Patterson Ford Tynedale 10K Road Race

at Ovingham, Northumberland, on Wednesday 7th July 2004


     Pos  Name             Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Michael Openshaw         Birchfield Harriers               30:56
       2  David Robertson  V40   1 Sunderland H & AC                 32:22
       3  Steven Potts             Sunderland H & AC                 33:13
       4  Michael Thompson         Gateshead H & AC                  33:45
       5  Tommy Brannon            North Shields Poly AC             33:50
       6  Stephen Pigford          Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       34:04
       7  Paul Roper       V45   1 Unattached                        34:45
       8  Andrew Dougal            Tynedale H & AC                   34:46
       9  Gary Moore               North Shields Poly AC             34:50
      10  Tony Mellor      V40   2 North Shields Poly AC             34:55
      11  Paul Given               Unattached                        34:59
      12  Alyson Dixon     L     1 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       35:07
      13  Stephen Grey             Unattached                        35:09
      14  Robert Barkley           Blyth RC                          35:11
      15  Michael Jones    V40   3 South Shields H & AC              35:16
      16  Gordon Dixon     V40   4 Morpeth H & AC                    35:23
      17  Mark McNally     V55   1 Elswick Harriers                  35:30
      18  Ian Scott        V50   1 Quakers RC                        35:34
      19  J E Dobson               Sunderland H & AC                 35:37
      20  John S Donneky           Derwentside AC                    35:40
      21  M Fenwick        V40   5 North Shields Poly AC             35:41
      22  Peter Milburn    V40   6 Newton Aycliffe AC                35:47
      23  Neil Morris      V40   7 Low Fell RC                       35:54
      24  David Nicholson  V45   2 Elswick Harriers                  36:01
      25  Chris Jackson            Sunderland Strolllers             36:01
      26  Hannah Wootton   L     2 Newcastle University AC           36:02
      27  John Moore               Heaton Harriers                   36:05
      28  Paul Hilton              Wallsend H & AC                   36:07
      29  Andrew Gaskarth          Newton Aycliffe AC                36:12
      30  Vaughan Hemy             North Shields Poly AC             36:37
      31  Paul Redman      V40   8 Sunderland H & AC                 36:41
      32  Barry Allsopp    V45   3 Wallsend H & AC                   36:42
      33  Ron Wills        V40   9 Sunderland H & AC                 36:45
      34  Thomas McPhail   V50   2 Wallsend H & AC                   36:49
      35  Stephen Gilroy           North Shields Poly AC             36:52
      36  Paul Waterston           Morpeth H & AC                    36:54
      37  Martin Gaughan   V45   4 Blyth RC                          36:58
      38  Shaun Kelly              Wallsend H & AC                   37:14
      39  Malcolm Ingham   V45   5 Crook & District AC               37:18
      40  Rob Hall         V50   3 Blyth RC                          37:22
      41  Ken Maynard      V45   6 Sunderland Strolllers             37:27
      42  Chris Dentice    V50   4 Morpeth H & AC                    37:29
      43  Michael Stott            Blyth RC                          37:30
      44  Carl Watson              Jarrow & Hebburn AC               37:33
      45  Claire Smallwood L     3 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               37:36
      46  Michelle A Holt  L     4 Sunderland H & AC                 37:37
      47  Ian Brown        V45   7 Tynedale H & AC                   37:43
      48  Barry Eastham            Alnwick Harriers                  37:47
      49  Stevie Clark     V40  10 North Shields Poly AC             37:53
      50  Micky Baker      V40  11 Wallsend H & AC                   37:54
      51  Paul Dixon       V45   8 Elswick Harriers                  38:04
      52  Michael O'Sullivan       Newton Aycliffe AC                38:05
      53  A Graham         V45   9 Border H & AC                     38:08
      54  Nigel Barnes             Tynedale H & AC                   38:11
      55  Brian Jacobson   V40  12 Blaydon H & AC                    38:14
      56  Judith Nutt      L     5 Elswick Harriers                  38:21
      57  Peter Farnie             Unattached                        38:21
      58  Alistair MacDonald V4013 Newton Aycliffe AC                38:23
      59  Gerald Bishop            Low Fell RC                       38:27
      60  Paul Myerscough  V40  14 Unattached                        38:34
      61  Stuart Page      V40  15 Tynedale H & AC                   38:34
      62  E Baldwin        V55   2 Durham City H & AC                38:38
      63  Angela Hunter    L     6 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               38:42
      64  Mike Walker      V55   3 Gosforth H & AC                   38:44
      65  G McDougal       V45  10 Morpeth H & AC                    38:45
      66  Ian Richardson   V55   4 North Shields Poly AC             38:47
      67  Mick Pereira             Low Fell RC                       38:48
      68  Gareth Hope              Blyth RC                          38:50
      69  Marc Elliott     V45  11 Teesdale AC                       38:52
      70  Mick Graham      V40  16 Low Fell RC                       38:53
      71  John Dennis      V50   5 Crook & District AC               38:54
      72  Andrew Hartley   V40  17 Elswick Harriers                  38:55
      73  Alan Rowell      V55   5 Durham City H & AC                38:56
      74  Geoff Hewitson   V45  12 Crook & District AC               39:02
      75  Sonia Morley     L35   1 Tynedale H & AC                   39:04
      76  Mark Johnson     V40  18 North Shields Poly AC             39:09
      77  David Moir               Wallsend H & AC                   39:15
