The Elloughton 10k 2004

at Elloughton on Sunday 8th August 2004

Elloughton -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Cris Shelton                 Chesterfield & District AC        32:36
       2  Andy Swearman                Birchfield                        33:02
       3  Rickie Wilson                Scarborough Athletic Club         33:05
       4  David Ricketts               Bolton United Harriers & AC       33:40
       5  Steve Bateson                East Hull Harriers & AC           34:51
       6  Steven Gascoyne              Chesterfield & District AC        34:53
       7  Lance Kirlew         V40   1 East Hull Harriers & AC           34:55
       8  Jonathan Frost       JM    1 Kingston upon Hull A C            35:05
       9  Jonathan Carter              Beverley AC                       35:14
      10  Stephen Rennie       V45   1 Kingston upon Hull A C            35:17
      11  Ian Monaghan                 Chesterfield & District AC        35:24
      12  Gregan Clarkson              Kingston upon Hull A C            35:28
      13  Chris Hodgson        V40   2 East Hull Harriers & AC           35:40
      14  Jim Rogers           V40   3 East Hull Harriers & AC           36:09
      15  Peter Fielding-Smith         Beverley AC                       36:22
      16  Jim Crisp                    City of Hull AC                   36:39
      17  Tom Ridsdale         U15   1 Unattached                        36:55
      18  Adam Jordan                  Unattached                        36:59
      19  Richard Gay          V50   1 Beverley AC                       37:02
      20  Nicholas Leek                Unattached                        37:05
      21 $John Ketley                  Beverley AC                       37:06
      22  Colin Langley                City of Hull AC                   37:06
      23  Ian Anderson                 Knavesmire Harriers               37:10
      24  Gary Coulam          V45   2 Cleethorpes & District AC         37:12
      25  Thomas McKee                 Kingston upon Hull A C            37:17
      26  Stephen Peacock      V40   4 Beverley AC                       37:27
      27  Mike Siddall         V45   3 Pocklington Runners               37:43
      28  Will Kerr                    St Bedes AC                       38:09
      29  Andrew Watson        V40   5 Barracuda Triathlon Club          38:11
      30  Melanie Hayward      L     1 Beverley AC                       38:22
      31  Andrew Nalton                Bridlington Road Runners          38:23
      32  Carl Scrowston       JM    2 Kingston upon Hull A C            38:24
      33  Eddie Rex                    East Hull Harriers & AC           38:43
      34  Stephen Shanks               Holme Pierrepont RC               38:48
      35  Mike Baggott         V50   2 Kingston upon Hull A C            39:28
      36  Will Kaye                    Unattached                        39:31
      37  Neil Scruton         V55   1 Scarborough Athletic Club         39:35
      38  Ian Fenton                   Unattached                        39:42
      39  Roy Steele           V45   4 Beverley AC                       39:46
      40  Shane Rudd                   Unattached                        40:10
      41  Lisa Guscott-Trout   L     2 Knavesmire Harriers               40:15
      42  Mike Beadle          V40   6 City of Hull AC                   40:26
      43  Paul Clark                   Beverley AC                       40:26
      44  Phil Dewberry        V55   2 Hull Springhead Harriers          40:33
      45  Richard Moore                Unattached                        40:35
      46  David Bell                   White City (Hull) RRC             40:36
      47  Chris Jensen                 East Hull Harriers & AC           40:45
      48  Snr James Sampson    V40   7 City of Hull AC                   40:48
      49  Jonathan Hewson              Unattached                        40:51
      50  Steve Griffiths              Unattached                        40:53
      51  Gareth Darnell               Unattached                        40:56
      52  Tom Day                      Barracuda Triathlon Club          40:59
      53  Stephen Elgey        V40   8 Woodford Running Club             41:04
      54  David Hunt                   Unattached                        41:04
      55  Michael Long         V55   3 Bingley Harriers & AC             41:15
      56   Jeremy Elder                Unattached                        41:19
      57  Robin Harris         V45   5 Barracuda Triathlon Club          41:41
      58  Paul Sharp           JM    3 Kingston upon Hull A C            41:46
      59  Tim Simpson                  Unattached                        41:49
      60  Steve Wardell                Unattached                        41:58
      61  Bruce Williams       V45   6 Unattached                        42:10
      62  Matthew Hayes                Unattached                        42:16
      63  David Wiley          V45   7 City of Hull AC                   42:18
      64  Ian Boardley                 Beverley AC                       42:23
      65  David Pudsey         V45   8 Driffield Striders                42:29
