Heaton Harriers Town Moor Memorial Race

at Newcastle on Sunday 14th November 2004

Under 13 Boys

     Pos  Name                     Club         Time  

       1  Greg Ritchie             Jarrow & Hebburn AC               11:41
       2  Jordan Beaton            Gateshead H & AC                  12:00
       3  Stephen Cochrane         Morpeth H & AC                    12:16
       4  Tom Hope                 Houghton & Peterlee AC            12:23
       5  Martyn Ross              Houghton & Peterlee AC            13:20
       6  Stephen Page             Houghton & Peterlee AC            13:35
       7  Liam Clement             Houghton & Peterlee AC            13:39
       8  Liam McNally             Houghton & Peterlee AC            14:17
       9  Christopher Bunn         Jarrow & Hebburn AC               14:40


    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Houghton & Peterlee AC             15
                                 4  Tom Hope           5  Martyn Ross     
                                 6  Stephen Page    

Under 13 Girls

     Pos  Name                     Club         Time  

       1  Stevie Goodfellow        Morpeth H & AC                    12:41
       2  Chloe Fletcher           Gateshead H & AC                  12:44
       3  Alex Begg                Gateshead H & AC                  12:45
       4  Victoria Addison         Jarrow & Hebburn AC               12:56
       5  Mariska Simpson          Morpeth H & AC                    13:40
       6  Recbecca Oldham          Gateshead H & AC                  14:07
       7  Catriona MacDonald       Morpeth H & AC                    14:49
       8  Zoe Armstrong            Morpeth H & AC                    14:54
       9  Rachel Hewitson          Houghton & Peterlee AC            15:33


    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Gateshead H & AC                   11
                                 2  Chloe Fletcher     3  Alex Begg       
                                 6  Recbecca Oldham 
  2  Morpeth H & AC                     13
                                 1  Stevie Goodfellow  5  Mariska Simpson 
                                 7  Catriona MacDonald

Under 15 Boys

     Pos  Name                     Club         Time  

       1  Richard Cunningham       Birtley AC                        10:13
       2  Marc Cochrane            Morpeth H & AC                    10:25
       3  Tom Perrins              Gateshead H & AC                  10:34
       4  Richard Hall             Gateshead H & AC                  11:47
       5  David Watt               North Shields Poly AC             11:54
       6  Raymond Kirkup           Blyth RC                          11:55
       7  Robert Brannon           Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       15:45

No complete teams

Under 15 Girls

     Pos  Name                     Club         Time  

       1  Laura Weightman          Morpeth H & AC                    11:24
       2  Rachel Adams             Morpeth H & AC                    11:31
       3  Stephanie-K Crowell      Jarrow & Hebburn AC               12:11
       4  Laura Dixon              Morpeth H & AC                    12:43
       5  Caroline Potts           Houghton & Peterlee AC            12:44
       6  Lyndsey MacDonald        Morpeth H & AC                    13:05
       7  Eleanor Murray           Jarrow & Hebburn AC               13:52
       8  Kellie Henderson         Morpeth H & AC                    15:18
       9  Helen Boal               Houghton & Peterlee AC            18:14


  1  Morpeth H & AC                      7
                                 1  Laura Weightman    2  Rachel Adams    
                                 4  Laura Dixon     

Under 17/Junior Men

     Pos  Name             Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Jackson Creegan  JM    1 Gateshead H & AC                  16:48
       2  Sean Kirtley     JM    2 Morpeth H & AC                    17:05
       3  Edd Richards     JM    3 Richmond & Zetland Harriers       17:24
       4  Anthony Colwell  	   Morpeth H & AC                    17:37
       5  Tony Carter      JM    4 Wallsend H & AC                   17:42
       6  Stephen Brewis  	   Houghton & Peterlee AC            17:58
       7  Michael Wallace          Houghton & Peterlee AC            18:02
       8  Craig Patterson          Gateshead H & AC                  18:04
       9  Stuart Haswell   	   Houghton & Peterlee AC            18:16
      10  Paul Guthrie             Houghton & Peterlee AC            19:04
      11  Chris Taylor     	   Unattached                        20:12
      12  David Wallace            Houghton & Peterlee AC            20:56
      13  Steven Humphrey          Houghton & Peterlee AC            21:25


