The Wilkinson Ackworth Half Marathon

at Ackworth on Sunday 25th March 2001

Half Marathon - Men -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  David Watson                 Holmfirth                       1:07:12
       2  Ian Fisher                   Otley                           1:08:29
       3  Ian Malone                   Ackworth                        1:08:38
       4  David Norman                 Altrincham                      1:08:39
       5  David Bond                   Askern                          1:08:43
       6  Darran Bilton                City Of Hull                    1:08:50
       7  Shaun Winstanley             Harrogate Harriers AC           1:10:57
       8  Lawrence Hellawell           Keighley & Craven               1:11:05
       9  Christopher Loftus           Keighley & Craven               1:11:07
      10  Darren Brame                 Keighley & Craven               1:11:51
      11  James Callaghan              Keighley & Craven               1:12:25
      12  John Convery                 Bingley                         1:12:39
      13  Stewart Macdonald            Bingley                         1:12:45
      14  Simon Bell                   Lincoln Wellington AC           1:12:54
      15  Stuart Wood                  Unattached                      1:13:06
      16  Andy Capel                   Knavesmire                      1:13:16
      17  Anthony Bradford             Spenborough                     1:13:45
      18  Simon Richardson     V45   1 Pocklington Runners             1:13:55
      19  Steve Tibbs                  Wakefield                       1:14:01
      20  Julian Mawson                Otley                           1:14:20
      21  John Kerr            V50   1 Steel City Striders             1:14:56
      22  Mathew Lynas                 Thames H&h                      1:15:09
      23  Mark Hall            V40   1 Otley                           1:15:26
      24  David Hinchcliffe    V40   2 Longwood                        1:15:51
      25  Philip Kirwin                Rothwell                        1:15:56
      26  Neil Strange         V40   3 Knavesmire                      1:16:07
      27  Ian Walton                   Pocklington Runners             1:16:12
      28  Martin Lee                   Rossendale Harriers             1:16:23
      29  Eric Wilson          V45   2 Blackburn Harriers              1:16:29
      30  Andy Bissell                 Knavesmire                      1:16:35
      31  David Driver                 Leeds & Bradford TC             1:16:45
      32  Philip Townsend              Leeds City                      1:17:00
      33  Ryan Barker                  Rothwell                        1:17:11
      34  Barry Atkinson       V40   4 Knavesmire                      1:17:29
      35  Darren Walker                Rothwell                        1:17:50
      36  Brian Field          V40   5 Unattached                      1:18:02
      37  Michael Siddall      V40   6 Pocklington Runners             1:18:22
      38  Anthony Collins      V40   7 Spenborough                     1:18:31
      39  Alistair Rees                Holmfirth                       1:18:36
      40  Eddie Cullen                 Skelmersdale BH                 1:18:50
      41  Ian Clayton                  Rothwell                        1:18:53
      42  Stephen Thirkell     V45   3 Horsforth                       1:18:58
      43  Andrew Nalton                Bridlington                     1:19:09
      44  Kevin Lenihan                North Derbyshire                1:19:11
      45  Roger Shooter                Unattached                      1:19:11
      46  Peter Stafford       V40   8 Mansfield                       1:19:12
      47  Chris Earl                   Milton Arms                     1:19:27
      48  Mick Page            V45   4 Doncaster                       1:19:29
      49  Mathew Turner                Knavesmire                      1:19:38
      50  Aaron Walton                 Pocklington Runners             1:19:43
      51  Bernard Vickers      V40   9 Rothwell                        1:19:49
      52  Craig Scargill               Ackworth                        1:20:06
      53  Roger Tolson         V45   5 Dewsbury                        1:20:09
      54  Steven Moss          V50   2 Spenborough                     1:20:14
      55  Graham Smith                 Bingley                         1:20:15
      56  Alan Pover           V50   3 Stockport                       1:20:23
      57  John Greenwood       V45   6 Halifax                         1:20:28
      58  Ian Walker                   Ackworth                        1:20:34
      59  John Potter          V45   7 Bridlington                     1:20:35
      60  Stephen Kellett      V45   8 Rothwell                        1:20:44
      61  Mark Crabtree        V40  10 Halifax                         1:20:56
      62  Andrew Booth                 Knavesmire                      1:21:05
      63 ?Mike Pennington      V40  11 Holmfirth                       1:21:14
      64  Jonathan Foster              Unattached                      1:21:32
      65  Ian Pudge                    Spectrum Striders               1:21:49
      66  Alan Hudson          V50   4 Wesham                          1:21:58
      67  Terry Hellings       V45   9 North Fylde                     1:22:00
      68  Tony White                   Wakefield                       1:22:03
      69  Neil Haggas                  Kippax                          1:22:04
      70  Ricky Dockerty               Unattached                      1:22:12
      71  Carl Murdoch         V50   5 Hallamshire                     1:22:14
      72  Daryl Shaw                   Holmfirth                       1:22:18
      73  Will Kerr                    St Bedes                        1:22:21
      74  Gary Johnson         V40  12 Dewsbury                        1:22:27
      75  Bobby Riddaway               Skelmersdale BH                 1:22:28
      76  Dennis Hoey          V45  10 Spenborough                     1:22:28
      77  Andrew Gowler                Unattached                      1:22:32
      78  Mark Domaille        V40  13 Wakefield                       1:22:33
      79  John Firth           V60   1 Northern Vets                   1:22:34
      80  Geoff Hayes          V50   6 Barnsley Harriers               1:22:44
      81  Paul Hindle                  Keighley & Craven               1:22:49
      82  Shaun Clarkson               Barnsley Harriers               1:22:56
      83  Christopher Gill     V50   7 St Theresas                     1:22:59
