Warburtons Elswick Harriers Norman Woodcock Memorial Road Race

at Gosforth Park on Saturday 4th December 2004

     Pos  Name           Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  D Robertson    V40   1 Sunderland H & AC                 31:23
       2  T Doughty      V40   2 Sunderland H & AC                 31:25
       3  A Shepherd             Morpeth H & AC                    31:26
       4  M Tomlinson            Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       31:32
       5  D Purvis               Birtley AC                        32:01
       6  M McLeod               Elswick Harriers                  33:34
       7  P Dodd                 Elswick Harriers                  34:26
       8  S Grey                 Unattached                        34:30
       9  P Morgan       V45   1 South Shields H & AC              34:34
      10  A Jenkins      V50   1 Morpeth H & AC                    34:40
      11  C Dentice      V50   2 Morpeth H & AC                    35:03
      12  D Daniels              Wallsend H & AC                   35:15
      13  D Anderson     V45   2 Wallsend H & AC                   35:18
      14  B Dixon        V45   3 Elswick Harriers                  35:32
      15  R Sewell       V45   4 Morpeth H & AC                    35:36
      16  S Hargreaves           Unattached                        35:48
      17  S Marshall     V45   5 Durham City H & AC                35:51
      18  K Allen                Crook & District AC               35:53
      19  D Robins               Heaton Harriers                   36:31
      20  G Huxley               Unattached                        36:38
      21  R Driscoll     V50   3 Morpeth H & AC                    36:40
      22  C Paton                Gateshead H & AC                  36:46
      23  C Kilgour              Elswick Harriers                  36:47
      24  G Pemberton    V50   4 North East Veterans AC            36:49
      25  D Moir                 Wallsend H & AC                   36:58
      26  H Bingham      V40   3 Tynedale H & AC                   37:03
      27  O Pastor               Gateshead H & AC                  37:13
      28  S Winter       V50   5 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       37:17
      29  S Milburn      L     1 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       37:33
      30  N Kulinich             Aurora Harriers                   37:38
      31  G Hewitson     V45   6 Crook & District AC               37:46
      32  C Owen         V45   7 Southwell RC                      37:50
      33  K Watt                 North Shields Poly AC             37:55
      34  C Guy          V40   4 Wallsend H & AC                   37:57
      35  S Herbert      V40   5 Morpeth H & AC                    38:02
      36  E Devlin               North Shields Poly AC             38:05
      37  M Thirlaway    V45   8 Gateshead H & AC                  38:17
      38  C Wescomb      V45   9 North Shields Poly AC             38:19
      39  G Sword        V45  10 Unattached                        38:22
      40  G Smith        V40   6 Gateshead H & AC                  38:36
      41  T Bird                 Gosforth H & AC                   38:46
      42  M Winters              Morpeth H & AC                    38:49
      43  P Calland              Low Fell RC                       38:50
      44  K Thomas       V45  11 Gosforth H & AC                   38:54
      45  C Auld                 Heaton Harriers                   39:08
      46  M Gibson               Heaton Harriers                   39:40
      47  J Morrow               Unattached                        39:44
      48  G Robinson             Unattached                        39:45
      49  L Walker       L     2 Wallsend H & AC                   39:46
      50  R Mowbray      V50   6 Wallsend H & AC                   39:49
      51  N Smith        V40   7 Derwentside AC                    39:54
      52  G Rutherford   V40   8 Elswick Harriers                  39:55
      53  M Henry        V50   7 Alnwick Harriers                  40:01
      54  I Richardson   V45  12 Gosforth H & AC                   40:09
      55  V Booth        L     3 Sunderland Strollers              40:14
      56  S Oesterle     L     4 North Shields Poly AC             40:30
      57  B James                Unattached                        40:51
      58  D Horne        L     5 Wallsend H & AC                   40:56
      59  M Simmons              Unattached                        40:57
      60  J Cockburn     V50   8 Alnwick Harriers                  40:59
      61  R Collins              Red Star AC                       41:00
      62  D White        V50   9 Unattached                        41:06
      63  M Henderson    V55   1 Blaydon H & AC                    41:09
      64  W Hutchinson   V50  10 Concordia R & P                   41:13
      65  E Baty         V50  11 Heaton Harriers                   41:23
      66  B Cook         V50  12 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       41:29
      67  S Auld         L     6 Heaton Harriers                   41:36
      68  N Armstrong            Morpeth H & AC                    42:09
      69  M Woodley      L     7 Morpeth H & AC                    42:10
      70  R Pinkney      V60   1 South Shields H & AC              42:13
      71  S Hanley       L     8 Unattached                        42:17
      72  D Gray         V50  13 Unattached                        42:20
      73  A Smith        V50  14 Gateshead H & AC                  42:35
      74  C Hardy        V40   9 Unattached                        42:39
      75  G Urron        V50  15 South Shields H & AC              42:46
      76  J King                 Serpentine RC                     42:47
      77  A Mulliss      V45  13 Heaton Harriers                   43:01
      78  B Cordes       V60   2 Morpeth H & AC                    43:09
      79  B Egdell       V50  16 Morpeth H & AC                    43:20
      80  E Wilson       L     9 Gateshead H & AC                  43:29
      81  C Shipman              Unattached                        43:30
      82  C Ure          L    10 Elswick Harriers                  43:36
      83  P Luzanycia    V45  14 Unattached                        44:01
      84  D Bradley      V50  17 Blyth RC                          44:09
      85  A Charlton     V55   2 Gosforth H & AC                   44:10
      86  F Strand       V60   3 South Shields H & AC              44:21
      87  N Richmond             Unattached                        44:25
      88  C Offord       V60   4 Morpeth H & AC                    44:36
      89  A Brannon      V50  18 Unattached                        44:51
      90  G Miller       L35   1 Alnwick Harriers                  44:54
      91  D Mitsides             Wallsend H & AC                   45:01
      92  V Gilroy       L35   2 North Shields Poly AC             45:08
      93  G Sarson               Heaton Harriers                   45:13
      94  J Davidson     V45  15 Tynedale H & AC                   45:26
      95  D Parker       L    13 Heaton Harriers                   45:32
      96  A Prudham      V60   5 Crook & District AC               45:46
      97  I Shiels       V50  19 Ancaster Haddies                  45:52
      98  M Pude         L    14 Wallsend H & AC                   45:54
      99  J Manford      V55   3 North East Veterans AC            45:55
     100  Unknown                                                  45:56
     101  S Devoy                Unattached                        45:56
     102  R Laverick     V60   6 Aurora Harriers                   46:28
     103  D Robinson             Unattached                        46:31
     104  T Whitfield    V60   7 North Shields Poly AC             46:38
     105  J Black        V60   8 Unattached                        46:51
     106  S Bingham      L35   3 Tynedale H & AC                   46:54
     107  P Hunter       V40  10 Unattached                        46:59
     108  G Hall         V40  11 Unattached                        47:07
     109  D Whitmore     V60   9 South Shields H & AC              47:16
     110  J Brenell      V50  20 North Shields Poly AC             47:25
     111  P Gold         L55   1 Heaton Harriers                   47:59
     112  K McDonald     V60  10 South Shields H & AC              48:13
     113  J Henderson            Unattached                        48:58
     114  P Lincoln      V60  11 New Marske Harriers               48:59
     115  L Cant         L    17 Gosforth H & AC                   48:59
     116  M Staunton             Unattached                        49:01
     117  K Oshima               Unattached                        49:02
     118  I Henderson    L55   2 Blaydon H & AC                    49:08
     119  S Wilson       L35   4 Elswick Harriers                  49:37
     120  D Hall                 Unattached                        50:02
     121  J Laidlaw      L35   5 Unattached                        50:13
     122  S Pentland     L    21 Unattached                        50:15
     123  R Clarke               Unattached                        50:34
     124  V Stapley      L45   1 Unattached                        50:58
     125  J Loughran     V55   4 Gosforth H & AC                   51:06
     126  J Watson       L35   6 Unattached                        51:42
     127  A Millett      V60  12 North East Veterans AC            52:25
     128  C Horsfield    L35   7 Concordia R & P                   52:33
     129  A Blake                Unattached                        53:10
     130  A Gilroy       V55   5 Concordia R & P                   54:23
     131  J Collins      V50  21 Unattached                        54:33
     132  C Laythorpe    L    25 Unattached                        54:43
     133  E Enisz        L45   2 Cleveland Triathlon               55:22
     134  G Routledge    V50  22 Heaton Harriers                   55:41
     135  H Craven       V60  13 Heaton Harriers                   55:42
     136  S Jones        L35   8 Unattached                        57:03
     137  D Comissar     V55   6 Unattached                        58:38
     138  K Laythorpe    L50   1 Sunderland Strollers              58:38
     139  L White        L    29 Sunderland Strollers              58:50
     140  M Phillips             Blackhill Bounders                59:37
     141  T Carr         L    30 Sunderland Strollers              59:42
     142  R Wright               Guest                           1:01:11
     143  R Hawkins      L    31 Unattached                      1:01:45
     144  Andrea                 Guest                           1:08:27