    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Houghton & Peterlee AC             22
                                 6  Stephen Brewis     7  Michael Wallace 
                                 9  Stuart Haswell  

Under 17/Junior Women

     Pos  Name             Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Natalie Dawson   LJ    1 Morpeth H & AC                    20:21
       2  Samantha Duffy           Gateshead H & AC                  20:33
       3  Lyndsey Dodsworth 	   Gateshead H & AC                  20:59
       4  Gillian Barry    LJ    2 Houghton & Peterlee AC            21:05
       5  Keira Murray     LJ    3 Newcastle University AC           21:42
       6  Kate White               Elswick Harriers                  22:09

No complete teams

Senior/Veteran Men & Women

     Pos  Name             Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Tommy Brannon            North Shields Poly AC             33:21
       2  John Murray              Newcastle University AC           33:22
       3  David Robertson  V40   1 Sunderland H & AC                 33:29
       4  Peter Newton             Claremont RR                      33:50
       5  Shawn Laws               Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       34:49
       6  Mat Hann                 Durham University CCC             35:17
       7  Stephen Hilton   V40   2 Blaydon H & AC                    35:18
       8  Philip Addyman           Claremont RR                      35:21
       9  David Embleton   V40   3 Wallsend H & AC                   35:30
      10  Andrew Lawrence          Durham University CCC             35:47
      11  Chris Wilson             Durham University CCC             35:53
      12  Steve White      V55   1 Elswick Harriers                  35:55
      13  Keith Fairbank           Durham City H & AC                36:01
      14  Not Known                                                  36:10
      15  David Armstrong          Elswick Harriers                  36:16
      16  Lauren Shelley   L     1 Ranelagh Harriers                 36:31
      17  John Moore               Heaton Harriers                   36:34
      18  Chris Dentice    V50   1 Morpeth H & AC                    36:39
      19  Archie Jenkins   V50   2 Morpeth H & AC                    36:50
      20  David Anderson   V45   1 Wallsend H & AC                   36:51
      21  Paul Dodd                Elswick Harriers                  37:03
      22  Adelmo Couto     V40   4 Unattached                        37:10
      23  Stephen Gilroy           North Shields Poly AC             37:16
      24  Mark Smith               Durham University CCC             37:20
      25  Peter Grey       V45   2 Alnwick Harriers                  37:22
      26  Alistair McDonald V40  5 Morpeth H & AC                    37:26
      27  Paul Dixon       V45   3 Elswick Harriers                  37:41
      28  Daniel McGrath           Unattached                        37:41
      29  Robert Tobin             Shildon R & AC                    37:46
      30  Micky Baker      V40   6 Wallsend H & AC                   38:07
      31  John Mason               Newcastle University AC           38:09
      32  David Matthews   V55   2 Unattached                        38:10
      33  David Bell       V40   7 Gosforth H & AC                   38:11
      34  Dan Robins               Heaton Harriers                   38:12
      35  Michael Chater           Newcastle University AC           38:19
      36  Peter Hamilton   V55   3 Blackheath & Bromley Harriers     38:22
      37  Graham Yare              Jarrow & Hebburn AC               38:23
      38  Gary Campbell            North Shields Poly AC             38:27
      39  Chris Westcomb   V45   4 North Shields Poly AC             38:46
      40  Mick Pereira             Low Fell RC                       38:47
      41  Paul Turner              Unattached                        38:49
      42  Edmund Devlin            Unattached                        38:50
      43  Robert Woodwards         Newcastle University AC           38:56
      44  Ian Tulloch      V40   8 Unattached                        38:59
      45  Mark Johnson     V40   9 North Shields Poly AC             39:02
      46  Gary Pemberton   V50   3 North East Veterans AC            39:06
      47  Neil Curry       V45   5 Unattached                        39:11
      48  Peter Walton     V45   6 Unattached                        39:18
      49  Andrew Hartley   V40  10 Elswick Harriers                  39:20
      50  David Masterman          Durham City H & AC                39:27
      51  Stephen Rhodes           Newcastle University AC           39:30