      84  Richard Pentin               North Derbyshire                1:23:05
      85  Nick Efford                  Rothwell                        1:23:10
      86  John Yates                   Thirsk & Sowerby                1:23:12
      87  Steve Large                  Horsforth                       1:23:13
      88  Stephen Balmforth    V45  11 Queensbury RC                   1:23:19
      89  Paul Crabtree                Bingley                         1:23:20
      90  Michael Fryer                Halifax                         1:23:23
      91  David Dunn                   Lytham St Annes                 1:23:24
      92  Dale Connolly                Halifax                         1:23:29
      93  Peter Hill           V45  12 Dewsbury                        1:23:29
      94  Mark Cooper                  Dewsbury                        1:23:30
      95  Dale Harrison                Unattached                      1:23:37
      96  Paul Tranter                 Unattached                      1:23:46
      97  Richard Masters              Rothwell                        1:23:57
      98  Craig Heppenstall            Wakefield                       1:23:59
      99  Rob Whitworth                Wakefield                       1:24:02
     100  John Thompson        V40  14 Humberside Police               1:24:10
     101  Ian Mason                    Unattached                      1:24:18
     102  Andrew Goodair               Askern                          1:24:23
     103  Peter Crawford       V55   1 Unattached                      1:24:24
     104  Michael Collinson    V40  15 Denby Dale                      1:24:28
     105  Harry McGill         V50   8 St Bedes                        1:24:29
     106  Donald Kennedy               Huddersfield                    1:24:33
     107  Kevin Stokes                 Unattached                      1:24:37
     108  Dave Birch           V45  13 Steel City Striders             1:24:45
     109  Tony Vout            V40  16 Askern                          1:24:49
     110  Bob Jackson          V50   9 Valley Striders                 1:24:51
     111  Janek Popiolek       V40  17 Leeds City                      1:24:57
     112  Graeme Murdoch       V40  18 Pocklington Runners             1:24:59
     113  Ian Dowse            V40  19 Scunthorpe                      1:25:06
     114  Victor Kolodziejczyk V40  20 Unattached                      1:25:06
     115  Bernard Disken       V40  21 Dewsbury                        1:25:13
     116  John Western         V45  14 Unattached                      1:25:14
     117  Russell Thomas       V40  22 Dewsbury                        1:25:18
     118  Peter May            V40  23 Queensbury RC                   1:25:21
     119  Stephen Reynolds             Unattached                      1:25:21
     120  David Bennett        V50  10 Barnsley Ac                     1:25:31
     121  Malcolm Brine                Leeds City                      1:25:39
     122  Graham McCormick     V40  24 Barnsley Ac                     1:25:40
     123  Brant Taylor         V40  25 Road Runners Club               1:25:42
     124  Paul Sanderson               Rothwell                        1:25:44
     125  Tim Tancos                   Rothwell                        1:25:51
     126  Dean Wallace         V40  26 Barnsley Ac                     1:25:58
     127  Keith Pailing        V50  11 Rothwell                        1:26:02
     128  Ian Bailey                   Rothwell                        1:26:04
     129  Jim Edwards          V60   2 Lincoln Wellington AC           1:26:05
     130  Steve Wood           V45  15 Horsforth                       1:26:06
     131  Geoffrey Howard      V55   2 Ilkley Harriers                 1:26:27
     132  Keith Wild           V45  16 Holmfirth                       1:26:49
     133  Peter Grimoldby      V45  17 Ackworth                        1:26:59
     134  Stephen Wilkinson    V40  27 Wakefield                       1:27:02
     135  Neil Cholmondeley            Unattached                      1:27:13
     136  Michael Senior               Horsforth                       1:27:14
     137  Pete Willis          V40  28 Nidd Valley                     1:27:32
     138  Derek Flanagan               Lytham St Annes                 1:27:39
     139  Colin Utterson       V55   3 York Acorn                      1:27:58
     140  John Blenkhorn               Unattached                      1:28:02
     141  Peter Shields        V50  12 Ilkley Harriers                 1:28:04
     142  Richard Rands                Steel City Striders             1:28:08
     143  Peter Mullery        V40  29 Rothwell                        1:28:12
     144  Stephen Carter       V45  18 Spenborough                     1:28:14
     145  Giles Hawking                Knavesmire                      1:28:18
     146  Anthony Audlsey      V45  19 Royal Engineers                 1:28:22
     147  John Dwyer           V55   4 Altrincham                      1:28:30
     148  Howard Darwin                Unattached                      1:28:35
     149  Adrian Massey                Unattached                      1:28:56
     150  Lionel Theobald      V40  30 Kippax                          1:28:58
     151  Tony Hayes           V45  20 Unattached                      1:29:03
     152  Paul Delaney                 Unattached                      1:29:08
     153  Mark Harris                  Rothwell                        1:29:10
     154  Dave Beston          V40  31 Abbey Runners                   1:29:14
     155  Paul Maskell                 Oasis                           1:29:25
     156  Lee Harris                   Unattached                      1:29:34
     157  Mick Senior                  Unattached                      1:29:37
     158  Oliver Downing       V55   5 Bingley                         1:29:38
     159  David Kirk                   Unattached                      1:29:43
     160  Simon Greene         V45  21 Reebok AC                       1:29:45
     161  Robert Davies                Milton Arms                     1:29:46
     162  Mark Bevan                   Unattached                      1:29:50
     163  Keith Wood                   Ilkley Harriers                 1:30:01
     164  Roger Walker                 Unattached                      1:30:15
     165  Chris Hampshaw       V40  32 Holmfirth                       1:30:24
     166  Gavin Mandham        V50  13 Wilmslow                        1:30:38
     167  Roger Pickering      V45  22 Wakefield                       1:30:41
