Jarrow & Hebburn AC Riverside Run

at Hebburn on Tuesday 17th August 2004

Riverside 5.9 miles

     Pos  Name             Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Simon O'Donnell          Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       32:00
       2  Steven Potts             Sunderland H & AC                 32:03
       3  Rob Walker               North Shields Poly AC             32:44
       4  Martin Wilson            Jarrow & Hebburn AC               32:54
       5  Billy Gilroy     V40   1 Morpeth H & AC                    32:56
       6  Graham Lancaster         Sunderland H & AC                 33:14
       7  Neil Armsworth           Morpeth H & AC                    33:15
       8  Mark Donkin              Sunderland H & AC                 33:18
       9  Paul Besford             Gateshead H & AC                  33:41
      10  Ian Waterhouse           Elswick Harriers                  33:43
      11  Paul Given               Unattached                        33:54
      12  Stephen Gray             Unattached                        34:09
      13  Paul Hilton              Wallsend H & AC                   34:20
      14  Sean Kelly               Wallsend H & AC                   34:38
      15  Peter Morgan     V45   1 South Shields H & AC              34:44
      16  David Houshby            South Shields H & AC              34:48
      17  John Moore               Heaton Harriers                   35:01
      18  Andy Brown       V40   2 Blyth RC                          35:12
      19  Philip Goode             Saltwell Harriers                 35:13
      20  David Young      V40   3 Wallsend H & AC                   35:16
      21  Paul Waterson            Morpeth H & AC                    35:18
      22  Hannah Wootton   L     1 Newcastle University AC           35:19
      23  Colin Robson             Unattached                        35:21
      24  Chris Dentice    V50   1 Morpeth H & AC                    35:28
      25  Paul Redman      V40   4 Sunderland H & AC                 35:41
      26  Chris McDonald           South Shields H & AC              35:49
      27  Stephen McKenna          Unattached                        35:50
      28  Mark Slesser             Jarrow & Hebburn AC               36:00
      29  Brendon Jackson          Unattached                        36:06
      30  Ken Maynard      V45   2 Sunderland Strolllers             36:07
      31  Andrew Athton    	   Unattached                        36:09
      32  Chris Jackson            Sunderland Strolllers             36:11
      33  Michelle Holt    L     2 Sunderland H & AC                 36:31
      34  Mike Hegerty             Morpeth H & AC                    36:35
      35  Claire Smallwood L     3 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               36:42
      36  Peter Gibson             Sunderland H & AC                 36:47
      37  Vince Wilson             Morpeth H & AC                    36:47
      38  Christopher Howe V45   3 Unattached                        36:50
      39  Keith Wood       V40   5 Saltwell Harriers                 36:51
      40  Gareth Hope              Blyth RC                          37:24
      41  Michael Graham   V40   6 Low Fell RC                       37:37
      42  Gerald Bishop            Low Fell RC                       37:45
      43  Neil Curry       V45   4 Unattached                        38:03
      44  Dave Dixon       V50   2 Sunderland Strolllers             38:04
      45  Chris McLane     V40   7 Unattached                        38:06
      46  Paul Slater              Unattached                        38:09
      47  Andrew Hartley   V40   8 Elswick Harriers                  38:15
      48  John Sturman             Wallsend H & AC                   38:18
      49  Hugh Bingham     V40   9 Tynedale H & AC                   38:19
      50  Peter Bell       	   Jarrow & Hebburn AC               38:21
      51  Peter Richardson V50   3 Sunderland H & AC                 38:26
      52  Angela Hunter    L     4 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               38:37
      53  Michael Bunn     V45   5 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               38:42
      54  Mal Darbyshire   V45   6 Blyth RC                          38:45
      55  Mike Bennett     V50   4 Elvet Striders                    38:56
      56  Steve Walker     V45   7 Blyth RC                          38:58
      57  Joe Frazer       V55   1 Blyth RC                          39:01
      58  Barry Metcalfe   V40  10 Blyth RC                          39:02
      59  Richard Dodgson          Wallsend H & AC                   39:05
      60  Ian Robinson     V40  11 Unattached                        39:07
      61  David Miller     V45   8 North Shields Poly AC             39:10
      62  Paul Dixon       V40  12 Sunderland Strolllers             39:16
      63  Mark Sutcliffe           Unattached                        39:19
      64  Craig Allsopp    V40  13 Saltwell Harriers                 39:24
      65  Les Anderson     V40  14 Unattached                        39:29
      66  Paul Dunlop              Sunderland Strolllers             39:36
