The Blackpool Marathon

at Blackpool on Sunday 3rd June 2001

Blackpool M - Men -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Garry Payne          V40   1 George Eliot Striders           2:37:38
       2  Guy Lavender                 Belgrave Harriers               2:40:57
       3  Stephen Moore        V50   1 Keswick AC                      2:41:09
       4  Elvis Parsley                Walsall Rrc                     2:44:55
       5  Terence Coyle        V45   1 Scottish Vet Harriers           2:45:21
       6  John Hartley         V40   2 Clayton Le Moors                2:45:38
       7  Neil Strange         V40   3 Knavesmire Harriers             2:46:10
       8   Ian Magee                   Skipton AC                      2:48:39
       9  Barry Wilson         V45   2 Ludlow Runners                  2:50:52
      10  Colin Nichol                 Teviotdale Harriers             2:51:01
      11  Chris Wilson                 Wigan Pheonix                   2:51:26
      12  Warren Crook                 South Ribble Harriers           2:51:38
      13  Mick Nester          V45   3 Blackburn Road Runners          2:52:26
      14  Philip Atherton              Clayton Le Moors                2:52:52
      15  Les Hill             V40   4 Dumfries Running Club           2:53:15
      16  Craig Austin                 Wreake Valley                   2:54:55
      17  Ian Millar                   Giffnock North AAC              2:55:38
      18  Neil Adamson         V40   5 Armadale AAC                    2:56:20
      19  Henry Thomas                 Telford AC                      2:57:23
      20  Mark Burton                  Portsmouth Joggers              2:58:31
      21  Dominic McCarter             Unattached                      2:59:23
      22  John Tyler                   Havering 90 Joggers             2:59:40
      23  Jason Barlow                 North Fylde AC                  3:00:42
      24  Martin Wilcock               Unattached                      3:01:29
      25  Graham Chesters      V40   6 Middleton Harriers              3:02:06
      26  Andy Brooks                  Shelton Striders                3:02:08
      27  John Western         V45   4 Unattached                      3:03:48
      28  Mark Elleman                 Unattached                      3:04:15
      29  Hadyn Jones                  Unattached                      3:05:01
      30  Paul O'Brien                 Lancaster University            3:05:28
      31  Dave Moran                   Liverpool Running Club          3:05:29
      32  John Winder                  Unattached                      3:05:38
      33  Neil Devonport       V40   7 Notts AC                        3:06:09
      34  Mark Cottrill                Conway Park RC                  3:06:15
      35  Colin Brooks                 Unattached                      3:06:40
      36  Michael Robinson             Dark Peak Fell Runners          3:07:10
      37  Martin Chester               Havering Mayesbrook             3:07:21
      38  Adrian Massey                Unattached                      3:07:24
      39  Brian Cumpsty                Unattached                      3:07:41
      40  Philip Roberts       V45   5 Garstang Road Runners           3:07:43
      41  David Keel           V40   8 City Of Bath AC                 3:07:47
      42  Chris Pedder         V40   9 Newburgh                        3:08:49
      43  Paul Crookall        V45   6 Northern Vets AC                3:10:56
      44  Graham Cunliffe      V40  10 Clayton Le Moors                3:11:17
      45  Gary Woodhouse               Unattached                      3:11:21
      46  Wayne Coaker         V40  11 Knavesmire Harriers             3:11:41
      47  Adam Holmes          V45   7 Fleet&crookham AC               3:11:45
      48  Neil Shepherd                Warrington AC                   3:12:05
      49  Richard Watkinson            Unattached                      3:12:16
      50  Wesley Hughes                Unattached                      3:13:00
      51  Colin Utterson       V55   1 York Acorn RC                   3:13:22
      52  James Smithson       V50   2 Accrington RR                   3:13:34
      53  Raymond Hall         V55   2 Halifax Harriers                3:13:38
      54  Colin Mathieson      V45   8 Pitreave AAC                    3:13:43
      55  Jonathan Davies              Unattached                      3:13:46
      56  Mark Cockbain                Road Runners Club               3:13:58
      57  Paul Dewar                   Unattached                      3:13:58
      58  Tony Dimuantes       V45   9 Unattached                      3:14:09
      59  Alan Life                    Clayton Le Moors                3:14:18
      60  Dave Tait            V50   3 Dark Peak Fell Runners          3:14:50
      61  Matthew Kay                  Unattached                      3:16:36
      62  Bill Salkeld         V50   4 Tring RC                        3:17:00
      63  David Miles                  Southport Waterloo AC           3:17:12
      64  Paul Balderson       V40  12 Unattached                      3:17:31
      65  ?                    L     1 Unattached                      3:18:12
      66  Les Turton           V40  13 Milton Keynes                   3:18:26
      67  Michael Robinson     V50   5 Portsmouth Joggers              3:18:47
      68  Eric Musgrove        V50   6 Stockport Harriers & AC         3:18:59
      69  Tony Hindmarch       V45  10 Evenwood RR                     3:19:30
      70  Cliff Smith          V45  11 Bedford Harriers                3:19:45
      71  David Kyne                   Unattached                      3:20:00
      72  Richard Surrage              Asics                           3:20:08
      73  Francis Boal         V50   7 Ballydrain Harriers             3:20:13
      74  David Pelton                 Unattached                      3:21:34
      75  Mark Buskwood                Totley AC                       3:21:49
      76  John Swift           V60   1 Chorley AC                      3:21:50
      77  Ray Hampton          V55   3 Stockport Harriers              3:22:04