      78  Chris Baty               Wallsend H & AC                   39:18
      79  Graeme Trotter   V45  13 Morpeth H & AC                    39:22
      80  Steven Walker    V40  19 Blyth RC                          39:23
      81  Mal Darbyshire   V45  14 Blyth RC                          39:26
      82  Peter Graham     V50   6 Tynedale H & AC                   39:29
      83  Sian Ellison     L     8 Morpeth H & AC                    39:31
      84  Gary Campbell            North Shields Poly AC             39:35
      85  Peter Boothby    V45  15 Unattached                        39:36
      86  Pete Murphy      V40  20 Unattached                        39:37
      87  Kevin Thomas     V40  21 Gosforth H & AC                   39:38
      88  Conrad White     V45  16 Elvet Striders                    39:45
      89  Joe Frazer       V55   6 Blyth RC                          39:46
      90  Ian Semens       V45  17 Sunderland Strollers              39:47
      91  Gillian Adams    L     9 North Shields Poly AC             39:51
      92  Ian Twaddle              North Shields Poly AC             39:52
      93  J Pope           V45  18 Derwentside AC                    39:55
      94  Mark Chrostowski         Derwentside AC                    39:57
      95  Mike Bennett     V50   7 Elvet Striders                    39:58
      96  Paul Dunlop              Sunderland Strollers              40:05
      97  David Miller     V45  19 North Shields Poly AC             40:08
      98  Jeff Wilson              Heaton Harriers                   40:10
      99  Alan Hyde                Unattached                        40:11
     100  Terry O'Gara     V60   1 Wallsend H & AC                   40:14
     101  Neil Smith       V40  22 Derwentside AC                    40:15
     102  David A Salmon           Blaydon H & AC                    40:16
     103  Paramjeet Bhogal V45  20 Heaton Harriers                   40:19
     104  Nick Kulinnich           Aurora Harriers                   40:20
     105  Kevin Freeman    V45  21 Blyth RC                          40:26
     106  Michael Hindmarch        Unattached                        40:27
     107  Sarah Evans      L    10 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               40:29
     108  Stephen Slater   V40  23 Unattached                        40:32
     109  Gwenda Cavill    L40   1 Morpeth H & AC                    40:39
     110  John Mallon      V45  22 Blyth RC                          40:44
     111  Chris McLane     V40  24 Unattached                        40:46
     112  David Dixon      V50   8 Sunderland Strollers             40:49
     113  Leslie Anderson  V40  25 Unattached                        40:49
     114  Robert Seaton    V50   9 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               40:51
     115  K Payne          V40  26 Wallsend H & AC                   40:52
     116  Brent Morfoot    V40  27 Newton Aycliffe AC                40:54
     117  David Warnaby    V50  10 Sunderland Strollers             40:55
     118  Nigel Martin             Unattached                        40:57
     119  James Lawson     V45  23 Unattached                        40:59
     120  S Gillespie      V45  24 Blyth RC                          41:02
     121  Eric Lewis       V40  28 Ryton Tri Club                    41:04
     122  Chris Wescomb    V45  25 North Shields Poly AC             41:07
     123  Yamuna Thiru     L35   2 Gosforth H & AC                   41:08
     124  Gary Rutherford  V40  29 Elswick Harriers                  41:09
     125  Lisa Walker      L    13 Wallsend H & AC                   41:10
     126  Charlie Gillon   V40  30 Alnwick Harriers                  41:11
     127  G King           V45  26 Wallsend H & AC                   41:12
     128  Philip Jordan    V40  31 Unattached                        41:22
     129  Mark Cass        V40  32 Unattached                        41:25
     130  Stephen Lancaster V45 27 Heaton Harriers                   41:26
     131  Ronald Heslop    V55   7 Blaydon H & AC                    41:26
     132  Alan Cappleman           Unattached                        41:27
     133  Richard Pow              Longframlington RR                41:31
     134  John Carter              Unattached                        41:32
     135  Michael Todd     V40  33 Wallsend H & AC                   41:34
     136  Edward Stott     V40  34 Blyth RC                          41:36
     137  Heather Lambert  L45   1 North Shields Poly AC             41:40
     138  David Turner             Unattached                        41:41
     139  D Roe                    Wallsend H & AC                   41:44
     140  Mark Wallace             Blaydon H & AC                    41:45
     141  Robert Seaton-Jr         Jarrow & Hebburn AC               41:46
     142  John Burnside    V45  28 Newton Aycliffe AC                41:49
     143  Melvyn Relton    V60   2 North East Veterans AC            41:51
     144  Michelle Woodley L    15 Morpeth H & AC                    41:52
     145  David Bain               Unattached                        41:54
     146  Robert Balmer    V60   3 South Shields H & AC              41:56
     147  Gary Coulter     V50  11 Durham City H & AC                41:57
     148  Paul Gord                Elswick Harriers                  41:59
     149  Gerry Hehir      V45  29 Crook & District AC               42:00
     150  Paul Bowden      V40  35 Blaydon H & AC                    42:04
     151  Hilary Ross      L45   2 Unattached                        42:06
     152  Kenneth Turnbull V55   8 Blyth RC                          42:06
     153  Richard Sill     V45  30 Morpeth H & AC                    42:07
     154  Ian Bainbridge   V50  12 Crook & District AC               42:10
     155  William Doidge   V55   9 Low Fell RC                       42:11
     156  David Roberts    V40  36 Blyth RC                          42:12
     157  Chris Jones              Claremont RR                      42:13
     158  Steve Allerdyce  V45  31 Wallsend H & AC                   42:19
