The Llandudno 10 Mile Road Race

at Llandudno on Sunday 10th November 2002

Llandudno 10 -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Mike Proudlove               City Of Stoke                     50:23
       2  Nick Jones                   Tipton Harriers                   50:34
       3  Mike Bouldstridge            Birchfield Harriers               50:52
       4  Martin Reece         V45   1 Swansea Harriers                  51:01
       5  Dave Mansbridge              Telford AC                        52:34
       6  Alun Vaughan                 Eryri  Harriers                   52:37
       7  Lee Hurst                    Belgrave Harriers                 53:21
       8  Gareth Davies        V40   1 Swansea Harriers                  53:28
       9  Paul Jackson                 Birchfield Harriers               54:49
      10  Paul Sankey                  Liverpool RC                      55:10
      11  James McQueen                Eryri  Harriers                   55:20
      12  Michael Stanley      V40   2 Wirral AC                         55:33
      13  David Shaw                   Bolton United Harriers            55:45
      14  Maurice Collins              Liverpool RC                      55:48
      15  Ian Selby                    Bolton United Harriers            55:50
      16  Paul Levell          V40   3 Birchfield Harriers               55:53
      17  Dylan Jones                  Eryri  Harriers                   56:07
      18  Neil Lawrence                Birchfield Harriers               56:11
      19  Julian Fowles                S Liverpool                       56:26
      20  Paul Quine           V40   4 Liverpool Harriers                56:29
      21  Gary Norgrove                Wrexham AC                        56:33
      22  Nigel Haskins                Deeside Athletic Club             56:35
      23  Mark Garratt                 Unattached                        56:37
      24  David Hughes         V40   5 Colwyn Bay AC                     56:42
      25  Ian Magill                   Liverpool RC                      56:53
      26  Stephen Needs        V40   6 Telford AC                        57:00
      27  Anthony Idowu                Unattached                        57:09
      28  Richard Jones        V40   7 Colwyn Bay AC                     57:11
      29  Darren Blazier               Abergele Harriers                 57:12
      30  Anthony Jewkes               Chase Harriers                    57:16
      31  Sean McMyler         V40   8 Salford Harriers                  57:20
      32  Trevor Davies                Oldham & Royton                   57:25
      33  Stephen Bellis       V45   2 Wrexham AC                        57:29
      34  Peter Fielding-Smith         Beverley AC                       57:31
      35  Robert Frodsham      V50   1 Liverpool RC                      57:37
      36  Kevin Prydderch              Eryri  Harriers                   57:50
      37  Martin Dorrill               Kenilworth Runners                57:52
      38  Richard Griffiths            Telford AC                        58:05
      39  Kate Burge           L     1 Stafford Harriers                 58:07
      40  Roger Millen         V40   9 N Wales Fire Service              58:13
      41  Robert Porter                Unattached                        58:18
      42  Darren Jones                 Wrexham AC                        58:22
      43  Arwel Lewis          V40  10 Eryri  Harriers                   58:27
      44 $Mark Morris                  Wirral AC                         58:34
      45  James Bleakley               Colwyn Bay AC                     58:39
      46  John Lamb                    Tattenhall Runners                58:50
      47  Jon Hancock          V45   3 Oswestry Olympians                59:07
      48  Ian Carson           V50   2 Wrexham AC                        59:09
      49  Roger Edgell                 Penny Lane Striders               59:11
      50  David Edwards        V40  11 Liverpool RC                      59:13
      51  Robin Halliday               Eryri  Harriers                   59:16
      52  David Davies         V50   3 Neath                             59:37
      53  Kevin Francis                Shrewsbury AC                     59:48
      54  Kevin Beattie                Stockport Harriers                59:49
      55  Frances Gill         L40   1 Neath                             59:50
      56  Francis Martin       V40  12 Penny Lane Striders               59:51
      57  Barry Wilson         V50   4 Ludlow Runners                    59:52
      58  Andrew Clagg                 West Cheshire AC                  59:54
      59  David Jones                  S Cheshire Harriers               59:59
      60  Darren Washington            Baollam RC                      1:00:01
      61  Barry Greeves        V45   4 Oldham & Royton                 1:00:04
      62  Billy Hunter         V40  13 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:00:05
      63  Paul Bosson          V40  14 Stafford Harriers               1:00:12
      64  David Constance              Stafford Harriers               1:00:14
      65  Matthew Davies               Holme Firth                     1:00:15
      66  Gary Williams                Eryri  Harriers                 1:00:20
      67  Chris Wakeman        V40  15 Shrewsbury AC                   1:00:29
      68  Dominic Mahon        JM    1 Unattached                      1:00:30
      69  Jimmy Price          V45   5 Liverpool RC                    1:00:30
      70  Emyr Davies          V55   1 Eryri  Harriers                 1:00:34
      71  Iain Wedge                   David Lloyd                     1:00:40
      72  Arwel Jones          V40  16 Prestatyn RC                    1:00:48
      73  Simon Wright         V45   6 Wigan Pheonix                   1:00:54
      74  Simon Jones                  Prestatyn RC                    1:00:57
      75  Justin Realff                Wrexham AC                      1:01:06
      76  Peter Summers        V40  17 Skem Boundary Harriers          1:01:08
      77  Tim Davies           V40  18 Buckley Runners                 1:01:22
      78   Gwyn Roberts                Unattached                      1:01:26
      79  Chris Jeffs          V40  19 W Cheshire AC                   1:01:28
      80  Arthur Egan          V55   2 Wrexham AC                      1:01:31
      81  Chris Shaw           V45   7 Vivid Rr                        1:01:32
      82  Graham McAra         V45   8 Helsby RC                       1:01:33
      83  Paul Johnson         V45   9 Nsrra                           1:01:36
      84  Paul Stinton                 Buckley Runners                 1:01:41
      85  Robert Thomson       V40  20 Unattached                      1:01:44
      86  Stephen Livett       V40  21 Eryri  Harriers                 1:01:46
      87  Chris Nightingale            Wigan Phoenix                   1:01:56
      88  Christopher Wall             Unattached                      1:01:57
      89  Nicola Bird          L     3 Rivacre Runners                 1:01:59
      90  Julian Barry         V50   5 Boalloy RC                      1:02:06
      91  Lynne Maddison       L35   1 Wrexham AC                      1:02:17
      92  John Richards                Oswestry Olympians              1:02:22
      93  Steve Broadfoot      V40  22 Liverpool RC                    1:02:25
      94  Colin Pass           V40  23 E Cheshire Harriers             1:02:29
      95  Simon Roberts        V40  24 Unattached                      1:02:36
      96  Russell Godwin               Colwyn Bay AC                   1:02:42
      97  David Temple                 Dee Striders                    1:02:42
      98  Shaun Hooson                 Buckley Runners                 1:02:45
      99  Darren Vernon                Unattached                      1:02:46
     100  John Chambers        V45  10 Unattached                      1:02:52
     101  Katherine Harvey     L40   2 Unattached                      1:02:54
     102  Vincent Jones                Unattached                      1:03:03
     103  Andrew Birch                 Oswestry Olympians              1:03:14
     104  Stephen O'Neill      V50   6 Unattached                      1:03:17
     105  Jonathan Williams            Longton Harriers                1:03:21
     106  David Henley                 Prestatyn RC                    1:03:25
     107  Brian Moore                  Oldham & Royton                 1:03:29
     108  Grahame Shone        V50   7 Abergele Harriers               1:03:32
     109  Matthew Jepson               Newcastle Staffs                1:03:33
     110  Simon Moseley                Unattached                      1:03:33
     111  Liam Maloney         V50   8 Unattached                      1:03:36
     112  Michael Whitside     V55   3 Helsby RC                       1:03:39
     113  Tommy Burke          V55   4 Penny Lane Striders             1:03:40
     114  Mark Tabor           V40  25 Chester Tri                     1:03:44
     115  Emma Jones           L     6 Belle Vue Racers                1:03:52
     116  John Morris          V50   9 Wolverhampton & Bilston         1:03:53
     117  Peter Sarson         V50  10 Stafford Harriers               1:03:55
     118 $Derek Weaver         V45  11 Unattached                      1:03:56
     119  Mark Bentley         V40  26 Stafford Harriers               1:03:58
     120  Nick Jones           V40  27 Shrewsbury AC                   1:04:00
     121  John Davies                  Unattached                      1:04:01
     122  Ray Handley          V45  12 Southport Waterloo AC           1:04:02
     123  Jane Mountford       L35   2 Buckley Runners                 1:04:02
     124  Dave Gillick         V55   5 Stone Master Marathoners        1:04:11
     125  Brian Riley          V50  11 Trentham RC                     1:04:15
     126  David Phillips       V55   6 Oldham & Royton                 1:04:17
     127  Neil Ballard         V40  28 Oswestry Olympians              1:04:22
     128  Stephen Gilliland    V40  29 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:04:30
     129  Gordon Bickerton     V50  12 S Cheshire Harriers             1:04:35
     130  Philip Chadwick              Unattached                      1:04:40
     131  Lorriane Hardy       L40   3 Shropshire Shufflers            1:04:44
     132  Alan Austin          V55   7 Trentham RC                     1:04:47
     133  Dewi Roberts                 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:04:49
     134  David Crawford       V45  13 West Cheshire AC                1:04:54
     135  Les Smith            V50  13 Unattached                      1:05:01
     136  Geoff Richards       V50  14 Wrexham AC                      1:05:04
     137  Frank Guinness       V50  15 Liverpool RC                    1:05:05
     138  Peter Reid                   Rivacre Runners                 1:05:10
     139  Graham Stewart               Unattached                      1:05:11
     140  Mark Aitken          V40  30 Liverpool RC                    1:05:12
     141   Bryan Lawton                Oldham & Royton                 1:05:12
     142  Ian James            V40  31 Unattached                      1:05:13
     143  Michael Taggart              Unattached                      1:05:13
     144  Kenneth Burns                Colwyn Bay AC                   1:05:22
     145  Duncan Jones         V40  32 Denbigh Harriers                1:05:22
     146  Mark Hughes          V45  14 Trentham RC                     1:05:23
     147  Ray Smith            V55   8 Northern Vets                   1:05:24
     148  Sue Greene           L40   4 Liverpool RC                    1:05:30
     149  Eric Fogarty         V60   1 St Helens Striders              1:05:31
     150  John Pares                   Unattached                      1:05:31
     151  Kenneth Bloor        V40  33 Trentham RC                     1:05:33
     152  Derek Poole          V55   9 Holme Pierrepont RC             1:05:35
     153  David Draper         V45  15 Bridgnorth AC                   1:05:37
     154  Nigel Lee            V45  16 Newcastle Staffs                1:05:38
     155  Paul Brandrick       V45  17 Prestatyn RC                    1:05:38
     156  Peter Dean                   Middleton Harriers              1:05:47
     157  Owen Evans                   Penny Lane Striders             1:05:48
     158  David Cain           V45  18 Penny Lane Striders             1:05:49
     159  Jeff Outhwaite               Black Country Tri               1:05:50
     160  Graham Machin        V50  16 Telford AC                      1:05:54
     161  Mike Perchard        V45  19 W Cheshire AC                   1:05:57
     162  Kenny Mackenzie              Liverpool RC                    1:05:58
     163  Michael McGoldrick   V40  34 Golbourne Trotters              1:05:59
     164  Brian Hawkins        V50  17 Penny Lane Striders             1:06:00
     165  Gary Brough                  Audley RC                       1:06:01
     166 $Ian Wood                     Oak Park Pacers RC              1:06:02
     167  Tony Jackson         V40  35 Warrington Rr                   1:06:02
     168  ( No. 827 )                  Unattached                      1:06:02
     169  ( No. 825 )                  Unattached                      1:06:04
     170  Philip Adderley              Halamshire Harriers             1:06:04
     171  John Ratcliffe       V55  10 Tattenhall Runners              1:06:13
     172  David Roderick       V50  18 Wrexham Tri                     1:06:13
     173  Clare Dixon          L    10 Unattached                      1:06:15
     174  Joseph Jones                 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:06:16
     175  David Wilson         V45  20 Longton Harriers                1:06:18
     176  Campbell Gillespie           Liverpool RC                    1:06:19
     177  Joseph Clarke        V60   2 Shropshire Shufflers            1:06:20
     178  Allen Aukim          V40  36 Stafford Harriers               1:06:21
     179 $Robin Frost          V55  11 Wrexham AC                      1:06:27
     180  Melvyn Cole          V50  19 S Cheshire Harriers             1:06:31
     181  Steve Sinnot         V45  21 Penny Lane Striders             1:06:33
     182  Meirion Roberts      V55  12 Denbigh Harriers                1:06:35
     183  Mark Threadgold              Unattached                      1:06:35
     184  Ian McNeill          V40  37 Penny Lane Striders             1:06:37
     185  Matthew Whitfield    V45  22 Rivacre Runners                 1:06:38
     186  Fiona Davies         L45   1 Bridgend AC                     1:06:39
     187  Trevor Symonds               Rrc                             1:06:42
     188  Douglas Gent         V55  13 Northern Vets                   1:06:47
     189  Andrew Fletcher              Unattached                      1:06:49
     190  Alan Cooke           V40  38 Trentham RC                     1:06:51
     191  Ronnie Ball          V45  23 Shropshire Shufflers            1:06:53
     192  David Madock         V40  39 Unattached                      1:06:59
     193  Stacey Whilock               Michelin AC                     1:07:07
     194  Roy Evans                    Abergele Harriers               1:07:08
     195  Robert Willis        V40  40 Unattached                      1:07:09
     196  John Brown           V50  20 Unattached                      1:07:09
     197  Michael Cunningham           Southport Waterloo AC           1:07:12
     198  Ian Roberts          V40  41 Abergele Harriers               1:07:14
     199  Anthony McMullan     V55  14 Vivid Rr                        1:07:16
     200  John Baseggio        V50  21 Stone Master Marathoners        1:07:17
     201  Neil Lamont                  Spectrum Striders               1:07:22
     202  Mike Cutler          V45  24 S Cheshire Harriers             1:07:23
     203  Julia Griffths       L35   3 Wrexham AC                      1:07:25
     204  John Griffiths       V50  22 Cybi Striders                   1:07:26
     205  Mal Balner                   Penny Lane Striders             1:07:28
     206  Fergus Wiseman               Warrington Rr                   1:07:30
     207  Paul Andrew                  Unattached                      1:07:36
     208  Robert Burke                 Liverpool RC                    1:07:36
     209  Mark Huddleston      V40  42 Unattached                      1:07:37
     210  Simon Walker                 S Cheshire Harriers             1:07:39
     211  James Thomas         V60   3 Wrexham Tri                     1:07:42
     212  Victoria Musgrove    L45   2 Wrexham AC                      1:07:46
     213  John Leese           V55  15 County Offices RC               1:07:48
     214  John Kane            V50  23 Oldham & Royton                 1:07:49
     215  Jacko Greatholder    V60   4 Stafford Harriers               1:07:50
     216  Tony Bothwell        V45  25 Shrewsbury AC                   1:07:53
     217  Andy Farley          V40  43 E Cheshire Harriers             1:07:55
     218  Clive Baggaley       V55  16 Uttoxeter Rr                    1:07:55
     219  Chris Rhodes         V40  44 West Cheshire AC                1:08:01
     220  John Hughes-Roberts  V40  45 Prestatyn RC                    1:08:01
     221  Francis McHale       V55  17 Tattenhall Runners              1:08:02
     222  Graham Felsbergs             Unattached                      1:08:03
     223  Ted White            V45  26 S Cheshire Harriers             1:08:05
     224  Joseph Hall                  Penny Lane Striders             1:08:06
     225  Roy Humpherson       V55  18 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:08:07
     226  Paul Johansen                Unattached                      1:08:08
     227  David Kay            V40  46 Liverpool RC                    1:08:09
     228  Debbie Edmondson     L35   4 David Lloyd                     1:08:09
     229  Stephen Beech        V40  47 Village Rr                      1:08:12
     230  Derek Farrington     V40  48 Southport Waterloo AC           1:08:15
     231  John Charter         V45  27 Stafford Harriers               1:08:16
     232  Mary Doyle           L45   3 Liverpool RC                    1:08:20
     233  James Huggins                Buckley Runners                 1:08:26
     234  Graham Parton                Shrewsbury AC                   1:08:30
     235  Tony Hodgson         V50  24 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:08:31
     236  Alan Garvey          V45  28 Middleton Harriers              1:08:32
     237  Bill Vinton          V50  25 W Cheshire AC                   1:08:33
     238  Graham Howell        V50  26 Liverpool Harriers              1:08:33
     239  Christopher Dehan    V60   5 E Cheshire Harriers             1:08:33
     240  Frank Caci           V45  29 Trentham RC                     1:08:37
     241  Nicholas Randall             Unattached                      1:08:38
     242  Colin Benson         V40  49 Unattached                      1:08:39
     243  John Derrig          V50  27 Unattached                      1:08:40
     244  Robert Beeston       V45  30 Shropshire Shufflers            1:08:40
     245  Michael Jones        V55  19 Stafford Harriers               1:08:46
     246  Stephen McNicholas           Penny Lane Striders             1:08:49
     247  John Hollingdale             Unattached                      1:08:50
     248  Barry Thomas         V40  50 Unattached                      1:08:50
     249  Stuart Turner                Stafford Harriers               1:08:51
     250  Robert Bonson                Unattached                      1:08:52
     251  Andrew Bryan         V45  31 Bridgnorth AC                   1:08:54
     252  Maria Lowe           L    16 Salford Harriers                1:08:55
     253  Brian Hastings       V55  20 W Cheshire AC                   1:08:56
     254  Stanley Foulger      V50  28 Stafford Harriers               1:08:59
     255  Graham Morgan        V50  29 Unattached                      1:09:02
     256  Nigel Allen          V50  30 Biddulph RC                     1:09:04
     257  Ged McCarthy         V45  32 Winston Runners                 1:09:05
     258  Victoria Perry       L40   5 Altrincham                      1:09:06
     259  Jon Osler            V40  51 Unattached                      1:09:07
     260                ???         ???                             1:09:13
     261  Carol Willgoose      L40   6 Halifax Harriers                1:09:14
     262  Stephen Whittle      V45  33 Red Herrings                    1:09:15
     263  John Lazarus         V45  34 Warrington Rr                   1:09:16
     264  Sereca Atherton      L    19 Stafford Harriers               1:09:17
     265  Graham Randfield             Penny Lane Striders             1:09:21
     266  Peter Butler         V45  35 Liverpool RC                    1:09:21
     267  Robert Huntbach              Unattached                      1:09:22
     268  Dave Newton                  Oswestry Olympians              1:09:23