      78  Peter Butler         V45  12 Liverpool Running Club          3:22:04
      79  Colin Rees           V55   4 Tring RC                        3:22:05
      80  John Cooper          V40  14 Thanet Road Runners             3:22:14
      81  John Aylmer          V50   8 Massey-Ferguson RC              3:22:20
      82  Sebastian Cobill             Marshfield Runners              3:22:28
      83  James Rennicks       V40  15 Winston Runners                 3:22:56
      84  Dennis Harnett               Unattached                      3:23:44
      85  Paddy McDonald       V45  13 Help                            3:23:57
      86  Hari Singh Dhadday   V45  14 Coventry Godiva                 3:24:00
      87  Tony Plank           V45  15 Brighton And Hove AC            3:24:32
      88  Dennis Boxall        V45  16 Brighton And Hove AC            3:24:39
      89  Tony Hayes           V45  17 Unattached                      3:24:45
      90  Mikko Kuronen        V40  16 East Cheshire Harriers          3:24:50
      91  Brian Murray                 Dundee Road Runners             3:24:53
      92  Dave Fearon                  Unattached                      3:24:58
      93  Anthony Audenshaw            Asics                           3:24:59
      94  Michael Leach                Benfleet Running Club           3:25:15
      95  Dan Gillingham               Unattached                      3:25:21
      96  Alan Wyllie          V40  17 Giffnock North AAC              3:25:40
      97  Jim Robson           V50   9 Road Runners Club               3:25:43
      98  Chris Ledger                 Dark Peak Fell Runners          3:25:52
      99  David Pope           V50  10 Unattached                      3:26:02
     100  Michael Mitchell     V50  11 Tring RC                        3:26:07
     101  Alan Lawton          V45  18 Unattached                      3:26:14
     102  Paul McBride         V45  19 Unattached                      3:26:16
     103  Mark Taylor          V40  18 Wigton Road Runners             3:26:30
     104  James Taylor         V40  19 Fife AC                         3:26:49
     105  Jan Wulf                     Settle Harriers                 3:26:54
     106 ?Stuart Forrester     V45  20 Pitreave AAC                    3:27:12
     107  Charles Maitland             Unattached                      3:27:28
     108  Chris Harvey         V40  20 Unattached                      3:27:48
     109  ?                    L     2 Unattached                      3:27:56
     110  Stephen Ball         V45  21 Nailsea Runners                 3:27:58
     111  Steve Davies                 Unattached                      3:27:59
     112  Peter Singleton      V40  21 Blackpool AC                    3:28:08
     113  Eric Grahn                   Bedford Harriers                3:28:26
     114  Todd Rudberly                Unattached                      3:28:51
     115  Martin Walsh         V50  12 Lytham Road Runners             3:29:06
     116  Brian Kennedy        V40  22 Settle Harriers                 3:29:17
     117  John Murfin                  Settle Harriers                 3:29:17
     118  Kenneth Wilson               East End Road Runners           3:29:17
     119  Warren D'rozario     V40  23 Sandwell Valley                 3:29:26
     120  Steve Edwards                Alvis RC                        3:29:55
     121  Roy Barnes           V40  24 Road Runners Club               3:30:14
     122  John Winters         V65   1 Blackpool & Fylde AC            3:30:27
     123  Simon Jarvis         V40  25 Unattached                      3:30:35
     124  Desmond Taylor               Unattached                      3:31:07
     125  John Osborne                 Settle Harriers                 3:31:33
     126  Jack Mason           V40  26 Darlington Harriers             3:31:45
     127  Trevor Grundy        V55   5 Oldham & Royton H               3:31:59
     128  Nigel Melling        V40  27 Unattached                      3:32:02
     129  John Foulds          V40  28 Horwich Rmi                     3:32:13
     130  Ronald Read                  Darlington Harriers             3:32:22
     131  Roy Parkinson                South Ribble Harriers           3:32:46
     132  ?                    L     3 Unattached                      3:32:57
     133  Craig Macwilliam             Unattached                      3:33:04
     134  John Jarvis          V45  22 Unattached                      3:33:08
     135  Henning Drager               Waverley Harriers               3:33:10
     136  Andrew Kirby                 Unattached                      3:33:21
     137  Steven Shaw          V40  29 Oldham & Royton H               3:33:22
     138  Iain Poole                   Pendle                          3:33:25
     139  Richard Hosey        V40  30 Unattached                      3:33:28
     140  Adrian Fairhurst             Chorley AC                      3:33:32
     141  Neil Worden                  Unattached                      3:33:38
     142  Roy Grew             V60   2 100km Association               3:33:43
     143  Carl Bedson                  Unattached                      3:33:53
     144  Gary Thompson        V40  31 Liverpool Running Club          3:33:56
     145  Andrew Thompson              Unattached                      3:34:12
     146  Maurice Wright       V40  32 Sphinx AC                       3:34:18
     147  Simon Ashton         V40  33 Unattached                      3:34:30
     148  Martin Hughes        V45  23 Tynedale Harriers               3:34:39
     149  Robert Burke                 Liverpool Running Club          3:34:43
     150  John Gibson          V45  24 Bourton Road Runners            3:34:46
     151  Steve Humphries      V40  34 Bourton Road Runners            3:34:46
     152  Dave Pace            V45  25 East End Road Runners           3:35:03
     153  James McNulty        V65   2 Bolton United Harriers          3:35:07
     154  Ian Mosley           V45  26 Unattached                      3:35:17
     155  Brian Sayers         V50  13 Haverhill RC                    3:35:33
