  Jack Moores                  Hampshire                         11:16
      12   91  Alex Lennon                  Surrey                            11:19
      13   82  Oak Buchan                   Surrey                            11:20
      14   97  Fabien Whitelock             Surrey                            11:22
      15   57  Joe Machin                   Norfolk                           11:23
      16  107  Thomas Matthews              Sussex                            11:25
      17   39  Oliver Scott                 Kent                              11:25
      18   18  Thomas Cadwallader           Hertfordshire                     11:25
      19   95  Samuel Stapley               Surrey                            11:28
      20   22  Matthew Nicholls             Hertfordshire                     11:30
      21   36  Alexander Middleton          Kent                              11:31
      22   67  Julian Laird                 Oxfordshire                       11:32
      23   55  Jake Dorbin                  Norfolk                           11:34
      24   40  Franklin Shepherd            Kent                              11:34
      25   44  Liam Bailey                  Middlesex                         11:35
      26  104  Arun Khursheed               Sussex                            11:35
      27  101  Joshua Dunne                 Sussex                            11:35
      28    6  Nick Shepherd                Essex                             11:36
      29   80  Jacob Trangmar               Suffolk                           11:36
      30   28  Thomas Daly                  Kent                              11:36
      31    3  Archie Durham                Essex                             11:37
      32   96  Benjy Street                 Surrey                            11:38
      33   49  Alex Mulvihill               Middlesex                         11:39
      34    7  Oliver Taylor-Bush           Essex                             11:40
      35    8  Harry Wyatt                  Essex                             11:42
      36   37  Riley Maisley                Kent B                            11:44
      37   16  Ieuan Thomas                 Hampshire                         11:44
      38   83  Christopher Cull             Surrey B                          11:45
      39   89  Jacob Jacques                Surrey B                          11:46
      40  109  Matthew Noakes               Sussex B                          11:47
      41   10  Thomas Hicks                 Hampshire                         11:47
      42   33 $Harrison Fraser              Kent                              11:47
      43    9  Charlie Coveney              Hampshire                         11:47
      44   62  Alfie Barnes                 Oxfordshire                       11:47
      45   32  Joshua Healy                 Kent                              11:48
      46    4  Gregory Martin               Essex                             11:48
      47   87  Rafferty Herd                Surrey                            11:48
      48   88  Marcus Hibbins               Surrey B                          11:48
      49   93  Elliott Manning              Surrey                            11:49
      50  111  Raphael Reed                 Sussex B                          11:49
      51  102  Thomas Edwards               Sussex B                          11:50
      52   19  Leon Doran                   Hertfordshire                     11:51
      53   15  Ruben Price                  Hampshire                         11:51
      54  100  Jude Clayton                 Sussex                            11:52
      55   64  Caspar Cumberland            Oxfordshire                       11:53
      56  103  Barney Hastings              Sussex                            11:54
      57   79  Tommy Taylor                 Suffolk                           11:55
      58  113  Max Webb                     Sussex                            11:56
      59   99  Thomas Barnett               Sussex                            11:56
      60   24  Edward Wade                  Hertfordshire                     11:56
      61   26  Jasper Brooks                Kent B                            11:56
      62   61  Samuel Yellop                Norfolk                           11:57
      63   30 $Franko Hillier               Kent                              11:57
      64   98  Corbin Bailey                Sussex B                          11:57
      65    1  Jake Campen                  Essex                             11:57
      66  110  James Polton                 Sussex B                          11:58
      67   72  Owen Stocker                 Oxfordshire                       11:58
      68   21  George Hawkins               Hertfordshire                     11:58
      69  106  Andrew Martin                Sussex B                          11:58
      70   76  Max Jeffery                  Suffolk                           11:59
      71   29 $Jay Trimmer                  Kent                              11:59
      72   69  Connor Morgan                Oxfordshire                       11:59
      73  108  Freddie Matthews             Sussex B                          12:00
      74   59  Dylan White                  Norfolk                           12:05
      75   43  Adam Whitlock                Kent                              12:05
      76   47  Edward Flewitt               Middlesex                         12:05
      77   54  Daniel Clouston              Norfolk                           12:06
      78   75  Iwan Fothergill              Suffolk                           12:06
      79   63  Tom Cole                     Oxfordshire                       12:07
      80   94  Sam Rolaston                 Surrey B                          12:08
      81   46  Charlie Brook                Middlesex                         12:09
      82   70  Monty Salmon                 Oxfordshire                       12:10
      83   65  Sam Davis                    Oxfordshire                       12:11
      84   31  Lucas Gorrill                Kent B                            12:11
      85   17  Thomas Bailey                Hertfordshire                     12:12
      86   41  Jed Starvis                  Kent                              12:13
      87   77  Seb Melero                   Suffolk                           12:23
      88   25  Harrison Brookes             Kent B                            12:25
      89   50  Tynan Parker                 Middlesex                         12:31
      90  105  Ilya Korchev                 Sussex B                          12:39
      91   34  Benjamin Hutton              Kent B                            12:47
      92   52  Henry Ashton                 Norfolk                           13:05

