The Uttoxeter Half Marathon

at Uttoxeter on Sunday 1st May 2011

Uttoxeter -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ben Gamble                   Tipton AC                       1:11:46
       2  James Clark                  Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:18:26
       3  Matthew Woodman              Stafford Harriers               1:18:55
       4  Darren Perry                 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:19:41
       5  Craig Jeffery                Staffs Moorlands AC             1:20:22
       6  Chris Millett                Unattached                      1:20:43
       7  Carl Moulton                 Boalloy                         1:21:34
       8  Gordy Smith          V40   1 Hatton Darts                    1:21:37
       9  Russell Barron               Stafford Harriers               1:22:03
      10  Kelvin Amos          V50   1 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:22:30
      11  Brian Stout          V40   2 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:22:42
      12  Thomas Orton                 Tamworth AC                     1:23:00
      13  Dave Williams        V50   2 Tamworth AC                     1:23:15
      14  Steve Vaughan                Stafford Harriers               1:23:41
      15  Anthony Harper               Hatton Darts                    1:24:04
      16  Matt Driver          JM    1 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:24:15
      17  Stuart Douglas       V40   3 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:24:24
      18  Roger Grand                  Trentham RC                     1:24:58
      19  Daz Ward                     Cheadle RC                      1:25:07
      20  David O'Farrell      JM    2 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:25:41
      21  Paul Jurczuk         V55   1 Unattached                      1:25:59
      22  Matthew Wagstaffe    V40   4 Hatton Darts                    1:26:14
      23  Alistair Chambers    V45   1 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:26:48
      24  Andrew Mayers        V40   5 South Cheshire Harriers         1:26:59
      25  Paul Burslem         V45   2 Trentham RC                     1:27:16
      26  Mandy Vernon         L40   1 Trentham RC                     1:27:29
      27  Craig Taylor                 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:27:45
      28  Julian Goodwin       V40   6 Boalloy                         1:28:37
      29  James Walker                 Shelton Striders                1:28:41
      30  Paul Douglas         V55   2 Stafford Harriers               1:28:50
      31  Stanislaw Knopik     V45   3 Hatton Darts                    1:29:04
      32  Ian Talbot                   Stafford Harriers               1:29:07
      33  Kevin Burke          V50   3 Stourbridge                     1:29:10
      34  Matthew Glover               Unattached                      1:29:16
      35  Nigel Elson                  Hatton Darts                    1:29:36
      36  James Holland                Stone Master Marathoners        1:29:37
      37  Adam Brannon                 Sneyd Striders                  1:29:40
      38  Andrew Battye        V55   3 Woodstock Harriers              1:29:43
      39  Richard Walsh                Worcester AC                    1:29:44
      40  Sean Wilson                  Bearbrook RC                    1:29:46
      41  Michelle Buckle      L35   1 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:29:59
      42  Peter Carvell                Unattached                      1:30:04
      43  Russell Williams     V50   4 Cheadle RC                      1:30:25
      44  Chris Moss           V40   7 Congleton Harriers              1:30:29
      45  Ian Wood             V45   4 Oak Park RC                     1:30:56
      46  Christopher Bascombe         Staffs Moorlands AC             1:31:12
      47  Stephen Deegan       V40   8 Tamworth AC                     1:31:16
      48  Geoff Farmer         V60   1 Oak Park RC                     1:31:41
      49  Keith Skelton        V45   5 Stafford Harriers               1:31:44
      50  Carl Wiliams         V45   6 Boalloy                         1:31:53
      51  Gareth Morgan                Unattached                      1:31:56
      52  Ruth WatchornRice    L40   2 Cheadle RC                      1:32:07
      53  Guy AartseTuyn       V45   7 Mow Cop                         1:32:40
      54  Naomi Warr           L     4 Hatton Darts                    1:32:55
      55  Lee Plimley                  Cheadle RC                      1:33:03
      56  Neil Jones           V40   9 South Cheshire Harriers         1:33:13
      57  David Wilson                 Whitchurch Whippets             1:33:21
      58  Gareth Brown                 Unattached                      1:33:24
      59  Amin Naeini                  Unattached                      1:33:40
      60  Paul Hancock         V40  10 South Cheshire Harriers         1:34:07
      61  Simon Hardiman               Unattached                      1:34:14
      62  David Gilman         V45   8 Hatton Darts                    1:34:30
      63  John Corbett         V60   2 Unattached                      1:34:52
      64  Deborah Thomas       L     5 Trentham RC                     1:35:07
      65  Stan Winterton       V65   1 Trentham RC                     1:35:23
      66  Spencer Davies       V40  11 Telford AC                      1:35:28
      67  Neil Stretton        V55   4 Oak Park RC                     1:35:32
      68  Chris Mosiuk                 Trentham RC                     1:36:23