     156  Andrew Webster               Lancashire Constabulary         3:35:56
     157  David McCreavy               Unattached                      3:36:11
     158  Colin Longworth      V45  27 100 Marathon Club               3:36:34
     159  Anthony Minikin      V55   6 Keighley&craven                 3:36:48
     160  Ivor Johnson         V50  14 Unattached                      3:37:08
     161  Keith Glover                 Unattached                      3:37:13
     162  Ian Andrew                   Unattached                      3:37:20
     163  David Davenport              Road Runners Club               3:37:37
     164  Bernard Jones        V60   3 Askern District                 3:37:43
     165  Mark Simcox                  Unattached                      3:38:03
     166  Derek Harrison       V50  15 Keswick AC                      3:38:18
     167  David Ryder                  Oak Park                        3:38:49
     168  Nicholas Goodman             Sevenoaks AC                    3:38:55
     169  Stan Pajak           V40  35 Unattached                      3:38:56
     170  Paul Gregory                 Totley AC                       3:39:22
     171  Brian Smith          V40  36 Blackheath Harriers             3:40:43
     172  Kenneth Hill         V45  28 Unattached                      3:40:49
     173  Lee Double                   Unattached                      3:40:50
     174  Stephen Welch        V40  37 Swinton                         3:41:11
     175  Keith Tolan          V45  29 Unattached                      3:41:23
     176  Gary Lynch                   Unattached                      3:41:46
     177  Phil Taylor          V50  16 Unattached                      3:41:54
     178  Harbhag Singh        V55   7 Darlington Harriers             3:42:01
     179  Nigel Simpkin        V45  30 Lytham St.annes Rrc             3:42:05
     180  Emrys Thomas         V40  38 Neath Harriers                  3:42:06
     181  Michael Horton       V50  17 Boalloy AC                      3:42:15
     182  Martin Connolly      V40  39 Unattached                      3:42:22
     183  Brian Durand         V45  31 Unattached                      3:42:23
     184  Daniel Mortimer              Dewsbury Road Runners           3:43:02
     185  Trevor Birch         V45  32 Unattached                      3:43:10
     186  Frank Miller         V50  18 Garstang Road Runners           3:43:12
     187  Vinny Brodrick       V40  40 Clayton Le Moors                3:43:24
     188  Paul Griffin                 Winston Runners                 3:43:35
     189  Gary Wade            V40  41 Road Runners Club               3:43:39
     190  Nicholas Cheatle             Fylde Coast Tri                 3:43:55
     191  Alan Clarey          V45  33 Unattached                      3:44:02
     192  Gary McLenna                 Unattached                      3:44:16
     193  Steven Bradshaw              Unattached                      3:44:43
     194  Vincent O'Brien      V45  34 Unattached                      3:45:04
     195  Darren Nelson                Unattached                      3:45:07
     196  Carl Parry                   Unattached                      3:45:12
     197  Neil Jackson                 Saf                             3:45:22
     198  Alistair Hornsby             Black Combe Runners             3:45:32
     199  Michael Kirk         V40  42 Unattached                      3:46:12
     200  Richard Greer                Lancashire Constabulary         3:46:16
     201  Ivan Field                   Fairlands Valley                3:46:28
     202  Christopher Barrow   V45  35 Unattached                      3:46:43
     203  Stephen Williams     V45  36 Southport Waterloo AC           3:46:52
     204  Mike Hinson                  Howgill Harriers                3:47:31
     205  Stephen Boyce                East Kilbride AC                3:47:39
     206  Lee Stinchcombe              Unattached                      3:47:41
     207  Terence Kelly        V70     Fearnville RC                   3:48:06
     208  Kevin Hunter         V40  43 Beverley AC                     3:48:20
     209  John Corcoran                Unattached                      3:48:28
     210  Paul Palmer          V40  44 Handy Cross Runners             3:48:34
     211  Mark Allcock                 Unattached                      3:48:38
     212  ?                    L     4 Unattached                      3:48:47
     213  Michael Shand        JM    1 Unattached                      3:49:11
     214  Andrew Delaney               Blackpool & Fylde AC            3:49:27
     215  Edward Briggs                Darwen Dashers RC               3:49:33
     216  Paul Blakey                  Unattached                      3:49:39
     217  Mick Thorne                  Reme                            3:49:42
     218  Brandon Matthews     V45  37 Burnden Road Runners            3:49:56
     219  Shaun Drennan                Unattached                      3:50:09
     220  Mark Cartwright      V40  45 Unattached                      3:50:19
     221  Eric Foster          V40  46 Athletics Scotland              3:50:22
     222  Gareth Stuart                Unattached                      3:50:28
     223  Colin Poole          V60   4 Blackheath Harriers             3:50:34
     224  Bill Allsop          V55   8 Bell Harp Hornets               3:50:39
     225  Andrew Webster               Lancashire Constabulary         3:50:58
     226  David Murray         JM    2 Unattached                      3:51:03
     227  Michael McGoldrick   V40  47 Golborne Trotters RC            3:51:27
     228  James Diamond                Unattached                      3:51:29
     229  Harryn Haseley       V55   9 Clayton Le Moors                3:51:39
     230  Andrew Bennett               Unattached                      3:51:54
     231  David Tomlinson      V50  19 Howgill Harriers                3:51:56
     232  Alan Schofield               Barnsley Harriers               3:52:08
     233  John McDonald        V55  10 Salford Mets                    3:52:14
     234  Jim Fell             V55  11 Werrington Joggers              3:52:25