     269  Neil Holding         V40  52 West Pennine Runners            1:09:25
     270  Barry Powell                 Unattached                      1:09:28
     271  Ashley Wager         V40  53 Unattached                      1:09:31
     272  Geoff Quinn          V40  54 Stockport Harriers              1:09:31
     273  Francis McAlistair   V50  31 St Helens Striders              1:09:33
     274  Jeff Cordwell        V50  32 Oldham & Royton                 1:09:35
     275  Gary Ford            JM    2 Unattached                      1:09:36
     276  Chris Ryan           V45  36 Shropshire Shufflers            1:09:37
     277  Michael Couling              Unattached                      1:09:42
     278  Tony Moore           V50  33 Stone Master Marathoners        1:09:43
     279  Steve Williams               Unattached                      1:09:45
     280  Arfon Owen                   Unattached                      1:09:49
     281  Andrew Hunt          V55  21 Rivacre Runners                 1:09:50
     282  Trevor Grundy        V55  22 Oldham & Royton                 1:09:51
     283  Adrian Haywood               Unattached                      1:09:52
     284  Jan Culshaw          L35   5 Liverpool RC                    1:09:52
     285  Bernard Wilkes       V45  37 Stafford Harriers               1:09:53
     286  Stuart Burgess               Unattached                      1:09:54
     287  Stewart Marshall     V40  55 Vivid Rr                        1:09:54
     288  N D Shaw             L    21 Unattached                      1:09:57
     289  James McGlynn        V50  34 Unattached                      1:09:57
     290  Mark Emmett          V45  38 Radcliffe AC                    1:10:00
     291  Michael Nolan        V55  23 Abergele Harriers               1:10:02
     292  Jimmy Leadbetter     V45  39 Unattached                      1:10:04
     293  Alan Edwards                 Oswestry Olympians              1:10:04
     294  Martin Foster        V45  40 Bournville Harriers             1:10:07
     295  Barry Frost                  Chester Tri                     1:10:08
     296  Michael Nugent       V40  56 Stafford Harriers               1:10:15
     297  Peter Quinn          V55  24 Serpentine                      1:10:17
     298  Anthony Bridgewwod   V55  25 Longton Harriers                1:10:22
     299  Stan Holbrook        V65   1 Penny Lane Striders             1:10:25
     300  Robbie Craig         V50  35 Shropshire Shufflers            1:10:26
     301  Tony White           V55  26 Unattached                      1:10:27
     302  David Eckeasley      V55  27 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:10:28
     303  Susan Cain           L45   4 Penny Lane Striders             1:10:29
     304  Mark Jennings        V40  57 S Cheshire Harriers             1:10:30
     305  Darren Taylor                Chase Harriers                  1:10:32
     306  Mike Long                    Unattached                      1:10:33
     307  Steven Roberts               Unattached                      1:10:35
     308  Christopher Hughes   JM    3 Cybi Striders                   1:10:37
     309  Joe Atherton         V40  58 Trafford Harriers               1:10:38
     310  Dave Chittem         V45  41 Stafford Harriers               1:10:40
     311  Paula Rivas          L40   7 Skem Boundary Harriers          1:10:41
     312  Gary Richards                Rivacre Runners                 1:10:43
     313  Arwel Jones          V40  59 Unattached                      1:10:45
     314  Richard Griffiths    V50  36 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:10:46
     315  Anthony McKenzie             Stafford Harriers               1:10:48
     316  Steve Rowe           V45  42 Celestica                       1:10:49
     317  Charlie Rowlands             Wooler RC                       1:10:51
     318  Alan Jones                   Wrexham AC                      1:10:53
     319  Philip Pilbeam               Cybi Striders                   1:10:54
     320  Mark Wright                  Wrexham AC                      1:10:56
     321   Barry Griffith              Unattached                      1:10:58
     322  Bill Clarke          V55  28 Stone Master Marathoners        1:10:59
     323  Bryan Griffiths      V45  43 Rivacre Runners                 1:11:01
     324  Islwyn Jones         V50  37 Wrexham AC                      1:11:02
     325  Colin Rathbone       V55  29 Vale Royal AC                   1:11:04
     326  Keith Rens           V45  44 Unattached                      1:11:06
     327  Sandra Owen          L50   1 Tattenhall Runners              1:11:07
     328  Kevin Upton                  Vivid Rr                        1:11:09
     329  Deon Vlok                    Stafford Harriers               1:11:10
     330  Barry Hopwood        V60   6 Trentham RC                     1:11:12
     331  M Davis              V45  45 Unattached                      1:11:14
     332  Kevin Hamer          V40  60 Unattached                      1:11:15
     333  Kevin Thomas                 Unattached                      1:11:17
     334  James Taylor         V55  30 Lieighton Fun Runners           1:11:19
     335  Ian Moore                    Unattached                      1:11:20
     336  Alun Burt            V40  61 Chase Harriers                  1:11:20
     337  Karl Mullins                 Village Rr                      1:11:26
     338  Michael Clements     V40  62 Unattached                      1:11:30
     339  Terence Doyle        V55  31 Liverpool RC                    1:11:36
     340  Steven Shaw          V45  46 Oldham & Royton                 1:11:38
     341  Chris Bird                   Unattached                      1:11:39
     342  Glyn Lewis           V40  63 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:11:42
     343  Ian Hilditch         V60   7 Helsby RC                       1:11:45
     344  David Cullen                 Vivid Rr                        1:11:47
     345  Roy Stevens          V50  38 Lytham St Annes Rr              1:11:49
     346  Irfon Jones          V40  64 Unattached                      1:11:51
     347  Rob Warrenger        V45  47 Unattached                      1:11:56
     348  Bryan Clark          V55  32 North Staffs Rra                1:11:57
     349  David Hankey         V40  65 Unattached                      1:11:58
     350  David Kirkham        V50  39 Cybi Striders                   1:11:58
     351  Mark Ledward                 Belle Vue Racers                1:12:04
     352  Gabby Waring         L45   5 Prestatyn RC                    1:12:06
     353  Tony Brady           V55  33 Manchester Harriers             1:12:06
     354  Stephen Cragg        V50  40 Manchester Harriers             1:12:06
     355  Steve McCall         V40  66 Manchester Harriers             1:12:07
     356  Evan Starr           V40  67 Unattached                      1:12:09
     357  Nicholas Eynon       V40  68 Aldridge RC                     1:12:10
     358  John Dooley          V55  34 Spectrum Striders               1:12:10
     359  Terence Coles        V55  35 Spectrum Striders               1:12:12
     360  Malcolm Taylor       V55  36 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:12:13
     361  Simon Lovatt         V40  69 Unattached                      1:12:17
     362  Kenny Johnson        V40  70 Michelin AC                     1:12:17
     363  Gordon Thorley       V45  48 Unattached                      1:12:23
     364  Andrew Edwards               Unattached                      1:12:23
     365  Malcolm Parry        V60   8 Unattached                      1:12:27
     366  John Deveney                 Penny Lane Striders             1:12:28
     367  Clive Boyden         V40  71 S Cheshire Harriers             1:12:30
     368  John Mitchell        V60   9 Blackburn Rr                    1:12:32
     369  William Murphy       V60  10 Ford Halewood AC                1:12:33
     370  Mike Garbutt         V45  49 Red Herrings                    1:12:34
     371  Gary Jenkinson               Village Rr                      1:12:34
     372  Joseph Chambers              Liverpool RC                    1:12:34
     373  Neville Broadbent    V40  72 Unattached                      1:12:34
     374  Rhian Davies         L    26 Unattached                      1:12:36
     375  Simon Roxburgh               Unattached                      1:12:36
     376  Jason Edwards                Winston Runners                 1:12:37
     377  Brian Poole          V50  41 Marconi Harriers                1:12:39
     378  Evan Hughes          V50  42 Abergele Harriers               1:12:39
     379  Barry Stanley        V65   2 Unattached                      1:12:40
     380  Christopher Lamb     V50  43 Tattenhall Runners              1:12:41
     381  Liz Thornton         L40   8 Liverpool RC                    1:12:42
     382  Hilary Roderick      L35   6 Abergele Harriers               1:12:49
     383  Pam Davies           L50   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:12:53
     384  Roy Jardine          V55  37 Eryri  Harriers                 1:12:54
     385  - Cole Barry Stuart  V55  38 Winston Runners                 1:12:55
     386  Catherine Hewitt     L40   9 Wrexham AC                      1:12:57
     387  Paul Saunders                Penny Lane Striders             1:13:00
     388  Martin Rowe          V45  50 Vale Royal AC                   1:13:00
     389  Carl Dimmock                 Boalloy RC                      1:13:00
     390  Andrew Mitchell              Village Rr                      1:13:01
     391  Arthur Cross         V45  51 Picton RC                       1:13:02
     392  Paul Brownbill       V45  52 Unattached                      1:13:03
     393 $Helen Macarthur      L    31 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:13:04
     394  Elizabeth Elliott    L    32 Unattached                      1:13:05
     395  Catherine Nevin      L45   6 Penny Lane Striders             1:13:08
     396  Noel Cheseldine              Unattached                      1:13:08
     397  Teremce Long         V50  44 Penny Lane Striders             1:13:08
     398                ???         ???                             1:13:10
     399  Alan Durston         V55  39 Rivacre Runners                 1:13:11
     400  L Joinson                    Unattached                      1:13:13
     401  David Thomas                 Unattached                      1:13:15
     402  Llifon Foulkes               Unattached                      1:13:17
     403  Philip Jones         V60  11 Prestatyn RC                    1:13:17
     404  Michael Blackburn    V45  53 Liverpool RC                    1:13:21
     405  Lew Badger           V55  40 Stone Master Marathoners        1:13:22
     406  Robert Evans         V45  54 Unattached                      1:13:23
     407  Ian Turner           V45  55 Unattached                      1:13:23
     408  Colin Williamson     V55  41 Shropshire Shufflers            1:13:28
     409  Alan Goodwin                 Abergele Harriers               1:13:29
     410  Tim Roberts                  Unattached                      1:13:34
     411  Frank Tippin         V45  56 Unattached                      1:13:34
     412  Kristy Stephenson    L35   7 Abergele Harriers               1:13:35
     413  Jeremy Bright                Abergele Harriers               1:13:35
     414  Hayley Pendlington   L    35 Liverpool RC                    1:13:35
     415  Robbie Dilworth              Waac                            1:13:37
     416  Philip Johnston              Unattached                      1:13:37
     417  Paul Keogh           V50  45 Winston Runners                 1:13:41
     418  James Taylor                 Unattached                      1:13:42
     419  Richard Shaw         V50  46 Stone Master Marathoners        1:13:42
     420  Gen Williams         L40  10 Penny Lane Striders             1:13:43
     421  Andrew Webster       V55  42 Newcastle Staffs                1:13:45
     422  Chris Cowley                 Unattached                      1:13:45
     423  Carol Handley        L40  11 Liverpool RC                    1:13:47
     424  Marty Greene         V45  57 Liverpool RC                    1:13:49
     425  Paul Taylor          V45  58 Oldham & Royton                 1:13:51
     426  Shelia Waite         L35   8 Saddleworth Runners             1:13:55
     427  Jackie Jarvis        L40  12 Oswestry Olympians              1:13:57
     428  Gron Edwards         V40  73 Unattached                      1:13:57
     429  Sue Johnson          L45   7 Stafford Harriers               1:13:58
     430  Peter Leavesley      V40  74 Unattached                      1:14:02
     431  David Owen                   Unattached                      1:14:03
     432  Delyth Bryan         L35   9 Abergele Harriers               1:14:07
     433  Kevin Smith          V40  75 Stockport Harriers              1:14:09
     434  Alan Rothwell        V45  59 Vivid Rr                        1:14:11
     435  Peter Stokes         V40  76 Rrc                             1:14:15
     436  David Flowerday      V45  60 Unattached                      1:14:19
     437  Romilly Wills        L35  10 Macclesfield Harriers           1:14:23
     438  John Edwards         V55  43 Winston Runners                 1:14:28
     439  Graham Coull         V50  47 Unattached                      1:14:30
     440  David Elliott        V55  44 Oldham & Royton                 1:14:33
     441  Robert Prys-Owen     V50  48 Unattached                      1:14:35
     442  Robert Findler       V40  77 Nsrra                           1:14:38
     443  Simon Hughes         V40  78 Unattached                      1:14:41
     444  Donald Johnson       V40  79 Unattached                      1:14:43
     445  Paul Jones                   Unattached                      1:14:46
     446  Jan Zalewski         V45  61 Unattached                      1:14:49
     447  Tim McCorack         V40  80 Unattached                      1:14:52
     448  Phil Smith                   Birkenhead AC                   1:14:53
     449  Anthony Ward         V40  81 Liverpool RC                    1:14:56
     450 $Joe McGlynn          V45  62 Penny Lane Striders             1:14:57
     451  Neil Memmott                 Unattached                      1:14:57
     452  Peter Watson         V60  12 Wilmslow RC                     1:14:59
     453  William Sayer        V60  13 Shropshire Shufflers            1:15:02
     454  David Griffiths      V40  82 Unattached                      1:15:06
     455  Glyn Reeves          V50  49 Unattached                      1:15:07
     456  Derek Howard         V45  63 Unattached                      1:15:08
     457  Paula Hughes         L40  13 Unattached                      1:15:09
     458  Stan Canham          V55  45 Aldridge RC                     1:15:12
     459  Nicholas Such                Unattached                      1:15:13
     460  Jenny York           L45   8 Shropshire Shufflers            1:15:13
     461  Peter Morgan         V55  46 Chase Harriers                  1:15:15
     462  Judith Dyer          L35  11 Penny Lane Striders             1:15:16
     463  Micheal Chimejcguk   V50  50 Blackburn Rr                    1:15:17
     464  Mike Harrington      V55  47 Oswestry Olympians              1:15:18
     465  Tony Kennedy         V45  64 West Cheshire AC                1:15:18
     466  Barbara Ward         L45   9 Oswestry Olympians              1:15:21
     467  Russell Williams             Eryri  Harriers                 1:15:21
     468  Pamela Thurtle       L    47 Penny Lane Striders             1:15:22
     469  Tony Man                     Penny Lane Striders             1:15:24
     470  Sandra Poole         L55   1 Holme Pierrepont RC             1:15:26
     471  Bryan Bridges        V40  83 Shropshire Shufflers            1:15:29
     472  Robert Saunders              Liverpool RC                    1:15:30
     473 ?Steve Smith          V40  84 Skem Boundary Harriers          1:15:33
     474  Sue Heywood          L50   3 Unattached                      1:15:36
     475 ?Dawn Urquhart        L    50 Buckley Runners                 1:15:37
     476 ?Sid Bailey           V45  65 Dee Striders                    1:15:38
     477  Jill Jackson         L35  12 Warrington Rr                   1:15:42
     478  Peter Moore          V45  66 Village Rr                      1:15:45
     479  Geraint Roberts              Liverpool RC                    1:15:45
     480  Paul Ashmore         V40  85 Stockport Harriers              1:15:46
     481  Andrew Roberts               Unattached                      1:15:47
     482  Phillip Smith        V45  67 Shropshire Shufflers            1:15:48
     483  Michael Jennings     V45  68 Unattached                      1:15:48
     484  Michael King         V45  69 Unattached                      1:15:49
     485  George Foxton        V45  70 Unattached                      1:15:51
     486  Vince Earley         V45  71 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:15:53
     487 ?Steve Smith          V40  86 Skem Boundary Harriers          1:15:54
     488 ?Dawn Urquhart        L    52 Buckley Runners                 1:15:55
     489 ?Sid Bailey           V45  72 Dee Striders                    1:15:55
     490  Steven Roberts       V50  51 Ponsby Runners                  1:15:57
     491  Patricia Smith       L40  14 Unattached                      1:16:01
     492  James Eccles         V55  48 Ford Halewood AC                1:16:02
     493  Patricia Vernazza    L50   4 Unattached                      1:16:04
     494  Bill Horobin         V50  52 Unattached                      1:16:05
     495  Dianne Lapworth      L50   5 Biddulph RC                     1:16:06
     496  David McAlistair     V40  87 W Cheshire AC                   1:16:07
     497  Charlotte Godfrey    L45  10 Wilmslow RC                     1:16:08
     498  Sheila Bickerton     L45  11 S Cheshire Harriers             1:16:10
     499  Colin Earp           V55  49 S Cheshire Harriers             1:16:10
     500  Mark Lewis                   Unattached                      1:16:14
     501  Jeff Henshaw                 Unattached                      1:16:14
     502  Robert Coupe         V45  73 Unattached                      1:16:15
     503  Richard Baker        V50  53 Wilmslow RC                     1:16:19
     504  Anne Fortune         L50   6 Northern Vets                   1:16:28
     505  Donald Long          V55  50 Unattached                      1:16:30
     506  Vernon Olivant       V50  54 Stone Master Marathoners        1:16:33
     507  Nigel Payne          V40  88 Michelin AC                     1:16:36
     508  Glyn Evans                   Unattached                      1:16:39
     509  David Redpath        V50  55 Spectrum Striders               1:16:42
     510  Bridget Butler       L40  15 Shropshire Shufflers            1:16:45
     511  Edwin Lowrey         V45  74 Unattached                      1:16:48
     512  Trevor Sharpe        V50  56 Unattached                      1:16:49
     513  Doug Morris          V70   1 Oswestry Olympians              1:16:53
     514  Sophie Campbell      L    60 Unattached                      1:16:54
     515  Ian Blakemore        V45  75 Unattached                      1:16:54
     516  Colin Leyland        V40  89 Unattached                      1:16:54
     517  Trevor Faulkner      V60  14 Wilmslow RC                     1:17:00
     518  Vivienne Clarke      L45  12 Liverpool RC                    1:17:02
     519  Alison Talbot        L35  13 Oswestry Olympians              1:17:04
     520  Lindsay Heasman      L    63 Beverley AC                     1:17:04
     521  Keith Parry          V45  76 Chase Harriers                  1:17:04
     522  David Bluff                  Unattached                      1:17:06
     523  Andrew Pugh                  Unattached                      1:17:07
     524  Cliff Knowles        V60  15 Trentham RC                     1:17:09
     525  Michael Bradbury     V55  51 Stafford Harriers               1:17:15
     526  Graham Lloyd                 Helsby RC                       1:17:18
     527  Stephen Cooper               Unattached                      1:17:22
     528  Peter Pearce                 Penny Lane Striders             1:17:27
     529  Dave Reid            V40  90 Unattached                      1:17:29
     530  Steve McCarthy               Unattached                      1:17:29
     531  Keith Pinner         V50  57 Milton AC                       1:17:33
     532  Michael Bradley      V45  77 Spectrum Striders               1:17:34
     533  George Ingham        V45  78 Liverpool RC                    1:17:35
     534  Janet Redpath        L50   7 Spectrum Striders               1:17:36
     535  Lois Yates           L35  14 Oak Park Pacers RC              1:17:36
     536   Glyn Roberts        V50  58 Unattached                      1:17:39
     537  Frank Nelson         V55  52 Marconi Harriers                1:17:39
     538  Paul Edwards                 Unattached                      1:17:40