      52  Oscar Pastor             Gateshead H & AC                  39:33
      53  David Moir               Wallsend H & AC                   39:34
      54  Michael Bunn     V45   7 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               39:39
      55  Conrad White     V45   8 Elvet Striders                    39:42
      56  Neil Young       V40  11 Unattached                        39:44
      57  Paul Higham              Newcastle University AC           39:52
      58  Anthony Ball             Gateshead H & AC                  39:53
      59  Stuart Herbert   V40  12 Morpeth H & AC                    40:04
      60  Gareth Hope              Blyth RC                          40:07
      61  Luke Aston               Unattached                        40:09
      62  Angela Hunter    L     2 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               40:14
      63  Christopher Gray         Morpeth H & AC                    40:16
      64  Trevor Bird              Gosforth H & AC                   40:19
      65  Terry Longstaff  V45   9 North Shields Poly AC             40:25
      66  Mike Walker      V60   1 Gosforth H & AC                   40:29
      67  Philip Holmes            Unattached                        40:30
      68  Martin Pearson   V45  10 Unattached                        40:37
      69  Colin Close              Unattached                        40:49
      70  Kevin Payne      V45  11 Wallsend H & AC                   40:51
      71  Alan Storey      V50   4 Blaydon H & AC                    40:53
      72  James Raven              Unattached                        40:58
      73  Paul Calland             Low Fell RC                       40:59
      74  Tom Hanson       V45  12 Elswick Harriers                  41:04
      75  Robert Wilson    V45  13 Elswick Harriers                  41:07
      76  Malcolm Gibson           Heaton Harriers                   41:10
      77  Nick Kulinich            Aurora Harriers                   41:11
      78  Emma Waterhouse  L     3 Durham University CCC             41:12
      79  Nigel Barnes             Tynedale H & AC                   41:13
      80  John Brown       V50   5 North Shields Poly AC             41:13
      81  David Mein       V55   4 Durham University CCC             41:15
      82  Martin Haddon            North Shields Poly AC             41:16
      83  Gaston Johnson           Unattached                        41:17
      84  Ian Graham       V45  14 Unattached                        41:23
      85  Robert Seaton    V50   6 Jarrow & Hebburn AC               41:27
      86  Jonathon Money           North Shields Poly AC             41:30
      87  Michael Winter           Morpeth H & AC                    41:33
      88  Chris Auld               Heaton Harriers                   41:36
      89  Craig Kilgour            Elswick Harriers                  41:39
      90  Neil Defty               Durham University CCC             41:41
      91  Craig Proudlock          Unattached                        41:42
      92  Don Stewart      V50   7 Alnwick Harriers                  41:43
      93  Philip Jordan    V40  13 Unattached                        41:45
      94  Michael Henry    V50   8 Alnwick Harriers                  41:50
      95  Ronald Heslop    V55   5 Blaydon H & AC                    41:52
      96  Rob Seaton               Jarrow & Hebburn AC               41:54
      97  Matthew Giles            Durham University CCC             41:56
      98  Ken Alnwick      V55   6 Gateshead H & AC                  42:19
      99  Heather Lambert  L45   1 North Shields Poly AC             42:27
     100  Ian Middlemas            Unattached                        42:30
     101  Jason Mellor             Unattached                        42:31
     102  Neil Irvine      V40  14 Unattached                        42:38
     103  John Dallinson   V50   9 Northumberland Fell Runners       42:40
     104  David Wright     V50  10 Heaton Harriers                   42:41
     105  Lynne Marr       L40   1 Tynedale H & AC                   42:44
     106  Colin Everson    V50  11 Crook & District AC               42:47
     107  Gary Rutherford  V40  15 Elswick Harriers                  42:48
     108  Michael Coxon            Unattached                        42:50
     109  Amy Turner       L     6 Wallsend H & AC                   42:52
     110  Glenn Robinson           Unattached                        42:53
     111  Susan Auld       L     7 Heaton Harriers                   42:56
     112  Brian Hume       V55   7 Low Fell RC                       42:57
     113  Angela Mason     L45   2 Unattached                        42:58
     114  Dennis Brown     V50  12 Crook & District AC               43:07
