The Alderly Edge Bypass 5

at Alderley Edge on Sunday 24th October 2010


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club                             Time  

       1  Ryan Holroyd         JM    1 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        26:26
       2  Stuart Doyle                 Vale Royal AC                     27:02
       3  Mat Bigley                   Macclesfield Harriers             27:04
       4  Jeff Prest                   Trafford                          27:08
       5  Robert Tudor         V45   1 West Cheshire AC                  27:10
       6  Peter Speake                 Bildeston Bounders                27:14
       7  Roger Alsop          V45   2 Herne Hill Harriers               27:36
       8  Rob White                    Buxton & District AC              28:06
       9  Mark Walker                  Macclesfield Harriers             28:13
      10  Henry Valentine      U17   1 South Cheshire Harriers           28:16
      11  Jim Pendrill         V40   1 Unattached                        28:18
      12  Tom McGaff           V55   1 Wilmslow Running Club             28:28
      13  Matthew Holt                 Unattached                        28:47
      14  Neil Pettie                  Goyt Valley Striders              28:53
      15  Lloyd Hilton         JM    2 Macclesfield Harriers             29:04
      16  Julian Brown         V45   3 Macclesfield Harriers             29:09
      17  James Grannan        U17   2 Stockport Harriers                29:19
      18  Mike Vennard         U17   3 Vale Royal AC                     29:25
      19  Paul Light           V50   1 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        29:28
      20  Daniel Brazier               Wolverhampton And Bilston AC      29:30
      21  Scott Christey       V40   2 Unattached                        29:38
      22  Trevor Morris        V45   4 Wilmslow Running Club             29:43
      23  Paul Hancock         V40   3 South Cheshire Harriers           29:44
      24  Christine Howard     L35   1 Matlock AC                        29:50
      25  Roy Woodland         V50   2 Unattached                        30:04
      26  Chris Millington     V40   4 Spectrum Striders                 30:19
      27  Andrew Whittingham   V40   5 Unattached                        30:26
      28  Frank Cordingley     V45   5 Sale Harriers                     30:31
      29  Sharleen Hollinshead L40   1 Cheadle RC                        30:39
      30  Mark Johnson         V45   6 Northern Veterans AC              30:44
      31  Paul Capey                   Sale Harriers                     30:45
      32  Roger Whitehead      V45   7 Unattached                        30:46
      33  Darren Pyatt         V40   6 Stafford Harriers                 30:50
      34  Christopher Stark    V60   1 Wolverhampton And Bilston AC      31:06
      35  Mick Fairs           V60   2 Wilmslow Running Club             31:08
      36  Christopher Mosiuk           Trentham Running Club             31:11
      37  Charlie Batho        V40   7 Unattached                        31:12
      38  Craig Hunt           V40   8 Unattached                        31:16
      39  Patrick Leonard      V40   9 Unattached                        31:22
      40  Robert Taylor        V60   3 Stockport Harriers                31:23
      41  Richard Dobell               Unattached                        31:28
      42  James Cox                    Knutsford Tri Club                31:31
      43  Anthony Jones                Unattached                        31:34
      44  Steve Wagster        V50   3 Unattached                        31:41
      45  Peter Eccles                 Unattached                        31:42
      46  Alex Brough                  Unattached                        31:45
      47  Matthew Southern             Unattached                        31:47
      48  C Williams                   Unattached                        31:51
      49  Alan Wardle          V45   8 Macclesfield Harriers             31:52
      50  Ian Smallwood        V45   9 Wilmslow Running Club             31:56
      51  Charlie Mulliner     V45  10 Unattached                        31:59
      52  Kath Lamplugh        L     3 Macclesfield Harriers             32:01
      53  Paul Nichols         V40  10 Wilmslow Running Club             32:03
      54  Jim Dawson           V45  11 Warrington Road Runners           32:04
      55  Jonathan Sewell              Buxton & District AC              32:07
      56  John Parrott         V55   2 Stockport Harriers                32:10
      57  Paul Garnett         V45  12 Wilmslow Running Club             32:12
      58  Kristy Readman       L35   2 Macclesfield Harriers             32:15
      59  Steve Smith          V45  13 Wilmslow Running Club             32:18
      60  Christopher Naylor           Michelin AC                       32:21
      61  Adam Howle                   Unattached                        32:24
      62  Rob Valentine        V40  11 South Cheshire Harriers           32:25
      63  Martin Dowdall               Unattached                        32:26
      64  Nigel Rawlings       V50   4 Manchester Harriers               32:27
      65  Simon Powner                 Unattached                        32:28
      66  Martin Platt         V55   3 Unattached                        32:29
      67  Paul Norris          V50   5 Wilmslow Running Club             32:30
      68  Mike Taylor          V40  12 Unattached                        32:33
      69  Martin Bower                 Unattached                        32:42
      70  Neil Gunn            V50   6 Macclesfield Harriers             32:43
      71  Sandra Lewis         L     5 Altrincham AC                     32:44
      72  Richard Cooper       V45  14 Boalloy Running Club              32:46
      73  Stephanie Brown      L     6 Unattached                        32:51
      74  Andy Dines           V45  15 Unattached                        32:52
      75  Nick Passey          V40  13 Unattached                        32:54
      76  Tom Dawson                   Unattached                        33:01
      77  Paul Wright          V45  16 Manchester Triathlon Club         33:02
      78  David Norbury                Unattached                        33:03
      79  John Sullivan        V45  17 Unattached                        33:11
      80  Edward Hickling              Wilmslow Running Club             33:13
      81  David Maddock        V50   7 Unattached                        33:16
      82  Peter Stroynowski    V40  14 Mow Cop Runners                   33:22
      83  Sharon Johnstone     L35   3 Unattached                        33:25
      84  Kevin Day            V45  18 Goyt Valley Striders              33:30
      85  Damian Utton         V45  19 Altrincham AC                     33:32
      86  Anthony Collier      V50   8 Styal Running Club                33:34
      87  James Brown          JM    3 Unattached                        33:36
      88  Charles Jones        V50   9 Unattached                        33:37
      89  Simon Kelf                   Unattached                        33:39
      90  Geoff Astley         V45  20 Uttoxeter Road Runners            33:42
      91  Adrian Northcott     V40  15 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        33:45
      92  Adam Mitchell                Unattached                        33:47
      93  Oliver Johnstone     V40  16 Unattached                        33:48
      94  Gary Owen            V40  17 Michelin AC                       33:49
      95  Sara Atkinson        L45   1 Tattenhall Runners                33:50
      96  Warwick Jarvis       V40  18 Unattached                        33:53
      97  Gareth Trimble               Wilmslow Running Club             33:54
      98  Chris Brady          V40  19 Unattached                        33:55
      99  Ben Gregory          JM    4 Unattached                        33:56
     100  Philip Barnes        V50  10 Macclesfield Harriers             33:57
     101  John Coats           V45  21 Northern Veterans AC              33:58
     102  Sam Gregory                  Unattached                        34:02
     103  Paul Munro                   Unattached                        34:03
     104  Simon Lever                  Unattached                        34:04
     105  James Wilson                 Unattached                        34:05
     106  Kate Ayres           L50   1 Unattached                        34:06
     107  Ian Scott            V50  11 Unattached                        34:07
     108  David Heald                  Unattached                        34:08
     109  Neil Murphy          V45  22 Macclesfield Harriers             34:09
     110  Andrew Sutton                Unattached                        34:11
     111  Peter Stark                  Wolverhampton And Bilston AC      34:12
     112  John Barnes          V45  23 Unattached                        34:14
     113  Kevin Shufflebottom  V45  24 Biddulph RC                       34:16
     114  David Quinn          V50  12 Unattached                        34:18