     539  James Wray           V50  59 Penny Lane Striders             1:17:43
     540  Peter Burns          V55  53 Stafford Harriers               1:17:43
     541  Janet Frost          L35  15 Chester Tri                     1:17:44
     542  Stuart Jones         V40  91 Unattached                      1:17:45
     543  Andrew Williams              Unattached                      1:17:55
     544  Tony Rawlinson               Liverpool RC                    1:18:07
     545  Derek Link           V55  54 Unattached                      1:18:09
     546  Gill Collen          L40  16 Warrington Rr                   1:18:10
     547  Percy Hogg           V55  55 Village Rr                      1:18:11
     548 $John German          V45  79 Liverpool RC                    1:18:17
     549  John Standring       V70   2 Hartshead RC                    1:18:18
     550  David Hilliard       V45  80 Liverpool RC                    1:18:18
     551  Stephen Bradshaw             Unattached                      1:18:19
     552  Paul Norris                  Unattached                      1:18:19
     553  David Pagett         V45  81 Wrekin Rr                       1:18:22
     554  Antony Molloy        V45  82 Birchfield Harriers             1:18:26
     555  Andrew Wild                  Unattached                      1:18:27
     556  Rosie Gillick        L55   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:18:27
     557  Carolyn White        L40  17 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:18:28
     558  David Brierley       V40  92 Chester Tri                     1:18:29
     559  Margaret Williams    L45  13 Northern Vets                   1:18:31
     560  Nefyn Williams       V50  60 Northern Vets                   1:18:32
     561  Joe Park             V65   3 Cheshire Tally Ho               1:18:33
     562  Bill Mansley         V60  16 Spectrum Striders               1:18:35
     563  Meirion Williams             Unattached                      1:18:39
     564  Keith Spencer        V40  93 Penny Lane Striders             1:18:39
     565  Lawrence Taylor      V60  17 Prescott Bicc AC                1:18:41
     566  Philip Ashley                Unattached                      1:18:41
     567  Leone Richards       L    71 Liverpool RC                    1:18:43
     568  Martin Stirna        V45  83 S Cheshire Harriers             1:18:47
     569  Angela Shurie        L    72 Liverpool RC                    1:18:47
     570  James Smith          V50  61 Northern Vets                   1:18:52
     571  Jonathan Smith               Oswestry Olympians              1:18:57
     572  Barbara Stoll        L45  14 Unattached                      1:18:58
     573  Jim Lanham           V50  62 Liverpool RC                    1:19:00
     574  Andrew Edwards               Unattached                      1:19:03
     575   Iorwerth Roberts    V55  56 Eryri  Harriers                 1:19:10
     576  Graeme Freeman               Unattached                      1:19:13
     577  Julie Brown          L    74 Winston Runners                 1:19:15
     578  Glenn Forrester      V45  84 Unattached                      1:19:15
     579  Kevin Egerton        V50  63 Belle Vue Racers                1:19:16
     580 $Dylan Parry                  Unattached                      1:19:16
     581  Debbie Roberts       L35  16 Unattached                      1:19:26
     582  Neville Tilley       V55  57 Unattached                      1:19:28
     583  Keith Davies         V40  94 Unattached                      1:19:32
     584  Les Ebbrell                  Wirral AC                       1:19:32
     585  Stephen Aspden       V45  85 Unattached                      1:19:36
     586  Andrew Cowan         V50  64 Unattached                      1:19:38
     587  Christina Carson     L45  15 Penny Lane Striders             1:19:42
     588  Bill Whitworth       V60  18 Stafford Harriers               1:19:45
     589  Paul Evans                   Unattached                      1:19:52
     590  David Yates          V40  95 Oak Park Pacers RC              1:19:54
     591  Mal McCoig           V50  65 Stone Master Marathoners        1:20:01
     592  Clare Pickavance     L    77 St Helens Striders              1:20:01
     593  George Singh         V60  19 Stafford Harriers               1:20:12
     594  Adrain Bowcock       V40  96 Middleton Harriers              1:20:17
     595  Andrew Nightingale           Wigan Phoenix                   1:20:21
     596  Katherine Sutton     L40  18 Wilmslow RC                     1:20:22
     597  Linda Owen           L45  16 Spectrum Striders               1:20:23
     598  Anthony Rees         V50  66 Unattached                      1:20:25
     599  Frank Shepley        V45  86 Stone Master Marathoners        1:20:27
     600  Malcolm Haines       V45  87 Unattached                      1:20:27
     601  Ian Munro            V45  88 Unattached                      1:20:27
     602  David Say            V50  67 Unattached                      1:20:28
     603  Alan Brocken         V40  97 Birkenhead AC                   1:20:33
     604  Stephen Cook         V45  89 Winston Runners                 1:20:33
     605  Steven Jones         V40  98 Shropshire Shufflers            1:20:34
     606  Rhys Davies                  Unattached                      1:20:38
     607  Raymond Power        V65   4 Unattached                      1:20:44
     608  Lynne Foster         L45  17 Stone Master Marathoners        1:20:46
     609  Sandy Roberts        L40  19 Prestatyn RC                    1:20:47
     610  Ian Morris           V55  58 Manchester Harriers             1:20:48
     611  Toni McDonagh        L    82 Unattached                      1:20:48
     612  Sean Payall          V45  90 Huddersfield Rr                 1:20:53
     613  Mark Pilliner                Unattached                      1:20:53
     614  Scott Butterworth            Unattached                      1:20:55
     615  David Dickenson              Village Rr                      1:20:55
     616  Barry Hough          V55  59 S Cheshire Harriers             1:20:56
     617  Gary Dawson          V45  91 Liverpool RC                    1:20:58
     618  Susan Tippin         L40  20 Unattached                      1:20:59
     619  Gary Sumner          V40  99 Unattached                      1:20:59
     620  Jeanette Grimes      L40  21 Picton RC                       1:21:02
     621  Tony Thackray        V55  60 West Cheshire AC                1:21:04
     622  Bernard Hodge        V45  92 Unattached                      1:21:05
     623  Andrew Breeze                Shropshire Shufflers            1:21:06
     624   David Hall                  Middleton Harriers              1:21:10
     625  Tony Ferry           V50  68 Liverpool RC                    1:21:12
     626  Ann Jones            L55   3 Wrexham AC                      1:21:12
     627  Lesley Arrowsmith    L45  18 Tattenhall Runners              1:21:12
     628  Peter Billing                Liverpool RC                    1:21:12
     629  Martin Tipping               Penny Lane Striders             1:21:12
     630  Ken Richards         V55  61 Newcastle Staffs                1:21:14
     631  John Howard          V50  69 E Cheshire Harriers             1:21:14
     632  Kevin Maguire        V55  62 Winston Runners                 1:21:19
     633  Rachel Woodcock      L    87 Newcastle Staffs                1:21:19
     634  Christine Allmark    L50   8 Newcastle Staffs                1:21:19
     635  William Woodfine             Unattached                      1:21:20
     636  Steven Davies                Unattached                      1:21:20
     637  E W Thomas           V50  70 Cybi Striders                   1:21:24
     638  Hilary Jaques        L45  19 Cybi Striders                   1:21:24
     639  Tom Cutler           V55  63 Unattached                      1:21:30
     640  Philip O'Rourke      V40 100 Liverpool RC                    1:21:40
     641  Ryan King            JM    4 Unattached                      1:21:40
     642  David Smith          JM    5 Unattached                      1:21:40
     643  Alan Buckley         V50  71 Middleton Harriers              1:21:45
     644  Sandra Hughes        L    90 Liverpool RC                    1:21:48
     645  Pauline Brittles     L45  20 Penny Lane Striders             1:21:50
     646  Roger Pickles        V45  93 Rrc                             1:21:57
     647  Brian Roberts        V55  64 Belle Vue Racers                1:21:58
     648  Christopher Byron    V60  20 E Cheshire Harriers             1:21:59
     649  Lee Pownall                  Unattached                      1:22:01
     650  John McMaster        V40 101 Unattached                      1:22:05
     651  Simon Begley                 Unattached                      1:22:10
     652  Robert Haden         V50  72 Biddulph RC                     1:22:10
     653  Phil Armitt          V50  73 Unattached                      1:22:12
     654  Iain Fortune         V55  65 Northern Vets                   1:22:16
     655  Ian Painter          V40 102 Unattached                      1:22:19
     656  Joanne Cowley        L    92 Penny Lane Striders             1:22:28
     657  Eleri Bacon          L    93 Abergele Harriers               1:22:29
     658  Nevile Kershaw       V55  66 Northern Vets                   1:22:32
     659  John Rimmer          V50  74 Unattached                      1:22:34
     660  Kenny Hodgkinson     V55  67 Staffs Moorlands                1:22:36
     661  Margaret Fox         L65   1 Congleton Harriers              1:22:37
     662  Janet O'Mahony       L35  17 Unattached                      1:22:39
     663  Neil Ashman                  Unattached                      1:22:43
     664  Adrian Piggott               Unattached                      1:22:47
     665  Shelia Jones         L40  22 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:23:01
     666  Paul Leonard         V40 103 Unattached                      1:23:06
     667  Paul Holsgrove               Unattached                      1:23:08
     668  Derek Clague         V65   5 Tattenhall Runners              1:23:09
     669  Stephanie Booth      L    97 Unattached                      1:23:14
     670  David Pillar         V50  75 Unattached                      1:23:14
     671  Helle Healey         L35  18 Unattached                      1:23:17
     672  Margaret Shaw        L50   9 Stone Master Marathoners        1:23:17
     673  Sarah Felton         L40  23 Dudley Kingswinford             1:23:22
     674  Brenda Jones         L60   1 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:23:23
     675  Jacqueline Williams  L45  21 Dudley Kingswinford             1:23:25
     676  Janet Nicholson      L35  19 Penny Lane Striders             1:23:27
     677 ?Sinead Mallone       L   104 David Lloyd                     1:23:28
     678                ???         ???                             1:23:30
     679  Frank Grant          V60  21 Stafford Harriers               1:23:33
     680  Joanne Fellows       L   105 David Lloyd                     1:23:34
     681  Dawn Platt           L35  20 St Helens Striders              1:23:37
     682  John McDonagh        V50  76 Unattached                      1:23:40
     683  Lee Rollaston                Unattached                      1:23:42
     684  Paul Herbert         V60  22 Penny Lane Striders             1:23:46
     685  Andrea Roberts       L   107 Unattached                      1:23:47
     686  Strphen Roach        V50  77 Unattached                      1:23:52
     687  Douglas Oswald       V60  23 Unattached                      1:23:53
     688  Roy Davenport        V50  78 Unattached                      1:23:57
     689  David Wilkinson      V40 104 Unattached                      1:23:59
     690  Laurence Graham      V55  68 Penny Lane Striders             1:24:05
     691  Derek Beesley        V50  79 Village Rr                      1:24:07
     692   Emyr Roberts                Unattached                      1:24:15
     693  John Wright                  Birkenhead AC                   1:24:19
     694  Leslie McAdam        V45  94 Unattached                      1:24:24
     695  Robert Harding       V50  80 Telford AC                      1:24:27
     696  Gary Daniels         V50  81 Unattached                      1:24:33
     697  Gillian Makin        L40  24 Liverpool RC                    1:24:35
     698  Nicola Lee           L   109 Penny Lane Striders             1:24:36
     699  Marian Manson        L35  21 Unattached                      1:24:37
     700  Peter Davies         V40 105 Penny Lane Striders             1:24:37
     701  Christina Gallager   L35  22 Picton RC                       1:24:45
     702  Raymond Herbert      V55  69 Unattached                      1:24:49
     703  David Beard          V45  95 Eryri  Harriers                 1:24:53
     704 $Martyn Nash                  Unattached                      1:24:58
     705  Claire Martin        L   112 Unattached                      1:25:03
     706  Bernie Saunders      V50  82 Penny Lane Striders             1:25:04
     707  Robert Campbell      V50  83 Unattached                      1:25:05
     708  Stephen Healey       V50  84 Unattached                      1:25:07
     709  Jeffrey Andrews      V40 106 Unattached                      1:25:12
     710  Matthew Miller               Unattached                      1:25:17
     711  John Winder                  Unattached                      1:25:21
     712  Malcolm Stretton     V45  96 Buckley Runners                 1:25:32
     713  Brian Horrocks       V70   3 Wigan AC                        1:25:43
     714  Graham Jones         V45  97 Unattached                      1:25:45
     715  Bernard Wills        V55  70 Shropshire Shufflers            1:25:49
     716  John Haynes          V55  71 Stafford Harriers               1:25:55
     717  Eric Locke           V50  85 Centurian RC                    1:25:58
     718  Bunny Kyd            V65   6 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:26:00
     719  Deborah Clift        L35  23 Abergele Harriers               1:26:00
     720  Elaine Doga          L35  24 Maidenhead AC                   1:26:03
     721  Michael Bayliss      V50  86 Unattached                      1:26:13
     722  Joyce Gent           L55   4 Wigan Phoenix                   1:26:16
     723  Susan Bond           L40  25 Buckley Runners                 1:26:20
     724  David McWilliams     V45  98 Unattached                      1:26:24
     725  Ray Shaw             V60  24 Unattached                      1:26:33
     726  Louise Finney        L   117 Biddulph RC                     1:26:36
     727  Alan Thomas          V45  99 Belle Vue Racers                1:26:37
     728  Tessa Swaine         L45  22 Tattenhall Runners              1:26:37
     729  Jackie Carrington    L   119 David Lloyd                     1:26:46
     730  Peter Maclarke       V40 107 Unattached                      1:26:53
     731  Maurice Clarke       V50  87 Liverpool RC                    1:26:56
     732  Paul Hurst           V50  88 Unattached                      1:27:03
     733  Phillip Board        V45 100 Centurian RC                    1:27:09
     734  Mary Madge           L45  23 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:11
     735  John Edwards                 Unattached                      1:27:16
     736  Paul Hughes          V45 101 Liverpool RC                    1:27:26
     737  Don Tilstone         V65   7 Staffs AC                       1:27:34
     738  N Beattie            V50  89 Unattached                      1:27:34
     739  Neville Bassett      V50  90 100k Buckley                    1:27:34
     740  John Clements        V40 108 Unattached                      1:27:34
     741  Peter Griffiths      V45 102 Unattached                      1:27:34
     742  Karen Shouthwell     L   121 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:34
     743  Linda Wright         L   122 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:34
     744  Mike Brook                   Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:34
     745  Maria Jones          L   123 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:34
     746  Michael Fisher       V40 109 G Manchester Police AAA         1:27:47
     747  Sam Hardman          V55  72 Winston Runners                 1:27:48
     748  Wendy Parry          L   124 Liverpool RC                    1:27:51
     749  Patrick Daly         V55  73 Liverpool RC                    1:27:51
     750  Keith Turton                 Rowland Hill Harriers           1:27:52
     751  Lucinda George       L   125 Tattenhall Runners              1:27:54
     752  Janette Hallinan     L40  26 Stockport Harriers              1:27:54
     753  Carole Walton        L40  27 Stockport Harriers              1:27:57
     754  Gill Schlangen       L45  24 Unattached                      1:28:00
     755  Rhion Jones                  Unattached                      1:28:03
     756  Edward Lloyd         V70   4 Penny Lane Striders             1:28:08
     757  Pamela Rowland       L35  25 Oswestry Olympians              1:28:11
     758  Pauline Miles        L40  28 Liverpool RC                    1:28:14
     759  Collette Burns       L35  26 Liverpool RC                    1:28:19
     760  Adrian Batson        V60  25 Blackburn Rr                    1:28:19
     761  Tony Gibson          V45 103 Unattached                      1:28:22
     762  Dave Cheetham                Unattached                      1:28:22
     763  Claire Fitchett      L   132 Unattached                      1:28:27
     764  Alan Hunter          V50  91 Unattached                      1:28:27
     765  Deborah Berrisfird   L35  27 Manchester Harriers             1:28:29
     766  Chris Bluff          V50  92 Unattached                      1:28:43
     767  Michael Griffiths    V40 110 Unattached                      1:28:44
     768  Lilian Park          L55   5 Liverpool RC                    1:28:50
     769  Robert Emery         V50  93 Oak Park Pacers RC              1:28:53
     770  Peter Brownbill      V40 111 Unattached                      1:28:55
     771  Alan Austin          V45 104 Unattached                      1:28:56
     772  Donald Nichol        V65   8 Altrincham                      1:28:57
     773  Michael Moore        V60  26 Stafford Harriers               1:29:01
     774  Andrea Dermott       L35  28 Unattached                      1:29:06
     775  Howard Ablett        V55  74 Buckley Runners                 1:29:09
     776  Sandra Avery         L45  25 Cybi Striders                   1:29:12
     777  Patricia Boyd        L40  29 Unattached                      1:29:14
     778  Michael Seaman       V50  94 Unattached                      1:29:15
     779  Garry Davies         V40 112 Unattached                      1:29:16
     780  Donna Parry          L35  29 Unattached                      1:29:16
     781  Eileen Swan          L40  30 Unattached                      1:29:17
     782  Gill Brandrick       L45  26 Prestatyn RC                    1:29:20
     783  Angela Batho         L45  27 Shropshire Shufflers            1:29:26
     784  Roy Dudley           V60  27 Milton AC                       1:29:27
     785  Alison Lysons        L35  30 Warrington Rr                   1:29:28
     786  Paul Rowlinson       V40 113 Unattached                      1:29:38
     787  Harold Gleave        V60  28 Unattached                      1:29:40
     788  Terence Miles        V45 105 Unattached                      1:29:41
     789  Joanne Mottram       L35  31 Cannock Chase Harriers          1:29:44
     790  Martin Varley        V40 114 Southport Waterloo AC           1:29:47
     791  Jean Walker          L45  28 Tattenhall Runners              1:29:50
     792  Serena Macintosh     L   145 Unattached                      1:29:55
     793  Geoff Doherty        V40 115 Eryri  Harriers                 1:30:04
     794  Kevin O'Brien        V60  29 Penny Lane Striders             1:30:12
     795  Lyn Ebbrell          L40  31 Wirral AC                       1:30:14
     796  Michaela Furey       L35  32 Liverpool RC                    1:30:15
     797  Bridget Fleming      L50  10 Winston Runners                 1:30:17
     798  Jeanette Murphy      L55   6 Ford Halewood AC                1:30:19
     799  Jean Skitt           L55   7 Manchester Harriers             1:30:25
     800  Stephen Ward         V50  95 Abergele Harriers               1:30:38
     801   Jamie Stanton               Liverpool RC                    1:30:48
     802  Ian Fleming                  Winston Runners                 1:31:09
     803  Graham Cowpland      V45 106 Liverpool RC                    1:31:20
     804  Pamela Hough         L50  11 S Cheshire Harriers             1:31:28
     805  Susan McDonagh       L45  29 Unattached                      1:31:35
     806  Gail Barrett         L   153 Liverpool RC                    1:31:39
     807  Julie Evans          L35  33 Liverpool RC                    1:31:39