      66  Robert Thompson      V45   9 City of Hull AC                   42:30
      67  Ashley Briggs                Unattached                        42:35
      68  Tracy Gorman         L     3 Unattached                        42:42
      69   Simon Young         V45  10 Unattached                        42:53
      70  Philip Woodhouse             Cleethorpes & District AC         42:56
      71  John Clark           V40   9 Unattached                        43:01
      72  Cheryl Lyons         L     4 Kingston upon Hull A C            43:09
      73  Jason Staniforth             Jjb Fitness Club                  43:10
      74  Tom Edwards          JM    4 Unattached                        43:13
      75  Jim Whitfield        V55   4 East Hull Harriers & AC           43:19
      76  Mark Acey                    Unattached                        43:22
      77  Rebecca Hill         L     5 City of Hull AC                   43:27
      78  Stephen Bolton       V40  10 Unattached                        43:30
      79  Craig Leach                  Unattached                        43:46
      80  Mark Lawson                  Unattached                        43:49
      81 ?James Collins                Unattached                        43:55
      82  Paul Fowler          V45  11 Selby Striders                    43:59
      83  Matthew Bloomfield           Unattached                        44:04
      84  Justin Graves                Unattached                        44:07
      85  Tanwen Gray          L     6 Beverley AC                       44:16
      86  Stephen Coates               Barracuda Triathlon Club          44:29
      87  Maurice Rodwell      V40  11 Unattached                        44:32
      88  Carl Henrickson              Unattached                        44:41
      89  Kevin McManus        V50   3 City of Hull AC                   44:44
      90  Martin Hall          V45  12 Beverley AC                       44:48
      91  Roger Teare          V50   4 Driffield Striders                44:56
      92  Richard Slater               Unattached                        45:03
      93  Philip White                 Unattached                        45:15
      94  Helen Briggs         L     7 Unattached                        45:17
      95  Stephen Dettman              Unattached                        45:24
      96  Louise Buchanan      LJ    1 East Hull Harriers & AC           45:35
      97  Mike Feintuck        V40  12 Unattached                        45:44
      98  Adrian Hayward       V50   5 East Hull Harriers & AC           45:46
      99  Paul Cartwright      V45  13 Hull Springhead Harriers          45:49
     100  Maurice Thorpe       V45  14 Unattached                        46:03
     101  Neil Hambly                  Unattached                        46:12
     102  Gerard Purdy         V40  13 Unattached                        46:16
     103  Graham Wilkinson     V45  15 East Hull Harriers & AC           46:20
     104  Bret Gantry                  Unattached                        46:29
     105  Terry Hirst          V50   6 Withernsea Harriers               46:29
     106  Graeme Tinegate      V40  14 Unattached                        46:30
     107 ?James Collins                Unattached                        46:32
     108  Richard Thompson             Unattached                        46:33
     109  David Reading        V65   1 Scarborough Athletic Club         46:35
     110  Peter Mason          V50   7 City of Hull AC                   46:41
     111  Duncan Berriman              Unattached                        46:46
     112  Gwen Kiljoen         L     9 Dewsbury Road Runners             46:50
     113  Eddy Moore           V60   1 Beverley AC                       46:55
     114  Mark Kirlew                  Unattached                        46:57
     115  Dominic Macmanus     V40  15 White City (Hull) RRC             46:59
     116  Andy Kingston                Unattached                        47:11
     117  Dave Dewhirst                Unattached                        47:13
     118  Daniel Aldus                 Unattached                        47:16
     119 ?Alison Davey         L40   1 Unattached                        47:17
     120  Howard Davies        V40  16 Beverley AC                       47:20
     121  Brian Dobson         V45  16 Easingwold Running Club           47:22
     122  Graham Cook                  Unattached                        47:24
     123  Leisha Edmonds       L    11 Unattached                        47:24
     124  Andrew Guest                 Scunthorpe & District AC          47:27
     125  Shane Page           V40  17 City of Hull AC                   47:32
     126  Steve Kitchman               Unattached                        47:33
     127  Neal Boardley                Unattached                        47:35
     128  Sean Harkin          V45  17 Kingston upon Hull A C            47:36
     129  John McNeil          JM    5 Unattached                        47:45
     130  Glenn Mountford              City of Hull AC                   47:46
     131  Andrew Cooney                Unattached                        47:47
     132  Derrick Pickering    V65   2 East Hull Harriers & AC           47:48
