at Wythenshawe Park, Manchester on Saturday 7th February 2009
NOTE: The individual results include only runners who have run at least 4 races
Senior Men -- Points after 5 races
1 Ian Salisbury TraffordAC 12 ( 9, 3, 5, 2, 2)
2 Malcolm Fowler V45 WilmslowRC 31 ( 15, 6, 7, 3,136)
3 Jim Pendrill WilmslowRC 46 ( 22, 10, 17, 9, 10)
4 Michael Hunt TraffordAC 51 ( 19, 8, 0, 15, 9)
5 Rob Downs V40 WilmslowRC 65 ( 28, 20, 18, 16, 11)
6 Tom McGaff V50 WilmslowRC 81 ( 33, 25, 22, 21, 13)
7 Joe Bailey SalfordH 83 ( 29, 21, 20, 13, 0)
8 Alec Beaney WestCAC 87 ( 20, 13, 0, 38, 16)
9 James Bleakley TraffordAC 93 ( 0, 37, 29, 10, 17)
10 Gary Matthews V45 ECH&TA 98 ( 69, 32, 26, 25, 15)
11 Michael Flatley MiddletonH 116 ( 0, 33, 37, 24, 22)
12 Gavin Browne ECH&TA 124 ( 39, 31, 34, 20, 0)
13 Kevin Garner V40 StockportH 125 (102, 36, 38, 27, 24)
= Richard Byers V40 TraffordAC 125 ( 41, 26, 39, 43, 19)
15 Liam Bartlett Manchester 133 ( 49, 30, 28, 0, 26)
16 Ross Wilson Macclesfie 137 ( 51, 28, 16, 42, 0)
17 Richard Marlton V40 StockportH 155 ( 52, 0, 43, 29, 31)
18 Adrian Nutter StockportH 161 ( 70, 52, 53, 31, 25)
19 Nick Burke V40 Altrincham 175 ( 55, 40, 35, 0, 45)
20 Ian White V45 StHSA 177 ( 64, 45, 82, 39, 29)
= Andy Skitt Manchester 177 ( 67, 47, 61, 33, 36)
22 Len Best V55 StockportH 180 ( 56, 53, 44, 45, 38)
23 Peter Wood V50 MiddletonH 185 ( 61, 50, 40, 34, 0)
24 Vinny Booth V45 TraffordAC 186 ( 66, 48, 68, 37, 35)
25 Paul Barrett SaleHM 189 ( 0, 67, 46, 46, 30)
26 Steven Robinson V45 ECH&TA 226 ( 75, 55, 62, 52, 57)
27 Mike Hutchinson V40 TraffordAC 233 ( 81, 0, 69, 44, 39)
= Dave Rudd V45 Altrincham 233 ( 73, 54, 0, 54, 52)
29 Louis Humphries WestCAC 234 ( 98, 69, 60, 57, 48)
30 John Mooney V45 Macclesfie 243 ( 84, 62, 65, 55, 61)
31 Maurice Collins V45 StHSA 246 ( 82, 63, 0, 48, 53)
32 Rob Harper Mantriathl 251 (145, 87, 55, 63, 46)
33 Graham Marsland V40 StockportH 263 (154, 92, 52, 75, 44)
34 Chris Bentley Macclesfie 268 (110, 86, 81, 60, 41)
35 Steve Doxey V45 SwintonRC 278 (111, 59, 0, 68, 40)
36 Mark Evans V45 TraffordAC 280 ( 99, 75, 0, 50, 56)
37 Rick Smith V55 ECH&TA 283 ( 97, 70, 0, 56, 60)
38 Jim Crehan V50 StHSA 290 ( 89, 68, 51, 82, 0)
39 David Livingstone Altrincham 291 ( 90, 60, 72, 0, 69)
40 Francis Day V55 ECH&TA 312 (123,107, 66, 76, 63)
41 Steven Worthington Mantriathl 317 (100, 88, 70, 0, 59)
42 Eddie Gilligan V45 Man YMCA 330 (103,102, 0, 59, 66)
43 Raph Murray V50 Macclesfie 334 (113, 83, 67, 71, 0)
44 Peter Johnson V40 StHSA 339 ( 95, 80, 71, 98, 93)
45 James Corrigan BelleVR 346 (120, 78, 88, 93, 87)