     808  Derek Gill           V70   5 Bingley H&ac                    1:31:50
     809  John Knott                   Unattached                      1:31:52
     810  Lysbeth James        L55   8 Michelin AC                     1:31:55
     811  Geoffrey Bean        V55  75 E Cheshire Harriers             1:31:56
     812  Gareth Jones                 Unattached                      1:31:59
     813  Joseph McAloon       V70   6 Liverpool Pembroke Sefton       1:32:05
     814  Jennifer Pimlett     L   156 Liverpool RC                    1:32:10
     815  Anne Hewitt          L55   9 Spectrum Striders               1:32:11
     816  John Kane            V45 107 Chester Tri                     1:32:16
     817  Geoffrey Sheen               Unattached                      1:32:22
     818  Kate Taylor          L40  32 Baildon Runners                 1:32:24
     819  Fiona Nash           L35  34 Unattached                      1:32:24
     820  Paul Wadsworth       V40 116 Unattached                      1:32:24
     821  Bethany Sandland     L   160 Unattached                      1:32:32
     822  Roger Sandand        V60  30 Shropshire Shufflers            1:32:32
     823  Georgina Bestwick    L   161 Unattached                      1:32:33
     824  Lynne Cook           L45  30 Shropshire Shufflers            1:32:35
     825  Tracey Sutherland    L40  33 Unattached                      1:32:39
     826  Melinda Laws         L50  12 Shropshire Shufflers            1:32:41
     827  Anna Garrett         L35  35 Unattached                      1:32:42
     828  John Shannon         V50  96 Unattached                      1:32:42
     829  Tonya O'Donnell      L   166 Unattached                      1:32:47
     830  Anne Morgan          L50  13 Cannock Chase Harriers          1:32:51
     831  John Walker                  Unattached                      1:32:51
     832  Carol McGoldrick     L35  36 Penny Lane Striders             1:33:02
     833  Millicent Wharton    L60   2 Unattached                      1:33:02
     834  Martin Schlangen     V45 108 Unattached                      1:33:02
     835  Lesley Clague        L60   3 Tattenhall Runners              1:33:09
     836  Patrick Lewis        V65   9 Shropshire Shufflers            1:33:10
     837  Joanna Hughes        L   171 Unattached                      1:33:15
     838  Richard Cormell      V40 117 Unattached                      1:33:26
     839  Lesley Booth         L45  31 Unattached                      1:33:28
     840  Emma Chaplin         L   173 David Lloyd                     1:33:30
     841 ?Sinead Mallone       L   174 David Lloyd                     1:33:31
     842  Reg Ferneyhough      V70   7 Michelin AC                     1:33:35
     843  Keith Chapman        V50  97 Red Rose                        1:33:47
     844  Frank Morgan         V40 118 Unattached                      1:33:51
     845  Eileen Williams      L50  14 Shropshire Shufflers            1:33:51
     846  Robin Cope           V55  76 Stone Master Marathoners        1:33:54
     847  Anna Cope            L   176 Stone Master Marathoners        1:33:54
     848  Garry Stone                  Unattached                      1:33:59
     849  Judith Coleman       L50  15 County Offices RC               1:34:29
     850  Joyce Fleur          L40  34 Unattached                      1:34:48
     851  Madeline Howorth     L45  32 Blackburn Rr                    1:34:49
     852  Elizabeth Loughrey   L65   2 Penny Lane Striders             1:35:04
     853  Martin Gwillam       V55  77 Oak Park Pacers RC              1:35:05
     854  Catherine Daintree   L   181 Penny Lane Striders             1:35:06
     855  Jane Marsden         L45  33 Unattached                      1:35:12
     856  Monica Brown         L60   4 Penny Lane Striders             1:35:26
     857  Elspeth Horner       L35  37 Unattached                      1:35:31
     858  Natalie Slack        L   185 Stockport Harriers              1:35:43
     859  Tracy Donoghue       L   186 Buckley Runners                 1:35:49
     860  Adrian Hedgley       V40 119 Rhayader AC                     1:35:52
     861  Christina Santos     L40  35 Rhayader AC                     1:35:54
     862  Geoff Bailey         V70   8 Trentham RC                     1:35:57
     863  Janet Walsh          L   188 Penny Lane Striders             1:36:01
     864  Donna Jones          L35  38 Unattached                      1:36:02
     865  Jean Ashley          L45  34 Unattached                      1:36:07
     866  Alistair Hoyle               Unattached                      1:36:21
     867  Ann Horrill          L45  35 Chase Harriers                  1:36:31
     868  Audrey McKeown       L40  36 Liverpool RC                    1:36:39
     869  Barbara Clubb        L45  36 Liverpool RC                    1:36:40
     870  Jim Pendleton        V50  98 Southport Waterloo AC           1:36:41
     871  Paul Franey          V45 109 Liverpool RC                    1:36:49
     872  Lisa Davies          L35  39 Unattached                      1:36:57
     873  Jez Hemmings                 Unattached                      1:37:00
     874  Chritine Evans       L40  37 Unattached                      1:37:16
     875  Tracey Harding       L   196 Unattached                      1:37:22
     876  Karen Hughes         L   197 Unattached                      1:37:25
     877  Yvonne Machell       L   198 Unattached                      1:37:25
     878  Jane Rowe            L50  16 Vale Royal AC                   1:37:45
     879  Maureen Oliver       L35  40 Liverpool RC                    1:38:00
     880  Kim Rockliffe        L40  38 Liverpool RC                    1:38:00
     881  Douglas Joss         V60  31 Blackburn Rr                    1:38:02
     882  Kathleen Carroll     L   202 Liverpool RC                    1:38:03
     883  Cathy Johnson        L40  39 Liverpool RC                    1:38:03
     884  Rosemary Sandland    L55  10 Unattached                      1:38:05
     885  Jane Roberts         L40  40 Unattached                      1:38:05
     886  Ann Abblett          L45  37 Buckley Runners                 1:38:05
     887  Sheila Jones         L60   5 Prestatyn RC                    1:38:10
     888  Ann Walker           L35  41 Liverpool RC                    1:38:13
     889  David McAllister             Unattached                      1:38:18
     890  Sandra Maguire       L50  17 Winston Runners                 1:38:20
     891  Jacqueline Edwards   L45  38 Winston Runners                 1:38:20
     892  Juliet Salazar       L40  41 Unattached                      1:38:23
     893  Christine Savory     L50  18 Prestatyn RC                    1:38:25
     894  Joanna Thomas        L   213 Unattached                      1:38:38
     895  Malcolm James        V50  99 Merseyside Police               1:38:50
     896  Dina Hale            L35  42 Unattached                      1:38:52
     897  Grace Pickles        L45  39 Rrc                             1:38:56
     898  Linda Chapman        L50  19 Unattached                      1:39:04
     899  Julie Nutting        L45  40 Shropshire Shufflers            1:39:05
     900  Christine Coleman    L   218 Unattached                      1:39:06
     901  Amanda Henderson     L   219 Unattached                      1:39:06
     902  Hiroyuki Murakami            Unattached                      1:39:09
     903  Brad Horn                    Unattached                      1:39:10
     904  Richard Horn                 Unattached                      1:39:18
     905  Andrew Davies                Unattached                      1:39:18
     906  Roger Davies         V50 100 Unattached                      1:39:18
     907  Hilda Owen           L65   3 Unattached                      1:39:27
     908  Tracey Somerville    L   221 Cybi Striders                   1:39:31
     909  John McMullan        V55  78 Cybi Striders                   1:39:31
     910  Kim Wooton           L40  42 Shropshire Shufflers            1:39:33
     911  Jenny Tomlinson      L55  11 E Cheshire Harriers             1:39:39
     912  Jon Rixon            V50 101 Unattached                      1:39:45
     913  Carmel Barnett       L40  43 Unattached                      1:40:22
     914  William Walker       V50 102 Unattached                      1:40:39
     915  John Newbury         V65  10 Liverpool RC                    1:40:53
     916  Alison Moore         L   225 Penny Lane Striders             1:41:25
     917  Alan Birtles                 Unattached                      1:41:25
     918  Nicholas Harland             Unattached                      1:41:31
     919  Patricia Scott       L55  12 Dudley Ladies RC                1:41:37
     920  Jan Parry            L55  13 Unattached                      1:41:57
     921  Hilda Limacher       L40  44 Unattached                      1:42:04
     922  Bernadette Macarthy  L45  41 Winston Runners                 1:42:06
     923  Patricia Ellis       L40  45 Liverpool RC                    1:42:06
     924  Pat Adams            L45  42 Wrexham AC                      1:42:17
     925  Jean Bayley          L40  46 Manchester Harriers             1:42:17
     926  Susan Alltree        L   233 Unattached                      1:42:22
     927  Nicola Smith         L   234 Unattached                      1:42:22
     928  Sylvio Jura          V55  79 Unattached                      1:43:07
     929  Pat Bolton           L60   6 Biddulph RC                     1:43:24
     930  Christine Savin      L45  43 Unattached                      1:43:24
     931  Margaret Brayshay    L50  20 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:43:49
     932  Julie Richards       L40  47 Shropshire Shufflers            1:43:51
     933  Sally Edmunds        L   239 Axe Valley Runners              1:43:55
     934  Julia McAdam         L   240 Shropshire Shufflers            1:44:06
     935  Rachel James-Owens   L   241 Unattached                      1:44:22
     936  Brian Whitworth      V55  80 Cheshire Tally Ho               1:44:22
     937  Lucy Whitworth       L   242 Unattached                      1:44:24
     938  Patricia Linney      L50  21 Unattached                      1:45:01
     939  Lorraine Aldridge    L45  44 Liverpool RC                    1:45:12
     940  Yvonne Kavanagh      L40  48 Unattached                      1:45:43
     941  Les Hewitt           V50 103 Spectrum Striders               1:45:58
     942  Terry Pillar         L45  45 Unattached                      1:46:02
     943  Christine Newbury    L   247 Liverpool RC                    1:46:21
     944  Jean Butler          L40  49 Liverpool RC                    1:46:28
     945  Deborah Franey       L40  50 Liverpool RC                    1:47:15
     946  David Scott          V60  32 Unattached                      1:47:39
     947  Linda Chadderton     L55  14 Oldham & Royton                 1:47:39
     948  Sandra Donnelly      L40  51 Penny Lane Striders             1:47:45
     949  John Coulthard       V70   9 Penny Lane Striders             1:47:45
     950  Charmaine Holman     L45  46 Penny Lane Striders             1:47:45
     951  Margaret Carleton    L45  47 Winston Runners                 1:48:08
     952  Glyn Garbutt         V40 120 Unattached                      1:49:03
     953  Julie Garbutt        L35  43 Unattached                      1:49:04
     954  Jan Owen             L40  52 Unattached                      1:49:15
     955  Charles Buckley      V70  10 Northern Vets                   1:49:24
     956  Julie Lawrence       L40  53 Michelin AC                     1:49:45
     957  Andrew Stoll         V55  81 Unattached                      1:49:55
     958  D Grundy             V55  82 Birkenhead AC                   1:50:03
     959  Christine Wills      L45  48 Shropshire Shufflers            1:50:41
     960  Carol Barnes         L45  49 Winston Runners                 1:51:04
     961  - Cole Brian Stuart  V55  83 Winston Runners                 1:51:04
     962  Debbie Batterbee     L35  44 Prestatyn RC                    1:51:39
     963  Annie Craig          L40  54 Shropshire Shufflers            1:51:49
     964  Hayley Fairclough    L35  45 Unattached                      1:52:04
     965  Margaret Shaw        L60   7 Michelin AC                     1:54:00
     966  Hazel Barlow         L40  55 Unattached                      1:54:00
     967  Lucy Heath           L   264 Unattached                      1:54:35
     968  James Targett                Unattached                      1:54:35
     969  Jackie Herring       L35  46 Shropshire Shufflers            1:54:38
     970  Jean Allan           L40  56 Liverpool RC                    1:55:17
     971  Elizabeth Blackledge L65   4 Winston Runners                 1:55:17
     972  Peter Johnston       V50 104 Unattached                      1:56:31
     973  Leon Kata            V70  11 Ford Halewood AC                1:57:30
     974  Samantha Jones       L35  47 Unattached                      1:57:34
     975  Marie State          L45  50 Bournville Harriers             1:57:48
     976  Jane Sheldon         L45  51 Unattached                      1:57:58
     977  Maria Thompson       L50  22 Winston Runners                 1:58:40
     978  Barbara Brown        L65   5 Liverpool RC                    1:59:28
     979  Ann Marie Robinson   L45  52 Winston Runners                 2:01:18
     980  Helen Cook           L45  53 Winston Runners                 2:01:18
     981  Lisa Harmer          L   275 Unattached                      2:01:49
     982  Gillian Powell       L45  54 Unattached                      2:01:49
     983  Sally King           L45  55 Unattached                      2:01:49
     984  Bronwen Davies       L50  23 Oswestry Power Walkers          2:01:49
     985  Neil Harmer          V40 121 Unattached                      2:01:52
     986  Joseph Samuel        V40 122 Unattached                      2:01:52
     987  Margaret Dineen      L65   6 Michelin AC                     2:10:26

Llandudno 10 - Men -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Mike Proudlove               City Of Stoke                     50:23
       2  Nick Jones                   Tipton Harriers                   50:34
       3  Mike Bouldstridge            Birchfield Harriers               50:52
       4  Martin Reece         V45   1 Swansea Harriers                  51:01
       5  Dave Mansbridge              Telford AC                        52:34
       6  Alun Vaughan                 Eryri  Harriers                   52:37
       7  Lee Hurst                    Belgrave Harriers                 53:21
       8  Gareth Davies        V40   1 Swansea Harriers                  53:28
       9  Paul Jackson                 Birchfield Harriers               54:49
      10  Paul Sankey                  Liverpool RC                      55:10
      11  James McQueen                Eryri  Harriers                   55:20
      12  Michael Stanley      V40   2 Wirral AC                         55:33
      13  David Shaw                   Bolton United Harriers            55:45
      14  Maurice Collins              Liverpool RC                      55:48
      15  Ian Selby                    Bolton United Harriers            55:50
      16  Paul Levell          V40   3 Birchfield Harriers               55:53
      17  Dylan Jones                  Eryri  Harriers                   56:07
      18  Neil Lawrence                Birchfield Harriers               56:11
      19  Julian Fowles                S Liverpool                       56:26
      20  Paul Quine           V40   4 Liverpool Harriers                56:29
      21  Gary Norgrove                Wrexham AC                        56:33
      22  Nigel Haskins                Deeside Athletic Club             56:35
      23  Mark Garratt                 Unattached                        56:37
      24  David Hughes         V40   5 Colwyn Bay AC                     56:42
      25  Ian Magill                   Liverpool RC                      56:53
      26  Stephen Needs        V40   6 Telford AC                        57:00
      27  Anthony Idowu                Unattached                        57:09
      28  Richard Jones        V40   7 Colwyn Bay AC                     57:11
      29  Darren Blazier               Abergele Harriers                 57:12
      30  Anthony Jewkes               Chase Harriers                    57:16
      31  Sean McMyler         V40   8 Salford Harriers                  57:20
      32  Trevor Davies                Oldham & Royton                   57:25
      33  Stephen Bellis       V45   2 Wrexham AC                        57:29
      34  Peter Fielding-Smith         Beverley AC                       57:31
      35  Robert Frodsham      V50   1 Liverpool RC                      57:37
      36  Kevin Prydderch              Eryri  Harriers                   57:50
      37  Martin Dorrill               Kenilworth Runners                57:52
      38  Richard Griffiths            Telford AC                        58:05
      39  Roger Millen         V40   9 N Wales Fire Service              58:13
      40  Robert Porter                Unattached                        58:18
      41  Darren Jones                 Wrexham AC                        58:22
      42  Arwel Lewis          V40  10 Eryri  Harriers                   58:27
      43 $Mark Morris                  Wirral AC                         58:34
      44  James Bleakley               Colwyn Bay AC                     58:39
      45  John Lamb                    Tattenhall Runners                58:50
      46  Jon Hancock          V45   3 Oswestry Olympians                59:07
      47  Ian Carson           V50   2 Wrexham AC                        59:09
      48  Roger Edgell                 Penny Lane Striders               59:11
      49  David Edwards        V40  11 Liverpool RC                      59:13
      50  Robin Halliday               Eryri  Harriers                   59:16
      51  David Davies         V50   3 Neath                             59:37
      52  Kevin Francis                Shrewsbury AC                     59:48
      53  Kevin Beattie                Stockport Harriers                59:49
      54  Francis Martin       V40  12 Penny Lane Striders               59:51
      55  Barry Wilson         V50   4 Ludlow Runners                    59:52
      56  Andrew Clagg                 West Cheshire AC                  59:54
      57  David Jones                  S Cheshire Harriers               59:59
      58  Darren Washington            Baollam RC                      1:00:01
      59  Barry Greeves        V45   4 Oldham & Royton                 1:00:04
      60  Billy Hunter         V40  13 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:00:05
      61  Paul Bosson          V40  14 Stafford Harriers               1:00:12
      62  David Constance              Stafford Harriers               1:00:14
      63  Matthew Davies               Holme Firth                     1:00:15
      64  Gary Williams                Eryri  Harriers                 1:00:20
      65  Chris Wakeman        V40  15 Shrewsbury AC                   1:00:29
      66  Dominic Mahon        JM    1 Unattached                      1:00:30
      67  Jimmy Price          V45   5 Liverpool RC                    1:00:30
      68  Emyr Davies          V55   1 Eryri  Harriers                 1:00:34
      69  Iain Wedge                   David Lloyd                     1:00:40
      70  Arwel Jones          V40  16 Prestatyn RC                    1:00:48
      71  Simon Wright         V45   6 Wigan Pheonix                   1:00:54
      72  Simon Jones                  Prestatyn RC                    1:00:57
      73  Justin Realff                Wrexham AC                      1:01:06
      74  Peter Summers        V40  17 Skem Boundary Harriers          1:01:08
      75  Tim Davies           V40  18 Buckley Runners                 1:01:22
      76   Gwyn Roberts                Unattached                      1:01:26
      77  Chris Jeffs          V40  19 W Cheshire AC                   1:01:28
      78  Arthur Egan          V55   2 Wrexham AC                      1:01:31
      79  Chris Shaw           V45   7 Vivid Rr                        1:01:32
      80  Graham McAra         V45   8 Helsby RC                       1:01:33
      81  Paul Johnson         V45   9 Nsrra                           1:01:36
      82  Paul Stinton                 Buckley Runners                 1:01:41
      83  Robert Thomson       V40  20 Unattached                      1:01:44
      84  Stephen Livett       V40  21 Eryri  Harriers                 1:01:46
      85  Chris Nightingale            Wigan Phoenix                   1:01:56
      86  Christopher Wall             Unattached                      1:01:57
      87  Julian Barry         V50   5 Boalloy RC                      1:02:06
      88  John Richards                Oswestry Olympians              1:02:22
      89  Steve Broadfoot      V40  22 Liverpool RC                    1:02:25
      90  Colin Pass           V40  23 E Cheshire Harriers             1:02:29
      91  Simon Roberts        V40  24 Unattached                      1:02:36