     168 ?Mike Pennington      V40  33 Holmfirth                       1:30:46
     169  John Preston                 Keighley & Craven               1:30:50
     170  Paul Zywicki         V40  34 Ackworth                        1:30:53
     171  Jim Davies           V40  35 Road Runners Club               1:30:54
     172  Scott Wilson                 Totley                          1:30:57
     173  Guy Beaumont                 Unattached                      1:30:59
     174  Graham Wright                Stockport                       1:31:00
     175  Roy Ward             V45  23 Unattached                      1:31:04
     176  John Williams        V45  24 Ackworth                        1:31:06
     177  Graham Grinstead     V40  36 Skyrac                          1:31:08
     178  Malcolm Fawcett      V60   3 Knavesmire                      1:31:12
     179  Les Fenton           V45  25 Spenborough                     1:31:21
     180  Gary Colley                  Oasis                           1:31:23
     181  Paul Cotterill       V45  26 Unattached                      1:31:25
     182  Ian Hill             V50  14 Ackworth                        1:31:35
     183  Paul Croft           V40  37 Dewsbury                        1:31:37
     184  Andrew Dyson         V40  38 Unattached                      1:31:49
     185  Terry Minett         V40  39 Ackworth                        1:31:51
     186  Joseph Dooley                East Cheshire Harriers          1:32:01
     187  Phil Monaghan                Fearnville RC                   1:32:08
     188  David Rigby          V40  40 Lytham St Annes                 1:32:10
     189  Tim Wilsher                  Ackworth                        1:32:14
     190  Stephen Rouse        V40  41 Barnsley Harriers               1:32:23
     191  Alan Scofield                Barnsley Harriers               1:32:34
     192  John Sellers                 Ackworth                        1:32:46
     193  Graham Smith         V40  42 Unattached                      1:32:50
     194  Phil Robinson        V55   6 Hotley AC                       1:33:06
     195  David Smith          V40  43 Barnsley Ac                     1:33:08
     196  Derek Berry          V40  44 Dewsbury                        1:33:09
     197  Ken Lawrenson        V60   4 Ackworth                        1:33:09
     198  Kevin Guttridge              Askern                          1:33:28
     199  Mike Mahoney         V65   1 St Bedes                        1:33:47
     200  Mark Hurrell                 Barnsley Ac                     1:34:20
     201  Kevin Kilkenny       V40  45 Unattached                      1:34:22
     202  Gary Campbell        V40  46 Rothwell                        1:34:24
     203  Adrian Taylor                Knavesmire                      1:34:28
     204  Nigel Warner         V50  15 Goole Viking Striders           1:34:32
     205  Robert Foor          V40  47 Halifax                         1:34:40
     206  Andrew Russell               Rothwell                        1:34:45
     207  David Stewart                Unattached                      1:34:45
     208  Steve Mackley        V45  27 Unattached                      1:34:47
     209  Simon Gilliland              Unattached                      1:34:47
     210  Richard Gott         V45  28 Knavesmire                      1:34:50
     211  Neil Goldsmith       V50  16 Altrincham                      1:35:07
     212  John Leggett         V55   7 Evac                            1:35:07
     213  Joe Porter                   Barnsley Harriers               1:35:12
     214  Andrew Bryan         V40  48 Unattached                      1:35:19
     215  Glen Hartley                 Ackworth                        1:35:19
     216  Paul Sayers                  Unattached                      1:35:30
     217  Richard Regan                Unattached                      1:35:38
     218  Christopher Walker           Unattached                      1:35:42
     219  Lawrence Graham      V55   8 Penny Lane                      1:35:45
     220  Keith Pratchett      V55   9 St Bedes                        1:35:46
     221  Andy Wiggans                 Unattached                      1:35:57
     222  Philip Jones         V40  49 Baildon                         1:36:07
     223  Brian Winn           V60   5 Unattached                      1:36:08
     224  Steve Cook           V40  50 Unattached                      1:36:11
     225  Toby Blumenthal              Unattached                      1:36:20
     226  Jamie Hirst                  Unattached                      1:36:27
     227  Roy Bainbridge       V65   2 Mandale                         1:36:41
     228  John Hewitt          V55  10 Barnsley Harriers               1:36:44
     229  Michael Bissell              Knavesmire                      1:36:45
     230  Andrew Timson                Rothwell                        1:36:57
     231  Andrew Hirst                 Rothwell                        1:37:00
     232  Rodney Tordoff       V55  11 Pudsey & Bramley AC             1:37:28
     233  Richard Thompson     V45  29 Airecentre Pacers               1:37:45
     234  Colin Walker         V45  30 Unattached                      1:37:48
     235  Terry Preston        V50  17 Road Runners Club               1:37:49
     236  Brian Cooper         V65   3 Dewsbury                        1:37:56
     237  Steve Smith                  Unattached                      1:38:02
     238  Mike Newman          V55  12 Holmfirth                       1:38:06
     239  John Bell            V60   6 Ackworth                        1:38:10
     240  Ian Stancliffe               Ackworth                        1:38:11
     241  Stephen Wood                 Knavesmire                      1:38:13
     242  Trevor Willoughby    V45  31 Lytham St Annes                 1:38:24
     243  Graham Eames                 Unattached                      1:38:40
     244  Neil Bland           V45  32 Keighley & Craven               1:38:47
     245  John Devlin          V55  13 Todmorden                       1:38:48
     246  Dan Chalkley                 Unattached                      1:38:49
     247  David Hewitt         V45  33 Steel City Striders             1:39:03
     248  John Barker                  Unattached                      1:39:07
     249  John Johnson         V70   1 St Theresas                     1:39:18
     250  Paul Allen                   Unattached                      1:39:22
     251  Simon Dunkley                Unattached                      1:39:39
     252  Michael Childe       V40  51 Roberttown RR                   1:39:43