     115  Neil Farmer          V50  13 Unattached                        34:23
     116  Chris Hardcastle             Unattached                        34:26
     117  Matt Atkinson                Wilmslow Running Club             34:27
     118  Tyler Goodwin        U17   4 Boalloy Running Club              34:29
     119  Matt Jarvis                  Unattached                        34:31
     120  Nicky Mowat          L50   2 Wilmslow Running Club             34:32
     121  Wayne Grant                  Unattached                        34:33
     122  Andy Burnett         V55   4 Unattached                        34:34
     123  Steve Russell        V50  14 Wilmslow Running Club             34:35
     124  James Gowin                  Wilmslow Running Club             34:38
     125  Raymond Hunt         V50  15 Unattached                        34:41
     126  Jonathan Thompson            Unattached                        34:42
     127  A Brookmyre          L40   2 Unattached                        34:43
     128  Pat O'Hagan          V45  25 Unattached                        34:44
     129  Patrick Grannan      V55   5 Wilmslow Running Club             34:45
     130  John Mardell         V45  26 Unattached                        34:46
     131  Chris Chaddock               Staffordshire Moorlands AC        34:47
     132  Simon Parker         V50  16 Cheshire Hash House Harriers      34:48
     133  Richard Lawson               Unattached                        34:49
     134  James Dillan         V50  17 Unattached                        34:57
     135  Jamie Smith          V60   4 Wilmslow Running Club             34:59
     136  Mel Young            L    12 Unattached                        35:02
     137  Jane McCarthy        L35   4 Ilkley Harriers                   35:04
     138  Peter Bream          V40  20 Wilmslow Running Club             35:04
     139  Craig Hyman                  Unattached                        35:05
     140  Richard Parris       V40  21 Unattached                        35:06
     141  Frank Begley         V60   5 Unattached                        35:07
     142  Michael Barry                Stockport Harriers                35:08
     143  Janine Ellis         L40   3 Wilmslow Running Club             35:09
     144  Roger Rawlinson      V45  27 Unattached                        35:10
     145  Steven Corden                Staffordshire Moorlands AC        35:14
     146  Jane Eardley         L    15 Penny Lane Striders               35:22
     147  Nigel Sparrow        V50  18 Unattached                        35:30
     148  Rachel Lennon        L40   4 Unattached                        35:34
     149  Chris Elliott        V40  22 Unattached                        35:35
     150  Liz Clutton          L55   1 Cheadle RC                        35:36
     151  Daryl Hall           V45  28 Macclesfield Harriers             35:37
     152  Michael Bird         V40  23 Macclesfield Harriers             35:39
     153  Don Bullough         V50  19 Wilmslow Running Club             35:40
     154  Thomas Robinson              Unattached                        35:43
     155  Martin Kaine         V40  24 Unattached                        35:46
     156  Andrew Potter                Unattached                        35:47
     157  John Richards                Stockport Harriers                35:48
     158 ?Geoff Hand           V50  20 Spectrum Striders                 35:49
     159  Steve Baldwin        V40  25 Unattached                        35:50
     160  Jeni Lewthwaite      L    18 Spectrum Striders                 35:52
     161  Richard Shaw         V60   6 Stone Master Marathoners          35:53
     162  Iain Seville         V40  26 Unattached                        35:54
     163  Tony Smith           V55   6 Unattached                        35:55
     164  Simon Williams               Unattached                        35:56
     165  Simon Smith          V40  27 Unattached                        35:57
     166  Darryl Stocker       U17   5 Unattached                        35:58
     167  Gary Jones           V40  28 Michelin AC                       35:59
     168  Andrew Brier         V40  29 Unattached                        36:00
     169  Mark Holt                    Unattached                        36:01
     170  Gareth Durnall               Unattached                        36:02
     171  Gavin Robinson               Unattached                        36:04
     172  Francis Pyatt                Unattached                        36:05
     173  Ben Batho            U17   6 Unattached                        36:06
     174  Andrew Murison       V40  30 Unattached                        36:07
     175  Steven Lawson                Unattached                        36:08
     176  Andrew Bennett       V45  29 Unattached                        36:09
     177  Penny Hinke          L50   3 Wilmslow Running Club             36:11
     178  Richard Adams                Unattached                        36:12
     179  Dez Mitchell         V40  31 Unattached                        36:13
     180  Dean Cox                     Unattached                        36:14
     181  Ian Allen            V45  30 Nsrra                             36:15
     182  John Green           V40  32 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        36:16
     183  Tim Walker           V40  33 Unattached                        36:18
     184  Edward Gregory               Unattached                        36:20
     185  Jan Telford          V40  34 Unattached                        36:22
     186  Simon Walker         V45  31 South Cheshire Harriers           36:24
     187  John Porteous        V55   7 Wilmslow Running Club             36:26
     188  Phil Armitt          V55   8 Unattached                        36:28
     189  Dave Ambler          V55   9 Unattached                        36:30
     190  Charles Lowthian     V50  21 Styal Running Club                36:32
     191  Carol Bird           L45   2 Macclesfield Harriers             36:33
     192  David Tucker         V55  10 Macclesfield Harriers             36:34
     193  Michael Portz                Unattached                        36:35
     194  Peter Chadwick       V40  35                      36:36
     195  Rob Smith                    Unattached                        36:38
     196  Andrew Dodd                  Wilmslow Running Club             36:39
     197  Diane Bygrave        L35   5 Wilmslow Running Club             36:40
     198  Jeremy Bygrave               Unattached                        36:41
     199  Carvalho Edson De            Unattached                        36:43
     200  Dennis Kentrop       V45  32 Unattached                        36:45
     201  David Oconnell       V45  33 Unattached                        36:48
     202  Angela Platt         L    22 Unattached                        36:49
     203  Nigel Hopper         V40  36 Biddulph RC                       36:50
     204  Giles Robinson               Unattached                        36:51
     205  Matthew Begley               Unattached                        36:52
     206  Gary Willock         V40  37 Unattached                        36:53
     207  Andrew Birks         V40  38 Unattached                        36:55
     208  Lisa Reeves          L40   5 Unattached                        36:56
     209  Andrew Ward                  Unattached                        36:58
     210  Martin Williams      V50  22 Unattached                        36:58
     211  Wayne Kemp                   Unattached                        36:59
     212  Martin Emsley                Unattached                        37:00
     213  Lindsey Darbyshire   L35   6 Styal Running Club                37:00
     214  Mark Capel                   Unattached                        37:01
     215  Mike Davies          V45  34 Bramhall                          37:02
     216  Alan Turner          V45  35 Wilmslow Running Club             37:03
     217  G Robertson          V40  39 Unattached                        37:05
     218  James Chamberlain            Unattached                        37:07
     219  Lynn Ward            L40   6 Road Runners Club                 37:08
     220  Tracey Mardell       L45   3 Unattached                        37:10
     221  Chris Stillo         V55  11 Goyt Valley Striders              37:12
     222  Angela Oldham        L55   2 Unattached                        37:13
     223  Leszek Wolowczyk     V45  36 Unattached                        37:15
     224  Jamie Sheehan                Unattached                        37:17
     225  Helen Todd           L55   3 Stockport Harriers                37:18
     226  Ruth Goreham         L40   7 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        37:20
     227  Julie Fairclough     L45   4 Stockport Harriers                37:22
     228   Robert Hall         V40  40 Unattached                        37:23
     229  Gary Thomas          V45  37 Unattached                        37:25
     230  Richard McCabe               Unattached                        37:27
     231  Michael Jones        V55  12 Altrincham AC                     37:29