Men's Teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Morpeth H & AC                     22
                                 3  A Shepherd       9  A Jenkins     
                                10  C Dentice     
  2  Elswick Harriers                   26
                                 6  M McLeod         7  P Dodd        
                                13  B Dixon       
  3  Wallsend H & AC                    45
                                11  D Daniels       12  D Anderson    
                                22  D Moir        
  4  Gateshead H & AC                   76
                                19  C Paton         24  O Pastor      
                                33  M Thirlaway   
  5  Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC        81
                                 4  M Tomlinson     25  S Winter      
                                52  B Cook        
  6  North Shields Poly AC              95
                                29  K Watt          32  E Devlin      
                                34  C Wescomb     
  7  Heaton Harriers                    98
                                17  D Robins        40  C Auld        
                                41  M Gibson      
  8  Crook & District AC               111
                                16  K Allen         27  G Hewitson    
                                68  A Prudham     
  9  South Shields H & AC              118
                                 8  P Morgan        54  R Pinkney     
                                56  G Urron       
 10  Gosforth H & AC                   121
                                36  T Bird          39  K Thomas      
                                46  I Richardson  
 11  North East Veterans AC            169
                                21  G Pemberton     70  J Manford     
                                78  A Millett     

Women's Teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Wallsend H & AC                    20
                                 2  L Walker         5  D Horne       
                                13  M Pude        
  2  Heaton Harriers                    33
                                 6  S Auld          12  D Parker      
                                15  P Gold        
  3  Sunderland Strollers               46
                                 3  V Booth         21  K Laythorpe   
                                22  L White       

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004