     253  Robert Knapp                 Roberttown RR                   1:39:43
     254  Kenneth Bingley      V65   4 Ackworth                        1:39:49
     255  Ian Christopherson   V50  18 Barnsley Harriers               1:39:51
     256  Robert Dakin         V50  19 Doncaster                       1:39:51
     257  John Lodge           V40  52 Unattached                      1:39:53
     258  John Cawley          V45  34 Baildon                         1:40:00
     259  Ishaq Fatani                 Unattached                      1:40:07
     260  Clive Diddall                Unattached                      1:40:08
     261  Tony Robertson       V40  53 Unattached                      1:40:09
     262  Neal Shotter         V45  35 Kirkstall Harriers              1:40:14
     263  Alistair Chapman             Unattached                      1:40:15
     264  Stephen Hargreaves           Unattached                      1:40:24
     265  Ken Barton           V50  20 Ackworth                        1:40:26
     266  Keith Dodsworth              Unattached                      1:40:33
     267  Brian Tull           V55  14 Darwen Dashers                  1:40:34
     268  Barry Sinar          V55  15 Ackworth                        1:40:40
     269  Bill Allsop          V55  16 Bell Harp Hornets               1:40:56
     270  David Wilson         V40  54 Unattached                      1:41:07
     271  Bob Wightman         V40  55 Unattached                      1:41:15
     272  Donald Priestley     V40  56 Unattached                      1:41:16
     273  David Parks          V55  17 Unattached                      1:41:22
     274  Clive Boothman       V50  21 Baildon                         1:41:28
     275  Darrell Kelly                Unattached                      1:41:40
     276  David Gill                   Denby Dale                      1:41:52
     277  Jack Bretherick      V60   7 Dewsbury                        1:41:55
     278  Andrew McBride               Unattached                      1:41:55
     279  Darren Wilson                Unattached                      1:42:11
     280  Stuart Gillespie             Oasis                           1:42:17
     281  David Taylor                 Unattached                      1:42:17
     282  Philip Trueman       V40  57 Kirkstall Harriers              1:42:22
     283  Simon Eastwood               Unattached                      1:42:22
     284  Michael Davis        V40  58 Rotherham Harriers              1:42:24
     285  Brian Pinder         V55  18 Unattached                      1:42:30
     286  David Bancroft       V45  36 Ackworth                        1:42:32
     287  Trevor Cotter        V45  37 Unattached                      1:42:33
     288  Graham Bagnall               Rothwell                        1:42:51
     289  Leslie Adams         V50  22 Ackworth                        1:42:54
     290  Andrew Edgar                 Kendal AC                       1:43:07
     291  Charles Weatherill   V45  38 Unattached                      1:43:14
     292  Peter Morgan         V50  23 Road Runners Club               1:43:19
     293  Martyn Gregson               Kirkstall Harriers              1:43:25
     294  Philip Stephenson            Unattached                      1:43:33
     295  Martin Grieg                 Unattached                      1:43:35
     296  Andrew Bennett       V45  39 Ackworth                        1:43:38
     297  Mark Rogers          V40  59 Unattached                      1:43:41
     298  Philip Duck                  Knavesmire                      1:43:44
     299  Alan Harman          V40  60 Mandale                         1:43:54
     300  Steven Hemingway     V40  61 Unattached                      1:43:59
     301  Peter Hey            V45  40 Kirkstall Harriers              1:44:00
     302  Brent Norton                 Unattached                      1:44:17
     303  Andrew Mitchell      V40  62 Bingley                         1:44:27
     304  Daniel Burke         V40  63 Rothwell                        1:44:32
     305  Stephen Hibbert              Unattached                      1:44:32
     306  Graham Guest                 Denby Dale                      1:44:38
     307  Eddy Senior          V55  19 Wombwell                        1:44:43
     308  Ian Meade            V50  24 Barnsley Harriers               1:44:43
     309  Ants Cossar                  Unattached                      1:44:45
     310  Michael Bednall      V45  41 Rothwell                        1:44:53
     311  Mathew Baldwin       V40  64 Dewsbury                        1:44:54
     312  Andrew Wilson                St Theresas                     1:45:15
     313  Barrie Bedford       V60   8 Barnsley Ac                     1:45:22
     314  Alan Tattersall      V40  65 Ackworth                        1:45:23
     315  Robert Pickard       V50  25 Hornsea                         1:45:25
     316  Andrew Whitehead             Unattached                      1:45:31
     317  Martyn Stearn        V45  42 Unattached                      1:45:35
     318  Philip West          V45  43 Baildon                         1:45:39
     319  Shaun Swallow                Barnsley Harriers               1:45:49
     320  Abdul Azid                   Fearnville RC                   1:46:02
     321  Andrew Jones         V45  44 Ackworth                        1:46:03
     322  Steve Martin         V40  66 Unattached                      1:46:05
     323  Andrew Alton                 Unattached                      1:46:05
     324  Richard Taylor       V45  45 Ackworth                        1:46:14
     325  Eric Nutter          V65   5 Ripon                           1:46:34
     326  Bandele Onafalujo            Unattached                      1:47:03
     327  Andrew McKinley              St Bedes                        1:47:05
     328  David Noble          V50  26 Baildon                         1:47:08
     329  Peter Andrews        V50  27 Denby Dale                      1:47:14
     330  Leslie Nevin         V45  46 Penny Lane                      1:47:17
     331  Jon Zigmond          V45  47 Unattached                      1:47:23
     332  Roy Barley           V50  28 Kippax                          1:47:29
     333  Philip Swann                 Unattached                      1:47:30
     334  David Rayner         V40  67 Kippax                          1:47:33
     335  Rob Tresidder        V55  20 Matlock                         1:47:36
     336  Gary Lunn                    Unattached                      1:47:38