     159  Michael Henderson V55 10 Blaydon H & AC                    42:20
     160  Steve Snowdon    V45  32 Unattached                        42:21
     161  Michael Offord   V50  13 Unattached                        42:23
     162  John A Brown     V50  14 North Shields Poly AC             42:30
     163  John Cockburn    V55  11 Alnwick Harriers                  42:32
     164  Allan Kenny      V55  12 Blyth RC                          42:32
     165  Paul Watson      V40  37 Sunderland Strollers              42:33
     166  Mario Jaconelli          Sunderland Strollers              42:34
     167  Brian Turner             Unattached                        42:36
     168  Richard Cradock  V50  15 Unattached                        42:38
     169  Paul Trickett    V50  16 Unattached                        42:39
     170  Tony Brewer              Newton Aycliffe AC                42:40
     171  Ian David Mason  V50  17 Unattached                        42:40
     172  Alex Sewell      V40  38 Blyth RC                          42:41
     173  Michael Steven   V45  33 Morpeth H & AC                    42:42
     174  Susan Milburn    L45   3 Newton Aycliffe AC                42:43
     175  Denis Bostock    V50  18 Low Fell RC                       42:50
     176  Mark Stewart             Unattached                        42:51
     177  Iain Miller      V40  39 Unattached                        42:52
     178  David Simpson    V40  40 North Shields Poly AC             42:54
     179  Michael Winter           Morpeth H & AC                    42:55
     180  David Cox        V55  13 Blyth RC                          42:57
     181  Malcolm Cox      V45  34 Sunderland Strollers             42:58
     182  Peter Embleton   V50  19 Alnwick Harriers                  43:00
     183  Dave Cooper      V55  14 Alnwick Harriers                  43:01
     184  Craig Kilgour            Unattached                        43:01
     185  Jon Balmer               South Shields H & AC              43:03
     186  Graeme Thompson  V40  41 Unattached                        43:10
     187  Paul Cooper      V40  42 Unattached                        43:10
     188  Phil Jobson      V40  43 Unattached                        43:10
     189  Nick Armstrong           Morpeth H & AC                    43:24
     190  Ralph Dickinson  V50  20 Blyth RC                          43:24
     191  Colin Whittle    V40  44 Unattached                        43:24
     192  Gerald Lee               Wallsend H & AC                   43:25
     193  Ben Harding              Unattached                        43:25
     194  Scott Bennett            Unattached                        43:26
     195  Terry Hart       V55  15 Blyth RC                          43:26
     196  Shaun P Roberts  V45  35 Unattached                        43:26
     197  Allen Mulliss    V45  36 Heaton Harriers                   43:27
     198  A Laffey                 Unattached                        43:27
     199  George Smith     V65   1 Gateshead H & AC                  43:28
     200  Paul Tomlinson   V45  37 Morpeth H & AC                    43:29
     201  Peter Blackwell  V55  16 Derwentside AC                    43:30
     202  Gary Shield      V45  38 Durham City H & AC                43:31
     203  Jack Kelly       V45  39 Morpeth H & AC                    43:33
     204  Chris Burn               Wallsend H & AC                   43:35
     205  Michael Coxon            Unattached                        43:37
     206  Paul Jackson     V45  40 Sunderland Strollers              43:38
     207  John Curry               Blyth RC                          43:39
     208  Dave McKenzie    V40  45 Unattached                        43:40
     209  Keith Willshire  V50  21 Blyth RC                          43:41
     210  Helen A Morris   L40   2 Blyth RC                          43:41
     211  Graham Hargreaves V50 22 Unattached                        43:43
     212  Michael Singleton V45  41 Unattached                       43:44
     213  Paul Cowen       V45  42 Crook & District AC               43:45
     214  Richard Potter   V40  46 Unattached                        43:45
     215  Anne Potts       L50   1 Blyth RC                          43:47
     216  Victoria Booth   L    20 Sunderland H & AC                 43:55
     217  Philip Lloyd             Unattached                        44:00
     218  D Wright         V50  23 Heaton Harriers                   44:01
     219  Alan H Smith     V55  17 Elvet Striders                    44:02
     220  Gillian Butler   L45   4 Gosforth H & AC                   44:05
     221  Thomas Lawrence  V45  43 North Shields Poly AC             44:07
     222  Peter Clarke     V40  47 Blaydon H & AC                    44:09
     223  Luke O'Neill             Blaydon H & AC                    44:10
     224  Susanne Hunter   L35   3 Blyth RC                          44:25
     225  John M Crozier   V55  18 Sunderland Strollers              44:32
     226  Angelo Jaconelli         Sunderland Strollers              44:35
     227  Mark Martin              Blyth RC                          44:36
     228  Tracy Brown      L    23 Unattached                        44:37
     229  John Patterson   V50  24 Blyth RC                          44:38
     230  Sarah Lister     L    24 Unattached                        44:39
     231  Alan Britten             Unattached                        44:40
     232  John Woodward    V45  44 Sunderland Strollers              44:42
     233  Ian Wade         V40  48 North East Veterans AC            44:43
     234  Percy Parkin     V55  19 Crook & District AC               44:44
     235  Tony Robson      V40  49 Ryton Tri Club                    44:45
     236  Steve Walker     V50  25 Durham City H & AC                44:47
     237  Julie Clark      L    25 Morpeth H & AC                    44:48
     238  Steve Linsley    V40  50 Unattached                        44:49
     239  Keith Rodgers    V40  51 Tynedale H & AC                   44:50
