Saltwell Harriers Road Races

at Gateshead on Sunday 19th December 2004

Senior 10k

     Pos  Name           Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Martin Scaife          Morpeth H & AC                    31:10
       2  Steven Horn            Elswick Harriers                  32:31
       3  Stewy Bell             Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       32:51
       4  Alan Shepherd          Morpeth H & AC                    32:58
       5  Richard Hunt           Richmond & Zetland Harriers       32:59
       6  Dave Robertson V40   1 Sunderland H & AC                 33:01
       7  Jon Archer             Low Fell RC                       33:03
       8  Tom Doughty    V40   2 Sunderland H & AC                 33:04
       9  Darren Purvis          Birtley AC                        33:29
      10  Chris Roberts          Gateshead H & AC                  33:41
      11  Phil Coulson           Highgate Harriers                 33:48
      12  Les Atkinson   V50   1 Morpeth H & AC                    33:56
      13  Paul Given             Sunderland H & AC                 34:01
      14  Alun Woodward          North Shields Poly AC             34:29
      15  Mark McLeod            Elswick Harriers                  35:06
      16  Stuart McLay   V40   3 Serpentine RC                     35:21
      17  Mark McDonald          Low Fell RC                       35:32
      18  Chris McDonald         South Shields H & AC              35:35
      19  Paul Dodd              Elswick Harriers                  35:36
      20  Stephen Hilton V40   4 Blaydon H & AC                    35:37
      21  Paul Besford           Gateshead H & AC                  35:40
      22  Stephen Grey           Unattached                        35:46
      23  David Armstrong        Elswick Harriers                  35:52
      24  Michael Jones  V40   5 South Shields H & AC              35:53
      25  Phil Branson           Gateshead H & AC                  36:04
      26  Mark Ketley            Elswick Harriers                  36:07
      27  David Embleton V40   6 Wallsend H & AC                   36:09
      28  Mark McNally   V55   1 Elswick Harriers                  36:23
      29  John Donneky-Jr        Derwentside AC                    36:32
      30  Gavin Bayner   V45   1 Morpeth H & AC                    36:34
      31  Archie Jenkins V50   2 Morpeth H & AC                    36:39
      32  Gordon Dixon   V40   7 Morpeth H & AC                    36:44
      33  Peter Morgan   V45   2 South Shields H & AC              36:46
      34  David Daniels          Wallsend H & AC                   36:57
      35  Martin Connelly        Elswick Harriers                  37:00
      36  Barry Jameson  V50   3 Unattached                        37:11
      37  Chris Dentice  V50   4 Morpeth H & AC                    37:12
      38  Zoe Tucker     L     1 Bitton RR                         37:18
      39  Paul Dixon     V45   3 Elswick Harriers                  37:20
      40  Robert Sewell  V45   4 Morpeth H & AC                    37:35
      41  Paul Waterson          Morpeth H & AC                    37:41
      42  Ben Harding            Unattached                        37:56
      43  Paul Redman    V40   8 Sunderland H & AC                 38:01
      44  Dan Robbins            Heaton Harriers                   38:03
      45  John Donneky   V50   5 Derwentside AC                    38:16
      46  Andrew Hartley V40   9 Elswick Harriers                  38:22
      47  Judith Nutt    L     2 Elswick Harriers                  38:25
      48  Paul Guthrie   JM    1 Houghton & Peterlee AC            38:34
      49  Edmund Devlin          Unattached                        38:42
      50  Alan Watt      V40  10 North Shields Poly AC             38:53
      51  Andrew Hughes  V40  11 Low Fell RC                       38:56
      52  Stepehn Nesbitt        Durham City H & AC                38:57
      53  Stephen Hough          Unattached                        39:07
      54  Michael Graham V50   6 Low Fell RC                       39:14
      55  George McDougal V45  5 Morpeth H & AC                    39:17
      56  Gareth Hope            Blyth RC                          39:33
      57  Keith Batty    V50   7 Unattached                        39:41
      58  Brian Long     V50   8 Sunderland H & AC                 39:42
      59  Nick Kulinich          Aurora Harriers                   39:45
      60  Ian Richardson V55   2 North Shields Poly AC             39:50
      61  Hugh Bingham   V40  12 Tynedale H & AC                   39:56