     337  Trent Croxford               Unattached                      1:47:48
     338  Peter Johnson        V40  68 Trailrunners                    1:48:17
     339  Nigel Robinson               Unattached                      1:48:44
     340  Rob Barrington-Evans         Unattached                      1:48:56
     341  Frank Makison        V45  48 Steel City Striders             1:49:04
     342  Terence Kelly        V70   2 Fearnville RC                   1:49:19
     343  Matt Logan                   Unattached                      1:49:26
     344  Andrew Sutton                Unattached                      1:50:01
     345  John Dale            V60   9 Selby                           1:50:22
     346  Lionel Ward          V60  10 Unattached                      1:50:39
     347  Andrew Gardner       V45  49 St Theresas                     1:50:52
     348  Vince Ferrer         V45  50 Knavesmire                      1:51:17
     349  Robert Wardell               Unattached                      1:51:18
     350  Chris Worsfold               Unattached                      1:51:21
     351  Magnus Vandepeear            Pocklington Runners             1:51:26
     352  Mark Robinson                Unattached                      1:51:45
     353  Christopher Watts            Unattached                      1:51:54
     354  Kevin Toft                   Rothwell                        1:51:55
     355  Andrew Watts         V50  29 Wilmslow                        1:51:57
     356  Ian Dyson                    Unattached                      1:52:10
     357  Les Kitching         V50  30 Kippax                          1:52:15
     358  Stewart Haigh        V50  31 Ackworth                        1:52:23
     359  Nick Parr                    Unattached                      1:52:24
     360  Rae Willoughby       V50  32 Lytham St Annes                 1:52:55
     361  Andrew Moran         V40  69 Unattached                      1:52:56
     362  Dennis Slater        V65   6 Ackworth                        1:53:07
     363  Malcolm Marshall     V60  11 Rothwell                        1:53:09
     364  Dean Devine                  Unattached                      1:53:36
     365  Peter Barber         V45  51 Unattached                      1:53:55
     366  Malcolm Exley        V40  70 Unattached                      1:53:56
     367  Paul Eastham                 Unattached                      1:54:04
     368  Ian Heron                    Unattached                      1:54:20
     369  Robert Heron         V45  52 Unattached                      1:54:20
     370  Chris Waple          V45  53 Aldridge                        1:54:25
     371  Paul Guest                   Unattached                      1:54:34
     372  Alan Hunt            V65   7 Unattached                      1:54:44
     373  David Sutcliffe      V50  33 St Theresas                     1:55:07
     374  Ian Crane                    Rothwell                        1:55:10
     375  Glen Mitchell                Unattached                      1:55:15
     376  Michael Baker        V45  54 Ackworth                        1:55:34
     377  Lee Flinders                 Unattached                      1:55:38
     378  David Greenwood              Unattached                      1:55:47
     379  George Goddard       V50  34 Eccshill Running Club           1:55:53
     380  Ernie Hailwood       V55  21 Unattached                      1:55:53
     381  Mark Hoggard                 Unattached                      1:56:04
     382  Neil Watson          V45  55 Unattached                      1:56:07
     383  Alan Ingram          V40  71 Unattached                      1:56:25
     384  Keith Turton                 Unattached                      1:57:02
     385  Graham Jackson               Unattached                      1:57:07
     386  Peter Slater         V65   8 Northern Vets                   1:57:36
     387  William Tannahill    V45  56 Dewsbury                        1:57:37
     388  Ian Ellam            V40  72 Unattached                      1:57:53
     389  David Zaman                  Wakefield                       1:58:30
     390  Ian Vogan            V40  73 Unattached                      1:58:35
     391  Ian Howse                    Unattached                      1:58:38
     392  Mark Reynolds        V40  74 Unattached                      1:58:47
     393  James Oddy           V45  57 Bingley                         1:58:52
     394  Richard Fenn                 Unattached                      1:58:59
     395  Alan Nicholson       V50  35 Nidd Valley                     1:59:05
     396  Owen Gleadall        V55  22 Barnsley Harriers               1:59:22
     397  Stephen Norris               Unattached                      1:59:27
     398  Martin Sellars       V40  75 Beverley                        1:59:31
     399  Keith Fairs                  Unattached                      2:00:00
     400  Tony Dean            V50  36 Unattached                      2:00:29
     401  Alec Ratcliffe       V60  12 Keighley & Craven               2:02:19
     402 ?Andrew Harvey        V45  58 Unattached                      2:02:32
     403  Paul Adams           V50  37 Knavesmire                      2:03:31
     404  Robert Adamson       V45  59 Bingley                         2:03:45
     405  John Cain            V50  38 Unattached                      2:05:15
     406  Michael Moorhead     V40  76 Settle                          2:05:34
     407  Paul Kennedy                 Unattached                      2:05:53
     408  Adrian Booth                 Unattached                      2:06:45
     409  Richard Ogden                Spenborough                     2:07:23
     410  Robert Metcalfe      V50  39 Unattached                      2:08:17
     411  John Lane                    Unattached                      2:08:53
     412 ?Andrew Harvey        V45  60 Unattached                      2:08:53
     413  Tim Tribe            V55  23 Ripon                           2:09:21
     414  Peter Waterhouse     V70   3 Unattached                      2:13:03
     415  Adrian Dent          V50  40 Ackworth                        2:13:45
     416  Brian Mullens                Unattached                      2:13:52
     417  John Whiting         V50  41 Fearnville RC                   2:15:49
     418  John Coward          V50  42 Killamarsh                      2:16:09
     419  Robert Cooper                Unattached                      2:16:50
     420  Paul Morris          V50  43 Ackworth                        2:20:08
     421  David Preece         V55  24 Aldridge                        2:20:24