Under 13 Boys -- TEAM RESULTS

NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Hertfordshire                      47
                                 1  Gianleo Stubbs      
                                 8  Calum Fairey        
                                18  Thomas Cadwallader  
                                20  Matthew Nicholls    
  2  Surrey                             48
                                 9  Tom Harmer          
                                12  Alex Lennon         
                                13  Oak Buchan          
                                14  Fabien Whitelock    
  3  Hampshire                          56
                                 2  James Lewis         
                                 6  Stanley Parkinson   
                                11  Jack Moores         
                                37  Ieuan Thomas        
  4  Kent                               65
                                 3  Alex Dack           
                                17  Oliver Scott        
                                21  Alexander Middleton 
                                24  Franklin Shepherd   
  5  Essex                              97
                                 4  Sam Plummer         
                                28  Nick Shepherd       
                                31  Archie Durham       
                                34  Oliver Taylor-Bush  
  6  Norfolk                           104
                                 5  Zachary Dunne       
                                15  Joe Machin          
                                23  Jake Dorbin         
                                61  Samuel Yellop       
  7  Sussex                            122
                                16  Thomas Matthews     
                                26  Arun Khursheed      
                                27  Joshua Dunne        
                                53  Jude Clayton        
  8  Middlesex                         138
                                 7  Louis Reynolds      
                                25  Liam Bailey         
                                33  Alex Mulvihill      
                                73  Edward Flewitt      
  9  Suffolk                           163
                                10  Liam Davison        
                                29  Jacob Trangmar      
                                56  Tommy Taylor        
                                68  Max Jeffery         
 10  Oxfordshire                       184
                                22  Julian Laird        
                                43  Alfie Barnes        
                                54  Caspar Cumberland   
                                65  Owen Stocker        
 11  Sussex B                          201
                                40  Matthew Noakes      
                                49  Raphael Reed        
                                50  Thomas Edwards      
                                62  Corbin Bailey       
 12  Surrey B                          201
                                38  Christopher Cull    
                                39  Jacob Jacques       
                                47  Marcus Hibbins      
                                77  Sam Rolaston        
 13  Kent B                            262
                                36  Riley Maisley       
                                60  Jasper Brooks       
                                81  Lucas Gorrill       
                                85  Harrison Brookes    

U15 Girls -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Num Name                         Club                             Time  

       1  488  Olivia Martin                Oxfordshire                       15:14
       2  484  Eleanor Strevens             Sussex                            15:14
       3  401  Antonia Jubb                 Hertfordshire                     15:18
       4  384  Annie Mann                   Hampshire                         15:20
       5  425  Sophie Slack                 Kent                              15:21
       6  381  Rose Chesterfield            Hampshire                         15:28
       7  383  Robyn Fossa                  Hampshire                         15:29
       8  422  Anna Palmer                  Kent                              15:30
       9  373  Jayne Elvin                  Essex                             15:35
      10  480  Isabel Guirdham              Sussex                            15:36
      11  386  Amelia Moore                 Hampshire                         15:40
      12  406  Lily Tse                     Hertfordshire                     15:40
      13  379  Holly Watson                 Essex                             15:41
      14  370  Kiera Atkinson               Essex                             15:42
      15  450  Tilly Westbrook              Oxfordshire                       15:43
      16  460  Jemima Bowen                 Surrey                            15:43
      17  409  Hannah Clark                 Kent                              15:49
      18  407  Whitlum Stella Mae           Hertfordshire                     15:50
      19  404  Sarah McGrath                Hertfordshire                     15:51
      20  473  Lulu Weisz                   Surrey B                          15:51
      21  391  Katie Youp                   Hampshire                         15:54
      22  380  Millie Burgess               Hampshire                         15:55
      23  442  Hattie Reynolds              Norfolk                           15:56
      24  371  Kezia Beeton                 Essex                             15:58
      25  475  Lauren Wormley               Surrey B                          15:59
      26  471  Brooke Taylor                Surrey B                          16:00
      27  378  Maisy Silverstone            Essex                             16:02
      28  411  Carys Firth                  Kent                              16:05
      29  486  Eadie Yelling                Sussex                            16:08
      30  387  Lucy Phillips                Hampshire                         16:10
      31  463  Lucy Denece                  Surrey                            16:11
      32  478  Amelia Cox                   Sussex                            16:12
      33  474  Poppy Wells                  Surrey B                          16:15
      34  467  Christina Kirkby             Surrey                            16:18
      35  374  Nicole Langan                Essex                             16:19
      36  462  Iris Brown                   Surrey                            16:20
      37  382  Olivia East                  Hampshire                         16:24
      38  420  Lillie Mears                 Kent                              16:25
      39  483  Sophie Nurse                 Sussex                            16:27
      40  389  Christina Wigley             Hampshire                         16:29
      41  481  Ellie McLean                 Sussex                            16:31
      42  466  Tamara Hibbins               Surrey                            16:33
      43  436  Alice Daniels                Norfolk                           16:34
      44  390  Emma Wigley                  Hampshire                         16:36
      45  412  Amy Goodhand                 Kent                              16:38
      46  472  Millie Thorpe                Surrey B                          16:40
      47  469  Sophie Osborn                Surrey B                          16:42
      48  415  Cameron Kelly-Gordon         Kent                              16:45
      49  479  Cerys Dickinson              Sussex                            16:49
      50  490  Emma Wrigley                 Hampshire                         16:53
      51  487  Jennifer Critchley           Oxfordshire                       16:53
      52  427  Lola Sutton                  Kent                              16:54
      53  485  Ruby Wilson                  Sussex                            16:55
      54  444  Lily Brabbin                 Oxfordshire                       16:56
      55  392  Hannah Barker                Hertfordshire                     16:57
      56  464  Millie Henson                Surrey                            16:59
      57  435  Tia-Lilly Crane              Norfolk                           17:00
      58  413  Cara Gould                   Kent B                            17:01
      59  448  Tilly Lainchbury             Oxfordshire                       17:03
      60  388  Sienna Richardson            Hampshire                         17:04
      61  426  Teigan Sullivan              Kent                              17:06
      62  432  Esme Abbott                  Norfolk                           17:08
      63  439  Martha Manning               Norfolk                           17:10
      64  465  Hebe Hunter                  Surrey                            17:13
      65  414  Beartrice Heslop             Kent B                            17:14
      66  441  Eleanor Phillips             Norfolk                           17:15
      67  385  Ellie McErlean               Hampshire                         17:18
      68  423  Abigail Royden               Kent B                            17:19
      69  449  Lucy McGrath                 Oxfordshire                       17:20
      70  408  Josephine Bassett            Kent B                            17:22
      71  440  Abbi McCallum                Norfolk                           17:26
      72  419  Ella McIntyre                Kent B                            17:28
      73  451  Sophie Allen                 Suffolk                           17:35
      74  400  Annabel Hedge                Hertfordshire                     17:47
      75  430  Ella Webb                    Kent B                            17:50
      76  476 $Nancy Barlow                 Sussex                            17:53
      77  405  Laura Thompson               Hertfordshire                     17:55
      78  399  Louise Grenfell              Hertfordshire                     17:59
      79  447  Lydia Godfrey                Oxfordshire                       18:03
      80  421  Amelia Middleton             Kent                              18:13
      81  459  Marni Stillitoe              Suffolk                           18:20
      82  446  Lottie Denne                 Oxfordshire                       18:24
      83  443  Isabella Williams            Norfolk                           18:34
      84  456  Molly Howell                 Suffolk                           18:55
      85  455  S Gathorne-Hardy             Suffolk                           19:18
      86  454  Amber Bradnam                Suffolk                           19:52


NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Hampshire                          28
                                 4  Annie Mann          
                                 6  Rose Chesterfield   
                                 7  Robyn Fossa         
                                11  Amelia Moore        
  2  Hertfordshire                      52
                                 3  Antonia Jubb        
                                12  Lily Tse            
                                18  Whitlum Stella Mae  
                                19  Sarah McGrath       
  3  Kent                               58
                                 5  Sophie Slack        
                                 8  Anna Palmer         
                                17  Hannah Clark        
                                28  Carys Firth         
  4  Essex                              60
                                 9  Jayne Elvin         
                                13  Holly Watson        
                                14  Kiera Atkinson      
                                24  Kezia Beeton        
  5  Sussex                             73
                                 2  Eleanor Strevens    
                                10  Isabel Guirdham     
                                29  Eadie Yelling       
                                32  Amelia Cox          
  6  Surrey B                          104
                                20  Lulu Weisz          
                                25  Lauren Wormley      
                                26  Brooke Taylor       
                                33  Poppy Wells         
  7  Surrey                            117
                                16  Jemima Bowen        
                                31  Lucy Denece         
                                34  Christina Kirkby    
                                36  Iris Brown          
  8  Oxfordshire                       121
                                 1  Olivia Martin       
                                15  Tilly Westbrook     
                                51  Jennifer Critchley  
                                54  Lily Brabbin        
  9  Norfolk                           185
                                23  Hattie Reynolds     
                                43  Alice Daniels       
                                57  Tia-Lilly Crane     
                                62  Esme Abbott         
 10  Kent B                            261
                                58  Cara Gould          
                                65  Beartrice Heslop    
                                68  Abigail Royden      
                                70  Josephine Bassett   
 11  Suffolk                           320
                                73  Sophie Allen        
                                80  Marni Stillitoe     
                                83  Molly Howell        
                                84  S Gathorne-Hardy    

Under 15 Boys -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Num Name                         Club                             Time  