     240  Christine Lee    L60   1 Gosforth H & AC                   44:51
     241  Harry Norman     V40  52 North Shields Poly AC             44:52
     242  Tony Reid        V55  20 Unattached                        44:55
     243  Michael Brown            Blyth RC                          44:57
     244  A Charlton       V55  21 Gosforth H & AC                   44:57
     245  Ruth Sills       L    27 Heaton Harriers                   44:59
     246  Donna Horne      L    28 Wallsend H & AC                   45:00
     247  Jane Heatherington L  29 Blaydon H & AC                    45:01
     248  David Roe        V45  45 Blyth RC                          45:01
     249  Lesley Miller    L45   5 North Shields Poly AC             45:02
     250  Ricky Davidson           Morpeth H & AC                    45:05
     251  Graham Yates     V40  53 Unattached                        45:07
     252  Nigel Wood       V40  54 Unattached                        45:08
     253  Les Cavill       V45  46 Unattached                        45:11
     254  Vanessa Butler   L    31 Elswick Harriers                  45:12
     255  David Armstrong          Elswick Harriers                  45:13
     256  Jane Grundy      L35   4 Heaton Harriers                   45:23
     257  Dawn Marland     L    33 Newcastle University AC           45:28
     258  Paul Hughes              Newcastle University OC           45:32
     259  Gavin Elliott            Unattached                        45:33
     260  Paul Laidler             Unattached                        45:34
     261  Bernie Cordes    V65   2 Morpeth H & AC                    45:36
     262  Alan Jackson     V55  22 Durham City H & AC                45:39
     263  Peter Winter     V60   4 Morpeth H & AC                    45:40
     264  Brian Smith      V50  26 Blyth RC                          45:41
     265  Colin King               Derwentside AC                    45:42
     266  Adrian Rees      V45  47 Unattached                        45:43
     267  S Kettle                 Unattached                        45:44
     268  Donald Kent      V50  27 Blackhill Bounders                45:44
     269  Ron Stewart      V60   5 North Shields Poly AC             45:45
     270  Jane Eastham     L    34 Gosforth H & AC                   45:46
     271  A Ashman                 Gosforth H & AC                   45:46
     272  Claire Bruce     L35   5 North Shields Poly AC             45:51
     273  Barry Cornelius  V55  23 Unattached                        45:55
     274  Kay Myerscough   L40   3 Unattached                        45:57
     275  J Flynn          V55  24 Wallsend H & AC                   45:59
     276  Graham Bullough  V45  48 Unattached                        46:03
     277  T Bronze         V40  55 Alnwick Harriers                  46:04
     278  Pauline Leslie   L50   2 Heaton Harriers                   46:05
     279  Dawn Eastham     L    38 Alnwick Harriers                  46:10
     280  Sally Banks      L    39 Unattached                        46:10
     281  R Lowe           V60   6 Morpeth H & AC                    46:11
     282  David Brignall   V45  49 Unattached                        46:12
     283  Andrea L Jones   L    40 Unattached                        46:14
     284  J Scott          V55  25 Gosforth H & AC                   46:14
     285  Duncan Howell    V45  50 Unattached                        46:15
     286  D W Anderson     V50  28 Claremont RR                      46:16
     287  Andrew Robinson  V40  56 Unattached                        46:20
     288  Emma Sucliffe    L35   6 Wallsend H & AC                   46:21
     289  Steve Farrelly   V40  57 Unattached                        46:22
     290  Susan Lightfoot  L50   3 Alnwick Harriers                  46:23
     291  Timothy E Cook   V40  58 Claremont RR                      46:38
     292  Brian Buckley            Derwentside AC                    46:39
     293  Sharon Percy     L    43 Blyth RC                          46:41
     294  Andrew Southern          Unattached                        46:42
     295  Peter Myerscough V50  29 Sunderland Strollers              46:48
     296  Ron Ingram       V45  51 Blyth RC                          46:49
     297  Jenny Friend     L40   4 Unattached                        46:50
     298  Gordon Hindson           Blackhill Bounders                46:52
     299  Wayne Rice               Blyth RC                          46:55
     300  Brian Richardson V40  59 Blackhill Bounders                46:56
     301  Terry Jackson    V55  26 New Marske Harriers               46:59
     302  Abigail Wilson   L    45 Unattached                        47:00
     303  David Williams   V55  27 Sunderland Strollers              47:01
     304  George Meighan   V50  30 North East Veterans AC            47:02
     305  Robert Brown     V50  31 Durham City H & AC                47:06
     306  Steve Bangs      V55  28 Blyth RC                          47:09
     307  Allan Clark      V50  32 Low Fell RC                       47:15
     308  Tim Deveaux      V50  33 Ryton Tri Club                    47:18
     309  Ronnie Paton             Unattached                        47:20
     310  Steve Hardie     V40  60 Unattached                        47:23
     311  Ruth Marshall    L35   7 Wallsend H & AC                   47:24
     312  Purdham Allen    V60   7 Crook & District AC               47:25
     313  Anne Cant        L40   5 Unattached                        47:29
     314  Toscano Geoff    V50  34 Unattached                        47:30
     315  Dave Bradley     V50  35 Blyth RC                          47:31
     316  Joseph Thornton  V50  36 Elvet Striders                    47:31
     317  Colin Brothers   V55  29 Derwentside AC                    47:32
     318  Paula Embleton   L35   8 Sunderland H & AC                 47:33
     319  Dave Ellis       V40  61 Unattached                        47:34
     320  Nina Reveley     L    49 Blyth RC                          47:36