     422  Ian Wilkey           V55  25 Nidd Valley                     2:24:12
     423  John Burkhill        V60  13 Killamarsh                      2:27:04
     424  Graham Dawson        V60  14 Horsforth                       2:27:25
     425  Michael Barritt              Unattached                      2:28:44
     426  Mike Fletcher        V50  44 Unattached                      2:29:22
     427  Patrick Nesden       V45  61 Unattached                      2:29:44

Half Marathon - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Keighley & Craven                  27
                                 8  Lawrence Hellawell  
                                 9  Christopher Loftus  
                                10  Darren Brame        
  2  Otley                              43
                                 2  Ian Fisher          
                                19  Julian Mawson       
                                22  Mark Hall           
  3  Knavesmire                         69
                                15  Andy Capel          
                                25  Neil Strange        
                                29  Andy Bissell        
  4  Bingley                            77
                                12  John Convery        
                                13  Stewart Macdonald   
                                52  Graham Smith        
  5  Pocklington Runners                78
                                17  Simon Richardson    
                                26  Ian Walton          
                                35  Michael Siddall     
  6  Rothwell                           90
                                24  Philip Kirwin       
                                32  Ryan Barker         
                                34  Darren Walker       
  7  Spenborough                       103
                                16  Anthony Bradford    
                                36  Anthony Collins     
                                51  Steven Moss         
  8  Holmfirth                         104
                                 1  David Watson        
                                37  Alistair Rees       
                                66  Daryl Shaw          
  9  Ackworth                          107
                                 3  Ian Malone          
                                49  Craig Scargill      
                                55  Ian Walker          
 10  Wakefield                         152
                                18  Steve Tibbs         
                                63  Tony White          
                                71  Mark Domaille       
 11  Askern                            194
                                 5  David Bond          
                                92  Andrew Goodair      
                                97  Tony Vout           
 12  Halifax                           195
                                54  John Greenwood      
                                58  Mark Crabtree       
                                83  Michael Fryer       
 13  Dewsbury                          204
                                50  Roger Tolson        
                                68  Gary Johnson        
                                86  Peter Hill          
 14  Horsforth                         235
                                40  Stephen Thirkell    
                                80  Steve Large         
                               115  Steve Wood          
 15  Leeds City                        236
                                31  Philip Townsend     
                                99  Janek Popiolek      
                               106  Malcolm Brine       
 16  Steel City Striders               241
                                20  John Kerr           
                                96  Dave Birch          
                               125  Richard Rands       
 17  Barnsley Harriers                 307
                                73  Geoff Hayes         
                                75  Shaun Clarkson      
                               159  Stephen Rouse       
 18  Altrincham                        309
                                 4  David Norman        
                               130  John Dwyer          
                               175  Neil Goldsmith      
 19  Barnsley Ac                       323
                               105  David Bennett       
                               107  Graham McCormick    
                               111  Dean Wallace        
 20  St Bedes                          328
                                67  Will Kerr           
                                94  Harry McGill        
                               167  Mike Mahoney        
 21  Lytham St Annes                   363
                                84  David Dunn          
                               122  Derek Flanagan      
                               157  David Rigby         
 22  Ilkley Harriers                   378
                               116  Geoffrey Howard     
                               124  Peter Shields       
                               138  Keith Wood          
 23  Road Runners Club                 441
                               108  Brant Taylor        
                               144  Jim Davies          
                               189  Terry Preston       
 24  Kippax                            443
                                64  Neil Haggas         
                               131  Lionel Theobald     
                               248  Roy Barley          
 25  Oasis                             499
                               134  Paul Maskell        
                               151  Gary Colley         
                               214  Stuart Gillespie    
 26  St Theresas                       509
                                76  Christopher Gill    
                               199  John Johnson        
                               234  Andrew Wilson       
 27  Denby Dale                        534
                                93  Michael Collinson   
                               212  David Gill          
                               229  Graham Guest        
 28  Baildon                           597
                               181  Philip Jones        
                               205  John Cawley         
                               211  Clive Boothman      
 29  Kirkstall Harriers                643
                               206  Neal Shotter        