       1  320  Lewis Sullivan               Suffolk                           13:06
       2  335  Ethan Scott                  Surrey                            13:24
       3  316  Ben Peck                     Suffolk                           13:27
       4  315  Oliver Hitchcock             Suffolk                           13:32
       5  274  Jamie Keir                   Kent                              13:36
       6  241  Henry Dover                  Essex                             13:41
       7  325  Conrad Norman                Surrey                            13:42
       8  317  James Peck                   Suffolk                           13:43
       9  243  Charlie Howell               Essex                             13:44
      10  272  Thomas Hutton                Kent                              13:44
      11  247  Ben Brown                    Hampshire                         13:45
      12  291  Abdirahim Hamud              Middlesex                         13:48
      13  333  Sam Nesbitt                  Surrey                            13:49
      14  334  Matthew Pickering            Surrey                            13:51
      15  331  Rudi Morrell                 Surrey                            13:51
      16  327  Edward Enser                 Surrey                            13:59
      17  280  Matthew Smith                Kent                              14:02
      18  282  Jake Stevens                 Kent                              14:03
      19  293  Sonny Maund                  Middlesex                         14:06
      20  252  C Walker-Powell              Hampshire                         14:07
      21  262  Isaac Arnott                 Kent B                            14:10
      22  344  Luke Newton                  Sussex                            14:12
      23  310  Benjamin Sims                Oxfordshire                       14:12
      24  260  Tyler Wannerton              Hertfordshire                     14:13
      25  337  Martin Sunderland            Surrey                            14:13
      26  338  James Winship                Surrey                            14:14
      27  267  Angus Currie                 Kent B                            14:15
      28  276  Jamie Macdonald              Kent B                            14:16
      29  311  Max Berry                    Suffolk                           14:17
      30  299  Henry Jonas                  Norfolk                           14:18
      31  286  Jamie Witz                   Kent                              14:19
      32  254  Harry Wilson                 Hampshire                         14:21
      33  270  Ananjan Ganguli              Kent                              14:23
      34  266  Leo Carroll                  Kent B                            14:25
      35  240  Matthew Blacklock            Essex                             14:27
      36  329  Harvey Kande                 Surrey                            14:28
      37  294  Leo Roncarati                Middlesex                         14:29
      38  341  Charlie Ferris               Sussex                            14:30
      39  339  Luc Best                     Sussex                            14:31
      40  268  Luke Fenton                  Kent B                            14:32
      41  345  Miles Waterworth             Sussex                            14:33
      42  246  Tom Wood                     Essex                             14:34
      43  250  George Lambert               Hampshire                         14:34
      44  248  Ben Chesterfield             Hampshire                         14:34
      45  346  Henry Yelling                Sussex                            14:35
      46  285  Alessio Tutt                 Kent B                            14:35
      47  271  Hayden Gear                  Kent                              14:35
      48  244  Danny Raymond                Essex                             14:36
      49  253  Benjamin White               Hampshire                         14:36
      50  258  Alexander McDonald           Hertfordshire                     14:37
      51  288  Spike Blake                  Middlesex                         14:38
      52  336  Ben Shepherd                 Surrey                            14:39
      53  279  Tom Phillips                 Kent B                            14:40
      54  273  Adam Jeddo                   Kent                              14:41
      55  330  Leon Lafreniere              Surrey                            14:42
      56  275  Dylan Leach                  Kent B                            14:43
      57  296  Tim Bongaerts                Norfolk                           14:44
      58  242  Jacob Hardy                  Essex                             14:45
      59  323  Joe Barker                   Surrey                            14:47
      60  287  Jack Bailey                  Middlesex                         14:49
      61  255  Benedict Clark               Hertfordshire                     14:51
      62  312  Henry Dinwiddy               Suffolk                           14:53
      63  251  Nathan Lane                  Hampshire                         14:55
      64  328  Samuel Johnston              Surrey                            14:57
      65  249  Samuel Colbourne             Hampshire                         15:00
      66  306  Monty Grewal                 Oxfordshire                       15:13
      67  259  Callum Sydenham              Hertfordshire                     15:13
      68  314  Ryan Grady                   Suffolk                           15:16
      69  342  Archie Guppy                 Sussex                            15:19
      70  322  Luc Wallace                  Suffolk                           15:22
      71  309  Harry Richards               Oxfordshire                       15:23
      72  318  Ben Phillips                 Suffolk                           15:24
      73  332  Brandan Morrell              Surrey                            15:25
      74  297  Tom Cugnoni                  Norfolk                           15:27
      75  301  Toby Nelson                  Norfolk                           15:38
      76  292  Luca Matharu                 Middlesex                         15:51
      77  304  Freddie Bower                Oxfordshire                       15:58
      78  298  Connor Gowing                Norfolk                           16:02
      79  305  Tom Cripps                   Oxfordshire                       16:07
      80  295  Jack Abram                   Norfolk                           16:11

Under 15 Boys -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Suffolk                            16
                                 1  Lewis Sullivan      
                                 3  Ben Peck            
                                 4  Oliver Hitchcock    
                                 8  James Peck          
  2  Surrey                             36
                                 2  Ethan Scott         
                                 7  Conrad Norman       
                                13  Sam Nesbitt         
                                14  Matthew Pickering   
  3  Kent                               50
                                 5  Jamie Keir          
                                10  Thomas Hutton       
                                17  Matthew Smith       
                                18  Jake Stevens        
  4  Essex                              92
                                 6  Henry Dover         
                                 9  Charlie Howell      
                                35  Matthew Blacklock   
                                42  Tom Wood            
  5  Hampshire                         106
                                11  Ben Brown           
                                20  C Walker-Powell     
                                32  Harry Wilson        
                                43  George Lambert      
  6  Kent B                            110
                                21  Isaac Arnott        
                                27  Angus Currie        
                                28  Jamie Macdonald     
                                34  Leo Carroll         
  7  Middlesex                         119
                                12  Abdirahim Hamud     
                                19  Sonny Maund         
                                37  Leo Roncarati       
                                51  Spike Blake         
  8  Sussex                            140
                                22  Luke Newton         
                                38  Charlie Ferris      
                                39  Luc Best            
                                41  Miles Waterworth    
  9  Hertfordshire                     202
                                24  Tyler Wannerton     
                                50  Alexander McDonald  
                                61  Benedict Clark      
                                67  Callum Sydenham     
 10  Norfolk                           236
                                30  Henry Jonas         
                                57  Tim Bongaerts       
                                74  Tom Cugnoni         
                                75  Toby Nelson         
 11  Oxfordshire                       237
                                23  Benjamin Sims       
                                66  Monty Grewal        
                                71  Harry Richards      
                                77  Freddie Bower       

Under 17 Men -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Num Name                         Club                             Time  