     115  Steve Williamson         Unattached                        43:10
     116  Howard Gold      V60   2 Heaton Harriers                   43:11
     117  David Robson     V45  15 Gosforth H & AC                   43:13
     118  John Thomas      V40  16 Wallsend H & AC                   43:19
     119  Robert Main              Unattached                        43:20
     120  Wilf Hutchinson  V50  13 Concordia R & P                   43:38
     121  Simon Fenn               Unattached                        43:39
     122  Peter Fox        V45  16 Unattached                        43:40
     123  Andrew Pulham            Unattached                        43:46
     124  Sabine Oesterle  L     9 North Shields Poly AC             43:47
     125  Geoff Steanson   V50  14 North East Veterans AC            43:48
     126  Jane Walker      L40   2 Morpeth H & AC                    43:49
     127  Victoria Wilsher L    11 Newcastle University AC           43:50
     128  R Vindlacheruvu          Unattached                        43:52
     129  Kong Lim Chan            Newcastle University AC           43:53
     130  Kenneth Pyle     V55   8 Chester-Le-Street & Dist AC       43:55
     131  Barry Nicholson  V45  17 Northumbria Police                44:03
     132  Ricky Davison            Morpeth H & AC                    44:08
     133  Colin Whittle    V40  17 Unattached                        44:11
     134  Paul Luzanycia   V45  18 Unattached                        44:18
     135  Rob Stankiewicz  V45  19 Unattached                        44:21
     136  Peter Wilson     V50  15 Unattached                        44:27
     137  Maurice Gilligan         Unattached                        44:30
     138  Phil Lancaster   V60   3 North Shields Poly AC             44:35
     139  John Marshall    V45  20 Heaton Harriers                   44:38
     140  Stephen Barry    V45  21 Houghton & Peterlee AC            44:39
     141  Robin Mowbray    V50  16 Wallsend H & AC                   44:42
     142  Geoffrey Urron   V55   9 South Shields H & AC              44:42
     143  William Doidge   V55  10 Low Fell RC                       44:46
     144  Susanne Hunter   L35   1 Blyth RC                          44:47
     145  Martin Anderson  V50  17 North East Veterans AC            44:51
     146  David Brignall   V45  22 Unattached                        44:53
     147  Fred Wood        V45  23 Sunderland Strollers              45:08
     148  Michael Lea              Unattached                        45:09
     149  Andrew Marshall          Tria Esporta Crawley              45:12
     150  Lucy Butler      L35   2 Gosforth H & AC                   45:18
     151  Terry Herbert    V50  18 North East Veterans AC            45:19
     152  Alice Roffe-Silvester  
                           L    14 Newcastle University AC           45:21
     153  Arthur Ely       V55  11 Birtley AC                        45:24
     154  Keith Dixon      V45  24 Ryton Triathlon Club              45:25
     155  Barry Hurst      V60   4 Unattached                        45:29
     156  John Wade                Unattached                        45:35
     157  Ian Wade         V40  18 Newton Aycliffe AC                45:36
     158  Jim Conaghan     V65   1 New Marske Harriers               45:39
     159  Amu Netshisaulu          Durham University CCC             45:40
     160  Chris Shipman            Unattached                        45:43
     161  Colin Truman             Unattached                        45:44
     162  Ruth M Sills     L    15 Heaton Harriers                   45:46
     163  Brian Edgell     V50  19 Morpeth H & AC                    45:52
     164  Pauline Leslie   L50   1 Heaton Harriers                   45:54
     165  Allen Mulliss    V45  25 Heaton Harriers                   45:55
     166  David Armstrong  V50  20 Concordia R & P                   46:01
     167  Paul Hunter      V40  19 Concordia R & P                   46:02
     168  Rachel Kerr      L    17 Claremont RR                      46:07
     169  Jacqu Moscrop    L35   3 Alnwick Harriers                  46:08
     170  Amy Symonds      L    19 Newcastle University AC           46:11
     171  Paul Dunham              Rothwell Harriers                 46:12
     172  Jonathan King            Serpentine RC                     46:14
     173  Ian Welch        V55  12 Redcar RC                         46:15
     174  David Fereday    V65   2 Barnet & District AC              46:16
     175  Nick Armstrong           Morpeth H & AC                    46:16
     176  Sally Betteridge L    20 Newcastle University AC           46:17