      67  Anke Onsia       L     5 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               39:44
      68  James Toal               Unattached                        39:52
      69  John Mallon      V45   9 Blyth RC                          39:53
      70  David Warnaby    V50   5 Sunderland Strolllers             39:53
      71  Nick Kulinich            Aurora Harriers                   39:55
      72  Ben Hood                 Blyth RC                          39:56
      73  George Arthur    V40  15 Unattached                        40:04
      74  Derek Allan              Unattached                        40:11
      75  Eddie Wilson     V50   6 South Shields H & AC              40:13
      76  Derek Wright     V50   7 Sunderland Strolllers             40:23
      77  Shaun Dunlop             Low Fell RC                       40:24
      78  Scott McEntee            Heaton Harriers                   40:25
      79  Dawn Elliott     L45   1 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       40:25
      80  P S Boghal       V45  10 Heaton Harriers                   40:30
      81  Michael Winter           Morpeth H & AC                    40:33
      82  Michael Stoker   V50   8 Sunderland H & AC                 40:35
      83  John Telford             Jarrow & Hebburn AC               40:45
      84  Craig Kilgour            Unattached                        40:47
      85  Graeme Slesser           Jarrow & Hebburn AC               40:48
      86  Victoria Booth   L     7 Sunderland H & AC                 40:50
      87  David Seddon     V45  11 Unattached                        40:53
      88  Harry Porteous   V40  16 Wooler RC                         40:56
      89  Howard Gold      V60   1 Heaton Harriers                   40:57
      90  Brian Hume       V55   2 Low Fell RC                       40:58
      91  Ian Richardson   V55   3 North Shields Poly AC             41:00
      92  Kevin Freeman    V45  12 Blyth RC                          41:05
      93  Gerard Lee               Wallsend H & AC                   41:18
      94  Steve Snowdon    V45  13 Unattached                        41:23
      95  Hilary Ross      L45   2 Unattached                        41:28
      96  Martin Quantrill         Jarrow & Hebburn AC               41:29
      97  Dave Burt                Aurora Harriers                   41:32
      98  Michael Coxon            Unattached                        41:33
      99  Malcolm Cox      V45  14 Sunderland Strolllers             41:34
     100  Trevor Bradley   V45  15 Unattached                        41:35
     101  David Roberts    V40  17 Blyth RC                          41:35
     102  Ken Turnbull     V55   4 Blyth RC                          41:38
     103  Paul Jackson     V45  16 Sunderland Strolllers             41:39
     104  Chris Griffiths          Shildon R & AC                    41:42
     105  Tim Foster       V45  17 Saltwell Harriers                 41:45
     106  Ralph Dickinson  V50   9 Blyth RC                          41:53
     107  John Curry               Blyth RC                          41:56
     108  A J Ward         V60   2 Morpeth H & AC                    41:57
     109  John Edmondson   V50  10 Quakers RC                        42:01
     110  Allen Mulliss    V45  18 Heaton Harriers                   42:05
     111  Janet Young      L     9 Heaton Harriers                   42:06
     112  Mario Jaconelli          Sunderland Strolllers             42:08
     113  Anne Potts       L50   1 Blyth RC                          42:14
     114  Colin McAllister V40  18 Aurora Harriers                   42:20
     115  Paul Cooper      V40  19 Unattached                        42:21
     116  David Caygill            Shildon R & AC                    42:33
     117  Harry Norman     V40  20 North Shields Poly AC             42:45
     118  Jim Francis              Saltwell Harriers                 42:48
     119  John Davidson    V45  19 Tynedale H & AC                   42:52
     120  Colin Whittle    V40  21 Unattached                        42:57
     121  Mick Joyce       V45  20 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               43:01
     122  Phil Watson      V40  22 Sunderland Strolllers             43:04
     123  David Wright     V50  11 Heaton Harriers                   43:13
     124  Brian Usher      V50  12 Aurora Harriers                   43:17
     125  Phil Reed                Jarrow & Hebburn AC               43:18
     126  Jane Eastham     L    11 Gosforth H & AC                   43:22
     127  Susan Auld       L    12 Heaton Harriers                   43:26
     128  Denis Bostock    V50  13 Low Fell RC                       43:27
     129  Alan Slesser     V50  14 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               43:33
     130  David Roe        V45  21 Blyth RC                          43:40
     131  Deborah Todd     L35   1 Sunderland Strolllers             43:42
     132  Michael Crozier  V55   5 Sunderland Strolllers             43:43
     133  Jenny Friend     L40   1 Heaton Harriers                   43:44
     134  Gary Robertshaw          Morpeth H & AC                    43:45
     135  Mark Roberts     V45  22 Sunderland Strolllers             43:46