     133  Barry Feasey                 Unattached                        47:49
     134  Neil Evans                   Unattached                        47:50
     135  Richard Parkin       V45  18 Unattached                        47:59
     136  Robert Artley                Unattached                        48:10
     137  Howard Jordan                Unattached                        48:16
     138  John Godfrey         V55   5 East Hull Harriers & AC           48:17
     139  Martyn Green         V40  18 Unattached                        48:23
     140  Simon Nendick                Barracuda Triathlon Club          48:32
     141  Julie Donald         L35   1 Beverley AC                       48:32
     142  Andrew Tate          V40  19 Beverley AC                       48:32
     143                ???         ???                               48:36
     144  Stephen Brook        V55   6 Queensbury Running Club           48:38
     145  Jennifer Ormerod     L    13 Hull Achilles AC                  48:43
     146  Stuart Evans         V40  20 Pocklington Runners               48:47
     147  Stephen Maratos              Unattached                        48:51
     148  Nicholas Harne               Unattached                        48:52
     149  Tina Wardropper      L40   2 Beverley AC                       48:54
     150  Hilary Troote        L35   2 Unattached                        48:56
     151  Graham Jenneson              Unattached                        48:56
     152  Michael Day          V40  21 Kingston upon Hull A C            48:58
     153  Ian Proctor                  Unattached                        49:05
     154  Andrew Gray                  Beverley AC                       49:06
     155  Cath Wadforth        L50   1 Hull Springhead Harriers          49:07
     156  Andrew Johnson               Unattached                        49:08
     157  Allan Cuff           V60   2 East Hull Harriers & AC           49:08
     158  Peter Henderson      V55   7 Unattached                        49:21
     159  Lee Newsham                  Unattached                        49:24
     160  David Butt           V50   8 Unattached                        49:31
     161  Peter GrantLloyd             Unattached                        49:32
     162  Steven Myers                 Unattached                        49:32
     163  David Lister         V55   8 City of Hull AC                   49:36
     164  Andrew Mercer                Unattached                        49:37
     165  Kristian Davis               Unattached                        49:47
     166  Helen Sampson        L40   3 City of Hull AC                   49:50
     167  Paul Witherwick              Unattached                        49:54
     168  Les Prethero         V40  22 Unattached                        49:55
     169  Robert Hastie                Unattached                        49:56
     170  John Stewart         V40  23 Unattached                        49:58
     171  Heather Mitchell     L50   2 West Yorkshire Police             50:03
     172  Frank Leadbetter     V60   3 Wolds Veteran Runners Club        50:06
     173  Philip Newton                Unattached                        50:09
     174  Malcolm Baker        V55   9 City of Hull AC                   50:15
     175  Graham Naylor        V50   9 Unattached                        50:24
     176  Kate Taylor          L40   4 Baildon Runners                   50:28
     177  Dave Clark           V45  19 Unattached                        50:34
     178  Walter Cammish       V55  10 Unattached                        50:35
     179  Peter Leach          V55  11 Abbey Runners                     50:40
     180  Verena Golach        L45   1 Unattached                        50:41
     181  Dominic Hudson               Unattached                        50:42
     182  Peter Dearing        V60   4 East Hull Harriers & AC           50:45
     183  Peter Saverton       V45  20 Unattached                        50:47
     184  James Pearson                Unattached                        50:48
     185  Richard Tomlinson    V55  12 Beverley AC                       50:50
     186  Paul Hatley                  Unattached                        50:52
     187  Graeme Lill          V45  21 Unattached                        50:58
     188  Jonathan Morrison            East Hull Harriers & AC           51:06
     189  Glenn Miller                 Unattached                        51:07
     190  Sian Walkington      L    21 Unattached                        51:08
     191  Andrew Lawtey                Unattached                        51:09
     192  Sharon Dean          L    22 Driffield Striders                51:10
     193  Andrew Mawer         V40  24 Unattached                        51:11
     194  Paul Collis          V40  25 Unattached                        51:14
     195  Kate Ayre            L    23 Unattached                        51:17
     196  Graham Harper        V50  10 Unattached                        51:24
     197  Robert Withnall      V55  13 Unattached                        51:25
     198  Graham Southard      V40  26 Unattached                        51:26
     199  Sheila Bendall       L40   5 Unattached                        51:28