     232  Daniel Parr                  Unattached                        37:29
     233  Gary Ellwood         V45  38 Unattached                        37:30
     234  Simon Froggatt               Unattached                        37:31
     235  Dave Vosveniels      V50  23 Unattached                        37:32
     236  Maureen Wilkins      L45   5 Stockport Harriers                37:33
     237  Mark Smith                   Unattached                        37:34
     238  Fiona Wilson         L45   6 Unattached                        37:35
     239  Peter Skelton        V50  24 Unattached                        37:36
     240  Dan Driver                   Unattached                        37:37
     241  Catherine Butler     L    33 Unattached                        37:38
     242  John Perez                   Unattached                        37:39
     243  Andy Hamilton        V40  41 Unattached                        37:40
     244  Tracey Jones         L    34 Dragons Running Club (sale)       37:41
     245  Martin Stocker       V50  25 Unattached                        37:43
     246  Peter Watson         V70   1 Wilmslow Running Club             37:44
     247  Steve Lomas          V40  42 Macclesfield Harriers             37:46
     248  Alan Webster         V50  26 Macclesfield Harriers             37:47
     249  Tom Scott                    Unattached                        37:49
     250 ?Geoff Hand           V50  27 Spectrum Striders                 37:50
     251  Lee Oliver                   Unattached                        37:52
     252  Graeme Bruce                 Manchester Triathlon Club         37:53
     253  Ray Begley           V55  13 Unattached                        37:54
     254  Brendan Murden       V60   7 Unattached                        37:55
     255  Roy Makin                    Unattached                        37:57
     256  Tony Ward            V45  39 Stockport Harriers                37:58
     257  Iona Cummings        L    35 Macclesfield Harriers             37:59
     258  Gary Wenn            V40  43 Royal Navy AC                     38:01
     259  William Cook         V55  14 Unattached                        38:02
     260  Brenton Wyatt                Unattached                        38:03
     261  Chris Melia                  Knutsford Tri Club                38:04
     262  David Phearns                Unattached                        38:05
     263  Billy Watkinson              Unattached                        38:07
     264  Bill Stevenson       V45  40 Michelin AC                       38:07
     265  Richard Todd         V60   8 Unattached                        38:08
     266  Adrian Pritchard     V40  44 Unattached                        38:09
     267  Claire Leggat        L    36 Unattached                        38:09
     268  Chris Lakin                  Tamworth Athletics Club           38:10
     269  Ian Branthwaite      V45  41 Unattached                        38:11
     270  Andrew McEvoy                Unattached                        38:11
     271  Joanne Jones         L40   8 Unattached                        38:12
     272  David Wright                 Unattached                        38:13
     273  Nigel Dean                   Unattached                        38:16
     274  Ed Naden             V40  45 Unattached                        38:17
     275  Richard Fogarty              Unattached                        38:18
     276  Fred Goldberg                Unattached                        38:19
     277  Susannah Brownhill   L    38 Unattached                        38:20
     278  Steven Machin                Unattached                        38:21
     279  Giles Hegarty                Unattached                        38:21
     280  Baptiste Chadeyron           Unattached                        38:22
     281  John Clegg           V45  42 Unattached                        38:23
     282  Julie Radford        L35   7 Unattached                        38:24
     283  Barrie Fairbrother   V60   9 Middleton Harriers                38:25
     284  Pamela Sharp         L40   9 Unattached                        38:26
     285  John Tadman          V45  43 Unattached                        38:26
     286  John McCourt         V55  15 Manchester Harriers               38:27
     287  Alison Ellis         L35   8 Unattached                        38:28
     288  Jonathan Salem       V45  44 Unattached                        38:29
     289  Thomas Allen                 Unattached                        38:30
     290  Ross Kennedy                 Unattached                        38:32
     291  Dan Cash                     Unattached                        38:34
     292  Lee Cooley                   Unattached                        38:37
     293  Peter Samuelson      V65   1 Spectrum Striders                 38:38
     294  Mariusz Nurkiewicz           Unattached                        38:39
     295  Philip Mawer                 Unattached                        38:40
     296  Ian Gibbons          V45  45 Unattached                        38:41
     297  Matthew Grove                Macclesfield Harriers             38:41
     298  Nigel Hinds          V50  28 Unattached                        38:42
     299  Rosemary Barber      L60   1 Avon Valley Runners               38:43
     300  Colin Henshall               Unattached                        38:44
     301  Amanda Fazelynia     L35   9 Unattached                        38:45
     302  William Shanley      V50  29 East Cheshire Harriers            38:50
     303  Wesley Rogerson              Unattached                        38:50
     304  Andrew Vickerman             Trentham Running Club             38:51
     305  Jim Holohan          V60  10 Unattached                        38:52
     306  Jim Rowley                   Unattached                        38:53
     307  John Riley           V70   2 Northern Veterans AC              38:55
     308  Sam Jackson                  Unattached                        38:57
     309  Tom Kasprolycz       V45  46 Road Runners Club                 38:59
     310  Chris Cannon         V50  30 Wilmslow Running Club             39:01
     311  Kevin Smith          V50  31 Unattached                        39:02
     312  Jade Evans           L17   1 Vale Royal AC                     39:03
     313  Simon Fenton         V65   2 Wilmslow Running Club             39:04
     314  Jonathan Wheatcroft          Unattached                        39:05
     315  Shane Knott                  Penny Lane Striders               39:06
     316  Paul Briggs                  Unattached                        39:07
     317  Barry Toole          V50  32 Unattached                        39:14
     318  Brian Higgins        V55  16 Styal Running Club                39:16
     319  Michael Keeley       V55  17 Winston Runners                   39:18
     320  Paul Johnston                Unattached                        39:20
     321  Jeremy Stolberg      V45  47 Unattached                        39:21
     322  Steve Davies                 Unattached                        39:22
     323  Pauline Butterfield  L45   7 Unattached                        39:23
     324  Lesley Piltz         L    46 Unattached                        39:24
     325  David Worthington            Unattached                        39:25
     326  Tony Moore           V55  18 Stone Master Marathoners          39:26
     327  Emma Clarke          L40  10 Unattached                        39:27
     328  Daniel McWilliams            Unattached                        39:28
     329  Debbie Read          L50   4 Spectrum Striders                 39:29
     330  Robert Harper        V45  48 Unattached                        39:31
     331  Jenny Tatler         L    49 Macclesfield Harriers             39:41
     332  Oss Melanie Van      L35  10 Congleton Harriers                39:42
     333  Caroline Broderick   L    51 Salford Harriers & AC             39:43
     334  Nick Fellows         V55  19 Unattached                        39:44
     335  Heather Rowley       L    52 Unattached                        39:45
     336  David Cash           V55  20 Unattached                        39:47
     337  Lucy Allison         L35  11 Unattached                        39:48
     338  Ronan Mullan         V40  46 Unattached                        39:56
     339  Sam Foulkes                  Unattached                        39:57
     340  Sam Anson                    Unattached                        39:58
     341  Philip Summers       V50  33 Swinton                           40:00
     342  James Cram                   Unattached                        40:01
     343  Alison Scott         L45   8 Unattached                        40:03
     344  Colin McEvoy                 Unattached                        40:09
     345  Barbara Dunn         L    55 Unattached                        40:10
     346  Patrick Mulhall              Unattached                        40:11
     347  Kath Passmore        L    56 Unattached                        40:12
     348  Gail Hill            L35  12 Wilmslow Running Club             40:13