       1  547  Mohamed Ali                  Middlesex                         15:08
       2  505  Aaron Samuels                Essex                             15:11
       3  594  Samuel Martin                Surrey                            15:14
       4  539  Louis Small                  Kent                              15:23
       5  542  Matthew Taylor               Kent                              15:25
       6  548  Thomas Archer                Middlesex                         15:35
       7  601  Felix Vaughan                Surrey                            15:37
       8  511  Woody Jerome                 Hampshire                         15:39
       9  593  Thomas Jones                 Surrey                            15:49
      10  597  Matty Smith                  Surrey                            15:52
      11  518  Samuel Burnell               Hertfordshire                     15:54
      12  570  Benjamin Cumberland          Oxfordshire                       15:54
      13  540  Jack Small                   Kent                              15:54
      14  606  Adam Dray                    Sussex                            15:54
      15  508  Toby Brawn                   Hampshire                         15:55
      16  527  Alexander Beeston            Kent                              15:59
      17  515  Ryan Martin                  Hampshire                         16:01
      18  513  Campbell Laird               Hampshire                         16:01
      19  510  Harry Hide                   Hampshire                         16:03
      20  500  Aidan Cahill                 Essex                             16:04
      21  524  W Truman                     Hertfordshire                     16:05
      22  604  Jonah Davies                 Sussex                            16:08
      23  608  A Mohapi-Dobouny             Sussex                            16:16
      24  552  Jake Evans                   Middlesex                         16:18
      25  591  Adam Hudson                  Surrey                            16:19
      26  599  Alfie Spear                  Surrey                            16:20
      27  609  Callum Stone                 Sussex                            16:22
      28  580  Tom Henson                   Suffolk                           16:23
      29  530  Matthew Dubery               Kent                              16:27
      30  506  Matt Warner                  Essex                             16:28
      31  587  Max Duckworth                Surrey                            16:30
      32  596  Alastair Rushforth           Surrey                            16:32
      33  507  Jak Wright                   Essex                             16:33
      34  512  Joshua Kemp                  Hampshire                         16:34
      35  586  Theo Cheshire                Surrey                            16:36
      36  525  Charlie Woollett             Hertfordshire                     16:37
      37  531  Ethan Gear                   Kent                              16:38
      38  557  Danny Adams                  Norfolk                           16:39
      39  588  Ben Harrison                 Surrey                            16:41
      40  589  Jacob Harrison               Surrey                            16:42
      41  514  Alex Lakeland                Hampshire                         16:43
      42  551  Seweryn Czapka               Middlesex                         16:44
      43  574  Fred Adams                   Suffolk                           16:45
      44  590  Edward Henderson             Surrey                            16:46
      45  549  Jonny Brook                  Middlesex                         16:48
      46  573  Rowan Miell-Ingram           Oxfordshire                       16:51
      47  605  Fenton Davoren               Sussex                            16:53
      48  566  James Price                  Norfolk                           16:55
      49  528  Tom Brash                    Kent                              16:56
      50  516  Oli Morgan                   Hampshire                         16:57
      51  538  Adam Singleterry             Kent                              16:58
      52  595  R Rivero-Stevenet            Surrey                            16:59
      53  522  Sam Sloan                    Hertfordshire                     17:03
      54  602  Nathan Buckeridge            Sussex                            17:03
      55  567  Callum Stedman               Norfolk                           17:04
      56  603  James Crombie                Sussex                            17:06
      57  537  Samuel Reardon               Kent B                            17:07
      58  563  Zak Houghton                 Norfolk                           17:08
      59  523  Luca Stubbs                  Hertfordshire                     17:09
      60  598  Nicholas Smith               Surrey                            17:11
      61  550  Declan Connolly              Middlesex                         17:14
      62  575  Matthew Bennett              Suffolk                           17:16
      63  559  Aidan Banfield               Norfolk                           17:17
      64  534  Jake Leng                    Kent B                            17:22
      65  553  Chris Hudson                 Middlesex                         17:29
      66  562  Daniel Harrison              Norfolk                           17:30
      67  502  Josh McGill                  Essex                             17:31
      68  572  Drew Hogger                  Oxfordshire                       17:32
      69  541  Luke Stringer                Kent B                            17:37
      70  544  Isaac Thomas                 Kent B                            17:39
      71  592  Thomas James                 Surrey                            17:43
      72  526  William Andrews              Kent B                            17:49
      73  564  Joshua Keeble                Norfolk                           17:51
      74  535  Daniel Moulton               Kent B                            17:55
      75  571  Kie Francis                  Oxfordshire                       17:55
      76  561  Samuel Cooper                Norfolk                           18:02
      77  569  Jack Barrett                 Oxfordshire                       18:06
      78  584  Joe Webb                     Suffolk                           18:11
      79  577  Dylan Bradnam                Suffolk                           18:17
      80  600  Liam Stone                   Surrey                            18:54
      81  519  Joseph Chamberlain           Hertfordshire                     19:53