     200  Rhyl Jones           V50  11 Unattached                        51:29
     201  Dave Twilton         V45  22 Unattached                        51:30
     202  Andrew Comaish               Unattached                        51:34
     203  Jed Holden           V45  23 Beverley AC                       51:39
     204  Mark Dennison        V40  27 Unattached                        51:40
     205  Steve Watson         V45  24 Unattached                        51:43
     206  Eric Wainwright      V50  12 Unattached                        51:48
     207  Alexander Langley            Unattached                        51:50
     208  Alan Akrill                  Unattached                        51:50
     209  Tim Murden                   Unattached                        51:54
     210  John Waldron                 Unattached                        52:00
     211  Shaun Goddard                Unattached                        52:01
     212  Keith Warner         V40  28 Unattached                        52:04
     213  John Johnson         V45  25 Unattached                        52:07
     214  Russel Flanagan              Hull Hockey Club                  52:09
     215  Colin Baker          V50  13 Unattached                        52:29
     216  Phil Ruxton                  Unattached                        52:38
     217  Colin Newbould               Unattached                        52:39
     218  Debbie Collis        L40   6 Unattached                        52:40
     219  Peter Jones                  Unattached                        52:43
     220  Ian Tasker                   Unattached                        52:43
     221  David Larkin                 Great Western Runners             52:45
     222  Joanne Stapley       L    26 Beverley AC                       52:48
     223  Tony Chafer          V45  26 Cleethorpes & District AC         52:49
     224  Mark Robinson                Unattached                        52:49
     225  Mark Robinson                Unattached                        52:54
     226  James Crees          U15   2 Unattached                        52:55
     227  Neil Harrison                Unattached                        53:05
     228  Mike Clarkson        V40  29 Unattached                        53:07
     229  Colin Watson         V55  14 Dewsbury Road Runners             53:18
     230  Robert Hilton                Unattached                        53:19
     231  Deborah Adcock       L40   7 East Hull Harriers & AC           53:19
     232  Knowles              V45  27 Unattached                        53:38
     233  Jeffrey Copping      V55  15 City of Hull AC                   53:46
     234  Chris Denley         V50  14 Hull Springhead Harriers          53:55
     235  Claire Cowling       L35   3 Unattached                        53:58
     236  Judith Lawtey        L45   2 Unattached                        53:59
     237  Rob Badger           V40  30 Beverley AC                       54:00
     238  Michael Eglington    V40  31 Unattached                        54:11
     239  Terry Fletcher       V40  32 Unattached                        54:15
     240  Peter McNally        V60   5 Beverley AC                       54:17
     241  Malcolm Cliff        V50  15 Meltham AC                        54:18
     242  John Curry           V55  16 Beverley AC                       54:20
     243  Dave Crees           V40  33 Unattached                        54:27
     244  Kelvin Westerman     V50  16 Unattached                        54:29
     245  Chris Pike           V55  17 Unattached                        54:36
     246  John Darwin                  Unattached                        54:42
     247  Robert Weaver        V50  17 Rrc                               54:44
     248  James Hyam           V45  28 Unattached                        54:45
     249  Claire Tomlinson     L    30 Unattached                        54:55
     250  Graham Scott                 Unattached                        54:56
     251  Paul Boddy                   Hull Hockey Club                  55:00
     252  Alastair Craven              Unattached                        55:01
     253  Jan Draper           L40   8 Unattached                        55:03
     254  Denise Thompson      L45   3 City of Hull AC                   55:11
     255  Keith Clayton        V50  18 Unattached                        55:32
     256  Lisa Beal            L    33 Unattached                        55:37
     257  Nicky Laurie         L    34 Unattached                        55:48
     258  Kenneth Rilatt       V55  18 Unattached                        55:58
     259  Shane Foster                 Unattached                        56:09
     260  Nina Williams        L35   4 Saints & Sinners                  56:12
     261  Martin Hewitt        V45  29 East Hull Harriers & AC           56:20
     262  David Fisher         V45  30 Unattached                        56:27
     263  Jo Morgan            L35   5 Unattached                        56:41
     264  Rodger Price         V40  34 Unattached                        56:45
     265  Bryan Hoe            V50  19 Beverley AC                       56:49