     177  Victoria Gilroy  L35   4 North Shields Poly AC             46:20
     178  Alan Lattimer            Elswick Harriers                  46:21
     179  Peter Winter     V60   5 Morpeth H & AC                    46:22
     180  Andrea Wood      L40   3 Scarborough AC                    46:23
     181  Dianne Ford      L    23 Unattached                        46:24
     182  Veronica Colegate L    24 Unattached                        46:31
     183  Gary Robertshaw          Morpeth H & AC                    46:33
     184  David McManus            Woodstock Harriers AC             46:35
     185  Frank Strand     V60   6 South Shields H & AC              46:36
     186  Jacqueline Elliott L  25 Blaydon H & AC                    46:40
     187  Keith Willshire  V50  21 Blyth RC                          46:51
     188  Malcolm Hedley           Concordia R & P                   46:52
     189  John Josephs     V60   7 Heaton Harriers                   46:58
     190  Reg Checkley     V65   3 Heaton Harriers                   47:01
     191  Alan Brannon     V50  22 Unattached                        47:02
     192  Eric Appleby     V70   1 Heaton Harriers                   47:08
     193  Charles Hall     V45  26 Unattached                        47:17
     194  Lynn Woods       L55   1 New Marske Harriers               47:21
     195  Arthur Potter    V60   8 Unattached                        47:25
     196  Bridget Peberdy  L45   3 Alnwick Harriers                  47:26
     197  Allan Clark      V50  23 Low Fell RC                       47:31
     198  Paul Grainger            Unattached                        47:32
     199  Jim Manford      V55  13 North East Veterans AC            47:35
     200  Alice Lorenzi    L    28 Heaton Harriers                   47:37
     201  Mark Senior              Unattached                        47:40
     202  Tony Eccleston           Unattached                        47:43
     203  Larry Greaves    V55  14 Aurora Harriers                   47:44
     204  Neil Hemming     V40  20 Tria Esporta Crawley              47:51
     205  Matthew Ryder            Unattached                        47:53
     206  Richard Baker            Unattached                        47:54
     207  David Mitsides           Unattached                        47:58
     208  Dave Robson      V50  24 Unattached                        48:03
     209  Ian Sadler       V45  27 Unattached                        48:04
     210  Nina Cramm       L    29 Unattached                        48:06
     211  Andrew Connor    V40  21 Claremont RR                      48:08
     212  Paul Campbell            Blackhill Bounders                48:08
     213  Saul Taylor              Unattached                        48:14
     214  Chris Proudlock          Morpeth H & AC                    48:16
     215  John Black       V60   9 Unattached                        48:19
     216  Helen Patterson  L40   4 Alnwick Harriers                  48:30
     217  Tom Cockburn             Durham University CCC             48:34
     218  Dennis Morgan    V45  28 Unattached                        48:46
     219  Mick Hayden      V55  15 Aurora Harriers                   48:49
     220  Graeme Sarson            Unattached                        48:51
     221  Louise Tinsley   L    31 Newcastle University AC           49:02
     222  Joe Thornton     V50  25 Elvet Striders                    49:04
     223  Nick Burden      V55  16 North East Veterans AC            49:08
     224  Michael Ross             Unattached                        49:09
     225  Tom Millmore     V45  29 Birtley AC                        49:17
     226  Paul Crompton    V40  22 Unattached                        49:21
     227  Margaret McDonald L40  5 Morpeth H & AC                    49:23
     228  Claire Kwan      L    33 Unattached                        49:26
     229  Louise Cant      L    34 Gosforth H & AC                   49:27
     230  Ray Laverick     V70   2 Aurora Harriers                   49:40
     231  Kyle Shaw                Unattached                        49:47
     232  Janette Kilgour  L50   2 Claremont RR                      49:52
     233  Pamela Gold      L55   2 Heaton Harriers                   49:56
     234  Tony McNeill     V40  23 Unattached                        50:01
     235  Alison Proudlock L    37 Low Fell RC                       50:11
     236  Paul Kirtley     V40  24 Newton Aycliffe AC                50:18
     237  Robert Stobbs    V40  25 Gateshead H & AC                  50:21
     238  Natalie Batey    L    38 Ryton Triathlon Club              50:27
     239  Colette Anderson V40  26 Elswick Harriers                  50:37
     240  Stephen Whiles           Concordia R & P                   50:43