      92  Russell Godwin               Colwyn Bay AC                   1:02:42
      93  David Temple                 Dee Striders                    1:02:42
      94  Shaun Hooson                 Buckley Runners                 1:02:45
      95  Darren Vernon                Unattached                      1:02:46
      96  John Chambers        V45  10 Unattached                      1:02:52
      97  Vincent Jones                Unattached                      1:03:03
      98  Andrew Birch                 Oswestry Olympians              1:03:14
      99  Stephen O'Neill      V50   6 Unattached                      1:03:17
     100  Jonathan Williams            Longton Harriers                1:03:21
     101  David Henley                 Prestatyn RC                    1:03:25
     102  Brian Moore                  Oldham & Royton                 1:03:29
     103  Grahame Shone        V50   7 Abergele Harriers               1:03:32
     104  Matthew Jepson               Newcastle Staffs                1:03:33
     105  Simon Moseley                Unattached                      1:03:33
     106  Liam Maloney         V50   8 Unattached                      1:03:36
     107  Michael Whitside     V55   3 Helsby RC                       1:03:39
     108  Tommy Burke          V55   4 Penny Lane Striders             1:03:40
     109  Mark Tabor           V40  25 Chester Tri                     1:03:44
     110  John Morris          V50   9 Wolverhampton & Bilston         1:03:53
     111  Peter Sarson         V50  10 Stafford Harriers               1:03:55
     112 $Derek Weaver         V45  11 Unattached                      1:03:56
     113  Mark Bentley         V40  26 Stafford Harriers               1:03:58
     114  Nick Jones           V40  27 Shrewsbury AC                   1:04:00
     115  John Davies                  Unattached                      1:04:01
     116  Ray Handley          V45  12 Southport Waterloo AC           1:04:02
     117  Dave Gillick         V55   5 Stone Master Marathoners        1:04:11
     118  Brian Riley          V50  11 Trentham RC                     1:04:15
     119  David Phillips       V55   6 Oldham & Royton                 1:04:17
     120  Neil Ballard         V40  28 Oswestry Olympians              1:04:22
     121  Stephen Gilliland    V40  29 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:04:30
     122  Gordon Bickerton     V50  12 S Cheshire Harriers             1:04:35
     123  Philip Chadwick              Unattached                      1:04:40
     124  Alan Austin          V55   7 Trentham RC                     1:04:47
     125  Dewi Roberts                 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:04:49
     126  David Crawford       V45  13 West Cheshire AC                1:04:54
     127  Les Smith            V50  13 Unattached                      1:05:01
     128  Geoff Richards       V50  14 Wrexham AC                      1:05:04
     129  Frank Guinness       V50  15 Liverpool RC                    1:05:05
     130  Peter Reid                   Rivacre Runners                 1:05:10
     131  Graham Stewart               Unattached                      1:05:11
     132  Mark Aitken          V40  30 Liverpool RC                    1:05:12
     133   Bryan Lawton                Oldham & Royton                 1:05:12
     134  Ian James            V40  31 Unattached                      1:05:13
     135  Michael Taggart              Unattached                      1:05:13
     136  Kenneth Burns                Colwyn Bay AC                   1:05:22
     137  Duncan Jones         V40  32 Denbigh Harriers                1:05:22
     138  Mark Hughes          V45  14 Trentham RC                     1:05:23
     139  Ray Smith            V55   8 Northern Vets                   1:05:24
     140  Eric Fogarty         V60   1 St Helens Striders              1:05:31
     141  John Pares                   Unattached                      1:05:31
     142  Kenneth Bloor        V40  33 Trentham RC                     1:05:33
     143  Derek Poole          V55   9 Holme Pierrepont RC             1:05:35
     144  David Draper         V45  15 Bridgnorth AC                   1:05:37
     145  Nigel Lee            V45  16 Newcastle Staffs                1:05:38
     146  Paul Brandrick       V45  17 Prestatyn RC                    1:05:38
     147  Peter Dean                   Middleton Harriers              1:05:47
     148  Owen Evans                   Penny Lane Striders             1:05:48
     149  David Cain           V45  18 Penny Lane Striders             1:05:49
     150  Jeff Outhwaite               Black Country Tri               1:05:50
     151  Graham Machin        V50  16 Telford AC                      1:05:54
     152  Mike Perchard        V45  19 W Cheshire AC                   1:05:57
     153  Kenny Mackenzie              Liverpool RC                    1:05:58
     154  Michael McGoldrick   V40  34 Golbourne Trotters              1:05:59
     155  Brian Hawkins        V50  17 Penny Lane Striders             1:06:00
     156  Gary Brough                  Audley RC                       1:06:01
     157 $Ian Wood                     Oak Park Pacers RC              1:06:02
     158  Tony Jackson         V40  35 Warrington Rr                   1:06:02
     159  Philip Adderley              Halamshire Harriers             1:06:04
     160  John Ratcliffe       V55  10 Tattenhall Runners              1:06:13
     161  David Roderick       V50  18 Wrexham Tri                     1:06:13
     162  Joseph Jones                 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:06:16
     163  David Wilson         V45  20 Longton Harriers                1:06:18
     164  Campbell Gillespie           Liverpool RC                    1:06:19
     165  Joseph Clarke        V60   2 Shropshire Shufflers            1:06:20
     166  Allen Aukim          V40  36 Stafford Harriers               1:06:21
     167 $Robin Frost          V55  11 Wrexham AC                      1:06:27
     168  Melvyn Cole          V50  19 S Cheshire Harriers             1:06:31
     169  Steve Sinnot         V45  21 Penny Lane Striders             1:06:33
     170  Meirion Roberts      V55  12 Denbigh Harriers                1:06:35
     171  Mark Threadgold              Unattached                      1:06:35
     172  Ian McNeill          V40  37 Penny Lane Striders             1:06:37
     173  Matthew Whitfield    V45  22 Rivacre Runners                 1:06:38
     174  Trevor Symonds               Rrc                             1:06:42
     175  Douglas Gent         V55  13 Northern Vets                   1:06:47
     176  Andrew Fletcher              Unattached                      1:06:49
     177  Alan Cooke           V40  38 Trentham RC                     1:06:51
     178  Ronnie Ball          V45  23 Shropshire Shufflers            1:06:53
     179  David Madock         V40  39 Unattached                      1:06:59
     180  Stacey Whilock               Michelin AC                     1:07:07
     181  Roy Evans                    Abergele Harriers               1:07:08
     182  Robert Willis        V40  40 Unattached                      1:07:09
     183  John Brown           V50  20 Unattached                      1:07:09
     184  Michael Cunningham           Southport Waterloo AC           1:07:12
     185  Ian Roberts          V40  41 Abergele Harriers               1:07:14
     186  Anthony McMullan     V55  14 Vivid Rr                        1:07:16
     187  John Baseggio        V50  21 Stone Master Marathoners        1:07:17
     188  Neil Lamont                  Spectrum Striders               1:07:22
     189  Mike Cutler          V45  24 S Cheshire Harriers             1:07:23
     190  John Griffiths       V50  22 Cybi Striders                   1:07:26
     191  Mal Balner                   Penny Lane Striders             1:07:28
     192  Fergus Wiseman               Warrington Rr                   1:07:30
     193  Paul Andrew                  Unattached                      1:07:36
     194  Robert Burke                 Liverpool RC                    1:07:36
     195  Mark Huddleston      V40  42 Unattached                      1:07:37
     196  Simon Walker                 S Cheshire Harriers             1:07:39
     197  James Thomas         V60   3 Wrexham Tri                     1:07:42
     198  John Leese           V55  15 County Offices RC               1:07:48
     199  John Kane            V50  23 Oldham & Royton                 1:07:49
     200  Jacko Greatholder    V60   4 Stafford Harriers               1:07:50
     201  Tony Bothwell        V45  25 Shrewsbury AC                   1:07:53
     202  Andy Farley          V40  43 E Cheshire Harriers             1:07:55
     203  Clive Baggaley       V55  16 Uttoxeter Rr                    1:07:55
     204  Chris Rhodes         V40  44 West Cheshire AC                1:08:01
     205  John Hughes-Roberts  V40  45 Prestatyn RC                    1:08:01
     206  Francis McHale       V55  17 Tattenhall Runners              1:08:02
     207  Graham Felsbergs             Unattached                      1:08:03
     208  Ted White            V45  26 S Cheshire Harriers             1:08:05
     209  Joseph Hall                  Penny Lane Striders             1:08:06
     210  Roy Humpherson       V55  18 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:08:07
     211  Paul Johansen                Unattached                      1:08:08
     212  David Kay            V40  46 Liverpool RC                    1:08:09
     213  Stephen Beech        V40  47 Village Rr                      1:08:12
     214  Derek Farrington     V40  48 Southport Waterloo AC           1:08:15
     215  John Charter         V45  27 Stafford Harriers               1:08:16
     216  James Huggins                Buckley Runners                 1:08:26
     217  Graham Parton                Shrewsbury AC                   1:08:30
     218  Tony Hodgson         V50  24 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:08:31
     219  Alan Garvey          V45  28 Middleton Harriers              1:08:32
     220  Bill Vinton          V50  25 W Cheshire AC                   1:08:33
     221  Graham Howell        V50  26 Liverpool Harriers              1:08:33
     222  Christopher Dehan    V60   5 E Cheshire Harriers             1:08:33
     223  Frank Caci           V45  29 Trentham RC                     1:08:37
     224  Nicholas Randall             Unattached                      1:08:38
     225  Colin Benson         V40  49 Unattached                      1:08:39
     226  John Derrig          V50  27 Unattached                      1:08:40
     227  Robert Beeston       V45  30 Shropshire Shufflers            1:08:40
     228  Michael Jones        V55  19 Stafford Harriers               1:08:46
     229  Stephen McNicholas           Penny Lane Striders             1:08:49
     230  John Hollingdale             Unattached                      1:08:50
     231  Barry Thomas         V40  50 Unattached                      1:08:50
     232  Stuart Turner                Stafford Harriers               1:08:51
     233  Robert Bonson                Unattached                      1:08:52
     234  Andrew Bryan         V45  31 Bridgnorth AC                   1:08:54
     235  Brian Hastings       V55  20 W Cheshire AC                   1:08:56
     236  Stanley Foulger      V50  28 Stafford Harriers               1:08:59
     237  Graham Morgan        V50  29 Unattached                      1:09:02
     238  Nigel Allen          V50  30 Biddulph RC                     1:09:04
     239  Ged McCarthy         V45  32 Winston Runners                 1:09:05
     240  Jon Osler            V40  51 Unattached                      1:09:07
     241  Stephen Whittle      V45  33 Red Herrings                    1:09:15
     242  John Lazarus         V45  34 Warrington Rr                   1:09:16
     243  Graham Randfield             Penny Lane Striders             1:09:21
     244  Peter Butler         V45  35 Liverpool RC                    1:09:21
     245  Robert Huntbach              Unattached                      1:09:22
     246  Dave Newton                  Oswestry Olympians              1:09:23
     247  Neil Holding         V40  52 West Pennine Runners            1:09:25
     248  Barry Powell                 Unattached                      1:09:28
     249  Ashley Wager         V40  53 Unattached                      1:09:31
     250  Geoff Quinn          V40  54 Stockport Harriers              1:09:31
     251  Francis McAlistair   V50  31 St Helens Striders              1:09:33
     252  Jeff Cordwell        V50  32 Oldham & Royton                 1:09:35
     253  Gary Ford            JM    2 Unattached                      1:09:36
     254  Chris Ryan           V45  36 Shropshire Shufflers            1:09:37
     255  Michael Couling              Unattached                      1:09:42
     256  Tony Moore           V50  33 Stone Master Marathoners        1:09:43
     257  Steve Williams               Unattached                      1:09:45
     258  Arfon Owen                   Unattached                      1:09:49
     259  Andrew Hunt          V55  21 Rivacre Runners                 1:09:50
     260  Trevor Grundy        V55  22 Oldham & Royton                 1:09:51
     261  Adrian Haywood               Unattached                      1:09:52
     262  Bernard Wilkes       V45  37 Stafford Harriers               1:09:53
     263  Stuart Burgess               Unattached                      1:09:54
     264  Stewart Marshall     V40  55 Vivid Rr                        1:09:54
     265  James McGlynn        V50  34 Unattached                      1:09:57
     266  Mark Emmett          V45  38 Radcliffe AC                    1:10:00
     267  Michael Nolan        V55  23 Abergele Harriers               1:10:02
     268  Jimmy Leadbetter     V45  39 Unattached                      1:10:04
     269  Alan Edwards                 Oswestry Olympians              1:10:04
     270  Martin Foster        V45  40 Bournville Harriers             1:10:07
     271  Barry Frost                  Chester Tri                     1:10:08
     272  Michael Nugent       V40  56 Stafford Harriers               1:10:15
     273  Peter Quinn          V55  24 Serpentine                      1:10:17
     274  Anthony Bridgewwod   V55  25 Longton Harriers                1:10:22
     275  Stan Holbrook        V65   1 Penny Lane Striders             1:10:25
     276  Robbie Craig         V50  35 Shropshire Shufflers            1:10:26
     277  Tony White           V55  26 Unattached                      1:10:27
     278  David Eckeasley      V55  27 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:10:28
     279  Mark Jennings        V40  57 S Cheshire Harriers             1:10:30
     280  Darren Taylor                Chase Harriers                  1:10:32
     281  Mike Long                    Unattached                      1:10:33
     282  Steven Roberts               Unattached                      1:10:35
     283  Christopher Hughes   JM    3 Cybi Striders                   1:10:37
     284  Joe Atherton         V40  58 Trafford Harriers               1:10:38
     285  Dave Chittem         V45  41 Stafford Harriers               1:10:40
     286  Gary Richards                Rivacre Runners                 1:10:43
     287  Arwel Jones          V40  59 Unattached                      1:10:45
     288  Richard Griffiths    V50  36 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:10:46
     289  Anthony McKenzie             Stafford Harriers               1:10:48
     290  Steve Rowe           V45  42 Celestica                       1:10:49
     291  Charlie Rowlands             Wooler RC                       1:10:51
     292  Alan Jones                   Wrexham AC                      1:10:53
     293  Philip Pilbeam               Cybi Striders                   1:10:54
     294  Mark Wright                  Wrexham AC                      1:10:56
     295   Barry Griffith              Unattached                      1:10:58
     296  Bill Clarke          V55  28 Stone Master Marathoners        1:10:59
     297  Bryan Griffiths      V45  43 Rivacre Runners                 1:11:01
     298  Islwyn Jones         V50  37 Wrexham AC                      1:11:02
     299  Colin Rathbone       V55  29 Vale Royal AC                   1:11:04
     300  Keith Rens           V45  44 Unattached                      1:11:06
     301  Kevin Upton                  Vivid Rr                        1:11:09
     302  Deon Vlok                    Stafford Harriers               1:11:10
     303  Barry Hopwood        V60   6 Trentham RC                     1:11:12
     304  M Davis              V45  45 Unattached                      1:11:14
     305  Kevin Hamer          V40  60 Unattached                      1:11:15
     306  Kevin Thomas                 Unattached                      1:11:17
     307  James Taylor         V55  30 Lieighton Fun Runners           1:11:19
     308  Ian Moore                    Unattached                      1:11:20
     309  Alun Burt            V40  61 Chase Harriers                  1:11:20
     310  Karl Mullins                 Village Rr                      1:11:26
     311  Michael Clements     V40  62 Unattached                      1:11:30
     312  Terence Doyle        V55  31 Liverpool RC                    1:11:36
     313  Steven Shaw          V45  46 Oldham & Royton                 1:11:38
     314  Chris Bird                   Unattached                      1:11:39
     315  Glyn Lewis           V40  63 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:11:42
     316  Ian Hilditch         V60   7 Helsby RC                       1:11:45
     317  David Cullen                 Vivid Rr                        1:11:47
     318  Roy Stevens          V50  38 Lytham St Annes Rr              1:11:49
     319  Irfon Jones          V40  64 Unattached                      1:11:51
     320  Rob Warrenger        V45  47 Unattached                      1:11:56
     321  Bryan Clark          V55  32 North Staffs Rra                1:11:57
     322  David Hankey         V40  65 Unattached                      1:11:58
     323  David Kirkham        V50  39 Cybi Striders                   1:11:58
     324  Mark Ledward                 Belle Vue Racers                1:12:04
     325  Tony Brady           V55  33 Manchester Harriers             1:12:06
     326  Stephen Cragg        V50  40 Manchester Harriers             1:12:06
     327  Steve McCall         V40  66 Manchester Harriers             1:12:07
     328  Evan Starr           V40  67 Unattached                      1:12:09
     329  Nicholas Eynon       V40  68 Aldridge RC                     1:12:10
     330  John Dooley          V55  34 Spectrum Striders               1:12:10
     331  Terence Coles        V55  35 Spectrum Striders               1:12:12
     332  Malcolm Taylor       V55  36 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:12:13
     333  Simon Lovatt         V40  69 Unattached                      1:12:17
     334  Kenny Johnson        V40  70 Michelin AC                     1:12:17
     335  Gordon Thorley       V45  48 Unattached                      1:12:23
     336  Andrew Edwards               Unattached                      1:12:23
     337  Malcolm Parry        V60   8 Unattached                      1:12:27
     338  John Deveney                 Penny Lane Striders             1:12:28
     339  Clive Boyden         V40  71 S Cheshire Harriers             1:12:30
     340  John Mitchell        V60   9 Blackburn Rr                    1:12:32
     341  William Murphy       V60  10 Ford Halewood AC                1:12:33
     342  Mike Garbutt         V45  49 Red Herrings                    1:12:34
     343  Gary Jenkinson               Village Rr                      1:12:34
     344  Joseph Chambers              Liverpool RC                    1:12:34
     345  Neville Broadbent    V40  72 Unattached                      1:12:34
     346  Simon Roxburgh               Unattached                      1:12:36
     347  Jason Edwards                Winston Runners                 1:12:37
     348  Brian Poole          V50  41 Marconi Harriers                1:12:39
     349  Evan Hughes          V50  42 Abergele Harriers               1:12:39
     350  Barry Stanley        V65   2 Unattached                      1:12:40
     351  Christopher Lamb     V50  43 Tattenhall Runners              1:12:41
     352  Roy Jardine          V55  37 Eryri  Harriers                 1:12:54
     353  - Cole Barry Stuart  V55  38 Winston Runners                 1:12:55
     354  Paul Saunders                Penny Lane Striders             1:13:00
     355  Martin Rowe          V45  50 Vale Royal AC                   1:13:00
     356  Carl Dimmock                 Boalloy RC                      1:13:00
     357  Andrew Mitchell              Village Rr                      1:13:01
     358  Arthur Cross         V45  51 Picton RC                       1:13:02
     359  Paul Brownbill       V45  52 Unattached                      1:13:03
     360  Noel Cheseldine              Unattached                      1:13:08
