The South of England Cross Country Championships

at Bicton College, Exmouth on Saturday 25th January 2003

Under 13 Boys -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name             Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  C Haines                 Medway & Maidstone AC              9:12
       2  C West                   Chichester Runners & AC            9:13
       3  A Osman                  Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC       9:25
       4  P Humphrey               South London Harriers              9:30
       5  M Barrie                 Phoenix AC                         9:32
       6  C Welch                  Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC      9:34
       7  T Woods                  Wells City Harriers                9:37
       8  N Goolab                 Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC       9:38
       9  P Norman                 North Devon AC                     9:40
      10  G Martin                 Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow       9:42
      11  J Arnold                 Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC      9:42
      12  T Nightingale            Milton Keynes AC                   9:44
      13  M Watkins                Havering Mayesbrook AC             9:47
      14  N White                  Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow       9:50
      15  S Gallant                Southampton City AC                9:52
      16  C Lambert                Milton Keynes AC                   9:52
      17  S Williams               North Devon AC                     9:52
      18  G Tilley                 Milton Keynes AC                   9:54
      19  C Bounds                 Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC      9:55
      20  A Bellinger              Medway & Maidstone AC              9:56
      21  D Murrant                Cornwall AC                        9:57
      22  L Clemence               Medway & Maidstone AC              9:58
      23  D Taylor                 Milton Keynes AC                   9:58
      24  M Thorpe                 Blackheath Harriers               10:00
      25  M Cole                   North Devon AC                    10:00
      26  D Stevenson              Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        10:01
      27  J Hall                   Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       10:01
      28  R Docherty               Milton Keynes AC                  10:02
      29  M Cousins                Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     10:03
      30  G Lewis                  Orion Harriers                    10:04
      31  T Barbour                Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow      10:07
      32  L Warren                 Witney Road Runners               10:09
      33  M Bayliss                North Devon AC                    10:10
      34  R Sprake                 Woodford Green & Essex Ladies     10:11
      35  A Robertson              Orion Harriers                    10:13
      36  S Richards               Wells City Harriers               10:14
      37  L Crennell               Medway & Maidstone AC             10:15
      38  D Lynch                  Reading AC                        10:16
      39  J Funnell                Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     10:16
      40  J Mogridge               Erme Valley Harriers              10:17
      41  M Bown                   Swindon Harriers                  10:18
      42  M Willmott               Milton Keynes AC                  10:18
      43  M Cleave                 Newquay & Par AC                  10:18
      44  D Barr                   Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       10:19
      45  P Adair                  Havering Mayesbrook AC            10:20
      46  S King                   Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       10:21
      47  C Dobson                 Cornwall AC                       10:22
      48  R Williams               North Devon AC                    10:23
      49  L Wilson                 Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     10:23
      50  E Martin                 Blackheath Harriers               10:24
      51  J Lyman                  Milton Keynes AC                  10:24
      52  A Parkin                 Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      10:25
      53  N Fordham                Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       10:27
      54  A Tovey                  Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow      10:28
      55  L Nicolas                Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      10:28
      56  C Jones                  Dartmouth AAC                     10:29
      57  A Wright                 Orion Harriers                    10:30
      58  P Haines                 Newham & Essex Beagles AC         10:31
      59  J Farrow                 Poole AC                          10:31
      60  T Goddard                Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     10:31
      61  J Lee                    Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     10:33
      62  P Moore                  South Devon AC                    10:33
      63  O Willmott               Cornwall AC                       10:34
      64  J Stacey                 Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      10:35
      65  J Rooney                 Milton Keynes AC                  10:35
      66  M Clarke                 Wells City Harriers               10:35
      67  H Richardson             Chichester Runners & AC           10:36
      68  O Fielder                Cornwall AC                       10:39
      69  C Gunning                Newquay & Par AC                  10:40
      70  D Seabrook               Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        10:40
      71  W Roscoe                 Cornwall AC                       10:41
      72  L Mucci                  Southampton City AC               10:42
      73  M Gilfrin                Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     10:42
      74  R Evans                  Blackheath Harriers               10:43
      75  A Farmer                 Orion Harriers                    10:47
      76  N Young                  Wells City Harriers               10:48
      77  J Holt                   Axe Valley Runners                10:48
      78  L Smith                  Milton Keynes AC                  10:48
      79  L Rigler                 Bideford AAC                      10:49
      80  W Bancroft               South Devon AC                    10:49
      81  C Palmer                 Chichester Runners & AC           10:50
      82  J Archer                 Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       10:50
      83  W Walsh                  Cornwall AC                       10:50
      84  M Gibbons                Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        10:51
      85  J Graham                 Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        10:52
      86  L Bailey                 Medway & Maidstone AC             10:53
      87  T Treffrey               Newquay & Par AC                  10:55
      88  T Corbett                Blackheath Harriers               10:56
      89  J Bolton                 Winchester AC                     10:56
      90  H Fisher                 Southampton City AC               10:59
      91  C Goldring               Colchester Harriers AC            10:59
      92  C Prewer                 Poole AC                          11:02
      93  L Humphreys              South London Harriers             11:02
      94  R Holt                   Axe Valley Runners                11:02
      95  H Poole                  Colchester Harriers AC            11:04
      96  J Atree                  Poole AC                          11:06
      97  J RossHarris             East Cornwall Harriers            11:07
      98  J Jefferies              Swindon Harriers                  11:07
      99  S Fowler                 Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        11:08
     100  A Gravili                Axe Valley Runners                11:11
     101  R Stanbrook              Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       11:13
     102  F Nicol                  Thames Valley Harriers            11:13
     103  A Guidi                  Southampton City AC               11:14
     104  C McDermot               Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       11:16
     105  D Collins                Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC     11:22
     106  R Cleave                 Newquay & Par AC                  11:22
     107  J Shean                  Colchester Harriers AC            11:23
     108  C Avery                  Swindon Harriers                  11:27
     109  T Meldrom                Poole AC                          11:29
     110  J Hill                   Newquay & Par AC                  11:30
     111  M Hill                   North Devon AC                    11:31
     112  C Wrigglesworth          City Of Plymouth                  11:32
     113  G Knowles                Vale Of Aylesbury AC              11:39
     114  S Brace                  North Devon AC                    11:41
     115  C Bennett                Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow      11:42
     116  S Jackson                Chichester Runners & AC           11:49
     117  D Ogburn                 Stubbington Green Runners         11:51
     118  S NationGrainger         Poole AC                          11:56
     119  S Sleap                  Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        12:06
     120  C Keefe                  Axe Valley Runners                12:24
     121  T Lock                   Langport Runners                  12:31
     122  N Smith                  Stubbington Green Runners         12:34
     123  C Fossey                 Havant AC                         12:36
     124  A Bourton                Havant AC                         12:51
     125  L Exley                  Stubbington Green Runners         13:31
     126  S Williams               Stubbington Green Runners         13:33
     127  J Searle                 Poole AC                          13:55
     128  T Hirst                  Poole AC                          14:24