     136  Ron Ingram       V45  23 Blyth RC                          43:47
     137  Susanne Hunter   L35   2 Blyth RC                          43:50
     138  Cath Young       L45   3 Blyth RC                          43:53
     139  Robert Moore     V65   1 Tynedale H & AC                   43:56
     140  John Patterson   V50  15 Blyth RC                          44:02
     141  Mel Gunn         V40  23 Unattached                        44:05
     142  Helen Morris     L40   2 Blyth RC                          44:06
     143  Dave Lawson              Unattached                        44:23
     144  Michelle Pude    L    18 Wallsend H & AC                   44:27
     145  Peter Winter     V60   3 Morpeth H & AC                    44:28
     146  John Woodward    V45  24 Sunderland Strolllers             44:33
     147  Terence McCabe   V55   6 Blyth RC                          44:39
     148  Barry Cornelius  V55   7 Unattached                        44:45
     149  Kevin Chester            Shildon R & AC                    44:52
     150  Tony Campbell    V40  24 Unattached                        44:59
     151  Joe Glancy       V40  25 Sunderland Strolllers             45:08
     152  Chloe Gilmore    L    19 Gateshead H & AC                  45:36
     153  Pauline Lesley   V50  16 Heaton Harriers                   45:46
     154  Georgia Campbell L    20 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               45:55
     155  Colin Gibson     V55   8 Unattached                        46:16
     156  Trish West       L40   3 North Shields Poly AC             46:17
     157  Eric Appleby     V70   1 Heaton Harriers                   46:18
     158  John Gray        V55   9 Shildon R & AC                    46:46
     159  Keith Willshire  V50  17 Blyth RC                          46:49
     160  Kevin Thornton   V45  25 Shildon R & AC                    46:51
     161  David Williams   V55  10 Sunderland Strolllers             46:57
     162  Pamala Gold      L55   1 Heaton Harriers                   47:04
     163  David Beaumont   V45  26 Unattached                        47:11
     164  Alan Waterhouse  V55  11 Elswick Harriers                  47:16
     165  Steph Bingham    L35   3 Tynedale H & AC                   47:17
     166  Alan Clark       V50  18 Low Fell RC                       47:21
     167  Wayne Rice               Blyth RC                          47:33
     168  Ken Rowell       V40  26 Unattached                        47:34
     169  David Ellis              Jarrow & Hebburn AC               47:41
     170  Kirsy Huntington L    24 Blyth RC                          47:42
     171  Tony Prince      V50  19 Elswick Harriers                  47:42
     172  David Whitmore   V65   2 South Shields H & AC              47:43
     173  Sarah Wilson     L35   4 Shildon R & AC                    48:08
     174  Tony Ecclestone          Unattached                        48:11
     175  Dave Mitsides            Unattached                        48:12
     176  Stuart McNulty           Unattached                        48:28
     177  Dave Robson      V50  20 Unattached                        48:29
     178  Dave Kitching    V60   4 Blyth RC                          48:37
     179  George Lewis     V40  27 Unattached                        48:38
     180  Brian Diver              Unattached                        48:42
     181  Ted Houlsby      V55  12 Unattached                        48:53
     182  Ray Laverick     V70   2 Aurora Harriers                   49:03
     183  Brenda Hardy     L40   4 Sunderland H & AC                 49:18
     184  Joanne Howell    L    27 Saltwell Harriers                 49:20
     185  Lynn Dixon       L45   4 Sunderland Strolllers             49:25
     186  Henry Bloem      V65   3 Unattached                        49:27
     187  Keith Weavers            Aurora Harriers                   49:47
     188  Kenny McCormick  V50  21 Claremont RR                      49:48
     189  Pauline Cunningham L50 2 Blyth RC                          49:50
     190  Ron Avery        V50  22 Sunderland Strolllers             49:56
     191  Vivien McGlade   L35   5 Shildon R & AC                    49:59
     192  Mick Hayden      V55  13 Aurora Harriers                   50:02
     193  Steven Rochelle  V45  27 Saltwell Harriers                 50:10
     194  Colin McBeth     V55  14 Concordia R & P                   50:28
     195  David Muzyczuk   V45  28 Unattached                        50:46
     196  Kate Arrowsmith  L    31 Claremont RR                      50:56
     197  Ian Flowers      V50  23 Claremont RR                      50:56
     198  John Cosgrove    V45  29 Sunderland Strolllers             51:42
     199  Louise Rawlinson L    32 Blyth RC                          51:45
     200  Tajinder Singh           Sunderland Strolllers             51:55
     201  Debbie Reay      L35   6 Morpeth H & AC                    51:56
     202  Karen Dobson     L35   7 Unattached                        52:05
     203  Stan White       V65   4 Low Fell RC                       52:06
     204  Peter Foggo              Unattached                        52:25
     205  Tracy Timm       L40   5 Sunderland Strolllers             52:58