46 Frank Cordingley V45 SaleHM 350 (161,111, 83, 67, 89)
47 Dominic Partridge StockportH 352 ( 65, 71, 0,111,105)
48 Gary Willcock V45 Man YMCA 356 (131,100, 85, 89, 82)
49 Michael Hibbert V40 Manchester 357 (134,110, 90, 77, 80)
50 James O'Connor MiddletonH 359 ( 0,150, 59,101, 49)
51 Duncan Drasdo V40 TraffordAC 364 (125, 95, 74, 70, 0)
52 Mike Cooper V45 WilmslowRC 366 (121,106, 77, 62, 0)
53 Dave Carrington V50 Altrincham 378 (170,127, 96, 79, 76)
54 Dominic Scott Altrincham 381 (109,109, 94, 69, 0)
55 Andrew Mooney SaleHM 386 (137, 0, 76,106, 67)
56 Ian Jones Mantriathl 395 ( 0,139, 89, 86, 81)
57 Barry Blyth V60 Macclesfie 399 (128,105, 0, 88, 78)
58 Derek Hughes V45 ECH&TA 401 (143,122, 92, 90, 97)
59 Bill Fox V50 SaleHM 429 (144,103, 86, 0, 96)
60 Nigel Sedman V40 BelleVR 434 ( 0,118,105,108,103)
61 Philip Holmes V50 Manchester 435 (118,108, 0,124, 85)
62 Sean Cordell V40 SalfordH 443 (165,119, 0, 84, 75)
63 Elton Davies SaleHM 450 (149,123, 80, 0, 98)
64 Andrew Cole V40 ECH&TA 484 (176,147, 99,130,108)
65 Timothy Rainey V40 SaleHM 488 (180,136,110,125,117)
66 Tim Edwards V40 StockportH 514 (163,137,100,114, 0)
67 Jeff Norman V60 Altrincham 519 (178,124, 0,110,107)
68 Chris Holden Macclesfie 527 (204,142,111,145,129)
= Geoff Gilbert V55 WilmslowRC 527 (207,167,118,128,114)
70 Phil Jacques V40 ECH&TA 536 (206,134, 0,123, 73)
= Steve Webb BelleVR 536 ( 0,155,116,142,123)
72 Gareth Trimble WilmslowRC 538 (164,140, 0,121,113)
73 Richard Waring V40 SwintonRC 539 (190, 0,107,136,106)
= Lee Whitley SaleHM 539 (157,159,103,120, 0)
75 Tony Faulkner ECH&TA 543 (209,162,115,138,128)
76 Steve Symons V40 Man YMCA 556 ( 0,160,126,143,127)
77 Robin Beaumont V40 TraffordAC 557 (202,163,123,141,130)
78 Michael Symons V40 Man YMCA 570 (184,158,101,127, 0)
79 Gavin Mendham V55 WilmslowRC 573 (168,135, 0,146,124)
80 Daniel Bamber ECH&TA 586 (219,175,120,157,134)
81 Alan Littler WestCAC 587 (205,165,119,160,143)
82 Jack Carney V50 SalfordMA 592 (220,172,122,149,149)
83 Anthony Ward V45 StockportH 621 (225,180,132,151,158)
84 Stuart Mairs SalfordMA 622 (215,193,124,164,141)
85 Ian Welsh V45 Mantriathl 624 (212,185,139,152,148)
86 Alan Webster V45 Macclesfie 636 (230, 0,130,155,121)
87 Nigel Oldham Man YMCA 659 (208,184,125, 0,142)
88 Chris Jones V40 SalfordMA 665 (224,183,121, 0,137)
89 Miran Aprahamian V55 SaleHM 666 (226, 0,127,161,152)
90 Robert Taylor V55 StockportH 667 (258,148,128,133, 0)
91 Howard Bamber V50 ECH&TA 668 (236,197,145,165,161)
92 Mark Wheelton V45 Macclesfie 678 (211,174, 0,154,139)