Under 17 Men -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Surrey                             29
                                 3  Samuel Martin       
                                 7  Felix Vaughan       
                                 9  Thomas Jones        
                                10  Matty Smith         
  2  Kent                               38
                                 4  Louis Small         
                                 5  Matthew Taylor      
                                13  Jack Small          
                                16  Alexander Beeston   
  3  Hampshire                          58
                                 8  Woody Jerome        
                                15  Toby Brawn          
                                17  Ryan Martin         
                                18  Campbell Laird      
  4  Middlesex                          73
                                 1  Mohamed Ali         
                                 6  Thomas Archer       
                                24  Jake Evans          
                                42  Seweryn Czapka      
  5  Essex                              85
                                 2  Aaron Samuels       
                                20  Aidan Cahill        
                                30  Matt Warner         
                                33  Jak Wright          
  6  Sussex                             86
                                14  Adam Dray           
                                22  Jonah Davies        
                                23  A Mohapi-Dobouny    
                                27  Callum Stone        
  7  Hertfordshire                     121
                                11  Samuel Burnell      
                                21  W Truman            
                                36  Charlie Woollett    
                                53  Sam Sloan           
  8  Norfolk                           199
                                38  Danny Adams         
                                48  James Price         
                                55  Callum Stedman      
                                58  Zak Houghton        
  9  Oxfordshire                       201
                                12  Benjamin Cumberland 
                                46  Rowan Miell-Ingram  
                                68  Drew Hogger         
                                75  Kie Francis         
 10  Suffolk                           211
                                28  Tom Henson          
                                43  Fred Adams          
                                62  Matthew Bennett     
                                78  Joe Webb            
 11  Kent B                            260
                                57  Samuel Reardon      
                                64  Jake Leng           
                                69  Luke Stringer       
                                70  Isaac Thomas        

Women - Under 17 -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Num Name                         Club                             Time  

       1  713  Pippa Roessler               Surrey                            17:22
       2  718  Ellen Weir                   Surrey                            17:32
       3  704  Amelia Attenborough          Surrey                            18:06
       4  631  Demi Eves                    Essex                             18:08
       5  719  Harriet Bloor                Sussex                            18:09
       6  664  Ailbhe Barnes                Kent                              18:17
       7  650  Lily Neate                   Hampshire                         18:20
       8  707  Martha Collings              Surrey                            18:25
       9  644  Alice Garner                 Hampshire                         18:26
      10  645  Rachel Gillett               Hampshire                         18:33
      11  635  Madison Harris               Essex                             18:39
      12  632  Sydney Foley                 Essex                             18:42
      13  722  Milly Dickenson              Sussex                            18:47
      14  654  Christina Durbin             Hertfordshire                     18:50
      15  723  Lois Dooley                  Sussex                            18:52
      16  647  Ruby Horton                  Hampshire                         18:54
      17  683  Grace Jermy                  Norfolk                           18:59
      18  687  Maddie Short                 Norfolk                           19:06
      19  641  Isabelle Beck                Hampshire                         19:09
      20  681  Megan Gadsby                 Norfolk                           19:11
      21  638  Milly Presland               Essex                             19:13
      22  731  Poppy Palmer-Malins          Sussex                            19:14
      23  642  Aisling Dunne                Hampshire                         19:16
      24  676  Zoe White                    Kent                              19:17
      25  715  Amy Strode                   Surrey                            19:20
      26  716  Niamh Thompson               Surrey B                          19:24
      27  717  Kiara Valkenburg             Surrey                            19:27
      28  673  Elisha Rogers                Kent                              19:28
      29  695  Tilly Aldis                  Suffolk                           19:29
      30  710  Lucy Hoseason                Surrey B                          19:33
      31  698  Mia Dann                     Suffolk                           19:35
      32  670  Ellie Osmond                 Kent                              19:37
      33  712  Katie Mooney                 Surrey                            19:39
      34  730  Emily Muzio                  Sussex                            19:40
      35  643  Hannah Foster                Hampshire                         19:44
      36  637  Sophie Magson                Essex                             19:47
      37  677  Charlotte Young              Kent                              19:54
      38  729  Ciaro Muzio                  Sussex                            19:56
      39  675  Isabelle Stoneham            Kent                              20:02
      40  708  Maisie Gibbins               Surrey B                          20:03
      41  688  Mieke Bedlington             Oxfordshire                       20:06
      42  725  P Hopkins                    Sussex                            20:08
      43  692  Rosie Mullins                Oxfordshire                       20:11
      44  705  Lucy Broderick               Surrey                            20:12
      45  702  Rebbecca Morley              Suffolk                           20:15
      46  678  Rosie Booth                  Norfolk                           20:22
      47  696  Poppy Branton                Suffolk                           20:26
      48  672  Sophie Painter               Kent                              20:36
      49  674  Maddison Sawyer              Kent B                            20:44
      50  667  Flora Currie                 Kent                              20:45
      51  694  Amy Shayler                  Oxfordshire                       20:55
      52  690  Georgina Halfhead            Oxfordshire                       20:58
      53  668  Heidi Forsyth                Kent B                            21:06
      54  682  Arabella Gingell             Norfolk                           21:10
      55  734  Hermione Jewell              Oxfordshire                       21:12
      56  669  Rebekah Goodhand             Kent B                            21:55
      57  689  Beth Darwent                 Oxfordshire                       21:57
      58  736  Grace Whitty                 Oxfordshire                       22:04
      59  691  Beth Hunter                  Oxfordshire                       22:14
      60  661  Katie Thompson               Hertfordshire                     22:15
      61  659  Grace Hucknall               Hertfordshire                     22:22
      62  709  Tia Hansord                  Surrey B                          22:30
      63  655  Niamh Gallagher              Hertfordshire                     23:14
      64  666  Amber Crush                  Kent B                            24:04