     349  Ian Pickford         V40  47 Unattached                        40:14
     350  Michelle Dawe        L    58 Unattached                        40:15
     351  Valerie Kinvig       L45   9 Vale Royal AC                     40:16
     352  Nadia Nahapiat       L    60 Unattached                        40:17
     353  Graham McLachlan             Michelin AC                       40:17
     354  Gareth Stewart               Unattached                        40:18
     355  Trudi Stephenson     L35  13 Unattached                        40:19
     356  Kay Moore            L40  11 Unattached                        40:19
     357  David Larkin                 Macclesfield Harriers             40:20
     358  Carolyn Houghton     L35  14 Penny Lane Striders               40:21
     359  Stephen Johnstone    V50  34 Unattached                        40:22
     360  Gill Acreman         L40  12 Unattached                        40:25
     361  Anthony Jevons       V40  48 Unattached                        40:27
     362  Pat Kennerley        L40  13 Unattached                        40:28
     363  Stephen Douglas              Unattached                        40:29
     364  Simon Sewell         V45  49 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        40:30
     365  Linda Dale           L40  14 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        40:32
     366  Steve Fairclough     V45  50 Stockport Harriers                40:33
     367  Robin James                  Unattached                        40:34
     368  Michael Edwards              Unattached                        40:35
     369  Claire Northcote     L50   5 Unattached                        40:37
     370  Katy Pickup          L    68 Unattached                        40:38
     371  Janet Tatler         L50   6 Macclesfield Harriers             40:39
     372  Alice Tweed          L    70 Unattached                        40:40
     373  Alan Simpson                 Unattached                        40:42
     374  Samantha Mackenzie   L40  15 Unattached                        40:43
     375  John Hughes          V45  51 Stockport Harriers                40:44
     376  Mark Jagger          V40  49 Unattached                        40:46
     377  Jonathan Hunt                Unattached                        40:46
     378  Robert McCurrie      V40  50 Unattached                        40:47
     379  Carina Ammala        L45  10 Unattached                        40:48
     380  John Barbour         V45  52 Unattached                        40:49
     381  John Wright          V45  53 Birkenhead                        40:50
     382  Neville Hilton       V45  54 Unattached                        40:51
     383  Grace Powell         L    73 Unattached                        40:52
     384  Gemma Parrington     L    74 Unattached                        40:53
     385  Lisa Murphy          L    75 Unattached                        41:00
     386  Lindsey Bailey       L40  16 Unattached                        41:00
     387  Rachel McCurrie      L    77 Unattached                        41:01
     388  Tracy Shufflebottom  L40  17 Biddulph RC                       41:01
     389  Alison Gunn          L45  11 Macclesfield Harriers             41:02
     390  Vicky Blackshaw      L35  15 Michelin AC                       41:03
     391  Debbie Beresford     L45  12 Manchester Harriers               41:06
     392  Julie Southern       L50   7 Unattached                        41:10
     393  Carole Miller        L40  18 Unattached                        41:11
     394  Ann Lucock           L50   8 Unattached                        41:12
     395  Mark Russell                 Unattached                        41:14
     396  Alan Halman          V65   3 Styal Running Club                41:14
     397  Elizabeth Baker      L50   9 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        41:15
     398  Kevin Verbruggen             Unattached                        41:15
     399  David Ogden          V55  21 Unattached                        41:16
     400  Rod Coombs           V60  11 Wilmslow Running Club             41:17
     401  Martin Vennard       V45  55 Unattached                        41:18
     402  Marcus Bond                  Unattached                        41:20
     403  Julian Orr                   Unattached                        41:22
     404  Melissa Drath        L45  13 Unattached                        41:23
     405  Andrew Brownsell             Unattached                        41:25
     406  Lotte Hirst          L    87 Unattached                        41:27
     407  Ian Smitham          V45  56 Unattached                        41:27
     408  Thomas Bell                  Unattached                        41:28
     409  Ranjit Bennett       V40  51 Sale Harriers                     41:29
     410  Rebecca Al-Ausi      L35  16 Unattached                        41:30
     411  M Thistleton         V60  12 Unattached                        41:32
     412  Denis Kelly          V40  52 Unattached                        41:34
     413  Dan Fawcett                  Unattached                        41:37
     414  Mark Coates          V55  22 Unattached                        41:38
     415  Cindy Knight         L45  14 Biddulph RC                       41:39
     416  Anthony Green                Unattached                        41:40
     417  Mark Doyle           V40  53 Unattached                        41:41
     418  David Butt           V50  35 Unattached                        41:43
     419  Mark Bennett         V40  54 Unattached                        41:44
     420  Jacqui Wild          L40  19 Unattached                        41:45
     421  Mike Arrowsmith              Unattached                        41:46
     422  Liz Hesketh          L45  15 Unattached                        41:48
     423  Guy Spilsbury        V40  55 Unattached                        41:49
     424  Laura Sealby         L    92 Unattached                        41:50
     425  Paul Calnan          V50  36 Unattached                        41:51
     426  Laurence Hobday      V50  37 Unattached                        41:53
     427  Max Howard                   Unattached                        41:56
     428  Christine Dewsbury   L35  17 Unattached                        42:00
     429  Liz Burns            L    94 Unattached                        42:00
     430  Ned Spencer          V55  23 Wilmslow Running Club             42:01
     431  Duncan Steel         V45  57 Unattached                        42:02
     432  Stephen Blakey       V50  38 Unattached                        42:03
     433  Chris Nelson         V40  56 Unattached                        42:04
     434  Liz Stillo           L55   4 Goyt Valley Striders              42:05
     435  Elizabeth Starkie    L    96 Unattached                        42:06
     436  Alastair Bremner     V55  24 Unattached                        42:09
     437  David Smith          V40  57 Unattached                        42:12
     438  Paul Yau             V45  58 Unattached                        42:12
     439  Noel Cheseldine              Village RR                        42:13
     440  Kath Steer           L50  10 Unattached                        42:14
     441  Lindsay Orr          L40  20 Unattached                        42:14
     442  Verity Wostencroft   L    99 Unattached                        42:15
     443  Brian Robinson       V60  13 Unattached                        42:16
     444  Kristofer Knight             Unattached                        42:16
     445  Lee Johnson                  Unattached                        42:17
     446  Victoria Hone        L   100 Unattached                        42:18
     447  George Carr          U17   7 Unattached                        42:19
     448  Alison Cardwell      L45  16 Unattached                        42:20
     449  Liza Tetler          L40  21 Unattached                        42:22
     450  Lucinda Stone        L   103 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        42:24
     451  Daniel Jackson               Unattached                        42:26
     452  Hazel James          L45  17 Unattached                        42:28
     453  David Eyre                   Unattached                        42:30
     454  Jackie Bailey-Tucker L40  22 Unattached                        42:32
     455  Matthew Cheetham     V45  59 Unattached                        42:34
     456  Mark Bayley          V45  60 Unattached                        42:36
     457  Giles Chesher                Unattached                        42:39
     458  Chris Stone                  Unattached                        42:39
     459  Jennifer Jackson     L50  11 Macclesfield Harriers             42:40
     460  Richard Sealby               Unattached                        42:41
     461  Lou Gilchrist        L75   1 Valley Striders                   42:42
     462  Lucy Gabriel         L   108 Unattached                        42:43
     463  Sabrina Blakey       LJ    1 Unattached                        42:44