      62  Paul Calland           Low Fell RC                       40:14
      63  Conrad White   V45   6 Elvet Striders                    40:32
      64  Michael Bunn   V45   7 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               40:33
      65  Colin Close            Unattached                        40:36
      66  Kevin Bray     V45   8 Morpeth H & AC                    40:38
      67  Martin Pearson V45   9 Unattached                        40:56
      68  John Pope      V45  10 Derwentside AC                    41:01
      69  Graham Slesser         Jarrow & Hebburn AC               41:05
      70  Robert Wilson  V45  11 Elswick Harriers                  41:13
      71  Brian Buckley          Derwentside AC                    41:21
      72  Kevin Watt     JM    2 North Shields Poly AC             41:26
      73  Chris Auld             Heaton Harriers                   41:28
      74  Michael Winter         Morpeth H & AC                    41:32
      75  Chris Jones            Claremont RR                      41:35
      76  Kevin Thomas   V45  12 Gosforth H & AC                   41:48
      77  Nigel Barnes           Tynedale H & AC                   41:54
      78  Tom Hanson     V45  13 Elswick Harriers                  41:57
      79  Gar Rutherford V40  13 Elswick Harriers                  41:58
      80  David Mein     V55   3 Durham University CCC             42:01
      81  Kevin Dinsdale V40  14 Unattached                        42:13
      82  Ian Fenwick    JM    3 Elswick Harriers                  42:17
      83  John McConnell         Unattached                        42:27
      84  Jon Morrow             Unattached                        42:29
      85  Mark Stewart           Unattached                        42:32
      86  John Burnside  V55   4 Newton Aycliffe AC                42:37
      87  Craig Taylor           Unattached                        42:40
      88  Nigel Unwin    V45  14 Heaton Harriers                   42:41
      89  Edward Baty    V50   9 Heaton Harriers                   42:42
      90  Brian Anderson V40  15 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               42:44
      91  John Brown     V50  10 North Shields Poly AC             42:47
      92  Lynne Marr     L40   1 Tynedale H & AC                   42:52
      93  Peter Bell     JM    4 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               42:56
      94  Jacky Elliott  L     4 Blaydon H & AC                    42:56
      95  Robin Mowbray  V50  11 Wallsend H & AC                   42:57
      96  Michael Coxon          Unattached                        43:02
      97  Robert Main            Unattached                        43:07
      98  Ken Alnwick    V55   5 Gateshead H & AC                  43:12
      99  George Hurst   V55   6 Unattached                        43:19
     100  Mark Slesser           Jarrow & Hebburn AC               43:23
     101  John Thomas    V40  16 Wallsend H & AC                   43:28
     102  Graham Raisbeck         Unattached                        43:32
     103  Alistair White         Unattached                        43:35
     104  Brian Hume     V45  15 Low Fell RC                       43:38
     105  Lau Hutchinson V45  16 Unattached                        43:40
     106  Julie Cross    L35   1 Claremont RR                      43:44
     107  Liam Porter    V45  17 Unattached                        43:46
     108  Graham Daglish V50  12 Elvet Striders                    43:50
     109  Warren Johnson         North Shields Poly AC             43:51
     110  Andrew Naylor  V45  18 Unattached                        43:51
     111  Emily Wilson   L     6 Gateshead H & AC                  43:57
     112  Colin Dilks    V40  17 Unattached                        43:58
     113  Susan Milburn  L45   1 Newton Aycliffe AC                44:00
     114  Neil Irvine    V40  18 Elswick Harriers                  44:08
     115  Paul Jameson   V50  13 Claremont RR                      44:12
     116  David Mills    V40  19 Derwentside AC                    44:15
     117  Kenneth Pyle   V55   7 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       44:15
     118  David Robson   V45  19 Gosforth H & AC                   44:19
     119  Julie Clark    L     8 Morpeth H & AC                    44:22
     120  Peter Whitney          Claremont RR                      44:34
     121  Paul Rea       V45  20 Unattached                        44:38
     122  Andrew Smith   V50  14 Gateshead H & AC                  44:39
     123  Bill Doidge    V55   8 Low Fell RC                       44:40