     321  Nitin Shukla     V40  62 Unattached                        47:36
     322  Susan Cain       L55   1 Blaydon H & AC                    47:38
     323  Victoria Gilroy  L35   9 North Shields Poly AC             47:45
     324  Paul Burton              Unattached                        47:48
     325  Barrie J Evans   V55  30 Elvet Striders                    47:50
     326  Simon Crosby             Unattached                        47:51
     327  Paul Dixon       V40  63 Sunderland Strollers              47:52
     328  Stuart McNulty   V45  52 Unattached                        47:54
     329  Lisa Ansbro      L35  10 Unattached                        47:55
     330  Malcolm Liddle   V45  53 Blaydon H & AC                    47:56
     331  Alison Proudlock L    53 Low Fell RC                       48:00
     332  Chris Offord     V60   8 Morpeth H & AC                    48:07
     333  Les Wadey        V55  31 Unattached                        48:08
     334  David Whitmore   V65   3 South Shields H & AC              48:12
     335  Bridget Peberdy  L45   6 Alnwick Harriers                  48:14
     336  Paul Whincup             Blyth RC                          48:16
     337  John Henderson           Unattached                        48:17
     338  Ron Avery        V50  37 Sunderland Strollers              48:18
     339  Vince McNeilly   V45  54 Sunderland Strollers              48:33
     340  John Jackson     V60   9 Elswick Harriers                  48:38
     341  Arabella Pearce  L    55 Unattached                        48:42
     342  Helen Patterson  L40   6 Alnwick Harriers                  48:45
     343  Joseph Harker    V65   4 Durham City H & AC                48:48
     344  Ian Inglis       V45  55 Unattached                        48:50
     345  David Manners    V50  38 Claremont R R                     48:53
     346  Chris Courtney   L45   7 Blaydon H & AC                    49:01
     347  Anthony Prince   V50  39 Elswick Harriers                  49:02
     348  Richard Slack    V40  64 Unattached                        49:03
     349  Richard Eakin            Unattached                        49:03
     350  Kevin Ashworth   V45  56 Unattached                        49:10
     351  Bill Grainger    V45  57 Unattached                        49:20
     352  Stephen Winter   V50  40 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       49:23
     353  Paul Gascoigne   V40  65 Unattached                        49:24
     354  Kim Taylor       L40   7 Unattached                        49:24
     355  Kevin Allen              Crook & District AC               49:25
     356  Gavin Clark      V40  66 Unattached                        49:25
     357  Ruth Wood        L40   8 Unattached                        49:27
     358  Julian Bates     V45  58 Unattached                        49:28
     359  Jaquetta Groves  L35  11 Unattached                        49:33
     360  Susan Hanley     L    61 Unattached                        49:34
     361  Scott McEntee            Heaton Harriers                   49:36
     362  S Muir           V45  59 Blaydon H & AC                    49:37
     363  Kath Stewart     L60   2 North Shields Poly AC             49:38
     364  Michael Wyngard  V40  67 Elvet Striders                    49:40
     365  Eileen Armstrong L65   1 Tynedale H & AC                   49:41
     366  Ray Walsham      V55  32 Unattached                        49:47
     367  Brian Robinson   V40  68 Unattached                        49:54
     368  Clive Richardson V50  41 Unattached                        49:54
     369  Duncan Graham    V45  60 Unattached                        49:55
     370  Steve Lazzari            Unattached                        49:57
     371  Michael Collins  V45  61 Unattached                        49:58
     372  Ray Laverick     V70   1 Aurora Harriers                   49:59
     373  Jeff Dawson      V45  62 Unattached                        50:02
     374  Natalie Curgenven L   64 Unattached                        50:02
     375  Joseph Nicholson         Unattached                        50:08
     376  Tracy Moulding   L40   9 Unattached                        50:10
     377  Terry Whitfield  V55  33 North Shields Poly AC             50:11
     378  Gill Almond      L45   8 Fell Running Association          50:14
     379  Stephen French           Unattached                        50:24
     380  Michael Dickinson V55 34 Houghton & Peterlee AC            50:41
     381  Gillian Pigford  L35  12 Houghton & Peterlee AC            50:42
     382  Helen Mitford    L50   4 Heaton Harriers                   50:43
     383  Louise Rawlinson L    69 Blyth RC                          50:44
     384  Chidieb'e Edordu         Unattached                        50:52
     385  Suzanne Best     L    70 Unattached                        50:54
     386  Ashley Adams     V40  69 Unattached                        50:55
     387  Stuart Hall              Unattached                        51:00
     388  Alan Graham              Unattached                        51:01
     389  Andrea Clarke    L35  13 Blaydon H & AC                    51:07
     390  Irene Henderson  L55   2 Blaydon H & AC                    51:08
     391  Annette Hames    L40  10 Unattached                        51:09
     392  Margaret Finn    L45   9 Heaton Harriers                   51:10
     393  Jill Young       L40  11 Unattached                        51:10
     394  Cora Anne Doods  L35  14 North Shields Poly AC             51:14
     395  John Windsor     V45  63 Claremont RR                      51:17
     396  James McKendrick         Unattached                        51:19
     397  Martin Davenport V45  64 Unattached                        51:20
     398  Darren McGurk            Unattached                        51:22
     399  John Armstrong   V50  42 Unattached                        51:23
     400  Colin Bell       V50  43 Unattached                        51:23
     401  Iain Flowers     V50  44 Claremont RR                      51:24