      69  Steve Parsonage      V45   9 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:36:27
      70  Robert Iredian               Manchester Ymca Harriers        1:36:37
      71  Mark Bentley         V45  10 Stafford Harriers               1:36:56
      72  Lee Jones            V40  12 Trentham RC                     1:36:59
      73  Steve Leafe          V50   5 South Derbyshire RR             1:37:03
      74  Chris Skellern       L45   1 Stafford Harriers               1:37:07
      75  Alex McCormick       V45  11 Congleton Harriers              1:37:13
      76  Kenneth Bloor        V50   6 Trentham RC                     1:37:24
      77  Andrew Grigg         V45  12 Hatton Darts                    1:37:36
      78  Andrew Stephens      JM    3 Boalloy                         1:37:45
      79  Mark Eccleston       V40  13 Stafford Harriers               1:37:53
      80  Ricchard Lowndes     V40  14 Stafford Tri                    1:37:57
      81  Mark Bridgwood               Stafford Harriers               1:38:03
      82  Bryn Machin                  Manchester Ymca Harriers        1:38:06
      83  Robert Tabbanor      V50   7 Trentham RC                     1:38:14
      84  Alex Black-Roberts   JM    4 Unattached                      1:38:20
      85  Andy Baines-Davies           Staffs Moorlands AC             1:38:27
      86  Paul Mellor          V40  15 Hatton Darts                    1:38:34
      87  Liam Johnson                 Unattached                      1:38:37
      88  Derek Bolton         V50   8 Tamworth AC                     1:38:44
      89  John Cooke           V55   5 Stone Master Marathoners        1:38:49
      90  Michael Carr         V45  13 Unattached                      1:38:50
      91  Mick Beardmore       V60   3 Cheadle RC                      1:39:13
      92  Roland Meylan        V40  16 Buxton AC                       1:39:16
      93  Chris Gunstone       V50   9 South Derbyshire RR             1:39:19
      94  Nick James           V50  10 Unattached                      1:39:23
      95  Grahame Cope         V40  17 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:39:30
      96  David Heath                  Unattached                      1:39:41
      97  Jon Mayman           V40  18 South Derbyshire RR             1:39:46
      98  Ian Crompton         V45  14 Shelton Striders                1:40:05
      99  Gary Jones                   Michelin AC                     1:40:06
     100  Daniel Peel                  Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:40:07
     101  Nicola Lavin         L35   2 Road Runners                    1:40:16
     102  Paul Broadhurst      V40  19 Sneyd Striders                  1:40:17
     103  Claire Calladine     L35   3 Hatton Darts                    1:40:34
     104  Steven Locker        V55   6 Trentham RC                     1:40:39
     105  Martin Yeomans       V45  15 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:40:44
     106  John Guest           V50  11 Trentham RC                     1:40:57
     107  Ian Hall             V45  16 Amazing Feet RC                 1:41:06
     108  Ray Udall            V60   4 South Derbyshire RR             1:41:09
     109  Adrian Williamson    V40  20 Unattached                      1:41:37
     110  Gary Payne                   Trentham RC                     1:41:49
     111  Phil Chettle         V40  21 Telford Harriers                1:42:00
     112  Wayne Vaughan                Stafford Harriers               1:42:06
     113  Henry Maxwell        V50  12 Unattached                      1:42:10
     114  Melanie Young        L     9 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:42:13
     115  Leigh Harris                 Unattached                      1:42:20
     116  Brian Mackey         V65   2 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:42:22
     117  Ruth Umerah          L40   3 Stafford Harriers               1:42:26
     118  Pascale Holden       L35   4 Shelton Striders                1:42:34
     119  Adam Doig            V40  22 Stone Master Marathoners        1:42:51
     120  Nigel Holmes         V50  13 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:42:54
     121  Simon Gore                   Unattached                      1:43:01
     122  Sam Read             V40  23 Unattached                      1:43:19
     123  Lea Purcell                  Unattached                      1:43:22
     124  Thomas Heath                 Unattached                      1:43:23
     125  Phil Fortun                  Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:43:30
     126  Alan Lewis           V70   1 Trentham RC                     1:43:36
     127  Andrew Jeyes         V60   5 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:43:42
     128  Robert Sharratt      V50  14 Burton AC                       1:43:55
     129  Eddie Smith                  Stafford Harriers               1:43:58
     130  Kevin Milwain        V45  17 Shelton Striders                1:44:03
     131  Gavin Horton                 Unattached                      1:44:05
     132  Ben Cann             JM    5 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:44:15
     133  John Wood            V50  15 Michelin AC                     1:44:16
     134  Wendy Freeman        L45   2 Hatton Darts                    1:44:17
     135  Gillian Russon       L40   4 Cannock & Stafford AC           1:44:35
     136  Sally Kenny          L35   5 Cheadle RC                      1:44:36
     137  Emma Hallas          L    15 Hatton Darts                    1:44:40
     138  John Stone           V60   6 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:45:23