     241  Alistair Matson          Unattached                        50:43
     242  Louise Harrison  L    39 Blaydon H & AC                    50:52
     243  John Walshaw     V60  10 Redcar RC                         50:54
     244  David Whitmore   V65   4 South Shields H & AC              50:57
     245  Tony Prince      V50  26 Elswick Harriers                  50:57
     246  Alan Press       V60  11 Quakers RC                        51:05
     247  Will Rees                Unattached                        51:08
     248  Ken McDonald     V60  12 South Shields H & AC              51:11
     249  Karen Nielsen    L40   6 Unattached                        51:12
     250  Michael Staunton         Unattached                        51:15
     251  Audrey Stewart   L45   4 Alnwick Harriers                  52:10
     252  Geoff Hume       V60  13 Low Fell RC                       52:10
     253  John Jackson     V60  14 Elswick Harriers                  52:17
     254  Pat Nesbitt      L50   3 Tynedale H & AC                   52:22
     255  Richard Clarke           Unattached                        52:37
     256  Jeff Henderson           Unattached                        52:44
     257  Douglas Ball     V50  27 Low Fell RC                       52:53
     258  Claire McKinnon  L    43 Blaydon H & AC                    53:00
     259  John Irving              Unattached                        53:10
     260  Vivien Stapley   L55   3 Unattached                        53:27
     261  Stuart McKinnon  V45  30 Blaydon H & AC                    53:30
     262  Carol Horsfield  L40   7 Concordia R & P                   53:52
     263  Alan Davenport           Unattached                        54:00
     264  Anthony Millett  V65   5 North East Veterans AC            54:05
     265  Richard Stanfield        Unattached                        54:13
     266  Lynn Trueman     L55   4 North Shields Poly AC             54:14
     267  Suki Sandhu              Unattached                        54:23
     268  Lorain Smith     L35   5 North Shields Poly AC             54:40
     269  Kath Dallinson   L60   1 Northumberland Fell Runners       54:43
     270  Sean Grant               Unattached                        54:52
     271  Tim Mensley              Unattached                        54:56
     272  Enid Purvis      L50   4 Claremont RR                      54:58
     273  Isobel Conaghan  L60   2 New Marske Harriers               55:02
     274  Vicki Medhurst   L    51 Unattached                        55:08
     275  Christine Stobbs L    52 Unattached                        55:16
     276  Sam Jones                Unattached                        55:18
     277  Hazel Ord        L    53 Unattached                        56:12
     278  Wendy Appleby    L35   6 Alnwick Harriers                  56:19
     279  Neil Harper              Unattached                        56:55
     280  Nicki Marsh      L    55 Unattached                        57:02
     281  Sally Chapman    L    56 Unattached                        57:16
     282  Tom Woolridge    V45  31 Unattached                        57:34
     283  John Hill        V55  17 Concordia R & P                   57:50
     284  Michael Tweed            Unattached                        58:44
     285  Caroline Pitt    L45   5 Unattached                        59:34
     286  Catherine Mills  L    58 Unattached                        59:37
     287  Helen Storey     L45   6 Blaydon H & AC                    59:41
     288  Gillian Mackay   L    60 Unattached                        59:51
     289  Paul Musgrave    V40  27 Unattached                      1:00:28
     290  Marie-C Lawlor   L    61 Unattached                      1:00:47
     291  David Coleman    V65   6 Unattached                      1:01:34
     292  Claire Truman    L    62 Unattached                      1:01:40
     293  David Tait       V55  18 Saltwell Harriers               1:02:14
     294  Suzanne Hitchinson L40 8 Elvet Striders                  1:02:22
     295  Hilary Turner    L55   5 Unattached                      1:02:29
     296  Tracy Redford    L35   7 Unattached                      1:02:30
     297  John Blenkinset  V40  28 Billingham Marsh House H        1:02:47
     298  Eileen Dark      L40   9 Unattached                      1:02:47
     299  Brian Trueman    V60  15 North Shields Poly AC           1:03:18
     300  Gillian Olson    L35   8 Unattached                      1:07:11
     301  Jeanna Johnson   L35   9 Unattached                      1:07:11
     302  Rachel Corner    L    69 Unattached                      1:08:24
     303  Edward Joynson   V80   1 Gateshead H & AC                1:34:09