     402  Richard O'Neill  V50  45 Unattached                        51:28
     403  Ian McRae        V45  65 Unattached                        51:29
     404  Julie Carrielies L    77 Blyth RC                          51:30
     405  J D Shaw         V40  70 Darlington H & AC                 51:34
     406  Nigel Mills      V45  66 Blaydon H & AC                    51:37
     407  Maurice Nicholson V50 46 Unattached                        51:38
     408  David Lewis      V60  10 Blaydon H & AC                    51:38
     409  Pauline Cunningham L50 5 Blyth RC                          51:48
     410  Peter Rosenzweig V50  47 Unattached                        51:50
     411  Mark Arbuthnot           Unattached                        51:53
     412  Sean Conley              Unattached                        51:54
     413  Karen Bousfield  L35  15 Unattached                        51:55
     414  Lyn Watt         L35  16 Unattached                        51:55
     415  Sally Marshall   L50   6 Unattached                        51:58
     416  Suzanne Humphrey L40  12 Blyth RC                          51:59
     417  Lynn Dixon       L45  10 Sunderland Strollers              52:00
     418  Michael Williams         Unattached                        52:01
     419  Richard Shaw             Unattached                        52:01
     420  Lindsay J Ogle   V45  67 Unattached                        52:06
     421  Alan Greaves     V45  68 North Shields Poly AC             52:12
     422  David Lazzari            Unattached                        52:13
     423  Audrey Stewart   L40  13 Alnwick Harriers                  52:14
     424  Helen McGill     L    85 Unattached                        52:15
     425  Pat Williams     L50   7 Blaydon H & AC                    52:16
     426  Brian Taylor     V40  71 Unattached                        52:19
     427  B Ingman         L50   8 North Shields Poly AC             52:20
     428  Sarah Marsh      L    88 North Shields Poly AC             52:23
     429  Rhainnon Robinson L40 14 Tynedale H & AC                   52:36
     430  Helen Sugden     L    90 Unattached                        52:39
     431  Sean Collins            Unattached                         52:42
     432  Douglas Ball     V50  48 Low Fell RC                       52:43
     433  Kathrine Pattison L   91 Unattached                        52:44
     434  John McGuire     V50  49 Unattached                        52:45
     435  Susan Shaw       L55   3 Blackhill Bounders                52:48
     436  John Cosgrove    V45  69 Sunderland Strollers              53:00
     437  Phil Barraclough V55  35 Sunderland Strollers              53:03
     438  Reed David               Unattached                        53:06
     439  Tony Spencer             Unattached                        53:09
     440  Marc Dobson              Unattached                        53:10
     441  Hector Galley    V45  70 Unattached                        53:12
     442  Marion S Bynoe   L40  15 Darlington H & AC                 53:14
     443  Hayley Graham    L    94 Unattached                        53:19
     444  Lorain Smith     L35  17 North Shields Poly AC             53:27
     445  Paul Boyle       V40  72 Unattached                        53:31
     446  David McGuire    V50  50 Unattached                        53:32
     447  Sue Richmond     L50   9 Ryton Tri Club                    53:44
     448  Sasha Ban        L35  18 Blaydon H & AC                    53:47
     449  John Brettell    V45  71 North Shields Poly AC             53:48
     450  P Scrafton       V45  72 Claremont RR                      53:50
     451  Julie Phillips   L    98 Tynedale H & AC                   53:51
     452  Catherine Bartley L   99 Unattached                        53:58
     453  Peter Gallagher          Unattached                        54:08
     454  Anne Veitch      L40  16 Unattached                        54:12
     455  Steven Ward              Unattached                        54:19
     456  Dave Barrett             Unattached                        54:20
     457  Christine Young  L40  17 Blaydon H & AC                    54:21
     458  John Dickinson   V50  51 Longframlington RR                54:23
     459  Sandra Tibbo     L35  19 Sunderland Strollers              54:24
     460  Rebecca Hartnack L   103 Sunderland Strollers              54:24
     461  Mike McDonald    V50  52 Unattached                        54:31
     462  Anne Coates      L45  11 Unattached                        54:40
     463  Jacqueline Foster L40 18 Low Fell RC                       54:41
     464  Debbie Reay      L35  20 Morpeth H & AC                    54:43
     465  Joy Scott        L55   4 Elswick Harriers                  54:47
     466  Stan White       V65   5 Low Fell RC                       54:48
     467  Carol Wall       L55   5 Alnwick Harriers                  54:51
     468  Wendy Appleby    L35  21 Alnwick Harriers                  54:51
     469  Margaret Dobby   L55   6 Elswick Harriers                  55:12
     470  Kevin Wood               Unattached                        55:13
     471  Nick Neave               Unattached                        55:15
     472  Jocelyn Smith    L40  19 Blyth RC                          55:16
     473  Louise Vickers   L   112 North Shields Poly AC             55:20
     474  Graeme Barron            Unattached                        55:21
     475  M Rowntree       V50  53 Blackhill Bounders                55:23
     476  Jane Nathan      L40  20 Elvet Striders                    55:28
     477  Wendyy Fitzpatrick L35 22 Blaydon H & AC                   55:38
     478  Michael Hargreaves V45 73 Unattached                       55:42
     479  Helen Wescomb    L45  12 North Shields Poly AC             55:55
     480  Robert Stobbs    V40  73 Gateshead H & AC                  55:56
     481  William Hogarth          Derwentside AC                    56:25
     482  Anne Kirk        L40  21 Sunderland Strollers              56:27