     266  Katrine Denley       L50   3 Hull Springhead Harriers          56:53
     267  Douglas Larkham              Unattached                        56:56
     268  Jackie Hardman       L45   4 Hull Achilles AC                  57:05
     269  Vicky Harne          L    39 Beverley AC                       57:09
     270  John Stevens         V40  35 Unattached                        57:10
     271  Charles Jenney               Unattached                        57:10
     272  Peter Skeggs         V40  36 Unattached                        57:12
     273  Dominic Brown        U15   3 Unattached                        57:21
     274  Ian Entwistle                Unattached                        57:30
     275  Katy Vokes           L    40 Unattached                        57:40
     276  Jnr James Sampson    U15   4 Unattached                        57:47
     277  Daz Armstrong                Unattached                        57:49
     278  Rob Forrestall               Unattached                        57:49
     279  Ann Henderson        L55   1 Unattached                        57:55
     280  Chris Clarke                 Unattached                        58:01
     281  John-Paul Marrow             Unattached                        58:04
     282  Richard Woolfall             Unattached                        58:08
     283  David O'Brien                Unattached                        58:09
     284  Christine Hemingway  L40   9 City of Hull AC                   58:12
     285  Andrew Parker                Unattached                        58:20
     286  Paul McCune          V40  37 Unattached                        58:20
     287  Sharon James         L40  10 Unattached                        58:27
     288  Andrew McIntosh      V40  38 Unattached                        58:28
     289  Hannah Willson       L    44 Unattached                        58:29
     290  Melissa Ferrier      L    45 Unattached                        58:36
     291  John Boardley        V60   6 Unattached                        58:45
     292  Michael Mooney       V60   7 Unattached                        58:59
     293  Eileen Henderson     L45   5 City of Hull AC                   59:04
     294  John Ledger          V45  31 Unattached                        59:07
     295  Anne Haughan         L45   6 Unattached                        59:11
     296  Becky Dockerill      L    48 Unattached                        59:19
     297  Neil Counter                 Unattached                        59:24
     298  Elizab Smith-Calvert L35   6 Unattached                        59:27
     299  Mike Leitch                  Unattached                        59:39
     300  Elizabeth Ranking    L35   7 Unattached                        59:47
     301  Iain Oglesby                 Unattached                        59:50
     302  John Wardell         V50  20 Unattached                      1:00:10
     303  Paul Whitaker                Unattached                      1:00:47
     304  Ian Fergusson                Unattached                      1:00:55
     305  Kenneth Fergusson            Unattached                      1:00:55
     306  Kay Farrow           L45   7 Beverley AC                     1:01:00
     307  Richard Bucknall             Unattached                      1:01:04
     308  Jane Peck            L40  11 Beverley AC                     1:01:05
     309  Lyndsey Stroud       L    53 Unattached                      1:01:10
     310  Tony Barker                  Unattached                      1:01:12
     311  Stuart Lumb          V60   8 Barracuda Triathlon Club        1:01:18
     312  Mary Johnson         L55   2 Kingston upon Hull A C          1:01:24
     313  Doranne Beresford    L40  12 Unattached                      1:01:26
     314  Allison Pickering    L    56 Unattached                      1:01:28
     315  Michael Walker               Unattached                      1:01:28
     316  Steve Cole           V50  21 Unattached                      1:01:43
     317  William Edmonds      V50  22 Unattached                      1:01:43
     318  Peter Brandon                Unattached                      1:01:51
     319  Richard Mills        V50  23 Unattached                      1:01:55
     320  Maria Billing        L    57 Unattached                      1:02:09
     321  Olivia Cubberley     L    58 Unattached                      1:02:10
     322  Tony Hindley         V55  19 Unattached                      1:02:19
     323  Paul Clarke          V55  20 Haltemprice Road Runners Cl     1:02:33
     324  Diana Wallis         L50   4 Unattached                      1:02:52
     325  Bridget Leitch       L35   8 Unattached                      1:02:55
     326  Sidonie Myers        L35   9 Unattached                      1:03:03
     327  Ivan Block           V40  39 Unattached                      1:03:07
     328  Denise Olds          L55   3 Hull Springhead Harriers        1:03:28
     329  Patricia Cochran     L40  13 Unattached                      1:03:39
     330  Liz Hassett          L    64 Unattached                      1:03:54
     331  Lisa Davis           L35  10 Unattached                      1:03:59
     332  Keith Noble          V50  24 Unattached                      1:03:59