Under 13 Boys -- TEAM RESULTS

  1  Aldershot, Farnham & Dist. AC      65
                                 6  C Welch           11  J Arnold        
                                19  C Bounds          29  M Cousins       
  2  Milton Keynes AC                   69
                                12  T Nightingale     16  C Lambert       
                                18  G Tilley          23  D Taylor        
  3  Medway & Maidstone AC              80
                                 1  C Haines          20  A Bellinger     
                                22  L Clemence        37  L Crennell      
  4  North Devon AC                     84
                                 9  P Norman          17  S Williams      
                                25  M Cole            33  M Bayliss       
  5  Windsor Slough Eton Hounslow      109
                                10  G Martin          14  N White         
                                31  T Barbour         54  A Tovey         
  6  Ealing, Southall & Middx. AC      118
                                 3  A Osman            8  N Goolab        
                                52  A Parkin          55  L Nicolas       
  7  Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers       170
                                27  J Hall            44  D Barr          
                                46  S King            53  N Fordham       
  8  Wells City Harriers               185
                                 7  T Woods           36  S Richards      
                                66  M Clarke          76  N Young         
  9  Orion Harriers                    197
                                30  G Lewis           35  A Robertson     
                                57  A Wright          75  A Farmer        
 10  Cornwall AC                       199
                                21  D Murrant         47  C Dobson        
                                63  O Willmott        68  O Fielder       
 11  Blackheath Harriers               236
                                24  M Thorpe          50  E Martin        
                                74  R Evans           88  T Corbett       
 12  Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC        265
                                26  D Stevenson       70  D Seabrook      
                                84  M Gibbons         85  J Graham        
 13  Chichester Runners & AC           266
                                 2  C West            67  H Richardson    
                                81  C Palmer         116  S Jackson       
 14  Southampton City AC               280
                                15  S Gallant         72  L Mucci         
                                90  H Fisher         103  A Guidi         
 15  Newquay & Par AC                  305
                                43  M Cleave          69  C Gunning       
                                87  T Treffrey       106  R Cleave        
 16  Poole AC                          356
                                59  J Farrow          92  C Prewer        
                                96  J Atree          109  T Meldrom       
 17  Axe Valley Runners                391
                                77  J Holt            94  R Holt          
                               100  A Gravili        120  C Keefe         
 18  Stubbington Green Runners         490
                               117  D Ogburn         122  N Smith         
                               125  L Exley          126  S Williams      

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2003