Women - Under 17 -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Surrey                             14
                                 1  Pippa Roessler      
                                 2  Ellen Weir          
                                 3  Amelia Attenborough 
                                 8  Martha Collings     
  2  Hampshire                          42
                                 7  Lily Neate          
                                 9  Alice Garner        
                                10  Rachel Gillett      
                                16  Ruby Horton         
  3  Essex                              48
                                 4  Demi Eves           
                                11  Madison Harris      
                                12  Sydney Foley        
                                21  Milly Presland      
  4  Sussex                             55
                                 5  Harriet Bloor       
                                13  Milly Dickenson     
                                15  Lois Dooley         
                                22  Poppy Palmer-Malins 
  5  Kent                               90
                                 6  Ailbhe Barnes       
                                24  Zoe White           
                                28  Elisha Rogers       
                                32  Ellie Osmond        
  6  Norfolk                           101
                                17  Grace Jermy         
                                18  Maddie Short        
                                20  Megan Gadsby        
                                46  Rosie Booth         
  7  Suffolk                           152
                                29  Tilly Aldis         
                                31  Mia Dann            
                                45  Rebbecca Morley     
                                47  Poppy Branton       
  8  Surrey B                          158
                                26  Niamh Thompson      
                                30  Lucy Hoseason       
                                40  Maisie Gibbins      
                                62  Tia Hansord         
  9  Oxfordshire                       187
                                41  Mieke Bedlington    
                                43  Rosie Mullins       
                                51  Amy Shayler         
                                52  Georgina Halfhead   
 10  Hertfordshire                     198
                                14  Christina Durbin    
                                60  Katie Thompson      
                                61  Grace Hucknall      
                                63  Niamh Gallagher     
 11  Kent B                            222
                                49  Maddison Sawyer     
                                53  Heidi Forsyth       
                                56  Rebekah Goodhand    
                                64  Amber Crush         

Senior Women - Senior Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Num Name                 Cat/Pos Club                             Time  

       1  853  Elizabeth Davies     L     1 Essex                             22:21
       2  887  Lilly Coward         L     2 Kent                              22:40
       3  859  Rachel Wiseman       L     3 Essex                             22:53
       4  855  Alexa Joel           L     4 Essex                             22:59
       5  912  Carolyne Baxter      L     5 Surrey                            23:03
       6  933  Suzannah Monk        L     6 Surrey                            23:05
       7  861  Charlotte Chalwin    L     7 Hampshire                         23:11
       8  909  Hannah Petterson     L     8 Suffolk                           23:19
       9  920  Georgie Fenn         L     9 Surrey                            23:23
      10  932  Steph McCall         L    10 Surrey                            23:24
      11  877  Dunne Joanne Hickman L    11 Hertfordshire                     23:28
      12  924  Eleanor Harrison     L    12 Surrey                            23:34
      13  866  Helen Hall           L    13 Hampshire                         23:34
      14  864  Rhiannon Dunlop      L    14 Hampshire                         23:36
      15  854  Victoria Hiscock     L    15 Essex                             23:38
      16  926  Emma Headley         L    16 Surrey                            23:39
      17  921  Alice Flint          L    17 Surrey                            23:39
      18  930  Sarah Kinsella       L    18 Surrey B                          23:41
      19  870  Rebecca Lord         L    19 Hampshire                         23:51
      20  898  Jo Andrews           L    20 Norfolk                           23:52
      21  925  Rose Harvey          L    21 Surrey                            24:03
      22  862  Holly Collier        L    22 Hampshire                         24:07
      23  852  Morgan Campbell      L    23 Essex                             24:12
      24  897  Alice Wood           L    24 Kent                              24:18
      25  914  Hayley Cargill       L    25 Surrey C                          24:20
      26  871  Ruth Wallace         L    26 Hampshire                         24:32
      27  915  Helena Corbin        L    27 Surrey B                          24:32
      28  890  Caroline Ford        L    28 Kent                              24:35
      29  919  Megan DeSilva        L    29 Surrey B                          24:36
      30  917  Chloe Crossman       L    30 Surrey B                          24:40
      31  851  Charlotte Bishop     L    31 Essex                             24:46
      32  936  Julia Wedmore        L    32 Surrey B                          24:52
      33  950  Megan Taylor         L    33 Sussex                            24:56
      34  952  Amy Billups          L    34 Surrey C                          25:02
      35  850  Ginte Bailey         L    35 Essex                             25:03
      36  902  Juliette Watkinson   L    36 Norfolk                           25:04
      37  860  Gemma Bigg           L    37 Hampshire                         25:05
      38  929  Caroline Johnson     L    38 Surrey B                          25:10
      39  943  Rachel Hillman       L    39 Sussex                            25:14
      40  934  Lisa Rooney          L    40 Surrey B                          25:21
      41  901  Charlotte Neale      L    41 Norfolk                           25:29
      42  893  Renata McDonnell     L    42 Kent                              25:34
      43  908  Anna O'Hare          L    43 Suffolk                           25:36
      44  918  Fiona DeMauny        L    44 Surrey B                          25:37
      45  891  Emily Hale           L    45 Kent                              25:39
      46  888  Alexandra Crockford  L    46 Kent                              25:40
      47  947  Sophie Markwick      L    47 Sussex                            25:46
      48  857  Hayley Lamkin        L    48 Essex                             25:50
      49  923  Alice Germana        L    49 Surrey C                          25:55
      50  900  Jess Behan           L    50 Norfolk                           26:10
      51  892  Becky Macey          L    51 Kent                              26:26
      52  878  Laura Hicks          L    52 Hertfordshire                     26:36
      53  911  Emillie Wix          L    53 Suffolk                           27:06
      54  903  Louise White         L    54 Norfolk                           27:27
      55  905  Katie King           L    55 Suffolk                           27:39
      56  910  Samantha Spencer     L    56 Suffolk                           27:46
      57  894  Briony Walsh         L    57 Kent                              28:06
      58  907  Emma Mortimer        L    58 Suffolk                           28:09
      59  873  Lauren Eckley        L    59 Hertfordshire                     28:12

