The Settle Hills Race

at Settle on Saturday 1st July 2006


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Andi Jones                   Salford Harriers                  48:01
       2  Alistair Brownlee    JM    1 Bingley Harriers & Ac             49:35
       3  John Brown                   Salford Harriers                  50:02
       4  Mark Croasdale       V40   1 Lancaster & Morecambe Ac          50:36
       5  John Heneghan                Pudsey & Bramley                  51:08
       6  Darren Kay                   Horwich R M I Harriers            51:33
       7  Craig Roberts        V40   2 Kendal Amateur Athletic Club      52:37
       8  Thomas Cornthwaite           Blackburn Harriers & Ac           52:59
       9  Alastair Dunn                Helm Hill Runners                 53:20
      10  Lee Athersmith               Skipton Ac                        53:32
      11  Dave Milliken        V40   3 Salford Harriers                  53:57
      12  Chris Birchall               Leeds City Athletic Club          54:05
      13  Philip Leybourne             Salford Harriers                  54:17
      14  Richard Patton               Dark Peak Fell Runners Club       54:23
      15  Malcolm Fowler       V40   4 Cheshire Hill Racers              54:36
      16  Martin Humphries             Stroud AC                         54:54
      17  Chris Heys                   Horwich R M I Harriers            55:30
      18  Chris Beeham                 Highgate Harriers                 55:56
      19  Simon Thompson               Clayton Le Moors Harriers         56:06
      20  Chris Miller                 Harrogate Harriers & Athletic     56:18
      21  James Kevan          JM    2 Horwich R M I Harriers            56:32
      22  Graham Pearce                Ilkley Harriers Ac                56:55
      23  Gary Bailey                  Keighley & Craven Ac              56:58
      24  Richard Barrett      V40   5 Skipton Ac                        57:09
      25  Graham Schofield     V50   1 Horwich R M I Harriers            57:19
      26  Neil Holding         V40   6 West Pennine                      57:24
      27  Jason Williams               OWLS AC                           57:35
      28  Chris Doyle                  Trafford Athletic Club            57:36
      29  Patrick DevineWright         Unattached                        57:48
      30  Andrew Wllis                 Vale Royal Ac                     58:12
      31  David Crayston               Dallam                            58:29
      32  Ricky Lightfoot              Ellenborough Ac                   58:40
      33  Shaun Wilkinson      V40   7 Keighley & Craven Ac              58:53
      34  Ben Stevens          JM    3 Ilkley Harriers Ac                58:58
      35  Jo Waites            L     1 Calder Valley Fell Runners        58:59
      36  Gary Chandler                Springfield Striders            1:00:00
      37  Skip Donahue         V40   8 Spenborough & Dist Ac           1:00:11
      38  Mike Walsh           V50   2 Kendal Amateur Athletic Club    1:00:12
      39  Chris Balderson      V40   9 Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:00:14
      40  Mark Chippendale             Bowland Fell Runners            1:00:22
      41  Rob Ashworth         V40  10 Southport Waterloo Ac           1:01:03
      42  Mike Duxbury                 Stroud AC                       1:01:07
      43  Kevan Spillman       V40  11 Cheltenham Harriers             1:01:12
      44  Steve Swarbrick              Bowland Fell Runners            1:01:35
      45  John Fortescue       V40  12 Abbey Runners                   1:02:03
      46  Lisa Lacon           L     2 Holmfirth Harriers Ac           1:02:04
      47  Jim Ryder            V40  13 Ilkley Harriers Ac              1:02:07
      48  Rebecca Robinson     L     3 Kendal Amateur Athletic Club    1:02:10
      49  David Brock          V40  14 Springfield Striders            1:02:14
      50  David Burton         V45   1 Dursley AC                      1:02:28
      51  Jack Holt            V50   3 Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:02:32
      52  Sally Newman         L     4 Unattached                      1:02:40
      53  William Garner       V40  15 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:02:46
      54  Adrian Walker        V40  16 Royal Navy                      1:03:27
      55  David Alcock                 Leeds University Ac/cc Club     1:03:57
      56  Alan Metcalfe        V40  17 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:04:04
      57  Tin MitchellSmith            Victoria Hill                   1:04:06
      58  Sue Becconsall       L40   1 Bingley Harriers & Ac           1:04:19
      59  John Adair           V50   4 Holmfirth Harriers Ac           1:04:22
      60  Neil Hardiman                Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:04:23
      61  Leigh Warburton      V40  18 Bowland Fell Runners            1:04:25
      62  Evelyn Dugdale       L40   2 Kendal Amateur Athletic Club    1:04:37
      63  Andrew Hodgkinson            Dallam                          1:04:40
      64  Clive Davis          V40  19 Bowland Fell Runners            1:04:41
      65  Ian Gladwell                 West End Runners                1:04:54
      66  Neil Worswick                Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:05:12
      67  Hazel Jones          L     7 Dallam                          1:05:36
      68  Graham Hill          V40  20 Calder Valley Fell Runners      1:06:03
      69  John Korowajczyk             Cheltenham Harriers             1:06:09
      70  Gary Raynor          V50   5 Springfield Striders            1:06:37
      71  Vanessa Peacock      L50   1 Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:06:38
      72  Sarah Wells          L     9 OWLS AC                         1:06:51
      73  Deborah Culshaw      L    10 Wigan Phoenix                   1:06:59
      74  Phil Clayton         V40  21 Scunthorpe & District Ac        1:07:04
      75  Steve Bamber         V40  22 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:07:17
      76  Lynn Clough          L    11 Wigan Phoenix                   1:07:25
      77  Peter Jackson        V40  23 Wharfedale Harriers             1:08:08
      78  Becky Ellis          LJ    1 Vale Royal Ac                   1:08:11
      79  David Holmes         V50   6 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:08:12
      80  Elizabeth Tomes      L40   3 Keighley & Craven Ac            1:08:13
      81  Stephen Parsons      V50   7 Wharfedale Harriers             1:08:18
      82  Chris Smith                  West End Runners                1:08:30
      83  Brian Miller         V50   8 Harrogate Harriers & Athletic   1:08:32
      84  Karen Smout          L    14 Horwich R M I Harriers          1:08:34