     464  Helen Towers         L40  23 Unattached                        42:45
     465  Jane Ferris          L35  18 Unattached                        42:46
     466  Miranda Miesner      L35  19 Macclesfield Harriers             42:48
     467  Cheryl Powner        L   113 Unattached                        42:50
     468  Nick Baglin                  Unattached                        42:52
     469  Helen Baglin         L35  20 Unattached                        42:53
     470  Bob Lynch            V65   4 Macclesfield Harriers             42:55
     471  Deborah Worsley      L40  24 Unattached                        42:56
     472  Andrew Warrington            Unattached                        42:57
     473  David Hayton         V50  39 Unattached                        42:58
     474  Nickie Williams      L40  25 Unattached                        42:59
     475  Paul Farrington              Unattached                        43:00
     476  Steven Borthwick             Unattached                        43:03
     477  Christine Chadwick   L50  12 Unattached                        43:06
     478  Nicola Mapes         L   118 Unattached                        43:09
     479  Kathryn Emsley       L45  18 Unattached                        43:10
     480  Nicki Lowcock        L45  19 Unattached                        43:11
     481  Sarah Gidlow         L   121 Unattached                        43:12
     482  Cathal Berragan      U17   8 Unattached                        43:13
     483  Margaret Shaw        L55   5 Stone Master Marathoners          43:14
     484  Philip Westwood              Unattached                        43:15
     485  Elaine Kirkham       L55   6 Unattached                        43:15
     486  John Barrett                 Unattached                        43:16
     487  George Barrett       V65   5 Unattached                        43:17
     488  Therese Stevinson    L35  21 Unattached                        43:18
     489  Dave Stevinson               Unattached                        43:18
     490  Amelia Potter        L35  22 Unattached                        43:19
     491  Chris Hill           V45  61 Unattached                        43:20
     492  Christophr Hammerton V55  25 Unattached                        43:21
     493  Susannah Middleton   L35  23 Macclesfield Harriers             43:21
     494  Robert Stevenson     V55  26 Unattached                        43:22
     495  Andy Griffiths       V45  62 Michelin AC                       43:23
     496  John Stephenson      V40  58 Unattached                        43:24
     497  Trevor Faulkner      V65   6 Wilmslow Running Club             43:26
     498  Maggie Hack          L40  26 Unattached                        43:28
     499  Lucy Worthingtn      L   128 Unattached                        43:31
     500  Lucy Davies          L40  27 Unattached                        43:33
     501  Elspeth Trimble      L35  24 Wilmslow Running Club             43:36
     502  Trish Light          L55   7 Macclesfield Harriers             43:37
     503  Alice Harper         L17   2 Unattached                        43:38
     504  Helen Adamson        L45  20 Unattached                        43:40
     505  Mark Roberts         V40  59 Unattached                        43:41
     506  Nicholas Roberts     V40  60 Stockport Harriers                43:43
     507  Diane Newsham        L40  28 Vale Royal AC                     43:44
     508  Julie Jenkins        L45  21 Atherton RC                       43:46
     509  Wendy Torevell       L55   8 Stockport Pct                     43:46
     510  Eve Taylor           L50  13 Road Runners Club                 43:47
     511  Jonathan Shaw        V50  40 Macclesfield Harriers             43:48
     512  Ian Taylor           V55  27 Road Runners Club                 43:48
     513  Tracy Hollins        L   138 Trentham Running Club             43:49
     514  Sophie Manwaring     L35  25 Unattached                        43:50
     515  Anette Lindqvist     L45  22 Club Az                           43:51
     516  Richard Leece                Unattached                        43:51
     517  Alison Lysons        L45  23 Women's Running Network           43:52
     518  Alice Parker         L   142 Unattached                        43:53
     519  Jonathan Storey              Goyt Valley Striders              43:54
     520  Phil Edwards         V55  28 Unattached                        43:54
     521  Darren Kingsley              Unattached                        43:55
     522  Paul Cartwright              Unattached                        43:56
     523  Emma Woodgate        L   143 Unattached                        43:57
     524  David Pugh                   Unattached                        43:57
     525  J Deschoolmeester    L   144 Unattached                        43:58
     526  M Deschoolmeester            Unattached                        43:59
     527  John Albutt          V55  29 Unattached                        44:00
     528  Joanne Stephens      L   145 Unattached                        44:00
     529  Pauline Lynch        L65   1 Macclesfield Harriers             44:01
     530  Maggie Jones         L50  14 Altrincham AC                     44:02
     531  Simon Lomas          V45  63 Unattached                        44:03
     532  David Denton         V45  64 Unattached                        44:05
     533  Trish Gray           L45  24 Unattached                        44:07
     534  Kristin Goldberg     L   149 Unattached                        44:09
     535  David Wain                   Unattached                        44:12
     536  Anders Thompson              Unattached                        44:14
     537  Sarah Walker         L40  29 Unattached                        44:16
     538  Annette Stroud       L40  30 Unattached                        44:19
     539  Amy Mellor           L   152 Unattached                        44:19
     540  David Pilley         V50  41 Unattached                        44:20
     541  Vicky Anderson       L40  31 Unattached                        44:21
     542  Charlotte Godfrey    L50  15 Wilmslow Running Club             44:22
     543  Peter Bradfield      V45  65 Unattached                        44:23
     544  Richard Celensu              Unattached                        44:24
     545  Simon Vukasinivic            Unattached                        44:25
     546  Rebecca Styles       L35  26 Unattached                        44:26
     547  Aeronwy Towey        L   156 Unattached                        44:27
     548  Fiona Leslie         L40  32 Unattached                        44:28
     549  Chris Flynn          V45  66 Unattached                        44:29
     550  Sarah Bird           L40  33 Unattached                        44:31
     551  Martin Ashcroft      V55  30 Unattached                        44:34
     552  Claire Knowles       L   159 Unattached                        44:37
     553  Sarah Leah           L35  27 Unattached                        44:40
     554  Marcus Barrow                Unattached                        44:40
     555  Jamie Oldland                Unattached                        44:41
     556  Richard Dougan               Unattached                        44:42
     557  Ayden Grobler                Unattached                        44:42
     558  Nick Jackson         V40  61 Unattached                        44:43
     559  Anna Jackson         L40  34 Unattached                        44:44
     560  Jonathan Beighton            Unattached                        44:45
     561  Charlotte Cheetham   L   162 Unattached                        44:46
     562  Sam Hardman          V65   7 Unattached                        44:47
     563  Mary Roberts         L45  25 Unattached                        44:49
     564  Hazel Ward           L   164 Unattached                        44:50
     565  Harry Newton         V70   3 Unattached                        44:52
     566  Chris Byrom          V65   8 East Cheshire Harriers            44:53
     567  Toyah Heath          L40  35 Unattached                        44:55
     568  Tom Johnson                  Unattached                        44:55
     569  Kevin Acton          U17   9 Stockport Harriers                44:56
     570  Neil Berragan        V50  42 Unattached                        44:57
     571  Cathy Hollis         L40  36 Unattached                        44:58
     572  Andrew Brookes               Unattached                        44:59
     573  Wendy Taylor         L40  37 Unattached                        45:02
     574  Jacqueline Ward      L45  26 Unattached                        45:05
     575  Savitri McAsey       L50  16 Macclesfield Harriers             45:05
     576  Lorraine Egerton     L40  38 Unattached                        45:05
     577  Vivienne Anderson    L45  27 Unattached                        45:05
     578  Mark Johnson         V50  43 Unattached                        45:05
     579  Elise Johnson        LJ    2 Unattached                        45:06
     580  Sarah Flynn          L35  28 Unattached                        45:06