     235  Nigel Richmond               Knavesmire Harriers             3:52:51
     236  Matthew Armistead            Unattached                      3:53:00
     237  William Mandall      V55  12 Tewkesbury AC                   3:53:06
     238  Terry Preston        V50  20 Road Runners Club               3:53:21
     239  John Allardyce       V50  21 Unattached                      3:53:24
     240  Jonathan Dunham              Unattached                      3:54:12
     241  Roger Biggs          V50  22 Fairlands Valley                3:54:12
     242  Tony Walsh           V40  48 Keighley And Craven RC          3:54:15
     243  Liam Mycroft         V40  49 NYRCC                           3:54:27
     244  Chris Morley                 Unattached                      3:54:32
     245  Carl Barnard                 Unattached                      3:54:45
     246  Gareth Bartlett              East End Road Runners           3:55:17
     247  Mark Hudson          V40  50 Unattached                      3:55:23
     248  Colin Irving                 Unattached                      3:55:24
     249  Gary Whitehead               Unattached                      3:55:40
     250  Jeremy Smeddle       V40  51 White Horse Harriers            3:55:46
     251  Roy Ward             V45  38 Unattached                      3:55:48
     252  Fred Bibby           V50  23 Unattached                      3:55:53
     253  Alistair McClements  V50  24 Unattached                      3:55:58
     254  William Lord         V45  39 Unattached                      3:56:11
     255  Patrick Burrows      V65   4 Leamington C&ac                 3:56:12
     256  Chris Allen                  Unattached                      3:56:42
     257  Doug Walker          V45  40 Unattached                      3:57:19
     258  Mike Hindley                 Unattached                      3:57:28
     259  Chris Lucas                  Unattached                      3:57:36
     260  Eric Sidebottom      V60   5 Strathearn Harriers             3:57:47
     261  Ken Hudson           V45  41 Darlington Harriers             3:58:05
     262  Al Green                     100 Marathon Club               3:58:07
     263  John Davis           V45  42 Unattached                      3:58:08
     264  James Smyth                  Unattached                      3:58:26
     265  John Bury            V50  25 Unattached                      3:58:28
     266  Paul Walters         V40  52 Oldham & Royton H               3:58:34
     267  Les Roper            V50  26 Unattached                      3:58:55
     268  Edward Airson        V50  27 Sunderland Strollers            3:58:56
     269  Paul Brassington     V45  43 Preston Harriers                3:58:59
     270  Stephen Robinson     V40  53 Marconi Harriers                3:59:05
     271  John Howorth         V45  44 Wesham Road Runners             3:59:08
     272  Alan Rowland         V65   5 Unattached                      3:59:13
     273  David Hesketh                Wigan Phoenix                   3:59:23
     274  Richard Cawthorn             Unattached                      3:59:34
     275  Reid Winters         V50  28 Unattached                      3:59:37
     276  ?                    L     5 Unattached                      3:59:46
     277  Barry Knapman        V55  13 Unattached                      3:59:53
     278  Mike Pratt           V55  14 Avon Valley Runners             4:00:18
     279  Vince Ferrer         V45  45 Knavesmire Harriers             4:00:19
     280  Robert Hardy         V50  29 Fairlands Valley                4:00:44
     281  Mark Pickles                 Unattached                      4:00:44
     282  Mark Foster          JM    3 Unattached                      4:00:46
     283  David Richardson     V50  30 Unattached                      4:00:48
     284  Nicholas Williams            Unattached                      4:00:50
     285  Malcolm Williams             North Herts RR                  4:00:59
     286  Dirk Joswig                  Healthtrack Harriers            4:01:09
     287  Chris Byrom          V55  15 East Cheshire Harriers          4:01:27
     288  Ewan Baird                   Unattached                      4:01:31
     289  Robert Sanham        V50  31 Thanet Road Runners             4:01:49
     290  Seamus Fahy                  Unattached                      4:01:57
     291  Keith Rant           V50  32 Unattached                      4:02:03
     292  Darren Gallagher             Unattached                      4:02:24
     293  Michael Barrowman    V50  33 St.albans Striders              4:02:32
     294  Chris Worth                  Unattached                      4:02:44
     295  Ian Harvey                   Unattached                      4:02:49
     296  Darrell Garner               Unattached                      4:03:22
     297  Minto Chowdhury      V40  54 Unattached                      4:03:35
     298  Bruce Knight         V40  55 Unattached                      4:03:42
     299  David Rowe                   Unattached                      4:03:51
     300  Trevor Dean                  Unattached                      4:03:54
     301  Alan Chesters        V45  46 Unattached                      4:04:03
     302  Shane Gudgeon                Darwen Dashers                  4:04:27
     303  George Ingham        V40  56 Liverpool Running Club          4:04:30
     304  Robert Tinnyunt      V60   6 Unattached                      4:04:38
     305  Martin Kay                   Unattached                      4:04:49
     306  Andrew Beresford             Unattached                      4:04:49
     307  Mike Couzens                 Unattached                      4:04:55
     308  Lee Galyer           V40  57 Unattached                      4:05:13
     309  Ian Stevenson        V45  47 Unattached                      4:05:29
     310  Paul Percival-Smith  V45  48 Kendal AC                       4:06:09
     311  Peter Burns          V50  34 Witham RC                       4:06:54
     312  Michael Alsworth     V50  35 Road Runners Club               4:07:12