Senior Women - Senior Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Essex                              23
                                 1  Elizabeth Davies    
                                 3  Rachel Wiseman      
                                 4  Alexa Joel          
                                15  Victoria Hiscock    
  2  Surrey                             30
                                 5  Carolyne Baxter     
                                 6  Suzannah Monk       
                                 9  Georgie Fenn        
                                10  Steph McCall        
  3  Hampshire                          53
                                 7  Charlotte Chalwin   
                                13  Helen Hall          
                                14  Rhiannon Dunlop     
                                19  Rebecca Lord        
  4  Kent                               96
                                 2  Lilly Coward        
                                24  Alice Wood          
                                28  Caroline Ford       
                                42  Renata McDonnell    
  5  Surrey B                          104
                                18  Sarah Kinsella      
                                27  Helena Corbin       
                                29  Megan DeSilva       
                                30  Chloe Crossman      
  6  Norfolk                           147
                                20  Jo Andrews          
                                36  Juliette Watkinson  
                                41  Charlotte Neale     
                                50  Jess Behan          
  7  Suffolk                           159
                                 8  Hannah Petterson    
                                43  Anna O'Hare         
                                53  Emillie Wix         
                                55  Katie King          

Senior Women - Under 20 -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Num Name                         Club                             Time  

       1  769  Maisie Grice                 Hampshire                         22:12
       2  760  Kate O'Neill                 Essex                             22:46
       3  767  Maddie Deadman               Hampshire                         23:15
       4  819  Dominique Corradi            Surrey                            23:29
       5  818  Katriona Brown               Surrey                            23:44
       6  776  Abi Woolaston                Hampshire                         23:53
       7  807  Maddie Jordan-Lee            Suffolk                           23:54
       8  826  Elsa Palmer                  Surrey                            23:56
       9  791  Imogen Amos                  Kent                              24:01
      10  820  Charlotte Griffiths          Surrey                            24:24
      11  814  D Knotkova-Hanley            Sussex                            24:33
      12  790  Lottie Rowedder              Hertfordshire                     24:42
      13  770  Grace Mann                   Hampshire                         24:49
      14  806  Millie Jordan-Lee            Suffolk                           25:00
      15  765  Alice Calder                 Hampshire                         25:02
      16  812  Naomi Fonteyn                Sussex                            25:19
      17  780  Mia Groom                    Hertfordshire                     25:20
      18  754  Sinead Clark                 Essex                             25:28
      19  750  Lauren Nichols               Bedfordshire                      25:33
      20  811  Alice Cox-Rusbridge          Sussex                            25:44
      21  755  Annalie Cole                 Essex                             25:59
      22  823  Katie Hopkins                Surrey B                          26:01
      23  758  Hayley Instance              Essex                             26:13
      24  795  Elena Jury                   Kent                              26:14
      25  797  Amy Leach                    Kent                              26:16
      26  828  Emiie Savory                 Surrey                            26:17
      27  761  Sophie Rand                  Essex                             26:44
      28  774  Macy Watson                  Hampshire                         26:52
      29  789  Jessica Rosewarn             Hertfordshire                     27:07
      30  799  Stephanie Puxty              Kent                              27:15
      31  771  Emelia Montagu-Scott         Hampshire                         27:15
      32  800  Meghan Watson                Kent                              27:17
      33  772  Eleanor Purdue               Hampshire                         27:28
      34  824  Alice McCormack              Surrey                            27:37
      35  794  Elizabeth Heslop             Kent                              27:51
      36  822  Annabel Hobday               Surrey B                          28:00
      37  793  Lilly Gibbs                  Kent                              28:16
      38  821  Jemima Hayward               Surrey                            28:18
      39  813  Amy Gamblin                  Sussex                            31:21

Senior Women - Under 20 -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Hampshire                          23
                                 1  Maisie Grice        
                                 3  Maddie Deadman      
                                 6  Abi Woolaston       
                                13  Grace Mann          
  2  Surrey                             27
                                 4  Dominique Corradi   
                                 5  Katriona Brown      
                                 8  Elsa Palmer         
                                10  Charlotte Griffiths 
  3  Essex                              64
                                 2  Kate O'Neill        
                                18  Sinead Clark        
                                21  Annalie Cole        
                                23  Hayley Instance     
  4  Sussex                             86
                                11  D Knotkova-Hanley   
                                16  Naomi Fonteyn       
                                20  Alice Cox-Rusbridge 
                                39  Amy Gamblin         
  5  Kent                               88
                                 9  Imogen Amos         
                                24  Elena Jury          
                                25  Amy Leach           
                                30  Stephanie Puxty     

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2019