                               215  Philip Trueman      
                               222  Martyn Gregson      
 30  Fearnville RC                     649
                               156  Phil Monaghan       
                               240  Abdul Azid          
                               253  Terence Kelly       
 31  Nidd Valley                       683
                               121  Pete Willis         
                               274  Alan Nicholson      
                               288  Ian Wilkey          

Half Marathon - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Sarah Massey         L     1 Unattached                      1:22:50
       2  Ruth Whitehead       L     2 Bingley                         1:24:15
       3  Vanessa Mulholland   L     3 Altrincham                      1:25:05
       4  Jacqueline Howlett   L35   1 Hallamshire                     1:26:07
       5  Sue Cariss           L50   1 Bingley                         1:26:16
       6  Monique Hollinshead  L     6 Dewsbury                        1:26:30
       7  Treena Carney        L35   2 Dewsbury                        1:26:37
       8  Annette Bell         L35   3 Lincoln Wellington AC           1:27:14
       9  Sue Becconsall       L40   1 Todmorden                       1:27:17
      10  Kay Leigh            L40   2 Todmorden                       1:27:18
      11  Susan Garrod         L45   1 Goole Viking Striders           1:27:31
      12  Dawn Gibbs           L45   2 Nestle Rowntree                 1:27:59
      13  Vicki Perry          L40   3 Altrincham                      1:28:32
      14  Christine Jeannette  L35   4 Pocklington Runners             1:28:51
      15  Karen Richardson     L    15 Ackworth                        1:29:16
      16  Amanda Clarke        L    16 Knavesmire                      1:29:29
      17  Fiona Strange        L    17 Knavesmire                      1:29:44
      18  Louise Rosindale     L45   3 Baildon                         1:29:51
      19  Lisa Wilyman         L    19 Valley Striders                 1:30:33
      20  Jacqueline France    L35   5 Holmfirth                       1:30:45
      21  Katherine Harvey     L40   4 Altrincham                      1:30:49
      22  Marie Hart           L40   5 Horsforth                       1:31:09
      23  Julie Barley         L35   6 Kippax                          1:31:54
      24  Carole Waterhouse    L35   7 Halifax                         1:32:26
      25  Dawn Fletcher        L40   6 Doncaster                       1:33:01
      26  Nicola Wilde         L40   7 Horsforth                       1:33:14
      27  Andrea Wardle        L    27 Ackworth                        1:33:48
      28  Christine McCarthy   L40   8 Kippax                          1:34:17
      29  Debby Farrington     L40   9 Rothwell                        1:34:48
      30  Christine Shouksmith L40  10 Knavesmire                      1:35:06
      31  Faye Banks           L    31 Unattached                      1:35:09
      32  Linda Clarkson       L    32 Darwen Dashers                  1:35:14
      33  Ruby Lavender        L40  11 Barnsley Ac                     1:35:21
      34  Linda Westlake       L40  12 Barnsley Ac                     1:35:24
      35  Catherine Nevin      L45   4 Penny Lane                      1:35:47
      36  Jeanette Thomas      L35   8 Dewsbury                        1:36:00
      37  Patsy Fenelon        L50   2 Goole Viking Striders           1:36:04
      38  Janet Potter         L45   5 Bridlington                     1:36:17
      39  Helen Dinsdale       L35   9 Halifax                         1:36:29
      40  Estelle Brown        L35  10 Pudsey & Bramley AC             1:37:29
      41  Alison Titterington  L40  13 North Fylde                     1:37:51
      42  Veronica Mackley     L40  14 Knavesmire                      1:38:03
      43  Denise Green         L35  11 Rothwell                        1:38:22
      44  Jane Ward            L    44 Ackworth                        1:39:10
      45  Gillian Russell      L    45 Knavesmire                      1:40:09
      46  Linda Walker         L35  12 Wakefield                       1:40:42
      47  Beth Massey          L    47 Otley                           1:40:53
      48  Jan Settle           L35  13 Spenborough                     1:40:54
      49  Jayne Herbert        L35  14 Wombwell                        1:40:57
      50  Jane Clegg           L    50 Rothwell                        1:41:02
      51  Janet Beecroft       L35  15 Rothwell                        1:41:03
      52  Katrina Eyre         L    52 Unattached                      1:41:27
      53  Janet Davis          L45   6 Ackworth                        1:41:32
      54  Fiona Bretherick     L    54 West Yorks Police               1:41:50
      55  Rachel Belk          L    55 Unattached                      1:42:35
      56  Gillian Burnell      L50   3 Rothwell                        1:42:58
      57  Carol Willgoose      L40  15 Halifax                         1:43:50
      58  Anne Bennett         L50   4 Barnsley Ac                     1:44:00
      59  Alison Butterworth   L    59 W.Y.D.D.A.                      1:44:32
      60  Pat Boden            L45   7 Knavesmire                      1:44:52
      61  Julie Knight         L40  16 Meltham                         1:45:36
      62  Jean Davey           L40  17 Horsforth                       1:45:41
      63  Linda Foster         L40  18 Barnsley Harriers               1:45:49
      64  Louise Jones         L    64 Unattached                      1:46:06
      65  Sheila King          L35  16 Unattached                      1:46:26
      66  Susan Trimnall       L35  17 Barnsley Harriers               1:46:28
      67  Amanda Seims         L    67 Unattached                      1:47:44
      68  Fiona Murphy         L40  19 Halifax                         1:49:11
      69  Julie Brown          L40  20 Barnsley Ac                     1:49:41
      70  Lisa Foreman         L    70 Rothwell                        1:50:01
      71  Ann Bath             L50   5 Kippax                          1:50:06
      72  Carin Van            L40  21 Doorn Valley Striders           1:50:15
      73  Lorraine Jackson     L    73 Knavesmire                      1:51:17
      74  Catherine Berry      L    74 Ackworth                        1:51:20
      75  Paula Richardson     L    75 Ackworth                        1:52:00
      76  Shirley Booth        L35  18 Unattached                      1:52:04
      77  Christine Middleton  L50   6 West End R                      1:52:12