     313  Jason McNeill                Unattached                      4:07:40
     314  Harry Machin         V65   6 Spenborough AC                  4:07:48
     315  Doug Munroe          V55  16 Clayton Le Moors                4:07:57
     316  Tandy Ikoli          V40  58 Unattached                      4:07:59
     317  Patrick Brooks       V65   7 Northern Vets                   4:08:00
     318  Andy Wilson                  Unattached                      4:08:06
     319  Richard House                Unattached                      4:08:35
     320  Steve Coote          V40  59 Dunstable Road Runners          4:08:40
     321  Arthur Zammit                Wolverhampton+bilston           4:08:54
     322  John Rudd                    Leigh  Harriers                 4:09:00
     323  John Walshaw         V55  17 Redcar Running Club             4:09:09
     324  Alec Bromley         V50  36 Unattached                      4:09:15
     325  Paul Bishop          V40  60 Unattached                      4:09:16
     326  Robert Green                 Unattached                      4:09:42
     327  Tim Williams                 Unattached                      4:09:42
     328  Rory Coleman                 Fvs                             4:09:59
     329  Martin Sleep         V40  61 100km Association               4:10:32
     330  Barnard Lane         V70     Epsom&ewell Harriers            4:10:50
     331  Simon Holland                Unattached                      4:10:57
     332  John Brown           V40  62 Unattached                      4:10:59
     333  Robert Walker        V50  37 Mvac                            4:11:05
     334  Jon Sluman           V40  63 Unattached                      4:11:10
     335  Kenneth Griffin      V50  38 Unattached                      4:11:48
     336  James Lamond                 Unattached                      4:11:56
     337  Stewart Agland       V50  39 Unattached                      4:12:11
     338  Philip Gittins               Unattached                      4:12:26
     339  Allan Campbell       V65   9 Border Harriers                 4:12:58
     340  Mark Elvin           V40  64 Unattached                      4:13:13
     341  Tadeusz Lancucki     V50  40 Veterans AC                     4:13:28
     342  Brian Stuart-Cole    V50  41 Winston Runners                 4:13:42
     343  Brian Fearnley       V50  42 Dewsbury Road Runners           4:13:48
     344  Dennis Michaels      V50  43 Unattached                      4:13:53
     345  Darren Dowling               Unattached                      4:14:23
     346  Paul Claxton                 Unattached                      4:14:23
     347  Brian Speake                 Reading Road Runners            4:14:41
     348  ?                    L     6 Unattached                      4:14:43
     349  Matt Riley                   Unattached                      4:15:14
     350 ?Stuart Forrester     V45  49 Pitreave AAC                    4:15:21
     351  Ken Chadwick         V40  65 Chorley Harriers                4:15:23
     352  Colin Cookson        V40  66 Red Rose Road Runners           4:15:30
     353  Carl Jameson         V40  67 Unattached                      4:15:36
     354  Howard Issatt                Unattached                      4:15:46
     355  Derek Robinson               Unattached                      4:15:48
     356  Charles Thackray     V50  44 Unattached                      4:16:10
     357  John Adams           V55  18 Dewsbury Road Runners           4:16:36
     358  John Devlin          V55  19 Todmorden Harriers              4:17:36
     359  David Williams       V50  45 Barnet & District AC            4:18:53
     360  Peter Costello       V40  68 Clayton Le Moors                4:19:17
     361  Terry Bates          V45  50 Isle Of Man Veterans AC         4:20:10
     362  Carl Harrington              Unattached                      4:20:27
     363  John Harper          V55  20 Road Runners Club               4:20:29
     364  Stephen Horton               Merry Hill Striders             4:20:38
     365  ?                    L     7 Unattached                      4:21:29
     366  Lee Campbell                 Darwen Dashers                  4:22:16
     367  Colin Bennetts       V50  46 Bedford Harriers                4:22:59
     368  Paul Wright          V45  51 Unattached                      4:23:00
     369  Peter Holland                Unattached                      4:23:01
     370  Andrew Joiner                Unattached                      4:23:08
     371  Stewart Weatherill   V40  69 Keighley&craven                 4:23:08
     372  Peter Cutts          V45  52 Unattached                      4:23:10
     373  John Jocys           V45  53 Unattached                      4:23:10
     374  Derek Henry          V40  70 Wigan Phoenix                   4:23:17
     375  Drew Riddell         V40  71 Unattached                      4:23:28
     376  Andrew Owen                  Unattached                      4:23:42
     377  John Dawson          V60   7 Lichfield RC                    4:24:11
     378  Art Beutler                  Arizona Road Racers             4:24:38
     379  Mike Gaunt           V50  47 Tring RC                        4:24:41
     380  Philip Webster               Unattached                      4:24:42
     381  Thomas Farley        V40  72 Unattached                      4:25:07
     382  David Taylor                 Rugeley Runners                 4:26:07
     383  Kevin Neve                   Unattached                      4:26:21
     384  Malcolm Cooper       V40  73 Unattached                      4:26:35
     385  Ian Blakebrough      V50  48 Unattached                      4:27:06
     386  John Deaville        V45  54 Unattached                      4:27:11
     387  David Harrison               Unattached                      4:27:12
     388  John Butler          V55  21 Stratford-Upon-Avon AC          4:28:12
     389  Steven Lancaster             Unattached                      4:28:20
     390  Ken Dean             V50  49 East Cheshire Harriers          4:28:27
     391  John Noall           V45  55 Unattached                      4:29:22