     361  Teremce Long         V50  44 Penny Lane Striders             1:13:08
     362  Alan Durston         V55  39 Rivacre Runners                 1:13:11
     363  L Joinson                    Unattached                      1:13:13
     364  David Thomas                 Unattached                      1:13:15
     365  Llifon Foulkes               Unattached                      1:13:17
     366  Philip Jones         V60  11 Prestatyn RC                    1:13:17
     367  Michael Blackburn    V45  53 Liverpool RC                    1:13:21
     368  Lew Badger           V55  40 Stone Master Marathoners        1:13:22
     369  Robert Evans         V45  54 Unattached                      1:13:23
     370  Ian Turner           V45  55 Unattached                      1:13:23
     371  Colin Williamson     V55  41 Shropshire Shufflers            1:13:28
     372  Alan Goodwin                 Abergele Harriers               1:13:29
     373  Tim Roberts                  Unattached                      1:13:34
     374  Frank Tippin         V45  56 Unattached                      1:13:34
     375  Jeremy Bright                Abergele Harriers               1:13:35
     376  Robbie Dilworth              Waac                            1:13:37
     377  Philip Johnston              Unattached                      1:13:37
     378  Paul Keogh           V50  45 Winston Runners                 1:13:41
     379  James Taylor                 Unattached                      1:13:42
     380  Richard Shaw         V50  46 Stone Master Marathoners        1:13:42
     381  Andrew Webster       V55  42 Newcastle Staffs                1:13:45
     382  Chris Cowley                 Unattached                      1:13:45
     383  Marty Greene         V45  57 Liverpool RC                    1:13:49
     384  Paul Taylor          V45  58 Oldham & Royton                 1:13:51
     385  Gron Edwards         V40  73 Unattached                      1:13:57
     386  Peter Leavesley      V40  74 Unattached                      1:14:02
     387  David Owen                   Unattached                      1:14:03
     388  Kevin Smith          V40  75 Stockport Harriers              1:14:09
     389  Alan Rothwell        V45  59 Vivid Rr                        1:14:11
     390  Peter Stokes         V40  76 Rrc                             1:14:15
     391  David Flowerday      V45  60 Unattached                      1:14:19
     392  John Edwards         V55  43 Winston Runners                 1:14:28
     393  Graham Coull         V50  47 Unattached                      1:14:30
     394  David Elliott        V55  44 Oldham & Royton                 1:14:33
     395  Robert Prys-Owen     V50  48 Unattached                      1:14:35
     396  Robert Findler       V40  77 Nsrra                           1:14:38
     397  Simon Hughes         V40  78 Unattached                      1:14:41
     398  Donald Johnson       V40  79 Unattached                      1:14:43
     399  Paul Jones                   Unattached                      1:14:46
     400  Jan Zalewski         V45  61 Unattached                      1:14:49
     401  Tim McCorack         V40  80 Unattached                      1:14:52
     402  Phil Smith                   Birkenhead AC                   1:14:53
     403  Anthony Ward         V40  81 Liverpool RC                    1:14:56
     404 $Joe McGlynn          V45  62 Penny Lane Striders             1:14:57
     405  Neil Memmott                 Unattached                      1:14:57
     406  Peter Watson         V60  12 Wilmslow RC                     1:14:59
     407  William Sayer        V60  13 Shropshire Shufflers            1:15:02
     408  David Griffiths      V40  82 Unattached                      1:15:06
     409  Glyn Reeves          V50  49 Unattached                      1:15:07
     410  Derek Howard         V45  63 Unattached                      1:15:08
     411  Stan Canham          V55  45 Aldridge RC                     1:15:12
     412  Nicholas Such                Unattached                      1:15:13
     413  Peter Morgan         V55  46 Chase Harriers                  1:15:15
     414  Micheal Chimejcguk   V50  50 Blackburn Rr                    1:15:17
     415  Mike Harrington      V55  47 Oswestry Olympians              1:15:18
     416  Tony Kennedy         V45  64 West Cheshire AC                1:15:18
     417  Russell Williams             Eryri  Harriers                 1:15:21
     418  Tony Man                     Penny Lane Striders             1:15:24
     419  Bryan Bridges        V40  83 Shropshire Shufflers            1:15:29
     420  Robert Saunders              Liverpool RC                    1:15:30
     421 ?Steve Smith          V40  84 Skem Boundary Harriers          1:15:33
     422 ?Sid Bailey           V45  65 Dee Striders                    1:15:38
     423  Peter Moore          V45  66 Village Rr                      1:15:45
     424  Geraint Roberts              Liverpool RC                    1:15:45
     425  Paul Ashmore         V40  85 Stockport Harriers              1:15:46
     426  Andrew Roberts               Unattached                      1:15:47
     427  Phillip Smith        V45  67 Shropshire Shufflers            1:15:48
     428  Michael Jennings     V45  68 Unattached                      1:15:48
     429  Michael King         V45  69 Unattached                      1:15:49
     430  George Foxton        V45  70 Unattached                      1:15:51
     431  Vince Earley         V45  71 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:15:53
     432 ?Steve Smith          V40  86 Skem Boundary Harriers          1:15:54
     433 ?Sid Bailey           V45  72 Dee Striders                    1:15:55
     434  Steven Roberts       V50  51 Ponsby Runners                  1:15:57
     435  James Eccles         V55  48 Ford Halewood AC                1:16:02
     436  Bill Horobin         V50  52 Unattached                      1:16:05
     437  David McAlistair     V40  87 W Cheshire AC                   1:16:07
     438  Colin Earp           V55  49 S Cheshire Harriers             1:16:10
     439  Mark Lewis                   Unattached                      1:16:14
     440  Jeff Henshaw                 Unattached                      1:16:14
     441  Robert Coupe         V45  73 Unattached                      1:16:15
     442  Richard Baker        V50  53 Wilmslow RC                     1:16:19
     443  Donald Long          V55  50 Unattached                      1:16:30
     444  Vernon Olivant       V50  54 Stone Master Marathoners        1:16:33
     445  Nigel Payne          V40  88 Michelin AC                     1:16:36
     446  Glyn Evans                   Unattached                      1:16:39
     447  David Redpath        V50  55 Spectrum Striders               1:16:42
     448  Edwin Lowrey         V45  74 Unattached                      1:16:48
     449  Trevor Sharpe        V50  56 Unattached                      1:16:49
     450  Doug Morris          V70   1 Oswestry Olympians              1:16:53
     451  Ian Blakemore        V45  75 Unattached                      1:16:54
     452  Colin Leyland        V40  89 Unattached                      1:16:54
     453  Trevor Faulkner      V60  14 Wilmslow RC                     1:17:00
     454  Keith Parry          V45  76 Chase Harriers                  1:17:04
     455  David Bluff                  Unattached                      1:17:06
     456  Andrew Pugh                  Unattached                      1:17:07
     457  Cliff Knowles        V60  15 Trentham RC                     1:17:09
     458  Michael Bradbury     V55  51 Stafford Harriers               1:17:15
     459  Graham Lloyd                 Helsby RC                       1:17:18
     460  Stephen Cooper               Unattached                      1:17:22
     461  Peter Pearce                 Penny Lane Striders             1:17:27
     462  Dave Reid            V40  90 Unattached                      1:17:29
     463  Steve McCarthy               Unattached                      1:17:29
     464  Keith Pinner         V50  57 Milton AC                       1:17:33
     465  Michael Bradley      V45  77 Spectrum Striders               1:17:34
     466  George Ingham        V45  78 Liverpool RC                    1:17:35
     467   Glyn Roberts        V50  58 Unattached                      1:17:39
     468  Frank Nelson         V55  52 Marconi Harriers                1:17:39
     469  Paul Edwards                 Unattached                      1:17:40
     470  James Wray           V50  59 Penny Lane Striders             1:17:43
     471  Peter Burns          V55  53 Stafford Harriers               1:17:43
     472  Stuart Jones         V40  91 Unattached                      1:17:45
     473  Andrew Williams              Unattached                      1:17:55
     474  Tony Rawlinson               Liverpool RC                    1:18:07
     475  Derek Link           V55  54 Unattached                      1:18:09
     476  Percy Hogg           V55  55 Village Rr                      1:18:11
     477 $John German          V45  79 Liverpool RC                    1:18:17
     478  John Standring       V70   2 Hartshead RC                    1:18:18
     479  David Hilliard       V45  80 Liverpool RC                    1:18:18
     480  Stephen Bradshaw             Unattached                      1:18:19
     481  Paul Norris                  Unattached                      1:18:19
     482  David Pagett         V45  81 Wrekin Rr                       1:18:22
     483  Antony Molloy        V45  82 Birchfield Harriers             1:18:26
     484  Andrew Wild                  Unattached                      1:18:27
     485  David Brierley       V40  92 Chester Tri                     1:18:29
     486  Nefyn Williams       V50  60 Northern Vets                   1:18:32
     487  Joe Park             V65   3 Cheshire Tally Ho               1:18:33
     488  Bill Mansley         V60  16 Spectrum Striders               1:18:35
     489  Meirion Williams             Unattached                      1:18:39
     490  Keith Spencer        V40  93 Penny Lane Striders             1:18:39
     491  Lawrence Taylor      V60  17 Prescott Bicc AC                1:18:41
     492  Philip Ashley                Unattached                      1:18:41
     493  Martin Stirna        V45  83 S Cheshire Harriers             1:18:47
     494  James Smith          V50  61 Northern Vets                   1:18:52
     495  Jonathan Smith               Oswestry Olympians              1:18:57
     496  Jim Lanham           V50  62 Liverpool RC                    1:19:00
     497  Andrew Edwards               Unattached                      1:19:03
     498   Iorwerth Roberts    V55  56 Eryri  Harriers                 1:19:10
     499  Graeme Freeman               Unattached                      1:19:13
     500  Glenn Forrester      V45  84 Unattached                      1:19:15
     501  Kevin Egerton        V50  63 Belle Vue Racers                1:19:16
     502 $Dylan Parry                  Unattached                      1:19:16
     503  Neville Tilley       V55  57 Unattached                      1:19:28
     504  Keith Davies         V40  94 Unattached                      1:19:32
     505  Les Ebbrell                  Wirral AC                       1:19:32
     506  Stephen Aspden       V45  85 Unattached                      1:19:36
     507  Andrew Cowan         V50  64 Unattached                      1:19:38
     508  Bill Whitworth       V60  18 Stafford Harriers               1:19:45
     509  Paul Evans                   Unattached                      1:19:52
     510  David Yates          V40  95 Oak Park Pacers RC              1:19:54
     511  Mal McCoig           V50  65 Stone Master Marathoners        1:20:01
     512  George Singh         V60  19 Stafford Harriers               1:20:12
     513  Adrain Bowcock       V40  96 Middleton Harriers              1:20:17
     514  Andrew Nightingale           Wigan Phoenix                   1:20:21
     515  Anthony Rees         V50  66 Unattached                      1:20:25
     516  Frank Shepley        V45  86 Stone Master Marathoners        1:20:27
     517  Malcolm Haines       V45  87 Unattached                      1:20:27
     518  Ian Munro            V45  88 Unattached                      1:20:27
     519  David Say            V50  67 Unattached                      1:20:28
     520  Alan Brocken         V40  97 Birkenhead AC                   1:20:33
     521  Stephen Cook         V45  89 Winston Runners                 1:20:33
     522  Steven Jones         V40  98 Shropshire Shufflers            1:20:34
     523  Rhys Davies                  Unattached                      1:20:38
     524  Raymond Power        V65   4 Unattached                      1:20:44
     525  Ian Morris           V55  58 Manchester Harriers             1:20:48
     526  Sean Payall          V45  90 Huddersfield Rr                 1:20:53
     527  Mark Pilliner                Unattached                      1:20:53
     528  Scott Butterworth            Unattached                      1:20:55
     529  David Dickenson              Village Rr                      1:20:55
     530  Barry Hough          V55  59 S Cheshire Harriers             1:20:56
     531  Gary Dawson          V45  91 Liverpool RC                    1:20:58
     532  Gary Sumner          V40  99 Unattached                      1:20:59
     533  Tony Thackray        V55  60 West Cheshire AC                1:21:04
     534  Bernard Hodge        V45  92 Unattached                      1:21:05
     535  Andrew Breeze                Shropshire Shufflers            1:21:06
     536   David Hall                  Middleton Harriers              1:21:10
     537  Tony Ferry           V50  68 Liverpool RC                    1:21:12
     538  Peter Billing                Liverpool RC                    1:21:12
     539  Martin Tipping               Penny Lane Striders             1:21:12
     540  Ken Richards         V55  61 Newcastle Staffs                1:21:14
     541  John Howard          V50  69 E Cheshire Harriers             1:21:14
     542  Kevin Maguire        V55  62 Winston Runners                 1:21:19
     543  William Woodfine             Unattached                      1:21:20
     544  Steven Davies                Unattached                      1:21:20
     545  E W Thomas           V50  70 Cybi Striders                   1:21:24
     546  Tom Cutler           V55  63 Unattached                      1:21:30
     547  Philip O'Rourke      V40 100 Liverpool RC                    1:21:40
     548  Ryan King            JM    4 Unattached                      1:21:40
     549  David Smith          JM    5 Unattached                      1:21:40
     550  Alan Buckley         V50  71 Middleton Harriers              1:21:45
     551  Roger Pickles        V45  93 Rrc                             1:21:57
     552  Brian Roberts        V55  64 Belle Vue Racers                1:21:58
     553  Christopher Byron    V60  20 E Cheshire Harriers             1:21:59
     554  Lee Pownall                  Unattached                      1:22:01
     555  John McMaster        V40 101 Unattached                      1:22:05
     556  Simon Begley                 Unattached                      1:22:10
     557  Robert Haden         V50  72 Biddulph RC                     1:22:10
     558  Phil Armitt          V50  73 Unattached                      1:22:12
     559  Iain Fortune         V55  65 Northern Vets                   1:22:16
     560  Ian Painter          V40 102 Unattached                      1:22:19
     561  Nevile Kershaw       V55  66 Northern Vets                   1:22:32
     562  John Rimmer          V50  74 Unattached                      1:22:34
     563  Kenny Hodgkinson     V55  67 Staffs Moorlands                1:22:36
     564  Neil Ashman                  Unattached                      1:22:43
     565  Adrian Piggott               Unattached                      1:22:47
     566  Paul Leonard         V40 103 Unattached                      1:23:06
     567  Paul Holsgrove               Unattached                      1:23:08
     568  Derek Clague         V65   5 Tattenhall Runners              1:23:09
     569  David Pillar         V50  75 Unattached                      1:23:14
     570  Frank Grant          V60  21 Stafford Harriers               1:23:33
     571  John McDonagh        V50  76 Unattached                      1:23:40
     572  Lee Rollaston                Unattached                      1:23:42
     573  Paul Herbert         V60  22 Penny Lane Striders             1:23:46
     574  Strphen Roach        V50  77 Unattached                      1:23:52
     575  Douglas Oswald       V60  23 Unattached                      1:23:53
     576  Roy Davenport        V50  78 Unattached                      1:23:57
     577  David Wilkinson      V40 104 Unattached                      1:23:59
     578  Laurence Graham      V55  68 Penny Lane Striders             1:24:05
     579  Derek Beesley        V50  79 Village Rr                      1:24:07
     580   Emyr Roberts                Unattached                      1:24:15
     581  John Wright                  Birkenhead AC                   1:24:19
     582  Leslie McAdam        V45  94 Unattached                      1:24:24
     583  Robert Harding       V50  80 Telford AC                      1:24:27
     584  Gary Daniels         V50  81 Unattached                      1:24:33
     585  Peter Davies         V40 105 Penny Lane Striders             1:24:37
     586  Raymond Herbert      V55  69 Unattached                      1:24:49
     587  David Beard          V45  95 Eryri  Harriers                 1:24:53
     588 $Martyn Nash                  Unattached                      1:24:58
     589  Bernie Saunders      V50  82 Penny Lane Striders             1:25:04
     590  Robert Campbell      V50  83 Unattached                      1:25:05
     591  Stephen Healey       V50  84 Unattached                      1:25:07
     592  Jeffrey Andrews      V40 106 Unattached                      1:25:12
     593  Matthew Miller               Unattached                      1:25:17
     594  John Winder                  Unattached                      1:25:21
     595  Malcolm Stretton     V45  96 Buckley Runners                 1:25:32
     596  Brian Horrocks       V70   3 Wigan AC                        1:25:43
     597  Graham Jones         V45  97 Unattached                      1:25:45
     598  Bernard Wills        V55  70 Shropshire Shufflers            1:25:49
     599  John Haynes          V55  71 Stafford Harriers               1:25:55
     600  Eric Locke           V50  85 Centurian RC                    1:25:58
     601  Bunny Kyd            V65   6 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:26:00
     602  Michael Bayliss      V50  86 Unattached                      1:26:13
     603  David McWilliams     V45  98 Unattached                      1:26:24
     604  Ray Shaw             V60  24 Unattached                      1:26:33
     605  Alan Thomas          V45  99 Belle Vue Racers                1:26:37
     606  Peter Maclarke       V40 107 Unattached                      1:26:53
     607  Maurice Clarke       V50  87 Liverpool RC                    1:26:56
     608  Paul Hurst           V50  88 Unattached                      1:27:03
     609  Phillip Board        V45 100 Centurian RC                    1:27:09
     610  John Edwards                 Unattached                      1:27:16
     611  Paul Hughes          V45 101 Liverpool RC                    1:27:26
     612  Don Tilstone         V65   7 Staffs AC                       1:27:34
     613  N Beattie            V50  89 Unattached                      1:27:34
     614  Neville Bassett      V50  90 100k Buckley                    1:27:34
     615  John Clements        V40 108 Unattached                      1:27:34
     616  Peter Griffiths      V45 102 Unattached                      1:27:34
     617  Mike Brook                   Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:34
     618  Michael Fisher       V40 109 G Manchester Police AAA         1:27:47
     619  Sam Hardman          V55  72 Winston Runners                 1:27:48
     620  Patrick Daly         V55  73 Liverpool RC                    1:27:51
     621  Keith Turton                 Rowland Hill Harriers           1:27:52
     622  Rhion Jones                  Unattached                      1:28:03
     623  Edward Lloyd         V70   4 Penny Lane Striders             1:28:08
     624  Adrian Batson        V60  25 Blackburn Rr                    1:28:19
     625  Tony Gibson          V45 103 Unattached                      1:28:22
     626  Dave Cheetham                Unattached                      1:28:22
     627  Alan Hunter          V50  91 Unattached                      1:28:27
     628  Chris Bluff          V50  92 Unattached                      1:28:43
     629  Michael Griffiths    V40 110 Unattached                      1:28:44
     630  Robert Emery         V50  93 Oak Park Pacers RC              1:28:53
     631  Peter Brownbill      V40 111 Unattached                      1:28:55