     124  Ian Barnes     V55   9 Darlington H & AC                 44:44
     125  Nigel Armstrong        Morpeth H & AC                    44:47
     126  Barry Hurst    V55  10 Unattached                        44:51
     127  Francis Vary           Unattached                        44:54
     128  John Edmundson V50  15 Quakers RC                        44:56
     129  Keith Dixon    V45  21 Ryton Triathlon Club              44:57
     130  Geoff Winter   V45  22 Derwentside AC                    44:59
     131  David Brignal          Unattached                        45:07
     132  Jane Walker    L40   2 Morpeth H & AC                    45:11
     133  Jason Stobbs   JM    5 Gateshead H & AC                  45:18
     134  Scott McEntee          Heaton Harriers                   45:19
     135  Tom Clifford   V45  23 Gosforth H & AC                   45:20
     136  Keith Wiltshire V50 16 Blyth RC                          45:27
     137  Gillian Barry  L    10 Unattached                        45:37
     138  Geoff Urron    V55  11 South Shields H & AC              45:45
     139  Allen Mulliss  V45  24 Heaton Harriers                   45:50
     140  Vanessa Butler L    11 Elswick Harriers                  45:52
     141  Paul Hanks             Unattached                        45:53
     142  Richard Campbell       Unattached                        46:01
     143  Alan Slesser   V50  17 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               46:09
     144  Andrew Cook            Unattached                        46:12
     145  John Fenton    V45  25 Unattached                        46:17
     146  Graham Smith   V40  20 Unattached                        46:19
     147  Michael Griffith V4 26 Unattached                        46:22
     148  John Capstaff  V55  12 Unattached                        46:24
     149  Peter Atkinson V45  27 North Shields Poly AC             46:31
     150  Colin McEntee  V50  18 Heaton Harriers                   46:37
     151  Chris Offord   V55  13 Morpeth H & AC                    46:43
     152  Ricky Davidson         Morpeth H & AC                    46:44
     153  Peter Winter   V55  14 Morpeth H & AC                    46:46
     154  Stephen Barry  V45  28 Unattached                        46:48
     155  Tony Charlton  V55  15 Gosforth H & AC                   46:50
     156  Gareth Buckley         Unattached                        47:02
     157  Mark Chrostowski       Derwentside AC                    47:13
     158  Bev Renwick    L40   3 Saltwell Harriers                 47:14
     159  Larry Greaves  V55  16 Aurora Harriers                   47:18
     160  John Josephs   V55  17 Heaton Harriers                   47:25
     161  Howard Gold    V55  18 Heaton Harriers                   47:25
     162  David Bradley  V50  19 Blyth RC                          47:33
     163  Barry Murrey   V40  21 Derwentside AC                    47:37
     164  Terry Herbert  V50  20 North East Veterans AC            47:38
     165  Dave Armstrong V50  21 Concordia R & P                   47:49
     166  Daniel Gordon  V60   1 Quakers RC                        47:53
     167  Alan Clark     V50  22 Low Fell RC                       48:02
     168  Lisa Tweddle   L    13 Sunderland H & AC                 48:11
     169  Jim Manford    V55  19 North East Veterans AC            48:12
     170  Alan Brannan   V50  23 Unattached                        48:20
     171  Steph Thompson         Unattached                        48:40
     172  Daveen Robson  V50  24 Unattached                        48:40
     173  Ric Pilkington         Unattached                        48:44
     174  Arthur Potter  V55  20 Unattached                        48:47
     175  Stephen Troman V45  29 Unattached                        48:47
     176  Luke Curtis            Unattached                        48:56
     177  Chris Hall             Unattached                        49:00
     178  Andrew Callcott V40 22 Unattached                        49:06
     179  Chris Toase    V40  23 Unattached                        49:07
     180  Colin Stead    V40  24 Unattached                        49:07
     181  Nitin Shukla   V40  25 Unattached                        49:10
     182  James Mallon   V50  25 Unattached                        49:11
     183  John Mallon    V45  30 Blyth RC                          49:12
     184  Terry Deary    V55  21 Quakers RC                        49:22
     185  Tony McNeill   V40  26 Unattached                        49:27
     186  Steph Bingham  L35   2 Tynedale H & AC                   49:31