      85  Jamie Dewick                 Wreake Runners                  1:08:44
      86  Carmen Anthony       L    15 Horwich R M I Harriers          1:08:58
      87  Tim Brockington      V40  24 Springfield Striders            1:09:08
      88  Julie Wilson         L    16 Hallamshire Harriers Sheffield  1:09:14
      89  John Sprackland      V40  25 Southport Waterloo Ac           1:09:19
      90  Graham Breeze        V60   1 Skyrac Athletic Club            1:09:49
      91  John Spencer         V40  26 Rotherham Harriers & Ac         1:10:06
      92  Andrew Owen                  London Heathside                1:10:13
      93  David Woodbridge     V50   9 Ambleside Ac                    1:10:50
      94  Emma Clayton         LJ    2 Scunthorpe & District Ac        1:10:52
      95  Alan Heaton          V50  10 Bowland Fell Runners            1:11:16
      96  Simon Phipp          V40  27 Dark Peak                       1:11:54
      97  Jeremy Wilkinson             Calder Valley Fell Runners      1:12:03
      98  Tamara Hird          L    18 Wharfedale Harriers             1:12:04
      99  Chris Jones          V40  28 Spenborough & Dist Ac           1:12:17
     100  Jill Robinson        L50   2 Settle Harriers                 1:12:24
     101  J Smillie            V50  11 Otley Ac                        1:12:40
     102  Simon Sharp          V40  29 Wharfedale Harriers             1:12:48
     103  Wayne Sarson         JM    4 Ellenborough Ac                 1:12:52
     104  Martin Smillie       V40  30 FRA                             1:13:04
     105  Kevin Fingleton      V50  12 Unattached                      1:13:11
     106  John Williams                Springfield Striders            1:13:24
     107  Alison Eagle         L40   4 Ilkley Harriers Ac              1:13:49
     108  David Naylor         V50  13 Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:13:53
     109  Ken Jaquiery         V40  31 Ilkley Harriers Ac              1:14:01
     110  Heather Corbishley   L    21 Rossendale Harriers & Ac        1:14:25
     111  Michael McLoughlin   V50  14 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:14:41
     112  Barbara Lee          L    22 Holme Pierrepont                1:14:46
     113  Tony Peacock         V60   2 Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:15:01
     114  Morgan Williams      V40  32 Ilkley Harriers Ac              1:15:12
     115  Arthur Warren        V50  15 FRA                             1:15:21
     116  Peter Ward                   Helm Hill Runners               1:15:29
     117  Phillip              V40  33 Stratford AC                    1:15:30
     118  Paul Markey          V40  34 Unattached                      1:15:45
     119  David Hird           V50  16 Wharfedale Harriers             1:15:55
     120  Malcolm Coles        V60   3 Skyrac Athletic Club            1:15:58
     121  Roy Parkinson        V40  35 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:16:11
     122  David Parminder              Black Combe                     1:16:28
     123  David Scott          V60   4 Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:16:38
     124  Tracey Mardhall      L40   5 Bingley Harriers & Ac           1:16:47
     125  Declan O'Duffy       V40  36 Unattached                      1:17:24
     126  David Fox            V50  17 Otley Ac                        1:17:29
     127  Matthew Percy                Victoria Hill                   1:17:40
     128  Gill Carter          L    24 Springfield Striders            1:17:43
     129  Jon Carberry         V40  37 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:17:50
     130  Simon Wright         V40  38 Bingley Harriers & Ac           1:18:23
     131  Roy Gardner          V40  39 Saddleworth Runners Club        1:18:49
     132  Simon Schofield              Unattached                      1:19:04
     133  Geoff Newsam         V50  18 Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:19:07
     134  Anne Rosbottom       L    25 Wirral Ac                       1:19:09
     135  Brian Eyre           V50  19 Salford Metropolitan Ac         1:19:12
     136  Sarah Harris         L    26 Macclesfield Harriers & Ac      1:19:48
     137  Robert Hirst         V50  20 Clayton Le Moors Harriers       1:20:01
     138  Eddie Lesniak        V50  21 Achille Ratti Climbing Club     1:21:24
     139  John Cullinane               Saddleworth Runners Club        1:21:25
     140  Bob Shepherd         V60   5 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:22:47
     141  Tracey Bailey        L    27 Keighley & Craven Ac            1:22:58
     142  Fiona Dewick         L    28 Wreake Runners                  1:23:07
     143  Karen Jarvis         L40   6 St Helens Sutton Ac             1:23:14
     144  Denise Wright        L    30 Bingley Harriers & Ac           1:23:48
     145  Mark Davey                   Dallam                          1:23:49
     146  Louise Hogg          L    31 St Helens Sutton Ac             1:23:50
     147  Paddy Farrelly       V50  22 Salford Metropolitan Ac         1:24:02
     148  David Simpson        V60   6 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:24:04
     149  Jayne Butterworth    L40   7 Skipton Ac                      1:24:11
     150  Doug Brown           V60   7 Wesham                          1:24:52
     151  Leon Guillaume               Unattached                      1:24:54
     152  Kevin Wright         V50  23 Springfield Striders            1:24:59
     153  Ian Robinson         V60   8 Settle Harriers                 1:25:26
     154  Kevin Dudley                 Totley Ac                       1:25:42
     155  Neil Dyson           V60   9 North York Moors Ac             1:26:57
     156  David Timmins        V50  24 Settle Harriers                 1:27:03
     157  Hilary Lane          L40   8 Abbey Runners                   1:28:47
     158  Gordon Thompson      V40  40 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:29:12
     159  Paul Morris          V50  25 Keighley & Craven Ac            1:31:06
     160  Pete James                   West Pennine                    1:32:09
     161  Alison Wright        L40   9 Calder Valley Fell Runners      1:32:56
     162  Bryan Pycroft        V60  10 FRA                             1:33:00
     163  Brian Dearnaley      V60  11 Preston Harriers & Ac           1:33:47
     164  Allison Cook         L    35 Springfield Striders            1:33:53
     165  Michelle Mercer      L    36 Southport Waterloo Ac           1:34:12
     166  Janet Hill           L50   3 Springfield Striders            1:35:58
     167  Harry Catlow         V70   1 Cumberland Fell Runners         1:42:42
     168  Anna Schofield       L40  10 Unattached                      1:47:51
     169  Mark Hamilton                Unattached                      1:51:11