     632  Alan Austin          V45 104 Unattached                      1:28:56
     633  Donald Nichol        V65   8 Altrincham                      1:28:57
     634  Michael Moore        V60  26 Stafford Harriers               1:29:01
     635  Howard Ablett        V55  74 Buckley Runners                 1:29:09
     636  Michael Seaman       V50  94 Unattached                      1:29:15
     637  Garry Davies         V40 112 Unattached                      1:29:16
     638  Roy Dudley           V60  27 Milton AC                       1:29:27
     639  Paul Rowlinson       V40 113 Unattached                      1:29:38
     640  Harold Gleave        V60  28 Unattached                      1:29:40
     641  Terence Miles        V45 105 Unattached                      1:29:41
     642  Martin Varley        V40 114 Southport Waterloo AC           1:29:47
     643  Geoff Doherty        V40 115 Eryri  Harriers                 1:30:04
     644  Kevin O'Brien        V60  29 Penny Lane Striders             1:30:12
     645  Stephen Ward         V50  95 Abergele Harriers               1:30:38
     646   Jamie Stanton               Liverpool RC                    1:30:48
     647  Ian Fleming                  Winston Runners                 1:31:09
     648  Graham Cowpland      V45 106 Liverpool RC                    1:31:20
     649  Derek Gill           V70   5 Bingley H&ac                    1:31:50
     650  John Knott                   Unattached                      1:31:52
     651  Geoffrey Bean        V55  75 E Cheshire Harriers             1:31:56
     652  Gareth Jones                 Unattached                      1:31:59
     653  Joseph McAloon       V70   6 Liverpool Pembroke Sefton       1:32:05
     654  John Kane            V45 107 Chester Tri                     1:32:16
     655  Geoffrey Sheen               Unattached                      1:32:22
     656  Paul Wadsworth       V40 116 Unattached                      1:32:24
     657  Roger Sandand        V60  30 Shropshire Shufflers            1:32:32
     658  John Shannon         V50  96 Unattached                      1:32:42
     659  John Walker                  Unattached                      1:32:51
     660  Martin Schlangen     V45 108 Unattached                      1:33:02
     661  Patrick Lewis        V65   9 Shropshire Shufflers            1:33:10
     662  Richard Cormell      V40 117 Unattached                      1:33:26
     663  Reg Ferneyhough      V70   7 Michelin AC                     1:33:35
     664  Keith Chapman        V50  97 Red Rose                        1:33:47
     665  Frank Morgan         V40 118 Unattached                      1:33:51
     666  Robin Cope           V55  76 Stone Master Marathoners        1:33:54
     667  Garry Stone                  Unattached                      1:33:59
     668  Martin Gwillam       V55  77 Oak Park Pacers RC              1:35:05
     669  Adrian Hedgley       V40 119 Rhayader AC                     1:35:52
     670  Geoff Bailey         V70   8 Trentham RC                     1:35:57
     671  Alistair Hoyle               Unattached                      1:36:21
     672  Jim Pendleton        V50  98 Southport Waterloo AC           1:36:41
     673  Paul Franey          V45 109 Liverpool RC                    1:36:49
     674  Jez Hemmings                 Unattached                      1:37:00
     675  Douglas Joss         V60  31 Blackburn Rr                    1:38:02
     676  David McAllister             Unattached                      1:38:18
     677  Malcolm James        V50  99 Merseyside Police               1:38:50
     678  Hiroyuki Murakami            Unattached                      1:39:09
     679  Brad Horn                    Unattached                      1:39:10
     680  Richard Horn                 Unattached                      1:39:18
     681  Andrew Davies                Unattached                      1:39:18
     682  Roger Davies         V50 100 Unattached                      1:39:18
     683  John McMullan        V55  78 Cybi Striders                   1:39:31
     684  Jon Rixon            V50 101 Unattached                      1:39:45
     685  William Walker       V50 102 Unattached                      1:40:39
     686  John Newbury         V65  10 Liverpool RC                    1:40:53
     687  Alan Birtles                 Unattached                      1:41:25
     688  Nicholas Harland             Unattached                      1:41:31
     689  Sylvio Jura          V55  79 Unattached                      1:43:07
     690  Brian Whitworth      V55  80 Cheshire Tally Ho               1:44:22
     691  Les Hewitt           V50 103 Spectrum Striders               1:45:58
     692  David Scott          V60  32 Unattached                      1:47:39
     693  John Coulthard       V70   9 Penny Lane Striders             1:47:45
     694  Glyn Garbutt         V40 120 Unattached                      1:49:03
     695  Charles Buckley      V70  10 Northern Vets                   1:49:24
     696  Andrew Stoll         V55  81 Unattached                      1:49:55
     697  D Grundy             V55  82 Birkenhead AC                   1:50:03
     698  - Cole Brian Stuart  V55  83 Winston Runners                 1:51:04
     699  James Targett                Unattached                      1:54:35
     700  Peter Johnston       V50 104 Unattached                      1:56:31
     701  Leon Kata            V70  11 Ford Halewood AC                1:57:30
     702  Neil Harmer          V40 121 Unattached                      2:01:52
     703  Joseph Samuel        V40 122 Unattached                      2:01:52

Llandudno 10 - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Birchfield Harriers                28
                                 3  Mike Bouldstridge   
                                 9  Paul Jackson        
                                16  Paul Levell         
  2  Eryri  Harriers                    34
                                 6  Alun Vaughan        
                                11  James McQueen       
                                17  Dylan Jones         
  3  Liverpool RC                       48
                                10  Paul Sankey         
                                14  Maurice Collins     
                                24  Ian Magill          
  4  Telford AC                         66
                                 5  Dave Mansbridge     
                                25  Stephen Needs       
                                36  Richard Griffiths   
  5  Colwyn Bay AC                      89
                                23  David Hughes        
                                26  Richard Jones       
                                40  James Bleakley      
  6  Wrexham AC                         90
                                21  Gary Norgrove       
                                31  Stephen Bellis      
                                38  Darren Jones        
  7  Oldham & Royton                   174
                                30  Trevor Davies       
                                55  Barry Greeves       
                                89  Brian Moore         
  8  Penny Lane Striders               187
                                44  Roger Edgell        
                                50  Francis Martin      
                                93  Tommy Burke         
  9  Shrewsbury AC                     207
                                48  Kevin Francis       
                                61  Chris Wakeman       
                                98  Nick Jones          
 10  Oswestry Olympians                208
                                42  Jon Hancock         
                                80  John Richards       
                                86  Andrew Birch        
 11  Stafford Harriers                 211
                                57  Paul Bosson         
                                58  David Constance     
                                96  Peter Sarson        
 12  Prestatyn RC                      220
                                65  Arwel Jones         
                                67  Simon Jones         
                                88  David Henley        
 13  Buckley Runners                   231
                                70  Tim Davies          
                                76  Paul Stinton        
                                85  Shaun Hooson        
 14  Abergele Harriers                 270
                                27  Darren Blazier      
                                90  Grahame Shone       
                               153  Roy Evans           
 15  S Cheshire Harriers               301
                                53  David Jones         
                               105  Gordon Bickerton    
                               143  Melvyn Cole         
 16  Trentham RC                       323
                               101  Brian Riley         
                               106  Alan Austin         
                               116  Mark Hughes         
 17  West Cheshire AC                  332
                                52  Andrew Clagg        
                               108  David Crawford      
                               172  Chris Rhodes        
 18  Bro Dysynni AC                    349
                               104  Stephen Gilliland   
                               107  Dewi Roberts        
                               138  Joseph Jones        
 19  Tattenhall Runners                351
                                41  John Lamb           
                               136  John Ratcliffe      
                               174  Francis McHale      
 20  W Cheshire AC                     386
                                71  Chris Jeffs         
                               129  Mike Perchard       
                               186  Bill Vinton         
 21  Helsby RC                         417
                                74  Graham McAra        
                                92  Michael Whitside    
                               251  Ian Hilditch        
 22  Southport Waterloo AC             433
                                99  Ray Handley         
                               154  Michael Cunningham  
                               180  Derek Farrington    
 23  E Cheshire Harriers               440
                                82  Colin Pass          
                               170  Andy Farley         
                               188  Christopher Dehan   
 24  Vivid Rr                          442
                                73  Chris Shaw          
                               156  Anthony McMullan    
                               213  Stewart Marshall    
 25  Longton Harriers                  447
                                87  Jonathan Williams   
                               139  David Wilson        
                               221  Anthony Bridgewwod  
 26  Stone Master Marathoners          466
                               100  Dave Gillick        
                               157  John Baseggio       
                               209  Tony Moore          
 27  Rivacre Runners                   468
                               111  Peter Reid          
                               147  Matthew Whitfield   
                               210  Andrew Hunt         
 28  Shropshire Shufflers              482
                               141  Joseph Clarke       
                               151  Ronnie Ball         
                               190  Robert Beeston      
 29  Warrington Rr                     496
                               134  Tony Jackson        
                               162  Fergus Wiseman      
                               200  John Lazarus        
 30  Chase Harriers                    500
                                28  Anthony Jewkes      
                               226  Darren Taylor       
                               246  Alun Burt           
 31  Newcastle Staffs                  507
                                91  Matthew Jepson      
                               122  Nigel Lee           
                               294  Andrew Webster      
 32  Stockport Harriers                551
                                49  Kevin Beattie       
                               205  Geoff Quinn         
                               297  Kevin Smith         
 33  Northern Vets                     615
                               117  Ray Smith           
                               149  Douglas Gent        
                               349  Nefyn Williams      
 34  Cybi Striders                     623
                               160  John Griffiths      
                               227  Christopher Hughes  
                               236  Philip Pilbeam      
 35  Chester Tri                       660
                                94  Mark Tabor          
                               218  Barry Frost         
                               348  David Brierley      
 36  Middleton Harriers                674
                               124  Peter Dean          
                               185  Alan Garvey         
                               365  Adrain Bowcock      
 37  Spectrum Striders                 681
                               158  Neil Lamont         
                               261  John Dooley         
                               262  Terence Coles       
 38  Village Rr                        696
                               179  Stephen Beech       
                               247  Karl Mullins        
                               270  Gary Jenkinson      
 39  Michelin AC                       743
                               152  Stacey Whilock      
                               264  Kenny Johnson       
                               327  Nigel Payne         
 40  Winston Runners                   747
                               198  Ged McCarthy        
                               272  Jason Edwards       
                               277  - Cole Barry Stuart 
 41  Manchester Harriers               774
                               257  Tony Brady          
                               258  Stephen Cragg       
                               259  Steve McCall        
 42  Rrc                               835
                               148  Trevor Symonds      
                               299  Peter Stokes        
                               388  Roger Pickles       
 43  Royal Sutton Coldfield            907
                               177  Roy Humpherson      
                               320  Vince Earley        
                               410  Bunny Kyd           
 44  Wilmslow RC                       960
                               305  Peter Watson        
                               325  Richard Baker       
                               330  Trevor Faulkner     
 45  Blackburn Rr                      999
                               267  John Mitchell       
                               309  Micheal Chimejcguk  
                               423  Adrian Batson       
 46  Belle Vue Racers                 1004
                               256  Mark Ledward        
                               359  Kevin Egerton       
                               389  Brian Roberts       
 47  Ford Halewood AC                 1050
                               268  William Murphy      
                               322  James Eccles        
                               460  Leon Kata           
 48  Birkenhead AC                    1071
                               303  Phil Smith          
                               368  Alan Brocken        
                               400  John Wright         
 49  Oak Park Pacers RC               1231
                               362  David Yates         
                               424  Robert Emery        
                               445  Martin Gwillam      

Llandudno 10 - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Kate Burge           L     1 Stafford Harriers                 58:07
       2  Frances Gill         L40   1 Neath                             59:50
       3  Nicola Bird          L     3 Rivacre Runners                 1:01:59
       4  Lynne Maddison       L35   1 Wrexham AC                      1:02:17
       5  Katherine Harvey     L40   2 Unattached                      1:02:54
       6  Emma Jones           L     6 Belle Vue Racers                1:03:52
       7  Jane Mountford       L35   2 Buckley Runners                 1:04:02
       8  Lorriane Hardy       L40   3 Shropshire Shufflers            1:04:44
       9  Sue Greene           L40   4 Liverpool RC                    1:05:30
      10  Clare Dixon          L    10 Unattached                      1:06:15
      11  Fiona Davies         L45   1 Bridgend AC                     1:06:39
      12  Julia Griffths       L35   3 Wrexham AC                      1:07:25
      13  Victoria Musgrove    L45   2 Wrexham AC                      1:07:46
      14  Debbie Edmondson     L35   4 David Lloyd                     1:08:09
      15  Mary Doyle           L45   3 Liverpool RC                    1:08:20
      16  Maria Lowe           L    16 Salford Harriers                1:08:55
      17  Victoria Perry       L40   5 Altrincham                      1:09:06
      18  Carol Willgoose      L40   6 Halifax Harriers                1:09:14
      19  Sereca Atherton      L    19 Stafford Harriers               1:09:17
      20  Jan Culshaw          L35   5 Liverpool RC                    1:09:52
      21  N D Shaw             L    21 Unattached                      1:09:57
      22  Susan Cain           L45   4 Penny Lane Striders             1:10:29
      23  Paula Rivas          L40   7 Skem Boundary Harriers          1:10:41
      24  Sandra Owen          L50   1 Tattenhall Runners              1:11:07
      25  Gabby Waring         L45   5 Prestatyn RC                    1:12:06
      26  Rhian Davies         L    26 Unattached                      1:12:36
      27  Liz Thornton         L40   8 Liverpool RC                    1:12:42
      28  Hilary Roderick      L35   6 Abergele Harriers               1:12:49
      29  Pam Davies           L50   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:12:53
      30  Catherine Hewitt     L40   9 Wrexham AC                      1:12:57
      31 $Helen Macarthur      L    31 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:13:04
      32  Elizabeth Elliott    L    32 Unattached                      1:13:05
      33  Catherine Nevin      L45   6 Penny Lane Striders             1:13:08
      34  Kristy Stephenson    L35   7 Abergele Harriers               1:13:35
      35  Hayley Pendlington   L    35 Liverpool RC                    1:13:35
      36  Gen Williams         L40  10 Penny Lane Striders             1:13:43
      37  Carol Handley        L40  11 Liverpool RC                    1:13:47
      38  Shelia Waite         L35   8 Saddleworth Runners             1:13:55
      39  Jackie Jarvis        L40  12 Oswestry Olympians              1:13:57
      40  Sue Johnson          L45   7 Stafford Harriers               1:13:58
      41  Delyth Bryan         L35   9 Abergele Harriers               1:14:07
      42  Romilly Wills        L35  10 Macclesfield Harriers           1:14:23
      43  Paula Hughes         L40  13 Unattached                      1:15:09
      44  Jenny York           L45   8 Shropshire Shufflers            1:15:13
      45  Judith Dyer          L35  11 Penny Lane Striders             1:15:16
      46  Barbara Ward         L45   9 Oswestry Olympians              1:15:21
      47  Pamela Thurtle       L    47 Penny Lane Striders             1:15:22
      48  Sandra Poole         L55   1 Holme Pierrepont RC             1:15:26
      49  Sue Heywood          L50   3 Unattached                      1:15:36
      50 ?Dawn Urquhart        L    50 Buckley Runners                 1:15:37
      51  Jill Jackson         L35  12 Warrington Rr                   1:15:42
      52 ?Dawn Urquhart        L    52 Buckley Runners                 1:15:55
      53  Patricia Smith       L40  14 Unattached                      1:16:01
      54  Patricia Vernazza    L50   4 Unattached                      1:16:04
      55  Dianne Lapworth      L50   5 Biddulph RC                     1:16:06
      56  Charlotte Godfrey    L45  10 Wilmslow RC                     1:16:08
      57  Sheila Bickerton     L45  11 S Cheshire Harriers             1:16:10
      58  Anne Fortune         L50   6 Northern Vets                   1:16:28
      59  Bridget Butler       L40  15 Shropshire Shufflers            1:16:45
      60  Sophie Campbell      L    60 Unattached                      1:16:54
      61  Vivienne Clarke      L45  12 Liverpool RC                    1:17:02
      62  Alison Talbot        L35  13 Oswestry Olympians              1:17:04
      63  Lindsay Heasman      L    63 Beverley AC                     1:17:04
      64  Janet Redpath        L50   7 Spectrum Striders               1:17:36