93 Andy Chalmers V45 Mantriathl 693 (222,186, 0,147,138)
94 Brian Eyre V50 SalfordMA 699 (234, 0,146,159,160)
95 Jon Paramor V55 Man YMCA 705 (231,213,151,174,167)
96 Colin Timpson V60 ECH&TA 711 (250,207,149,186,169)
97 Mark Wallwork V45 SalfordMA 715 (200,182, 0,171,162)
98 Andrew Evans V45 SalfordMA 727 (229,189, 0,156,153)
99 Kevin Egerton V55 BelleVR 729 ( 0,214,155,187,173)
100 John Pickup V45 SwintonRC 756 (246,195,147,168, 0)
101 David Shoesmith V55 Macclesfie 768 (241,202,150, 0,175)
102 Mark Hulme V50 SalfordMA 773 (242,196,153,182, 0)
103 Trevor Faulkner V65 WilmslowRC 778 (256, 0,154,190,178)
104 Andy Smith SwintonRC 847 (259,217, 0,191,180)
Trafford Athletic Club 7 Sale Harriers Manchester 25
Wilmslow Running Club 16 E Cheshire H & Tameside Ac 32
Stockport Harriers & Ac 22 Trafford Athletic Club 'B' 40
Senior Men (Vets) -- Points after 5 races
1 Malcolm Fowler V45 WilmslowRC 5 ( 2, 1, 1, 1, 78)
2 Rob Downs V40 WilmslowRC 11 ( 5, 3, 2, 4, 2)
3 Tom McGaff V50 WilmslowRC 16 ( 6, 5, 3, 5, 3)
4 Gary Matthews V45 ECH&TA 22 ( 20, 7, 4, 7, 4)
5 Richard Byers V40 TraffordAC 27 ( 8, 6, 8, 15, 5)
6 Kevin Garner V40 StockportH 33 ( 41, 10, 7, 8, 8)
7 Richard Marlton V40 StockportH 41 ( 11, 0, 10, 9, 11)
8 Nick Burke V40 Altrincham 52 ( 13, 13, 6, 0, 20)
9 Peter Wood V50 MiddletonH 55 ( 17, 18, 9, 11, 0)
10 Ian White V45 StHSA 57 ( 18, 16, 30, 13, 10)
= Len Best V55 StockportH 57 ( 14, 19, 11, 17, 15)
12 Vinny Booth V45 TraffordAC 62 ( 19, 17, 25, 12, 14)
13 Steven Robinson V45 ECH&TA 85 ( 24, 21, 19, 21, 28)
= Mike Hutchinson V40 TraffordAC 85 ( 27, 0, 26, 16, 16)
15 Dave Rudd V45 Altrincham 89 ( 23, 20, 0, 23, 23)
16 Maurice Collins V45 StHSA 94 ( 28, 24, 0, 18, 24)
17 John Mooney V45 Macclesfie 99 ( 30, 23, 22, 24, 30)
18 Graham Marsland V40 StockportH 111 ( 72, 38, 16, 38, 19)
19 Mark Evans V45 TraffordAC 113 ( 39, 28, 0, 19, 27)
20 Jim Crehan V50 StHSA 116 ( 33, 25, 15, 43, 0)
= Steve Doxey V45 SwintonRC 116 ( 45, 22, 0, 32, 17)
22 Rick Smith V55 ECH&TA 118 ( 38, 26, 0, 25, 29)
23 Raph Murray V50 Macclesfie 139 ( 46, 35, 24, 34, 0)
24 Peter Johnson V40 StHSA 143 ( 36, 32, 27, 54, 48)
25 Francis Day V55 ECH&TA 144 ( 53, 50, 23, 39, 32)
26 Eddie Gilligan V45 Man YMCA 149 ( 42, 45, 0, 27, 35)
27 Duncan Drasdo V40 TraffordAC 157 ( 55, 41, 28, 33, 0)
28 Mike Cooper V45 WilmslowRC 158 ( 51, 49, 29, 29, 0)
29 Frank Cordingley V45 SaleHM 161 ( 75, 53, 31, 31, 46)
30 Gary Willcock V45 Man YMCA 166 ( 60, 44, 32, 47, 43)
31 Michael Hibbert V40 Manchester 169 ( 61, 52, 35, 40, 42)
32 Dave Carrington V50 Altrincham 184 ( 83, 65, 39, 42, 38)