Men's Teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Durham University CCC              49
                                 6  Mat Hann          10  Andrew Lawrence 
                                11  Chris Wilson      22  Mark Smith  
  2  Elswick Harriers                   69
                                12  Steve White       14  David Armstrong 
                                19  Paul Dodd	      25  Paul Dixon
  3  North Shields Poly AC	        88
				 1  Tommy Brannon     20  Stephen Gilroy
				33  Gary Campbell     34  Chris Wescombe
  4  Newcastle University AC		95
				 2  John Murray	      27  John Mason
				30  Michael Chater    36 Robert Woodwards                                        	     
  5  Wallsend H & AC                    96
                                 9  David Embleton    18  David Anderson  
                                26  Micky Baker       43  David Moir                                  
  6  Morpeth H & AC                     104
                                16  Chris Dentice     17  Archie Jenkins  
                                23  Alistair McDonald 48  Stuart Herbert  
  7  Heaton Harriers                   171
                                15  John Moore        29  Dan Robins      
                                59  Malcolm Gibson    68  Chris Auld 
  8  Jarrow & Hebburn AC               215
				32 Graham Yare        44  Michael Bunn
				65 Robert Seaton      74  Rob Seaton   
  9  Gosforth H & AC                   216
                                28  David Bell        51  Trevor Bird     
                                53  Mike Walker       84  David Robson
 10  Low Fell RC		       269
				35  Mick Pereira      56  Paul Calland
				81  Brian Hume	      97  William Doidge	  
 11  Blaydon H & AC                    285
                                 7  Stephen Hilton    55  Alan Storey     
                                73  Ronald Heslop    150  Stuart McKinonn       
 13  Gateshead H & AC                  305
                                42  Oscar Pastor      47  Anthony Ball    
                                76  Ken Alnwick	     140  Robert Stobbs	       

Women's Teams

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  North Shields Poly AC              32
                                 4  Heather Lambert    8  Sabine Oesterle 
                                20  Victoria Gilroy 
  2  Heaton Harriers                    36
                                 7  Susan Auld        14  Ruth M Sills    
                                15  Pauline Leslie  
  3  Newcastle University AC            41
                                10  Victoria Wilsher  13  Alice Roffe-Silvester 
                                18  Amy Symonds     
  4  Alnwick Harriers                   67
                                17  Jacqueline Moscrop 24  Bridget Peberdy 
                                26  Helen Patterson 
  5  Claremont RR                       88
                                16  Rachel Kerr       30  Janette Kilgour 
                                42  Enid Purvis     
  6  Blaydon H & AC                     93
                                22  Jacquline Elliott  34  Louise Harrison 
                                37  Claire McKinnon 

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004