     392  Brian Mills          V45  56 100 Marathon Club               4:31:22
     393  Alan Rycroft         V65  10 Conway Park                     4:31:42
     394  Andrew Webster               Marconi Harriers                4:32:04
     395  Ian Winstanley               Unattached                      4:32:07
     396  David Crawford       V50  50 Unattached                      4:32:50
     397  ?                    L     8 Unattached                      4:32:52
     398  Robert Dowding               Unattached                      4:33:17
     399  Steve Hacking                Unattached                      4:33:51
     400  Peter Cobbett        V55  22 Blackheath Harriers             4:34:05
     401  John Taylor          V65  11 Unattached                      4:34:19
     402  Craig Watson                 Quakers Running Club            4:34:43
     403  Alan Oliver          V50  51 Edmonton RC                     4:35:04
     404  Trevor Williams      V55  23 Unattached                      4:35:04
     405  Harry Hargreaves     V40  74 Unattached                      4:35:40
     406  Iain Myers                   Unattached                      4:35:44
     407  Graham Slater        V40  75 Lancashire Constabulary         4:36:26
     408  Terence Connell              Unattached                      4:36:27
     409  Raymond McClements   V55  24 Unattached                      4:36:35
     410  Simon Caines                 Unattached                      4:37:51
     411  Raymond Norman       V40  76 Unattached                      4:38:10
     412  Darrel Clark                 Lancaster&morecambe             4:38:11
     413  Andrew Nuttall               Unattached                      4:38:22
     414 ?Ray Macallen                 Asics                           4:38:26
     415  Andrew Wiles         V40  77 Unattached                      4:38:51
     416  Nicholas Pogson      V40  78 Maltby Running Club             4:40:35
     417  Keith Stoddart       V45  57 Unattached                      4:40:59
     418  Peter Butterworth    V50  52 Road Runners Club               4:42:54
     419  ?                    L     9 Unattached                      4:44:33
     420  Andrew Sherrington           Unattached                      4:44:37
     421  John Hadfield                Unattached                      4:44:37
     422  Andrew Taylor                Unattached                      4:44:37
     423  David Cheetham               Unattached                      4:44:38
     424  Robert Baldwin       V45  58 Crawley AC                      4:45:07
     425  Oswald Waye          V50  53 Road Runners Club               4:45:21
     426  ?                    L    10 Unattached                      4:46:05
     427  Paul Adams           V50  54 Knavesmire Harriers             4:46:51
     428  ?       					               4:46:53
     429  Lee Wightman                 Unattached                      4:47:01
     430  Anthony Pinder               Unattached                      4:47:01
     431  Ivor Davies                  Unattached                      4:47:13
     432  James Burdett        V40  79 Redcar Running Club             4:47:17
     433  Ian Quick            V45  59 Unattached                      4:47:33
     434  Carl Hopkinson               Unattached                      4:47:55
     435  Paul Thompson        V45  60 Derwent AC                      4:47:57
     436  David Williams               Unattached                      4:48:33
     437  Derek Farman         V55  25 Unattached                      4:51:15
     438  Ken Cooper           V45  61 Unattached                      4:51:29
     439  Paul Wright                  Unattached                      4:52:26
     440  Dave Carter          V45  62 Fvs                             4:52:47
     441  Brian Jones          V60   8 Unattached                      4:52:48
     442  John Alexander               Unattached                      4:53:12
     443  Ian Robertson        V45  63 Army                            4:53:28
     444 ?Ray Macallen                 Asics                           4:54:46
     445  Keith Harding                Unattached                      4:56:12
     446  Duncan Thorpe                Unattached                      4:57:26
     447  David Phillips       V55  26 Massey Ferguson Rr              4:57:42
     448  Ivan Danks                   Unattached                      4:57:48
     449  David Moles          V45  64 Dovedale Harriers               4:58:58
     450  Wally Oakes          V50  55 100 Marathon Club               4:59:29
     451  Richard Stonefield           Unattached                      4:59:31
     452  Robert Lawton                Holmfirth Harriers AC           5:00:06
     453  Norman Dickinson     V55  27 Unattached                      5:01:12
     454  Clive Johnson        V45  65 Portsmouth Triathletes          5:02:23
     455  Paul Airey           V40  80 Unattached                      5:02:41
     456  Goksel Duzbeyaz              Unattached                      5:04:04
     457  John Martin          V70     Stratford Athletic              5:04:25
     458  Paul Wilkinson               Unattached                      5:05:26
     459  Anthony Hambleton            Unattached                      5:06:25
     460  David Armstrong      V40  81 Penny Lane Striders             5:07:11
     461  Ian Harvey           V40  82 Unattached                      5:09:58
     462  Brian Emmott         V50  56 Unattached                      5:09:59
     463  Stewart Duxbury      V40  83 Unattached                      5:10:37
     464  Dennis Comisar               Unattached                      5:11:30
     465  Harry Martin         V65  14 Blackheath Harriers             5:14:18
     466  Tony Langton                 Unattached                      5:15:21
     467  Martin Bush          V40  84 100 Marathon Club               5:15:56
     468  Philip Hall          V45  66 Unattached                      5:19:15
     469  Melvyn Peddle        V55  28 Unattached                      5:19:31
     470  Allen Watts          V70     Sarn Helen Lampeter             5:19:35