     333  Margaret Bushnell    L45   8 Hull Springhead Harriers        1:04:06
     334  Karen Larkman        L45   9 Hull Springhead Harriers        1:04:06
     335  Jayne Winskill       L45  10 Unattached                      1:04:23
     336  Gillian Holden       L45  11 Unattached                      1:04:23
     337  Ian Brown                    Unattached                      1:04:34
     338  Paul Clarke                  Unattached                      1:04:36
     339  Susan Marston        L    70 Unattached                      1:04:37
     340  David Jackson                Unattached                      1:04:37
     341  Anita Shipley        L45  12 Unattached                      1:04:41
     342  David Mellors                Unattached                      1:04:53
     343  Graham Brown                 Unattached                      1:04:53
     344  Lance Gadd                   Unattached                      1:04:58
     345 ?Alison Davey         L40  14 Unattached                      1:05:05
     346  Robert Thomson       V70   1 Unattached                      1:05:13
     347  Anthea Mather        L    73 Unattached                      1:05:22
     348  Sue Vicary           L40  15 Unattached                      1:05:25
     349  Ray Peirson          V75   1 City of Hull AC                 1:05:37
     350  Neil Cochran         V40  40 Unattached                      1:05:47
     351  Ali Roberts          V40  41 Unattached                      1:06:06
     352  Susan Wiles          L    75 Unattached                      1:06:20
     353  Nick Skelton         V40  42 Unattached                      1:06:20
     354  Rachel Burnett       L    76 Unattached                      1:06:43
     355  Geraldine Edmonds    L50   5 Unattached                      1:06:52
     356  Nigel Raper          V60   9 Unattached                      1:07:03
     357  Robert Reay          V55  21 Unattached                      1:07:06
     358  Mary Paton           L55   4 City of Hull AC                 1:07:13
     359  Rachel Land          L    79 Unattached                      1:07:16
     360  Laurence Partridge           Unattached                      1:08:39
     361  Lynn Griffin         L    80 Unattached                      1:08:52
     362  Justine McMillan     L35  11 Unattached                      1:08:54
     363  Katie Lee            L    82 Unattached                      1:08:54
     364  Maralyn Mannifield   L50   6 Unattached                      1:09:04
     365  Maggie Ellerington   L45  13 Hull University AC              1:09:31
     366  Jacky Towers         L50   7 Hull Achilles AC                1:09:31
     367  Karen Rowling        L    86 Unattached                      1:09:31
     368  Richard Farrar       V40  43 Unattached                      1:09:33
     369  Mandy Ledger         L40  16 Unattached                      1:10:03
     370  Lynn Bird            L40  17 Unattached                      1:10:14
     371  Addy Hobson          L35  12 Unattached                      1:10:14
     372  Yendis Westerman     L45  14 Unattached                      1:10:44
     373  Christine Webster    L45  15 Unattached                      1:10:44
     374  Paul Skilbeck        V50  25 Easingwold Running Club         1:11:04
     375  Simon Naido          V50  26 Unattached                      1:11:33
     376  William Brown        V45  32 Unattached                      1:11:38
     377  Alexina Adams        L55   5 Unattached                      1:12:00
     378  Jayne Kingston       L40  18 Unattached                      1:12:01
     379  Rachel Burke                 Unattached                      1:12:01
     380  Oliver Brown         U17   1 Unattached                      1:12:27
     381  Beryl Krebs          L50   8 Unattached                      1:12:41
     382  Sarah Colley         L    95 Unattached                      1:12:41
     383  Andrew Woonton       V60  10 Unattached                      1:12:45
     384  Millicent Cawood     L    96 Unattached                      1:13:05
     385  Simon Gooding        V40  44 Unattached                      1:13:06
     386  Mary Wardell         L45  16 Unattached                      1:13:19
     387  Jackie Hall          L40  19 Unattached                      1:13:37
     388  Louise Bethell       L    99 Unattached                      1:14:26
     389  Dan Bethell                  Unattached                      1:14:26
     390  Tarryn Guest         L   100 Unattached                      1:14:44
     391  Gaynor Harkin        L45  17 Kingston upon Hull A C          1:15:23
     392  John Hartley                 Unattached                      1:15:37
     393  David Paton          V55  22 City of Hull AC                 1:15:56
     394  Julie Farrar         L40  20 Unattached                      1:16:37
     395  Joyce Lawson         L60   1 Unattached                      1:18:30
     396  Karen Cutsforth      L45  18 Unattached                      1:21:47
     397  Sharon Skeggs        L40  21 Unattached                      1:21:47
     398  Rosde Brattan        L55   6 Unattached                      1:29:42
Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2004