     187  David Buffham  V45  31 Unattached                        49:35
     188  Pamela Gold    L55   1 Heaton Harriers                   49:42
     189  Neil Smith             Unattached                        49:45
     190  David Beaumont V45  32 Unattached                        49:53
     191  Brian Brown    V55  22 Durham City H & AC                49:56
     192  Ray Laverick   V55  23 Aurora Harriers                   49:58
     193  Ken McCormick  V50  26 Claremont RR                      50:15
     194  Neil Richmond          Unattached                        50:28
     195  Colin Brothers V55  24 Derwentside AC                    50:37
     196  David Whitmore V55  25 South Shields H & AC              50:38
     197  Jeff Henderson         Unattached                        50:39
     198  Phil Nicholson V55  26 North East Veterans AC            50:51
     199  Tina Dickinson L45   2 Horsforth Harriers                50:53
     200  Robert Stobbs  V40  27 Gateshead H & AC                  51:10
     201  Andrew Wardman         Unattached                        51:12
     202  Steve Byrne            Low Fell RC                       51:15
     203  John Davidson  V45  33 Tynedale H & AC                   51:16
     204  Alan Purvis    V55  27 Elvet Striders                    51:18
     205  Denis Lincoln  V60   2 New Marske Harriers               51:18
     206  Julie Phillips L    17 Tynedale H & AC                   51:23
     207  John Jackson   V55  28 Elswick Harriers                  51:23
     208  Iain McKinnin          Heaton Harriers                   51:23
     209  Susan Duke     L45   3 Unattached                        51:24
     210  Steve Innis            Unattached                        51:29
     211  Racheal Kane   L    19 Heaton Harriers                   52:00
     212  Karen Grant    L35   3 Blackhill Bounders                52:05
     213  Austin Churm           Unattached                        52:08
     214  Joanne Howell  L    21 Saltwell Harriers                 52:23
     215  Julia Carr     L    22 Tynedale H & AC                   52:26
     216  Chris Harrison V50  27 Unattached                        52:47
     217  Tom Millmore   V45  34 Birtley AC                        52:54
     218  G Robertshaw           Morpeth H & AC                    53:00
     219  Stuart Campbell V45 35 Unattached                        54:05
     220  Alex Blake             Unattached                        54:18
     221  Michael Aired          Unattached                        54:21
     222  Richard Clarke         Unattached                        54:22
     223  Tony Houchin   V40  28 Unattached                        54:33
     224  Danielle Rice  L    23 Unattached                        54:33
     225  S Richardson   L    24 Unattached                        54:41
     226  Ruth Brennan   L55   2 Unattached                        54:49
     227  E Armstrong    L55   3 Tynedale H & AC                   54:54
     228  Barbar Jackson L50   1 Unattached                        55:13
     229  Keith Holmes           Unattached                        55:17
     230  Victor Castro-Q        Unattached                        55:43
     231  Tim Deveaux    V50  28 Ryton Triathlon Club              56:09
     232  Mike Elliott   V55  29 Elvet Striders                    56:42
     233  James Waters   V60   3 100 Marathon                      56:43
     234  Viv Forster    L50   2 Tynedale H & AC                   56:47
     235  Caryl Skene    L45   4 Penistone Footpath Runners        56:47
     236  David Reay             Unattached                        56:48
     237  Helena Simmons L    30 Saltwell Harriers                 56:59
     238  David Brewis   V55  30 Elswick Harriers                  57:40
     239  Kim Varley     L45   5 Blackhill Bounders                58:07
     240  Frederick Cook V55  31 Unattached                        58:09
     241  Wendy Thomas   L    32 Unattached                        58:38
     242  Geo Routledge  V55  32 Heaton Harriers                   59:31
     243  Katy Appleby   L    33 Unattached                        59:55
     244  Kath Spencer   L40   4 Unattached                      1:00:00
     245  Harry Craven   V55  33 Heaton Harriers                 1:00:23
     246  Gil Donaldson  L35   4 Unattached                      1:03:26
     247  Alec Robe      V55  34 North East Veterans AC          1:04:33
     248  Tammy Payne    L    36 Unattached                      1:07:00
     249  Nicola Giguere L    37 Unattached                      1:07:05
     250  Jo Vary        L55   4 North East Veterans AC          1:09:28