     581  James McIntosh       V45  67 Unattached                        45:06
     582  Steve Mainprize      V45  68 Unattached                        45:06
     583  Carla Gilder         L   174 Unattached                        45:07
     584  Louise Potts         L40  39 Unattached                        45:07
     585  Kathryn Rogers       L45  28 Unattached                        45:07
     586  Anthony McCloskey    V40  62 Unattached                        45:07
     587  Daniel Moore                 Unattached                        45:07
     588  Richard Davies       V40  63 Unattached                        45:08
     589  Leanne Burgess       L   177 Unattached                        45:08
     590  Sheila Williamson    L45  29 Unattached                        45:08
     591  Michael Cadman       V45  69 Unattached                        45:08
     592  Kate Kallaway        L35  29 Unattached                        45:09
     593  Karina Prestt        L35  30 Unattached                        45:09
     594  Joanne Kensale       L45  30 Unattached                        45:09
     595  Richard Smith        V40  64 Unattached                        45:09
     596  David Emsley         V55  31 Unattached                        45:09
     597                ???         ???                               45:10
     598  Dawn Allen           L40  40 Unattached                        45:10
     599  Ken Greenhalgh       V65   9 Unattached                        45:10
     600  David Rutherford             Unattached                        45:10
     601  Louise Moore         L40  41 Unattached                        45:11
     602  Elaine Duffy         L45  31 Unattached                        45:11
     603  Ian Hunter           V45  70 Unattached                        45:11
     604  Christopher Street   V45  71 Unattached                        45:11
     605  Yvette Parkinson     L45  32 Unattached                        45:11
     606  Julia Williams       L   186 Unattached                        45:12
     607  Clare Grant          L45  33 Unattached                        45:12
     608  Paula Fletcher       L40  42 Women's Running Network           45:12
     609  Rawad Aboushhiwa             Unattached                        45:12
     610  Kate Mills           L   189 Unattached                        45:13
     611  Tom Levings                  Unattached                        45:13
     612  Ben Hanson                   Unattached                        45:13
     613  John Womby           V45  72 Unattached                        45:13
     614  Jane Wright          L45  34 Unattached                        45:13
     615  Janine James         L   191 Unattached                        45:14
     616  Cecilia Greasley     L50  17 Unattached                        45:14
     617  Sean Baguley         V50  44 Unattached                        45:14
     618  Tim Woolford         V45  73 Unattached                        45:14
     619  Helen Cutting        L   193 Unattached                        45:15
     620  Norman Reece         V50  45 Unattached                        45:15
     621  Melissa Manwaring    L   194 Unattached                        45:15
     622  Adele Loynes         L   195 Unattached                        45:15
     623  Veronique Pollacsek  L   196 Unattached                        45:15
     624  Ramesh Kollepara             Unattached                        45:16
     625  Adrian Feldman       V50  46 Unattached                        45:16
     626  Joshua Feldman       U17  10 Unattached                        45:16
     627  James Ashton         V40  65 Unattached                        45:16
     628  Robert Soames                Unattached                        45:17
     629  Mark Tabachnik               Unattached                        45:17
     630  Isobel Clarke        L17   3 Unattached                        45:17
     631  Ian Butterfield      V45  74 Unattached                        45:17
     632  Jude Balderstone     L35  31 Unattached                        45:17
     633  Steve Fern           V55  32 Unattached                        45:18
     634  Julie Perkins        L45  35 Unattached                        45:18
     635  Suzanne Mason        L   200 Unattached                        45:18
     636  Megan Griffiths      L35  32 Unattached                        45:18
     637  Amanda Westcott      L   202 Unattached                        45:19
     638  Gavin Eldridge               Unattached                        45:19
     639  Janice Murray        L40  43 Unattached                        45:19
     640  Daryl Sullivan       L45  36 Unattached                        45:19
     641  Mark Sullivan        V40  66 Unattached                        45:20
     642  Chris Pugh           V40  67 Unattached                        45:27
     643  Sten Lindqvist       V55  33 Club Az                           45:38
     644  Elizabeth Oldfield   L40  44 Unattached                        45:42
     645  Rachel Batty         L35  33 Unattached                        45:47
     646  Charlton Heywood             Unattached                        45:52
     647  Lisa Broad           L35  34 Unattached                        45:58
     648  David Taylor         V50  47 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        46:03
     649  Wayne Oakes          V40  68 Unattached                        46:08
     650  Wayne Francis                Unattached                        46:14
     651  Melanie Martin       L45  37 Unattached                        46:19
     652  Alan French          V45  75 Unattached                        46:24
     653  Cath Jones           L45  38 Unattached                        46:30
     654  Charlotte Carter     L35  35 Unattached                        46:35
     655  Mike Marshall        V65  10 Unattached                        46:41
     656  Running Bear         L40  45 Wilmslow Running Club             46:44
     657  Gill Dickinson       L50  18 Stockport Pct                     46:47
     658  Stephen Cable                Unattached                        46:48
     659  Gail Cable           L35  36 Unattached                        46:50
     660  John Marciniak               Unattached                        46:52
     661  Ian Rankin           V50  48 Unattached                        46:54
     662  Kate Pearson         L40  46 Unattached                        46:54
     663  Louise Ford          L45  39 Unattached                        46:55
     664  Peter Ford           V50  49 Unattached                        46:56
     665  Emma Aldred          L   216 Unattached                        46:57
     666  Shaun Kearon         V45  76 Unattached                        46:58
     667  Michael Kennerley    V40  69 Unattached                        46:59
     668  Julia Day            L40  47 Horsforth Harriers                46:59
     669  Julie Williamson     L40  48 Women's Running Network           47:00
     670   Lisa Hollins        L   219 Trentham Running Club             47:01
     671  John Hammomnd                Unattached                        47:02
     672  Sarah Booth          L   220 Unattached                        47:03
     673  Mike Schofield               Unattached                        47:03
     674  Victoria Jackson     L   221 Unattached                        47:04
     675  Alison Price         L45  40 Unattached                        47:05
     676  David Barraclough    V60  14 Unattached                        47:06
     677  Geoff Brook          V50  50 Unattached                        47:07
     678  Olivia Thompson      L   223 Spectrum Striders                 47:07
     679  Andrew Polkey                Unattached                        47:08
     680  Sue Jones            L45  41 Unattached                        47:09
     681  David Capel          V75   1 Rolls Royce Harriers              47:10
     682  Sarah Parlane        L   225 Unattached                        47:11
     683  Charlotte Bird       L35  37 Unattached                        47:17
     684  Paul Worsley         V50  51 Unattached                        47:21
     685  Phil Wild            V40  70 Unattached                        47:25
     686  Claire Hutchinson    L   227 Unattached                        47:29
     687  Martyn Ball                  Unattached                        47:30
     688  Will Rayner                  Unattached                        47:31
     689  Linda Easton         L50  19 Halifax Harriers                  47:32
     690  Mark Taylor                  Staffordshire Moorlands AC        47:34
     691  Mhairi Duffy         L   229 Unattached                        47:35
     692  Seren Hathway        L   230 Unattached                        47:36
     693  Jane Luckett         L45  42 Unattached                        47:37
     694  Greg Paysden                 Unattached                        47:38
     695  Paul Arrowsmith                     47:39
     696  Duncan Ross                  Unattached                        47:40
     697  Mary Jeal            L45  43 Denbigh H                         47:41
     698  Stephanie Watts      L17   4 Goyt Valley Striders              47:42