     206  Deborah Hollick  L    36 Shildon R & AC                    53:11
     207  Tony Gilroy      V55  15 Concordia R & P                   53:20
     208  Michael Cook             Unattached                        53:26
     209  Jeff Henderson           Unattached                        55:10
     210  D Thornton       V50  24 Unattached                        55:30
     211  Claire Houlsby   L    37 Unattached                        55:55
     212  David Brewis     V55  16 Elswick Harriers                  56:39
     213  Anita Hunter     L45   5 Unattached                        56:40
     214  Margaret Clark   L50   3 Low Fell RC                       58:16
     215  George Hood      V55  17 Concordia R & P                   58:48
     216  Mariam Dunlop    L35   8 Low Fell RC                       59:24
     217  Laura White      L    41 Sunderland Strolllers           1:00:39
     218  Chris Bostock    L50   4 Low Fell RC                     1:00:53
     219  Helen Mills      L35   9 Shildon R & AC                  1:02:11
     220  Deborah Heron    L40   6 Unattached                      1:03:21

Men's Teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Sunderland H & AC                  16
                                 2  Steven Potts       6  Graham Lancaster
                                 8  Mark Donkin     
  2  Morpeth H & AC                     31
                                 5  Billy Gilroy       7  Neil Armsworth  
                                19  Paul Waterson   
  3  Wallsend H & AC                    41
                                11  Paul Hilton       12  Sean Kelly      
                                18  David Young     
  4  South Shields H & AC               49
                                13  Peter Morgan      14  David Houshby   
                                22  Chris McDonald  
  5  Jarrow & Hebburn AC                64
                                 4  Martin Wilson     23  Mark Slesser    
                                37  Peter Bell      
  6  Sunderland Strolllers              82
                                24  Ken Maynard       25  Chris Jackson   
                                33  Dave Dixon      
  7  Blyth RC                           86
                                16  Andy Brown        30  Gareth Hope     
                                40  Mal Darbyshire  
  8  Saltwell Harriers                  94
                                17  Philip Goode      29  Keith Wood      
                                48  Craig Allsopp   
  9  North Shields Poly AC             115
                                 3  Rob Walker        46  David Miller    
                                66  Ian Richardson  
 10  Low Fell RC                       119
                                31  Michael Graham    32  Gerald Bishop   
                                56  Shaun Dunlop    
 11  Heaton Harriers                   130
                                15  John Moore        57  Scott McEntee   
                                58  P S Boghal      
 12  Elswick Harriers                  157
                                10  Ian Waterhouse    34  Andrew Hartley  
                               113  Alan Waterhouse 
 13  Aurora Harriers                   205
                                52  Nick Kulinich     70  Dave Burt       
                                83  Colin McAllister
 14  Tynedale H & AC                   223
                                36  Hugh Bingham      87  John Davidson   
                               100  Robert Moore    
 15  Shildon R & AC                    264
                                75  Chris Griffiths   84  David Caygill   
                               105  Kevin Chester   
 16  Concordia R & P                   390
                               126  Colin McBeth     131  Tony Gilroy     
                               133  George Hood     

Women's Teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Jarrow & Hebburn AC                12
                                 3  Claire Smallwood   4  Angela Hunter   
                                 5  Anke Onsia      
  2  Heaton Harriers                    32
                                 8  Janet Young       11  Susan Auld      
                                13  Jenny Friend    
  3  Sunderland H & AC                  34
                                 2  Michelle Holt      7  Victoria Booth  
                                25  Brenda Hardy    
  4  Blyth RC                           38
                                 9  Anne Potts        14  Susanne Hunter  
                                15  Cath Young      
  5  Sunderland Strolllers              72
                                12  Deborah Todd      27  Lynn Dixon      
                                33  Tracy Timm      
  6  Shildon R & AC                     87
                                24  Sarah Wilson      29  Vivien McGlade  
                                34  Deborah Hollick 
  7  Low Fell RC                       109
                                35  Margaret Clark    36  Mariam Dunlop   
                                38  Chris Bostock   

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004