Senior Men Teams:

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Morpeth H & AC                     28
                                 1  Martin Scaife    4  Alan Shepherd 
                                23  Paul Waterson 
  2  Elswick Harriers                   29
                                 2  Steven Horn     12  Mark McLeod   
                                15  Paul Dodd     
  3  Gateshead H & AC                   42
                                 8  Chris Roberts   16  Paul Besford  
                                18  Phil Branson  
  4  Low Fell RC                        48
                                 6  Jon Archer      13  Mark McDonald 
                                29  Paul Calland  
  5  North Shields Poly AC              83
                                11  Alun Woodward   32  Kevin Watt    
                                40  Warren Johnson
  6  Derwentside AC                     97
                                20  John Donneky-J  31  Brian Buckley 
                                46  M Chrostowski 
  7  Heaton Harriers                   101
                                24  Dan Robbins     33  Chris Auld    
                                44  Scott McEntee 
  8  Jarrow & Hebburn AC               107
                                30  Graham Slesser  38  Peter Bell    
                                39  Mark Slesser  

Veteran Men Teams:

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Sunderland H & AC                  19
                                 1  Dave Robertson   2  Tom Doughty   
                                16  Paul Redman   
  2  Morpeth H & AC                     22
                                 3  Les Atkinson     9  Gavin Bayner  
                                10  Archie Jenkins
  3  Elswick Harriers                   40
                                 8  Mark McNally    14  Paul Dixon    
                                18  Andrew Hartley
  4  South Shields H & AC               76
                                 6  Michael Jones   12  Peter Morgan  
                                58  Geoff Urron   
  5  North Shields Poly AC              82
                                19  Alan Watt       24  Ian Richardson
                                39  John Brown    
  6  Low Fell RC                        84
                                20  Andrew Hughes   21  Michael Graham
                                43  Brian Hume    
  7  Wallsend H & AC                    89
                                 7  David Embleton  40  Robin Mowbray 
                                42  John Thomas   
  8  Derwentside AC                     93
                                17  John Donneky    29  John Pope     
                                47  David Mills   
  9  Jarrow & Hebburn AC               125
                                27  Michael Bunn    38  Brian Anderson
                                60  Alan Slesser  
 10  Heaton Harriers                   132
                                36  Nigel Unwin     37  Edward Baty   
                                59  Allen Mulliss 
 11  Gosforth H & AC                   136
                                31  Kevin Thomas    49  David Robson  
                                56  Tom Clifford  
 12  Elvet Striders                    156
                                26  Conrad White    44  Graham Daglish
                                86  Alan Purvis   
 13  Gateshead H & AC                  175
                                41  Ken Alnwick     50  Andrew Smith  
                                84  Robert Stobbs 
 14  Blyth RC                          202
                                57  Keith Wiltshire 69  David Bradley 
                                76  John Mallon   
 15  Quakers RC                        203
                                53  John Edmundson  73  Daniel Gordon 
                                77  Terry Deary   
 16  North East Veterans AC            229
                                71  Terry Herbert   75  Jim Manford   
                                83  Phil Nicholson