     699  Cara McMillan        L   234 Unattached                        47:44
     700  Julian Ross                  Unattached                        47:45
     701  Ed Sleath            V45  77 Unattached                        47:47
     702  Brian Quinn          V40  71 Unattached                        47:53
     703  Andy Johnson                 Unattached                        47:54
     704  Graham Robinson              Unattached                        47:56
     705  Jenny Parker         L   235 Unattached                        47:57
     706  Judith Davidson      L55   9 Unattached                        47:58
     707  Peter Davidson       V50  52 Unattached                        47:59
     708  Charlie Stewart      U17  11 Unattached                        48:00
     709  Sally Schofield      L35  38 Unattached                        48:02
     710  Nicola Stewart       L45  44 Unattached                        48:06
     711  Ed Cooper            V55  34 Unattached                        48:10
     712  Elisa Connor         L45  45 Macclesfield Harriers             48:17
     713  Clare Clare          L35  39 Unattached                        48:19
     714  Claire Roddis        L   241 Unattached                        48:21
     715  Allan Bourne         V70   4 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        48:23
     716  Peter Milburn        V55  35 Unattached                        48:25
     717  Ian Parker           V45  78 Unattached                        48:30
     718  Les Acton            V55  36 Unattached                        48:34
     719  Sa Andre De          V45  79 Unattached                        48:34
     720                ???         ???                               48:38
     721  Sharon Nuttall       L   242 Unattached                        48:46
     722  Carrie Smith         L   243 Unattached                        48:48
     723  Anne-Marie Sims      L   244 Unattached                        48:49
     724  Andrew Boothman              Unattached                        48:51
     725  Sarah Bujac          L35  40 Unattached                        48:52
     726  Brian Vigrass        V75   2 Staffordshire Moorlands AC        48:54
     727  Tom Lavin            V50  53 Altrincham AC                     48:54
     728  Lisa Williams        L40  49 Altrincham AC                     48:55
     729  Gary Storey          V40  72 Unattached                        48:56
     730  Chessie Brook        LJ    3 Unattached                        48:57
     731  Margaret Pinder      L35  41 Winston Runners                   48:58
     732  Sally O'Brien        L   249 Unattached                        48:59
     733  Andrew Stanyer               Unattached                        49:00
     734  Katy Ghorbanian      L35  42 Unattached                        49:02
     735  Catherine Clair      L45  46 Unattached                        49:04
     736  Fiona Bogues         L45  47 Macclesfield Harriers             49:07
     737  Margaret Nixon       L45  48 Unattached                        49:09
     738  Wendy Snelson        L40  50 Unattached                        49:12
     739                ???         ???                               49:14
     740  Alison Livingstone   L40  51 Unattached                        49:17
     741  Anita Houghton       L40  52 Unattached                        49:19
     742  Alison Smith         L50  20 Unattached                        49:22
     743  Brian Smith          V45  80 Unattached                        49:25
     744  Stephen Booth        V55  37 Unattached                        49:31
     745  Graham Walters       V50  54 Unattached                        49:34
     746  Kirsten Wimbledon    L   258 Unattached                        49:34
     747  Emma Jones           L   259 Unattached                        49:35
     748  Melissa Paxton       L40  53 Unattached                        49:36
     749  Ben Solomons                 Unattached                        49:37
     750  Nikki Robins         L   261 Unattached                        49:39
     751  Lindsay Wilson       L50  21 Unattached                        49:40
     752  Chris Hubbard        V50  55 Unattached                        49:41
     753  Nick Grimshaw        V45  81 Unattached                        49:43
     754  Alex Johnson                 Unattached                        49:46
     755  Beverley Ellis       L40  54 Unattached                        49:50
     756  Claire Parker        L   264 Unattached                        50:02
     757  Steve Lomas          V55  38 Unattached                        50:04
     758  Carrie Blyth         L35  43 Unattached                        50:05
     759  Paul Halliday        V50  56 Unattached                        50:06
     760  Nicola Moss          L35  44 Unattached                        50:07
     761  Tim Bailey                   Unattached                        50:09
     762  Robert Jones                 Unattached                        50:10
     763  Angelika Wright      L50  22 Unattached                        50:12
     764  Gill Walmsley        L40  55 Unattached                        50:18
     765  Stephanie Page       L   269 Unattached                        50:20
     766  Clare Phythian       L40  56 Unattached                        50:21
     767  Joanna Emmerson      L35  45 Unattached                        50:28
     768  Sharon Leigh         L45  49 Unattached                        50:36
     769  Fiona Bennett        L40  57 Unattached                        50:44
     770  Kate Fluck           L40  58 Unattached                        50:52
     771  Julia McCormick      L50  23 Unattached                        51:00
     772  Brontie Peacock      L17   5 Unattached                        51:08
     773  Elizabeth Broadbent  L40  59 Unattached                        51:16
     774  Ruth Cartwright      L35  46 Unattached                        51:21
     775  Ria Bright           L45  50 Saddleworth RC                    51:26
     776  Alison Lambert       L   280 Unattached                        51:31
     777  Simon Partridge              Unattached                        51:37
     778  Susan Partridge      L35  47 Unattached                        51:42
     779  Nicky Tasker         L40  60 Unattached                        51:47
     780  Alex Heywood                 Unattached                        51:52
     781  Lynsey Peacock       L45  51 Unattached                        51:58
     782  Mark Booth                   Unattached                        52:10
     783  Clare Smith          L45  52 Unattached                        52:11
     784  Richard Watts                Unattached                        52:15
     785  Chris Obrien         V45  82 Unattached                        52:16
     786  Nichola McQuire      L   285 Unattached                        52:17
     787  Vicky Kaye           L   286 Unattached                        52:18
     788  Joanne Illingworth   L   287 Unattached                        52:25
     789  Joanne Hirst         L   288 Unattached                        52:33
     790  Natalie Jones        L45  53 Unattached                        52:34
     791  Louise Russell       L40  61 Unattached                        52:36
     792  Jack Parr                    Unattached                        52:38
     793  Melanie Watts        L45  54 Goyt Valley Striders              52:39
     794  Mandy Parr           L45  55 Unattached                        52:42
     795  Stephen Wooller      V45  83 Unattached                        52:43
     796  Graham Bryant        V55  39 Unattached                        52:50
     797  Phil Lane            V40  73 Unattached                        52:51
     798  Stephanie Walsh      L35  48 Unattached                        52:54
     799  Hayley Temple        L35  49 Unattached                        53:02
     800  Alan Kinvig                  Unattached                        53:04
     801  Jill Hone            L50  24 Unattached                        53:20
     802  Helen Lund           L35  50 Unattached                        53:24
     803  Chris Hone           V55  40 Unattached                        53:25
     804  Katie Bowen          L   297 Unattached                        53:31
     805  Sheelagh Connolly    L55  10 Unattached                        53:33
     806  Libbi Martin         L   299 Unattached                        53:35
     807  Kirsten Blower       L   300 Unattached                        53:43
     808  Terrie Blammon       L35  51 Winston Runners                   53:47
     809  Kendal Oconnel       L45  56 Unattached                        53:52
     810  Lynne Webster        L55  11 Unattached                        53:57
     811  Jayne Higgins        L35  52 Unattached                        54:02
     812  Dianne Stow          L45  57 Unattached                        54:08
     813  Debbie Gill          L45  58 Unattached                        54:14
     814  Karen Hyde           L45  59 Unattached                        54:20