     483  Rachel Booth     L   117 Alnwick Harriers                  56:29
     484  Karen Hearn      L40  22 Unattached                        56:34
     485  Liz Harris       L35  23 Unattached                        56:38
     486  Irene Ewart      L45  13 Unattached                        56:51
     487  Nicky Asbury     L40  23 Unattached                        56:52
     488  Kim Lloyd        L45  14 Unattached                        57:07
     489  Claire Marshall  L35  24 Unattached                        57:26
     490  Angela McDonald  L45  15 Unattached                        57:28
     491  Karen Oxley      L   125 Unattached                        57:29
     492  Michael J Todd   V45  74 Unattached                        57:30
     493  Liam M Todd              Unattached                        57:30
     494  Dave Thornton    V50  54 Unattached                        57:34
     495  Gill Gowland     L40  24 Unattached                        57:42
     496  Anne-Marie Roe   L   127 Unattached                        57:43
     497  David Brewis     V55  36 Elswick Harriers                  57:47
     498  Mark Elliott     V40  74 Unattached                        57:47
     499  Nigel Robson             Unattached                        57:48
     500  Phil Lancaster   V60  11 North Shields Poly AC             57:49
     501  Helene Beaugy    L   128 Unattached                        57:58
     502  Graeme W Bunn    V45  75 Unattached                        57:58
     503  Rachel Evans     L   129 Unattached                        58:07
     504  B Swanson        V50  55 Unattached                        58:24
     505  Tracy Effard     L35  25 Unattached                        58:25
     506  Liz Morton       L60   3 Claremont RR                      58:52
     507  Tracy Weston     L35  26 Unattached                        59:13
     508  Jennifer Tait    L   133 Unattached                        59:15
     509  Jackie Smith     L65   2 Elvet Striders                    59:16
     510  Michael Smith    V50  56 Unattached                        59:22
     511  Julia Davison    L40  25 Unattached                        59:26
     512  Pauline Hemy     L35  27 North Shields Poly AC             59:27
     513  Helen Thompson   L50  10 Alnwick Harriers                  59:40
     514  Una McCaig       L60   4 Alnwick Harriers                  59:40
     515  Carol Boothby    L45  16 Unattached                      1:00:11
     516  Kathryn Dunn     L40  26 Unattached                      1:00:15
     517  Clare Halilaj    L35  28 Sunderland Strollers            1:00:16
     518  Helen Keegan     L   142 Unattached                      1:00:20
     519  Yvonne Doherty   L35  29 Unattached                      1:00:20
     520  Fiona Campbell   L40  27 Unattached                      1:00:21
     521  Emma Taylor      L   145 Alnwick Harriers                1:00:37
     522  Denise Golden    L35  30 Unattached                      1:00:52
     523  Janet Wyngard    L40  28 Elvet Striders                  1:01:05
     524  Kevin Stannard   V45  76 Unattached                      1:01:28
     525  Emma O'Niell     L40  29 Unattached                      1:01:37
     526  Margaret Clark   L50  11 Low Fell RC                     1:01:50
     527  Debbie Thomas    L   150 Unattached                      1:01:53
     528  Jane Barnes      L40  30 Unattached                      1:02:03
     529  Michael Cook             Unattached                      1:02:08
     530  J Carpenter      V55  37 Unattached                      1:02:15
     531  Chris Bostock    L50  12 Low Fell RC                     1:02:25
     532  Vanessa Canham   L45  17 Unattached                      1:02:27
     533  Christine Knox   L40  31 Elvet Striders                  1:02:28
     534  Joyce Hindhaugh  L50  13 Elvet Striders                  1:02:38
     535  Sharon Stannard  L45  18 Unattached                      1:03:34
     536  Alison Davis     L45  19 Unattached                      1:03:38
     537  Peter Morton     V45  77 Unattached                      1:03:39
     538  Naomi Darling    L   158 Unattached                      1:04:05
     539  Cath Rawlingson  L35  31 Unattached                      1:04:18
     540  Maureen Blackett L60   5 Elvet Striders                  1:04:48
     541  Claire Yeaman    L35  32 Unattached                      1:05:11
     542  Lesley Oglethorpe L35 33 Unattached                      1:05:45
     543  Deborah Heron    L40  32 Unattched                       1:07:06
     544  Alastair McDonald        Unattached                      1:09:12
     545  Jane Inglis      L   164 Unattached                      1:09:14
     546  Chris Broadbent  L40  33 Unattached                      1:10:51
     547  Diane Wilson     L   166 Unattached                      1:10:51
     548  Suzanne Hitchinson L40 34 Elvet Striders                 1:11:12

Men Team Results

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Sunderland H & AC                  20
                                 2  David Robertson    3  Steven Potts    
                                15  J E Dobson      
  2  North Shields Poly AC              22
                                 5  Tommy Brannon      8  Gary Moore      
                                 9  Tony Mellor     
  3  Blyth RC                           77
                                10  Robert Barkley    32  Martin Gaughan  
                                35  Rob Hall        
  4  Elswick Harriers                   77
                                13  Mark McNally      20  David Nicholson 
                                44  Paul Dixon      
  5  Wallsend H & AC                    79
                                23  Paul Hilton       27  Barry Allsopp   
                                29  Thomas McPhail  
  6  Morpeth H & AC                     80
                                12  Gordon Dixon      31  Paul Waterston  
                                37  Chris Dentice   
  7  Tynedale H & AC                    94