     471  George Macdonald     V40  85 Unattached                      5:20:31
     472  Ken Lomas                    Asics                           5:20:58
     473  Anthony Stone                Unattached                      5:24:20
     474  Al Hodgson           V70     Iom Vets AC                     5:24:38
     475  Andre Mohamed        V40  86 Unattached                      5:25:26
     476  James Rowland                Unattached                      5:32:11
     477  Jim Hamilton         V50  57 Unattached                      5:32:29
     478  Stephen Woods        V40  87 Unattached                      5:34:27
     479  David Downey                 Unattached                      5:34:30
     480  Huw Jones                    Unattached                      5:35:00
     481  Michael Lambert              Unattached                      5:35:01
     482  Graham May           V40  88 Road Runners Club               5:39:10
     483  David Port                   Unattached                      5:42:40

Blackpool M - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Monique Hollinshead  L     1 Dewsbury Road Runners           3:16:52
       2  ?                    L     2 Unattached                      3:18:12
       3  Christine Costiff    L35   1 South London Harriers           3:22:24
       4  ?                    L     4 Unattached                      3:27:56
       5  Judith Jones         L35   2 Unattached                      3:28:38
       6  Carole Prance        L35   3 East End Road Runners           3:30:43
       7  Christine Toft       L35   4 Lytham Road Runners             3:31:42
       8  ?                    L     8 Unattached                      3:32:57
       9  Caroline Hindle      L35   5 Unattached                      3:34:07
      10  Joyce Atherden       L40   1 Unattached                      3:35:08
      11  Louise Kelly         L    11 Unattached                      3:35:19
      12  Christine Preston    L35   6 Keighley&craven                 3:36:48
      13  Liz Kissane          L35   7 Garden City Joggers             3:40:05
      14  Alison Harding       L40   2 Tring RC                        3:42:46
      15  Heather Mitchell     L    15 Unattached                      3:46:26
      16  Kim Fearon-Howard    L40   3 Southend AC                     3:47:56
      17  ?                    L    17 Unattached                      3:48:47
      18  Helen Arthur         L    18 Hook Norton Harriers            3:50:04
      19  Gail Goldsmith       L50   1 Bracknell Forest Runners        3:51:16
      20  Carol Life           L35   8 Clayton Le Moors                3:51:42
      21  John Day             L50   2 Rugeley Runners                 3:52:03
      22  Linda Foster         L40   4 Barnsley Harriers               3:52:08
      23  Liz Thornton         L40   5 Liverpool Running Club          3:57:44
      24  Ann Cherry           L40   6 East Cheshire Harriers          3:57:50
      25  Shiela Waite         L35   9 Oldham & Royton H               3:58:33
      26  Julie Paton          L40   7 Unattached                      3:59:19
      27  ?                    L    27 Unattached                      3:59:46
      28  Lorraine Jackson     L    28 Knavesmire Harriers             4:00:18
      29  Lorraine Baird       L    29 Unattached                      4:01:31
      30  Julie Ramsay         L    30 Unattached                      4:01:31
      31  Joanne Henderson     L35  10 Unattached                      4:02:58
      32  Angela Scott         L    32 Unattached                      4:02:59
      33  Sheila Gudgeon       L40   8 Darwen Dashers                  4:04:27
      34  Kathy Tytler         L40   9 Reading Road Runners            4:04:44
      35  Helen Stephens       L    35 Lancaster&morecambe             4:05:26
      36  Dee Hailey           L45   1 Hook Norton Harriers            4:05:35
      37  Clare Gay            L45   2 Beverley AC                     4:07:23
      38  Sharon Billiar       L35  11 Brandon Fern Hoppers            4:08:30
      39  Dilys Robertson      L    39 Unattached                      4:09:42
      40  Bridget Taylor       L    40 Hook Norton Harriers            4:11:56
      41  Vivien Pike          L50   3 Unattached                      4:12:57
      42  Sandy Taylor         L50   4 Unattached                      4:14:09
      43  ?                    L    43 Unattached                      4:14:43
      44  Sue Furner           L40  10 Isle Of Man Vet AC              4:15:22
      45  Pauline Warburton    L40  11 Red Rose Road Runners           4:15:29
      46  Janice Johnstone     L40  12 Unattached                      4:19:14
      47  ?                    L    47 Unattached                      4:21:29
      48  Karen O'Kane         L35  12 Unattached                      4:21:43
      49  Rosemarie Utley      L50   5 Adams Gym                       4:23:02
      50  Sharon Merchant      L35  13 Unattached                      4:23:06
      51  Julia Chandler       L35  14 Sale Harriers                   4:23:10
      52  Mary Connolly        L45   3 Athletics Scotland              4:23:39
      53  Louise Belrhiti      L40  13 Unattached                      4:24:06
      54  Anne Oakes           L45   4 Unattached                      4:24:28
      55  Dorothy Bonham       L40  14 Unattached                      4:24:44
      56  Catherine Berry      L    56 Ackworth RR                     4:32:07
      57  ?                    L    57 Unattached                      4:32:52
      58  Dorothy Thompson     L45   5 Derwent AC                      4:34:56
      59  Laura Gill           L    59 Lancashire Constabulary         4:36:17
      60  Claire Dunton        L    60 Herne Hill Harriers             4:37:14
      61  Alison Macfie        L35  15 Unattached                      4:40:21
      62  Sandra Padgett       L    62 Unattached                      4:41:20
      63  Samantha Hatton      L    63 Unattached                      4:41:21
      64  Susan Adams          L45   6 Knavesmire Harriers             4:42:23