33 Barry Blyth V60 Macclesfie 192 ( 58, 48, 0, 46, 40)
34 Bill Fox V50 SaleHM 194 ( 66, 46, 33, 0, 49)
35 Derek Hughes V45 ECH&TA 197 ( 65, 62, 37, 48, 50)
36 Philip Holmes V50 Manchester 217 ( 50, 51, 0, 72, 44)
37 Nigel Sedman V40 BelleVR 218 ( 0, 58, 46, 60, 54)
= Sean Cordell V40 SalfordH 218 ( 78, 59, 0, 44, 37)
39 Andrew Cole V40 ECH&TA 255 ( 86, 77, 42, 78, 58)
40 Tim Edwards V40 StockportH 256 ( 77, 72, 43, 64, 0)
41 Timothy Rainey V40 SaleHM 259 ( 89, 71, 50, 73, 65)
42 Jeff Norman V60 Altrincham 268 ( 87, 63, 0, 61, 57)
43 Phil Jacques V40 ECH&TA 277 (101, 69, 0, 71, 36)
44 Richard Waring V40 SwintonRC 280 ( 93, 0, 48, 83, 56)
45 Geoff Gilbert V55 WilmslowRC 283 (102, 90, 55, 76, 62)
46 Michael Symons V40 Man YMCA 293 ( 90, 84, 44, 75, 0)
47 Steve Symons V40 Man YMCA 304 ( 0, 85, 59, 88, 72)
48 Robin Beaumont V40 TraffordAC 305 ( 99, 87, 58, 87, 73)
49 Gavin Mendham V55 WilmslowRC 312 ( 81, 70, 0, 90, 71)
50 Jack Carney V50 SalfordMA 329 (110, 93, 57, 93, 86)
51 Alan Webster V45 Macclesfie 350 (120, 0, 63, 98, 69)
52 Chris Jones V40 SalfordMA 351 (114,102, 56, 0, 79)
53 Anthony Ward V45 StockportH 353 (115,100, 65, 94, 94)
54 Ian Welsh V45 Mantriathl 355 (105,103, 72, 95, 85)
55 Miran Aprahamian V55 SaleHM 366 (116, 0, 60,102, 88)
56 Robert Taylor V55 StockportH 367 (147, 78, 61, 81, 0)
57 Mark Wheelton V45 Macclesfie 377 (104, 95, 0, 97, 81)
58 Andy Chalmers V45 Mantriathl 387 (112,104, 0, 91, 80)
59 Howard Bamber V50 ECH&TA 389 (126,111, 76,105, 97)
60 Brian Eyre V50 SalfordMA 398 (124, 0, 77,101, 96)
61 Mark Wallwork V45 SalfordMA 407 ( 97,101, 0,111, 98)
62 Andrew Evans V45 SalfordMA 412 (119,105, 0, 99, 89)
63 Jon Paramor V55 Man YMCA 417 (121,125, 81,113,102)
64 Colin Timpson V60 ECH&TA 424 (139,119, 79,122,104)
65 John Pickup V45 SwintonRC 431 (136,109, 78,108, 0)
66 David Shoesmith V55 Macclesfie 437 (131,116, 80, 0,110)
67 Kevin Egerton V55 BelleVR 442 ( 0,126, 85,123,108)
68 Mark Hulme V50 SalfordMA 444 (132,110, 83,119, 0)
69 Trevor Faulkner V65 WilmslowRC 466 (145, 0, 84,125,112)
Wilmslow Running Club 5 Stockport Harriers & Ac 23
Trafford Athletic Club 14 St Helens Sutton Ac 27
E Cheshire H & Tameside Ac 22 Macclesfield Harriers & Ac 41
Senior Men - Junior -- Points after 5 races
1 Alec Beaney WestCAC 12 ( 3, 2, 0, 3, 4)
2 Louis Humphries WestCAC 24 ( 13, 5, 9, 4, 6)
= Liam Bartlett Manchester 24 ( 9, 4, 6, 0, 5)
4 Dominic Partridge StockportH 32 ( 11, 6, 0, 7, 8)
5 Dominic Scott Altrincham 42 ( 15, 8, 13, 6, 0)
6 Alan Littler WestCAC 46 ( 21, 11, 16, 9, 10)
7 Lee Whitley SaleHM 50 ( 17, 10, 15, 8, 0)