Settle Hills - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Salford Harriers                   15
                                 1  Andi Jones          
                                 3  John Brown          
                                11  Dave Milliken       
  2  Horwich R M I Harriers             44
                                 6  Darren Kay          
                                17  Chris Heys          
                                21  James Kevan         
  3  Ilkley Harriers Ac                 99
                                22  Graham Pearce       
                                33  Ben Stevens         
                                44  Jim Ryder           
  4  Clayton Le Moors Harriers         103
                                19  Simon Thompson      
                                37  Chris Balderson     
                                47  Jack Holt           
  5  Bowland Fell Runners              135
                                38  Mark Chippendale    
                                42  Steve Swarbrick     
                                55  Leigh Warburton     
  6  Springfield Striders              141
                                34  Gary Chandler       
                                45  David Brock         
                                62  Gary Raynor         
  7  Preston Harriers & Ac             163
                                48  William Garner      
                                51  Alan Metcalfe       
                                64  Steve Bamber        
  8  Keighley & Craven Ac              175
                                23  Gary Bailey         
                                32  Shaun Wilkinson     
                               120  Paul Morris         
  9  Dallam                            196
                                30  David Crayston      
                                56  Andrew Hodgkinson   
                               110  Mark Davey          
 10  Wharfedale Harriers               214
                                65  Peter Jackson       
                                67  Stephen Parsons     
                                82  Simon Sharp         
 11  FRA                               297
                                84  Martin Smillie      
                                91  Arthur Warren       
                               122  Bryan Pycroft       

Settle Hills - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Bingley Harriers & Ac              55
                                 4  Sue Becconsall      
                                22  Tracey Mardhall     
                                29  Denise Wright       
  2  Springfield Striders               93
                                23  Gill Carter         
                                34  Allison Cook        
                                36  Janet Hill          

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2006