      65  Helen Hambleton      L    65 Unattached                      4:44:04
      66  ?                    L    66 Unattached                      4:44:33
      67  Carolyn Hallett      L55   1 Unattached                      4:44:39
      68  Jane Hornsby         L35  16 Black Combe Runners             4:45:30
      69  ?                    L    69 Unattached                      4:46:05
      70  Deborah Rudland      L    70 Blackburn Road Runners          4:47:19
      71  Carol Harvey         L40  15 Unattached                      4:48:12
      72  Rachel Beaney        L    72 Unattached                      4:49:45
      73  Rina Teoli-Rush      L    73 Unattached                      4:53:08
      74  Hazel Fairhurst      L35  17 Lanchire Race Walkers           4:53:53
      75  Jane Harling         L40  16 Wells City Harriers             4:54:54
      76  Deborah Palmer       L    76 Unattached                      4:55:41
      77  Demelza Dennis       L    77 Unattached                      4:57:49
      78  Paula Hurst          L45   7 Unattached                      4:57:54
      79  Jane Hornsby         L35  18 Black Combe Runners             4:58:08
      80  Jennie McDonald      L    80 Salford Mets                    5:07:40
      81  Tracy Jones          L    81 Unattached                      5:12:59
      82  Ceri Smith           L35  19 Unattached                      5:14:04
      83  Sandra Harris        L55   2 Northern Vets RC                5:14:39
      84  Alison Tynan         L    84 Unattached                      5:18:54
      85  Samantha Peddle      L    85 Unattached                      5:19:31
      86  Denise Mawdsley      L35  20 Unattached                      5:24:20
      87  Janet King           L40  17 Wigton Road Runners             5:24:59
      88  Gail Cass            L45   8 Wigton Road Runners             5:24:59
      89  Sara Horrobin        L40  18 Chorley Harriers                5:29:36
      90  Ruth Quick           L60   1 Ford Halewood AC                5:32:05
      91  Laura Hargraves      L    91 Unattached                      5:33:55
      92  Kathy Wingate        L60   2 Ford Halewood AC                5:40:00
      93  Alison Simba         L35  21 Unattached                      5:42:15

Blackpool M - Relay -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                         Club         Time  

       1  .                            Wesham RR RELAY                 2:34:08
       2  .                            Oldham & Royton RELAY           2:39:57
       3  .                            Red Rose RELAY 2                2:40:35
       4  .                            North Fylde AC RELAY          2:48:47
       5  .                            Red Rose RELAY 5                2:56:54
       6  .                            Wesham RELAY 2                  2:57:08
       7  .                            Red Rose RELAY                  2:57:56
       8  .                            Red Rose RELAY 4                2:59:15
       9  .                            Lancs Probation RELAY           3:00:56
      10  .                            Relay Team 31                   3:07:28
      11  .                            Mighty Atoms RELAY              3:10:00
      12  .                            NBHConst Training RELAY         3:12:35
      13  .                            Virgin Trains RELAY             3:13:14
      14  .                            Lancs Uni RELAY                 3:14:45
      15  .                            Red Rose RELAY                  3:19:48
      16  .                            Relay Team 41                   3:28:24
      17  .                            Friends RELAY                   3:29:00
      18  .                            Army & Barmy RELAY              3:31:48
      19  .                            Relay Team 21                   3:32:40
      20  .                            Datel RELAY 2                   3:35:53
      21  .                            Relay Team 35                   3:40:21
      22  .                            Wesham RELAY                    3:40:47
      23  .                            Asics RELAY 3                   3:40:53
      24  .                            Lancs & Morecombe RELAY         3:41:21
      25  .                            Asics RELAY 4                   3:42:08
      26  .                            Relay Team 27                   3:43:51
      27  .                            Relay Team 30                   3:44:49
      28  .                            Asics RELAY                     3:45:38
      29  .                            Asics RELAY 2                   3:45:38
      30  .                            Kingfisher RELAY                3:46:45
      31  .                            Sports Bar RELAY                3:51:24
      32  .                            Boeing RELAY                    3:52:57
      33  .                            Kingfisher RELAY                3:54:49
      34  .                            Park Panthers RELAY             3:57:15
      35  .                            Relay Team 43                   3:58:03
      36  .                            Clearwater RELAY                3:59:06
      37  .                            Relay Team 32                   4:03:19
      38  .                            Rock FM RELAY                   4:07:15
      39  .                            Wigan DSQR RELAY                4:08:00
      40  .                            Its A Miss RELAY                4:11:45
      41  .                            Datel Defence RELAY             4:15:50
      42  .                            Clayton Green RELAY             4:16:58
      43  .                            Marquij RELAY                   4:17:18
      44  .                            Kingfisher RELAY                4:23:14
      45  .                            Relay Team 53                   4:26:03
      46  .                            Relay Team 41                   4:35:08

NOTE: 10 runners finished for whom no entry data is available.
These runners are included in both Men's and Ladies listings.
Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2001