Senior Women Teams:

No complete teams

Veteran Women Teams:

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Tynedale H & AC                    17
                                 1  Lynne Marr       6  Steph Bingham 
                                10  Eileen Armstrong   

Under 17 Men

     Pos  Name           Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Jack Martin            Sunderland H & AC                 15:50
       2  Adam Carmichael        Gateshead H & AC                  15:54
       3  Stephen Brewis         Houghton & Peterlee AC            16:24
       4  Will Pike              Gateshead H & AC                  16:39
       5  Stuart Haswell         Houghton & Peterlee AC            17:01
       6  Michael Wallace        Houghton & Peterlee AC            17:12
       7  David Wallace          Houghton & Peterlee AC            19:52
       8  Steve Humphrey         Houghton & Peterlee AC            21:56


  1  Houghton & Peterlee AC             14
                                 3  Stephen Brewis   5  Stuart Haswell
                                 6  Michael Wallace

Under 17 Women

     Pos  Name           Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Lyndsey Dodsworth 	 Gateshead H & AC                  19:58
       2  Chloe Gilmore          Gateshead H & AC                  22:21


No complete teams

Under 15 Boys

     Pos  Name                   Club         Time  

       1  Ross Murray            Gateshead H & AC                   8:59
       2  Mark Cochrane          Morpeth H & AC                     9:01
       3  Tom Perrins            Gateshead H & AC                   9:11
       4  Raymond Kirkup         Blyth RC                           9:25
       5  Richard Hall           Gateshead H & AC                  10:01
       6  David Watt             North Shields Poly AC             10:19
       7  Carl Beeley            Unattached                        10:35
       8  Craig Lamb             Blyth RC                          12:15
       9  Sean McEnaney          Gateshead H & AC                  13:29


    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Gateshead H & AC                    9
                                 1  Ross Murray      3  Tom Perrins   
                                 5  Richard Hall  

Under 15 Girls

     Pos  Name                   Club         Time  

       1  S-K Crowell            Jarrow & Hebburn AC               10:50
       2  Eleanor Murray         Jarrow & Hebburn AC               11:28
       3  Victoria Brewis        Houghton & Peterlee AC            11:48
       4  Helen Boal             Houghton & Peterlee AC            14:42
       5  Nikita Turton          Houghton & Peterlee AC            14:48


    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Houghton & Peterlee AC             12
                                 3  Victoriaa Brewis   4  Helen Boal    
                                 5  Nikita Turton 

Under 13 Boys

     Pos  Name                   Club         Time  

       1  Greg Ritchie           Jarrow & Hebburn AC                9:55
       2  Liam Baistor           Blyth RC                          10:06
       3  Jordan Beaton          Gateshead H & AC                  10:10
       4  Steph Cochrane         Morpeth H & AC                    10:36
       5  Ben Pearson            Elswick Harriers                  10:45
       6  Tom Hope               Houghton & Peterlee AC            10:51
       7  Martin Ross            Houghton & Peterlee AC            11:14
       8  Stephen Page           Houghton & Peterlee AC            11:48
       9  Chris Bunn             Jarrow & Hebburn AC               12:22
      10  Stephen Kirkup         Blyth RC                          13:41


  1  Houghton & Peterlee AC             21
                                 6  Tom Hope         7  Martin Ross   
                                 8  Stephen Page  

Under 13 Girls

     Pos  Name                   Club         Time  

       1  Emma Winter            Jarrow & Hebburn AC               11:01
       2  Chloe Fletcher         Gateshead H & AC                  11:12
       3  Rebecca Oldham         Gateshead H & AC                  11:20
       4  Jennifer Bunn          Jarrow & Hebburn AC               12:23
       5  Lucy Gray              Blyth RC                          15:18


No complete teams Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004