      65  Lois Yates           L35  14 Oak Park Pacers RC              1:17:36
      66  Janet Frost          L35  15 Chester Tri                     1:17:44
      67  Gill Collen          L40  16 Warrington Rr                   1:18:10
      68  Rosie Gillick        L55   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:18:27
      69  Carolyn White        L40  17 Royal Sutton Coldfield          1:18:28
      70  Margaret Williams    L45  13 Northern Vets                   1:18:31
      71  Leone Richards       L    71 Liverpool RC                    1:18:43
      72  Angela Shurie        L    72 Liverpool RC                    1:18:47
      73  Barbara Stoll        L45  14 Unattached                      1:18:58
      74  Julie Brown          L    74 Winston Runners                 1:19:15
      75  Debbie Roberts       L35  16 Unattached                      1:19:26
      76  Christina Carson     L45  15 Penny Lane Striders             1:19:42
      77  Clare Pickavance     L    77 St Helens Striders              1:20:01
      78  Katherine Sutton     L40  18 Wilmslow RC                     1:20:22
      79  Linda Owen           L45  16 Spectrum Striders               1:20:23
      80  Lynne Foster         L45  17 Stone Master Marathoners        1:20:46
      81  Sandy Roberts        L40  19 Prestatyn RC                    1:20:47
      82  Toni McDonagh        L    82 Unattached                      1:20:48
      83  Susan Tippin         L40  20 Unattached                      1:20:59
      84  Jeanette Grimes      L40  21 Picton RC                       1:21:02
      85  Ann Jones            L55   3 Wrexham AC                      1:21:12
      86  Lesley Arrowsmith    L45  18 Tattenhall Runners              1:21:12
      87  Rachel Woodcock      L    87 Newcastle Staffs                1:21:19
      88  Christine Allmark    L50   8 Newcastle Staffs                1:21:19
      89  Hilary Jaques        L45  19 Cybi Striders                   1:21:24
      90  Sandra Hughes        L    90 Liverpool RC                    1:21:48
      91  Pauline Brittles     L45  20 Penny Lane Striders             1:21:50
      92  Joanne Cowley        L    92 Penny Lane Striders             1:22:28
      93  Eleri Bacon          L    93 Abergele Harriers               1:22:29
      94  Margaret Fox         L65   1 Congleton Harriers              1:22:37
      95  Janet O'Mahony       L35  17 Unattached                      1:22:39
      96  Shelia Jones         L40  22 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:23:01
      97  Stephanie Booth      L    97 Unattached                      1:23:14
      98  Helle Healey         L35  18 Unattached                      1:23:17
      99  Margaret Shaw        L50   9 Stone Master Marathoners        1:23:17
     100  Sarah Felton         L40  23 Dudley Kingswinford             1:23:22
     101  Brenda Jones         L60   1 Bro Dysynni AC                  1:23:23
     102  Jacqueline Williams  L45  21 Dudley Kingswinford             1:23:25
     103  Janet Nicholson      L35  19 Penny Lane Striders             1:23:27
     104 ?Sinead Mallone       L   104 David Lloyd                     1:23:28
     105  Joanne Fellows       L   105 David Lloyd                     1:23:34
     106  Dawn Platt           L35  20 St Helens Striders              1:23:37
     107  Andrea Roberts       L   107 Unattached                      1:23:47
     108  Gillian Makin        L40  24 Liverpool RC                    1:24:35
     109  Nicola Lee           L   109 Penny Lane Striders             1:24:36
     110  Marian Manson        L35  21 Unattached                      1:24:37
     111  Christina Gallager   L35  22 Picton RC                       1:24:45
     112  Claire Martin        L   112 Unattached                      1:25:03
     113  Deborah Clift        L35  23 Abergele Harriers               1:26:00
     114  Elaine Doga          L35  24 Maidenhead AC                   1:26:03
     115  Joyce Gent           L55   4 Wigan Phoenix                   1:26:16
     116  Susan Bond           L40  25 Buckley Runners                 1:26:20
     117  Louise Finney        L   117 Biddulph RC                     1:26:36
     118  Tessa Swaine         L45  22 Tattenhall Runners              1:26:37
     119  Jackie Carrington    L   119 David Lloyd                     1:26:46
     120  Mary Madge           L45  23 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:11
     121  Karen Shouthwell     L   121 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:34
     122  Linda Wright         L   122 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:34
     123  Maria Jones          L   123 Shropshire Shufflers            1:27:34
     124  Wendy Parry          L   124 Liverpool RC                    1:27:51
     125  Lucinda George       L   125 Tattenhall Runners              1:27:54
     126  Janette Hallinan     L40  26 Stockport Harriers              1:27:54
     127  Carole Walton        L40  27 Stockport Harriers              1:27:57
     128  Gill Schlangen       L45  24 Unattached                      1:28:00
     129  Pamela Rowland       L35  25 Oswestry Olympians              1:28:11
     130  Pauline Miles        L40  28 Liverpool RC                    1:28:14
     131  Collette Burns       L35  26 Liverpool RC                    1:28:19
     132  Claire Fitchett      L   132 Unattached                      1:28:27
     133  Deborah Berrisfird   L35  27 Manchester Harriers             1:28:29
     134  Lilian Park          L55   5 Liverpool RC                    1:28:50
     135  Andrea Dermott       L35  28 Unattached                      1:29:06
     136  Sandra Avery         L45  25 Cybi Striders                   1:29:12
     137  Patricia Boyd        L40  29 Unattached                      1:29:14
     138  Donna Parry          L35  29 Unattached                      1:29:16
     139  Eileen Swan          L40  30 Unattached                      1:29:17
     140  Gill Brandrick       L45  26 Prestatyn RC                    1:29:20
     141  Angela Batho         L45  27 Shropshire Shufflers            1:29:26
     142  Alison Lysons        L35  30 Warrington Rr                   1:29:28
     143  Joanne Mottram       L35  31 Cannock Chase Harriers          1:29:44
     144  Jean Walker          L45  28 Tattenhall Runners              1:29:50
     145  Serena Macintosh     L   145 Unattached                      1:29:55
     146  Lyn Ebbrell          L40  31 Wirral AC                       1:30:14
     147  Michaela Furey       L35  32 Liverpool RC                    1:30:15
     148  Bridget Fleming      L50  10 Winston Runners                 1:30:17
     149  Jeanette Murphy      L55   6 Ford Halewood AC                1:30:19
     150  Jean Skitt           L55   7 Manchester Harriers             1:30:25
     151  Pamela Hough         L50  11 S Cheshire Harriers             1:31:28
     152  Susan McDonagh       L45  29 Unattached                      1:31:35
     153  Gail Barrett         L   153 Liverpool RC                    1:31:39
     154  Julie Evans          L35  33 Liverpool RC                    1:31:39
     155  Lysbeth James        L55   8 Michelin AC                     1:31:55
     156  Jennifer Pimlett     L   156 Liverpool RC                    1:32:10
     157  Anne Hewitt          L55   9 Spectrum Striders               1:32:11
     158  Kate Taylor          L40  32 Baildon Runners                 1:32:24
     159  Fiona Nash           L35  34 Unattached                      1:32:24
     160  Bethany Sandland     L   160 Unattached                      1:32:32
     161  Georgina Bestwick    L   161 Unattached                      1:32:33
     162  Lynne Cook           L45  30 Shropshire Shufflers            1:32:35
     163  Tracey Sutherland    L40  33 Unattached                      1:32:39
     164  Melinda Laws         L50  12 Shropshire Shufflers            1:32:41
     165  Anna Garrett         L35  35 Unattached                      1:32:42
     166  Tonya O'Donnell      L   166 Unattached                      1:32:47
     167  Anne Morgan          L50  13 Cannock Chase Harriers          1:32:51
     168  Carol McGoldrick     L35  36 Penny Lane Striders             1:33:02
     169  Millicent Wharton    L60   2 Unattached                      1:33:02
     170  Lesley Clague        L60   3 Tattenhall Runners              1:33:09
     171  Joanna Hughes        L   171 Unattached                      1:33:15
     172  Lesley Booth         L45  31 Unattached                      1:33:28
     173  Emma Chaplin         L   173 David Lloyd                     1:33:30
     174 ?Sinead Mallone       L   174 David Lloyd                     1:33:31
     175  Eileen Williams      L50  14 Shropshire Shufflers            1:33:51
     176  Anna Cope            L   176 Stone Master Marathoners        1:33:54
     177  Judith Coleman       L50  15 County Offices RC               1:34:29
     178  Joyce Fleur          L40  34 Unattached                      1:34:48
     179  Madeline Howorth     L45  32 Blackburn Rr                    1:34:49
     180  Elizabeth Loughrey   L65   2 Penny Lane Striders             1:35:04
     181  Catherine Daintree   L   181 Penny Lane Striders             1:35:06
     182  Jane Marsden         L45  33 Unattached                      1:35:12
     183  Monica Brown         L60   4 Penny Lane Striders             1:35:26
     184  Elspeth Horner       L35  37 Unattached                      1:35:31
     185  Natalie Slack        L   185 Stockport Harriers              1:35:43
     186  Tracy Donoghue       L   186 Buckley Runners                 1:35:49
     187  Christina Santos     L40  35 Rhayader AC                     1:35:54
     188  Janet Walsh          L   188 Penny Lane Striders             1:36:01
     189  Donna Jones          L35  38 Unattached                      1:36:02
     190  Jean Ashley          L45  34 Unattached                      1:36:07
     191  Ann Horrill          L45  35 Chase Harriers                  1:36:31
     192  Audrey McKeown       L40  36 Liverpool RC                    1:36:39
     193  Barbara Clubb        L45  36 Liverpool RC                    1:36:40
     194  Lisa Davies          L35  39 Unattached                      1:36:57
     195  Chritine Evans       L40  37 Unattached                      1:37:16
     196  Tracey Harding       L   196 Unattached                      1:37:22
     197  Karen Hughes         L   197 Unattached                      1:37:25
     198  Yvonne Machell       L   198 Unattached                      1:37:25
     199  Jane Rowe            L50  16 Vale Royal AC                   1:37:45
     200  Maureen Oliver       L35  40 Liverpool RC                    1:38:00
     201  Kim Rockliffe        L40  38 Liverpool RC                    1:38:00
     202  Kathleen Carroll     L   202 Liverpool RC                    1:38:03
     203  Cathy Johnson        L40  39 Liverpool RC                    1:38:03
     204  Rosemary Sandland    L55  10 Unattached                      1:38:05
     205  Jane Roberts         L40  40 Unattached                      1:38:05
     206  Ann Abblett          L45  37 Buckley Runners                 1:38:05
     207  Sheila Jones         L60   5 Prestatyn RC                    1:38:10
     208  Ann Walker           L35  41 Liverpool RC                    1:38:13
     209  Sandra Maguire       L50  17 Winston Runners                 1:38:20
     210  Jacqueline Edwards   L45  38 Winston Runners                 1:38:20
     211  Juliet Salazar       L40  41 Unattached                      1:38:23
     212  Christine Savory     L50  18 Prestatyn RC                    1:38:25
     213  Joanna Thomas        L   213 Unattached                      1:38:38
     214  Dina Hale            L35  42 Unattached                      1:38:52
     215  Grace Pickles        L45  39 Rrc                             1:38:56
     216  Linda Chapman        L50  19 Unattached                      1:39:04
     217  Julie Nutting        L45  40 Shropshire Shufflers            1:39:05
     218  Christine Coleman    L   218 Unattached                      1:39:06
     219  Amanda Henderson     L   219 Unattached                      1:39:06
     220  Hilda Owen           L65   3 Unattached                      1:39:27
     221  Tracey Somerville    L   221 Cybi Striders                   1:39:31
     222  Kim Wooton           L40  42 Shropshire Shufflers            1:39:33
     223  Jenny Tomlinson      L55  11 E Cheshire Harriers             1:39:39
     224  Carmel Barnett       L40  43 Unattached                      1:40:22
     225  Alison Moore         L   225 Penny Lane Striders             1:41:25
     226  Patricia Scott       L55  12 Dudley Ladies RC                1:41:37
     227  Jan Parry            L55  13 Unattached                      1:41:57
     228  Hilda Limacher       L40  44 Unattached                      1:42:04
     229  Bernadette Macarthy  L45  41 Winston Runners                 1:42:06
     230  Patricia Ellis       L40  45 Liverpool RC                    1:42:06
     231  Pat Adams            L45  42 Wrexham AC                      1:42:17
     232  Jean Bayley          L40  46 Manchester Harriers             1:42:17
     233  Susan Alltree        L   233 Unattached                      1:42:22
     234  Nicola Smith         L   234 Unattached                      1:42:22
     235  Pat Bolton           L60   6 Biddulph RC                     1:43:24
     236  Christine Savin      L45  43 Unattached                      1:43:24
     237  Margaret Brayshay    L50  20 Colwyn Bay AC                   1:43:49
     238  Julie Richards       L40  47 Shropshire Shufflers            1:43:51
     239  Sally Edmunds        L   239 Axe Valley Runners              1:43:55
     240  Julia McAdam         L   240 Shropshire Shufflers            1:44:06
     241  Rachel James-Owens   L   241 Unattached                      1:44:22
     242  Lucy Whitworth       L   242 Unattached                      1:44:24
     243  Patricia Linney      L50  21 Unattached                      1:45:01
     244  Lorraine Aldridge    L45  44 Liverpool RC                    1:45:12
     245  Yvonne Kavanagh      L40  48 Unattached                      1:45:43
     246  Terry Pillar         L45  45 Unattached                      1:46:02
     247  Christine Newbury    L   247 Liverpool RC                    1:46:21
     248  Jean Butler          L40  49 Liverpool RC                    1:46:28
     249  Deborah Franey       L40  50 Liverpool RC                    1:47:15
     250  Linda Chadderton     L55  14 Oldham & Royton                 1:47:39
     251  Sandra Donnelly      L40  51 Penny Lane Striders             1:47:45
     252  Charmaine Holman     L45  46 Penny Lane Striders             1:47:45
     253  Margaret Carleton    L45  47 Winston Runners                 1:48:08
     254  Julie Garbutt        L35  43 Unattached                      1:49:04
     255  Jan Owen             L40  52 Unattached                      1:49:15
     256  Julie Lawrence       L40  53 Michelin AC                     1:49:45
     257  Christine Wills      L45  48 Shropshire Shufflers            1:50:41
     258  Carol Barnes         L45  49 Winston Runners                 1:51:04
     259  Debbie Batterbee     L35  44 Prestatyn RC                    1:51:39
     260  Annie Craig          L40  54 Shropshire Shufflers            1:51:49
     261  Hayley Fairclough    L35  45 Unattached                      1:52:04
     262  Margaret Shaw        L60   7 Michelin AC                     1:54:00
     263  Hazel Barlow         L40  55 Unattached                      1:54:00
     264  Lucy Heath           L   264 Unattached                      1:54:35
     265  Jackie Herring       L35  46 Shropshire Shufflers            1:54:38
     266  Jean Allan           L40  56 Liverpool RC                    1:55:17
     267  Elizabeth Blackledge L65   4 Winston Runners                 1:55:17
     268  Samantha Jones       L35  47 Unattached                      1:57:34
     269  Marie State          L45  50 Bournville Harriers             1:57:48
     270  Jane Sheldon         L45  51 Unattached                      1:57:58
     271  Maria Thompson       L50  22 Winston Runners                 1:58:40
     272  Barbara Brown        L65   5 Liverpool RC                    1:59:28
     273  Ann Marie Robinson   L45  52 Winston Runners                 2:01:18
     274  Helen Cook           L45  53 Winston Runners                 2:01:18
     275  Lisa Harmer          L   275 Unattached                      2:01:49
     276  Gillian Powell       L45  54 Unattached                      2:01:49
     277  Sally King           L45  55 Unattached                      2:01:49
     278  Bronwen Davies       L50  23 Oswestry Power Walkers          2:01:49
     279  Margaret Dineen      L65   6 Michelin AC                     2:10:26

Llandudno 10 - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Wrexham AC                         25
                                 4  Lynne Maddison      
                                10  Julia Griffths      
                                11  Victoria Musgrove   
  2  Liverpool RC                       39
                                 8  Sue Greene          
                                13  Mary Doyle          
                                18  Jan Culshaw         
  3  Stafford Harriers                  52
                                 1  Kate Burge          
                                17  Sereca Atherton     
                                34  Sue Johnson         
  4  Penny Lane Striders                76
                                19  Susan Cain          
                                27  Catherine Nevin     
                                30  Gen Williams        
  5  Abergele Harriers                  87
                                24  Hilary Roderick     
                                28  Kristy Stephenson   
                                35  Delyth Bryan        
  6  Shropshire Shufflers               91
                                 7  Lorriane Hardy      
                                37  Jenny York          
                                47  Bridget Butler      
  7  Oswestry Olympians                121
                                33  Jackie Jarvis       
                                39  Barbara Ward        
                                49  Alison Talbot       
  8  Stone Master Marathoners          145
                                25  Pam Davies          
                                55  Rosie Gillick       
                                65  Lynne Foster        
  9  Tattenhall Runners                184
                                21  Sandra Owen         
                                69  Lesley Arrowsmith   
                                94  Tessa Swaine        
 10  David Lloyd                       191
                                12  Debbie Edmondson    
                                84  Joanne Fellows      
                                95  Jackie Carrington   
 11  Prestatyn RC                      198
                                22  Gabby Waring        
                                66  Sandy Roberts       
                               110  Gill Brandrick      
 12  Warrington Rr                     208
                                42  Jill Jackson        
                                54  Gill Collen         
                               112  Alison Lysons       
 13  Buckley Runners                   239
                                 6  Jane Mountford      
                                92  Susan Bond          
                               141  Tracy Donoghue      
 14  Spectrum Striders                 240
                                51  Janet Redpath       
                                64  Linda Owen          
                               125  Anne Hewitt         
 15  Biddulph RC                       305
                                43  Dianne Lapworth     
                                93  Louise Finney       
                               169  Pat Bolton          
 16  Winston Runners                   332
                                60  Julie Brown         
                               117  Bridget Fleming     
                               155  Sandra Maguire      
 17  Cybi Striders                     341
                                72  Hilary Jaques       
                               109  Sandra Avery        
                               160  Tracey Somerville   
 18  Stockport Harriers                345
                               102  Janette Hallinan    
                               103  Carole Walton       
                               140  Natalie Slack       
 19  Manchester Harriers               394
                               107  Deborah Berrisfird  
                               119  Jean Skitt          
                               168  Jean Bayley         
 20  Michelin AC                       492
                               123  Lysbeth James       
                               182  Julie Lawrence      
                               187  Margaret Shaw       

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2002