      78  Shirley Quarmby      L    78 St Bedes                        1:52:14
      79  Dalma Gardner        L    79 Unattached                      1:52:29
      80  Cheryl Wilkes        L50   7 Horsforth                       1:52:42
      81  Mandy Grouse         L35  19 Unattached                      1:52:57
      82  Julie Grogan         L40  22 Rothwell                        1:53:35
      83  Karen Waple          L40  23 Aldridge                        1:54:25
      84  Andrea Simpson       L35  20 Rothwell                        1:54:55
      85  J Len                L    85 Abbey Runners                   1:55:03
      86  Sonia Hewitt         L40  24 Barnsley Harriers               1:55:08
      87  Julie Greenwood      L    87 Unattached                      1:55:39
      88  Margaret Ingram      L40  25 Unattached                      1:56:25
      89  Carmel Parker        L40  26 Knavesmire                      1:56:33
      90  Patricia Hawkins     L35  21 Knavesmire                      1:56:35
      91  Hilary Wharam        L55   1 Horsforth                       1:56:44
      92  Phyllis Kitson       L55   2 Horsforth                       1:56:54
      93  Roz Wood             L40  27 Rothwell                        1:57:13
      94  Christine Hall       L40  28 Ackworth                        1:58:15
      95  Cheryl Grinstead     L40  29 Skyrac                          1:58:58
      96  Fiona Chubb          L    96 Unattached                      1:59:17
      97  Carole Rimmington    L40  30 Beverley                        1:59:31
      98  Lynn Haddon          L35  22 Ackworth                        1:59:37
      99  Erika Henson         L    99 Unattached                      1:59:39
     100  Sarah Lacey          L35  23 Rothwell                        1:59:46
     101  Catherine Hutchinson L   101 Unattached                      2:00:41
     102  Lynne Fallon         L45   8 St Theresas                     2:00:56
     103  Ann Upton            L40  31 St Bedes                        2:01:01
     104  Wendy Sargeant       L45   9 Aldridge                        2:01:23
     105  Linda Roper          L50   8 Denby Dale                      2:01:49
     106  Jaqueline Tennant    L35  24 Unattached                      2:02:22
     107  Heather Wells        L35  25 Lytham St Annes                 2:02:23
     108  Brenda Jackson       L40  32 Unattached                      2:02:32
     109  Rachel Mann          L40  33 Unattached                      2:02:59
     110  Anne Hewitt          L50   9 Spectrum Striders               2:04:11
     111  Susan Adams          L45  10 Knavesmire                      2:04:17
     112  Linda Mackenzie      L   112 Ackworth                        2:04:21
     113  Jennifer Giles       L   113 Unattached                      2:04:59
     114  Alison Bull          L   114 Unattached                      2:04:59
     115  Sally Howdle         L   115 Unattached                      2:05:15
     116  Amanda Parry         L   116 St Bedes                        2:05:22
     117  Sophie Delaney       L   117 Unattached                      2:05:57
     118  Julia Eddy           L   118 Unattached                      2:12:41
     119  Phyl Wilson          L60   1 Road Runners Club               2:13:28
     120  Margaret Dent        L50  10 Ackworth                        2:13:44
     121  Karen Roe            L40  34 Unattached                      2:14:35
     122  Jean Snelling        L60   2 Knavesmire                      2:15:24
     123  Ingrid Sugden        L45  11 Knavesmire                      2:15:24
     124  Claire Lavis         L   124 Unattached                      2:16:16
     125  Kim Crockett         L40  35 Halifax                         2:16:23
     126  Marlene Wood         L65   1 Ackworth                        2:17:26
     127  Sarah Robinson       L   127 Ackworth                        2:20:06
     128  Lesley Parker        L40  36 Denby Dale                      2:22:01
     129  Rachel Gray          L35  26 Barnsley Harriers               2:22:06
     130  Sarah Tock           L   130 Beverley                        2:22:39

Half Marathon - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Altrincham                         34
                                 2  Vanessa Mulholland  
                                12  Vicki Perry         
                                20  Katherine Harvey    
  2  Dewsbury                           45
                                 5  Monique Hollinshead 
                                 6  Treena Carney       
                                34  Jeanette Thomas     
  3  Knavesmire                         60
                                15  Amanda Clarke       
                                16  Fiona Strange       
                                29  Christine Shouksmith
  4  Ackworth                           82
                                14  Karen Richardson    
                                26  Andrea Wardle       
                                42  Jane Ward           
  5  Horsforth                         104
                                21  Marie Hart          
                                25  Nicola Wilde        
                                58  Jean Davey          
  6  Halifax                           113
                                23  Carole Waterhouse   
                                37  Helen Dinsdale      
                                53  Carol Willgoose     
  7  Kippax                            113
                                22  Julie Barley        
                                27  Christine McCarthy  
                                64  Ann Bath            
  8  Rothwell                          117
                                28  Debby Farrington    
                                41  Denise Green        
                                48  Jane Clegg          
  9  Barnsley Ac                       117
                                31  Ruby Lavender       
                                32  Linda Westlake      
                                54  Anne Bennett        
 10  Barnsley Harriers                 195
                                59  Linda Foster        
                                60  Susan Trimnall      
                                76  Sonia Hewitt        
 11  St Bedes                          253
                                70  Shirley Quarmby     
                                88  Ann Upton           
                                95  Amanda Parry        

Results © copyright G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2001