     815  Jon Roberts          V50  57 Unattached                        54:22
     816  Vanessa Gahagan      L35  53 Unattached                        54:28
     817  Caroline Humphreys   L   309 Unattached                        54:39
     818  Matthew Humphreys            Unattached                        54:39
     819  Hazel Barlow         L45  60 Michelin AC                       54:50
     820  Sara Caulkin         L   311 Unattached                        54:53
     821  Sa Linda De          L   312 Unattached                        54:54
     822  Fiona Hodgkiss       L40  62 Unattached                        55:07
     823  Simon Hodgkiss       V40  74 Unattached                        55:08
     824  Geoff Johnson        V65  11 Unattached                        55:13
     825  Julie Abbott         L45  61 Unattached                        55:17
     826  Deanna Thomas        L35  54 Unattached                        55:19
     827  Patrick Thomas       V40  75 Unattached                        55:21
     828  Karen Drabwell       L   316 Unattached                        55:25
     829  Peter Davenport      V50  58 Unattached                        55:30
     830  Sandra Bailey        L45  62 Unattached                        55:38
     831  Carmen Donaghy       L35  55 Winston Runners                   55:53
     832  Lorna Brennan        L45  63 Unattached                        55:55
     833  Sievert-Schwarzmayr  L35  56 Unattached                        55:58
     834  Tracy Jefferies      L45  64 Unattached                        56:01
     835  Francesca Smith      L40  63 Unattached                        56:08
     836  Natasha Edwards      L35  57 Unattached                        56:27
     837  Katherine Fisher     L35  58 Unattached                        56:46
     838  Janet Robinson       L40  64 Unattached                        57:05
     839  Hayley Derricott     L   326 Unattached                        57:09
     840  Lisa Derricott       L40  65 Unattached                        57:10
     841  Vin Sumner           V55  41 Unattached                        57:11
     842  Dee Griffiths        L50  25 Michelin AC                       57:33
     843  Lisa Kemp            L35  59 Unattached                        58:16
     844  Becky Mather         L35  60 Unattached                        58:16
     845  Anne Dell            L35  61 Unattached                        58:47
     846  Philip Wright        V40  76 Unattached                        58:57
     847  Alexandra Hirst      L   332 Unattached                        59:00
     848  Nick Hirst                   Unattached                        59:01
     849  Tony Leary           V65  12 Unattached                        59:19
     850  Steven Huddart               Unattached                        59:25
     851  Lyndsey Starkie      L   333 Unattached                        59:25
     852  Jan-Erik Anderson            Unattached                        59:28
     853  Mike Gorman          V45  84 Unattached                        59:28
     854  Amy Scruton          L   334 Unattached                        59:38
     855  Michelle Curtis      L   335 Unattached                        59:45
     856  Greg Miller                  Unattached                        59:46
     857  Jennie Boyd          L   336 Unattached                      1:00:19
     858  Cenydd Bailey        L35  62 Unattached                      1:00:23
     859  Polly Booth          L   338 Unattached                      1:00:35
     860  Jane Sheldon         L55  12 Unattached                      1:00:39
     861  Anne Horowitz        L55  13 Unattached                      1:00:57
     862  Kate Reynolds        L40  66 Unattached                      1:01:04
     863  Daniel Walsh                 Unattached                      1:01:32
     864  Mike Hume            V40  77 Unattached                      1:01:33
     865  Gillie Hanna         L60   2 Unattached                      1:06:58
     866  Nicky Watts          L   343 Unattached                      1:06:58
     867  Cat Woodham          L   344 Unattached                      1:06:58

Bypass - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Macclesfield Harriers              25
                                 3  Mat Bigley          
                                 9  Mark Walker         
                                13  Lloyd Hilton        
  2  Wilmslow Running Club              57
                                11  Tom McGaff          
                                19  Trevor Morris       
                                27  Mick Fairs          
  3  South Cheshire Harriers            70
                                10  Henry Valentine     
                                20  Paul Hancock        
                                40  Rob Valentine       
  4  Staffordshire Moorlands AC         70
                                 1  Ryan Holroyd        
                                17  Paul Light          
                                52  Adrian Northcott    
  5  Stockport Harriers                 80
                                15  James Grannan       
                                29  Robert Taylor       
                                36  John Parrott        
  6  Wolverhampton And Bilston AC      102
                                18  Daniel Brazier      
                                26  Christopher Stark   
                                58  Peter Stark         
  7  Goyt Valley Striders              148
                                12  Neil Pettie         
                                48  Kevin Day           
                                88  Chris Stillo        
  8  Michelin AC                       168
                                39  Christopher Naylor  
                                53  Gary Owen           
                                76  Gary Jones          
  9  Sale Harriers                     168
                                22  Frank Cordingley    
                                24  Paul Capey          
                               122  Ranjit Bennett      
 10  Northern Veterans AC              184
                                23  Mark Johnson        
                                56  John Coats          
                               105  John Riley          
 11  Styal Running Club                241
                                50  Anthony Collier     
                                81  Charles Lowthian    
                               110  Brian Higgins       
 12  Altrincham AC                     279
                                49  Damian Utton        
                                89  Michael Jones       
                               141  Tom Lavin           

Bypass - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Macclesfield Harriers              21
                                 3  Kath Lamplugh       
                                 4  Kristy Readman      
                                14  Carol Bird          
  2  Wilmslow Running Club              29
                                 7  Nicky Mowat         
                                 9  Janine Ellis        
                                13  Penny Hinke         
  3  Stockport Harriers                 59
                                18  Helen Todd          
                                20  Julie Fairclough    
                                21  Maureen Wilkins     
  4  Staffordshire Moorlands AC         91
                                19  Ruth Goreham        
                                33  Linda Dale          
                                39  Elizabeth Baker     
  5  Spectrum Striders                 105
                                12  Jeni Lewthwaite     
                                26  Debbie Read         
                                67  Olivia Thompson     
  6  Vale Royal AC                     106
                                25  Jade Evans          
                                31  Valerie Kinvig      
                                50  Diane Newsham       
  7  Altrincham AC                     135
                                 5  Sandra Lewis        
                                58  Maggie Jones        
                                72  Lisa Williams       
  8  Women's Running Network           182
                                56  Alison Lysons       
                                61  Paula Fletcher      
                                65  Julie Williamson    
  9  Goyt Valley Striders              187
                                41  Liz Stillo          
                                70  Stephanie Watts     
                                76  Melanie Watts       
 10  Michelin AC                       195
                                37  Vicky Blackshaw     
                                78  Hazel Barlow        
                                80  Dee Griffiths       
 11  Winston Runners                   229
                                73  Margaret Pinder     
                                77  Terrie Blammon      
                                79  Carmen Donaghy      

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2010