                                 7  Andrew Dougal     40  Ian Brown       
                                47  Nigel Barnes    
  8  Low Fell RC                       125
                                19  Neil Morris       50  Gerald Bishop   
                                56  Mick Pereira    
  9  Sunderland Strolllers             132
                                21  Chris Jackson     36  Ken Maynard     
                                75  Ian Semens      
 10  Newton Aycliffe AC                156
                                18  Peter Milburn     45  Mic'l O'Sullivan
                                93  Brent Morfoot   
 11  Crook & District AC               157
                                34  Malcolm Ingham    60  John Dennis     
                                63  Geoff Hewitson  
 12  Derwentside AC                    171
                                16  John S Donneky    77  J Pope          
                                78  Mark Chrostowski
 13  Heaton Harriers                   190
                                22  John Moore        82  Jeff Wilson     
                                86  Paramjeet Bhogal
 14  Newton Aycliffe AC                202
                                24  Andrew Gaskarth   49  Alis'r MacDonald
                               129  Tony Brewer     
 15  Durham City H & AC                226
                                52  E Baldwin         62  Alan Rowell     
                               112  Gary Coulter    
 16  Blaydon H & AC                    235
                                48  Brian Jacobson    85  David A Salmon  
                               102  Ronald Heslop   
 17  Jarrow & Hebburn AC               238
                                39  Carl Watson       91  Robert Seaton   
                               108  Robert Seaton-Jr
 18  South Shields H & AC              261
                                11  Michael Jones    111  Robert Balmer   
                               139  Jon Balmer      
 19  Alnwick Harriers                  265
                                41  Barry Eastham     99  Charlie Gillon  
                               125  John Cockburn   
 20  Gosforth H & AC                   297
                                53  Mike Walker       72  Kevin Thomas    
                               172  A Charlton      
 21  Elvet Striders                    308
                                73  Conrad White      79  Mike Bennett    
                               156  Alan H Smith    
 22  Gateshead H & AC                  391
                                 4  Michael Thompson 145  George Smith    
                               242  Robert Stobbs   
 23  Ryton Tri Club                    466
                                96  Eric Lewis       167  Tony Robson     
                               203  Tim Deveaux     
 24  North East Veterans AC            474
                               110  Melvyn Relton    165  Ian Wade        
                               199  George Meighan  
 25  Claremont RR                     500
                               121  Chris Jones      189  D W Anderson    
                               190  Timothy E Cook  
 26  Blackhill Bounders                572
                               182  Donald Kent      194  Gordon Hindson  
                               196  Brian Richardson

Women Team Results

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Jarrow & Hebburn AC                19
                                 3  Claire Smallwood   6  Angela Hunter   
                                10  Sarah Evans     
  2  Morpeth H & AC                     34
                                 8  Sian Ellison      11  Gwenda Cavill   
                                15  Michelle Woodley
  3  North Shields Poly AC              50
                                 9  Gillian Adams     14  Heather Lambert 
                                27  Lesley Miller   
  4  Gosforth H & AC                    55
                                12  Yamuna Thiru      20  Gillian Butler  
                                23  Christine Lee   
  5  Blyth RC                           56
                                17  Helen A Morris    18  Anne Potts      
                                21  Susanne Hunter  
  6  Sunderland H & AC                  62
                                 4  Michelle A Holt   19  Victoria Booth  
                                39  Paula Embleton  
  7  Wallsend H & AC                    73
                                13  Lisa Walker       25  Donna Horne     
                                35  Emma Sucliffe   
  8  Heaton Harriers                    86
                                24  Ruth Sills        29  Jane Grundy     
                                33  Pauline Leslie  
  9  Elswick Harriers                  110
                                 5  Judith Nutt       28  Vanessa Butler  
                                77  Joy Scott       
 10  Blaydon H & AC                    113
                                26  Jane Heatherington  41  Susan Cain      
                                46  Chris Courtney  
 11  Alnwick Harriers                  114
                                34  Dawn Eastham      36  Susan Lightfoot 
                                44  Bridget Peberdy 
 12  Tynedale H & AC                   120
                                 7  Sonia Morley      48  Eileen Armstrong
                                65  Rhannon Robinson
 13  Sunderland Strolllers             207
                                60  Lynn Dixon        73  Sandra Tibbo    
                                74  Rebecca Hartnack
 14  Low Fell RC                       214
                                43  Alison Proudlock  75  Jacqueline Foster
                                96  Margaret Clark  
 15  Elvet Striders                    267
                                83  Jane Nathan       89  Jackie Smith    
                                95  Janet Wyngard   

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004