     139  Paul Rowlinson       V45  18 Unattached                      1:45:28
     140  Ken Pearson          V55   7 Trentham RC                     1:45:32
     141  Rosemary Wilson      L50   1 Trentham RC                     1:45:54
     142  Claudi Hammond-Price L    17 Manchester Ymca Harriers        1:45:59
     143  Michael Horton       V60   7 Nsrra                           1:46:00
     144  Dave Mann            V55   8 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:46:05
     145  Adam Briggs                  Unattached                      1:46:13
     146  Angela Jacquemart    L45   3 Staffs Moorlands AC             1:46:33
     147  Malcolm Moore        V55   9 South Derbyshire RR             1:46:38
     148  Andrew Dasey                 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:46:44
     149  Jonathan Gregson             Hatton Darts                    1:46:56
     150  Tim Vincent                  Unattached                      1:47:11
     151  Janet Baggaley       L45   4 Unattached                      1:47:28
     152  Chris Matthews               Hatton Darts                    1:47:32
     153  Adrian Lees          V40  24 Nsrra                           1:47:41
     154  Ian Harrison         V40  25 Unattached                      1:47:44
     155  Kate Briggs          L    20 Unattached                      1:47:53
     156  David Pickstock              Trentham RC                     1:48:06
     157  Strachan McCormick   JM    6 Unattached                      1:48:07
     158  Gaynor Sanders       L40   5 Unattached                      1:48:11
     159  Mat O'Connor         JM    7 Unattached                      1:48:16
     160  Jane Holt            L40   6 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:48:17
     161  Linda Cooke          L50   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:48:41
     162  Adrian Good          V45  19 Unattached                      1:49:24
     163  Bernard Wilkes       V55  10 Stafford Harriers               1:49:26
     164  Robin Eley           V40  26 Stafford Harriers               1:49:54
     165  Michael Darke        V45  20 Unattached                      1:49:56
     166  Graham Nolan         V40  27 Unattached                      1:50:01
     167  Moira Birch          L40   7 Shelton Striders                1:50:02
     168  Lynne Shepley        L55   1 Stone Master Marathoners        1:50:08
     169  David Keegan         V60   8 Shelton Striders                1:50:13
     170  Stephen Woods                Unattached                      1:50:15
     171  Matthew Wigfield             Unattached                      1:50:28
     172  Mark Griffiths               Manchester Ymca Harriers        1:50:33
     173  Sarah Pickford       L35   6 Ashbourne RC                    1:50:37
     174  Alan Jenkinson       V60   9 Styal Running Club              1:50:42
     175  Dot Fellows          L65   1 Cannock & Stafford AC           1:50:45
     176  David Preece         V50  16 Stafford Harriers               1:50:50
     177  Juneid Aslam                 Unattached                      1:50:51
     178  Carolyn Osborne      L45   5 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:51:00
     179  John Dunn            V60  10 Nsrra                           1:51:09
     180  Tim Matthews         V45  21 Hatton Darts                    1:51:12
     181  Miranda Clarke       L35   7 Manchester Ymca Harriers        1:51:27
     182  Mike Harrison        V45  22 Unattached                      1:51:28
     183  Colin Earp           V60  11 South Cheshire Harriers         1:51:29
     184  Earl Riggot-Smith    V45  23 Unattached                      1:51:30
     185  Fiona Wilson         L45   6 Macclesfield Harriers           1:51:32
     186  Rob Bright           V50  17 Larkfield AC                    1:51:36
     187  Jill Phillips        L45   7 Trentham RC                     1:51:47
     188  Nigel Symms          V45  24 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:51:50
     189  Charles Larsson      V40  28 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:51:50
     190  Greg Donald          V45  25 Unattached                      1:52:04
     191  Anthony Fowell       V40  29 Unattached                      1:52:07
     192  Richard Jaskot               Unattached                      1:52:07
     193  Paul Smith                   Hatton Darts                    1:52:10
     194  Andrew Constable     V50  18 Unattached                      1:52:21
     195  Duncan Robb          V50  19 Unattached                      1:52:25
     196  Catherine Clifford   L45   8 Shelton Striders                1:52:38
     197  Adam Carrier                 Unattached                      1:52:40
     198  Ruth Shaw            L40   8 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:52:54
     199  Julie Tooth          L40   9 Chase Harriers                  1:53:39
     200  Justin Smith                 Unattached                      1:53:43
     201  Annabel Wright       L40  10 Unattached                      1:53:56
     202  Beverley Noble       L40  11 Chase Harriers                  1:53:59
     203  Nicola Lomas         L35   8 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:54:03
     204  Wendy Wheawall       L40  12 Shelton Striders                1:54:16
     205  Jackie Kilding       L45   9 Congleton Harriers              1:54:18
     206  Stephen Tempest      V55  11 South Derbyshire RR             1:54:21
     207  Rachel Tweedie       L35   9 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:54:49
     208  Bill Stevenson       V45  26 Michelin AC                     1:54:58
     209  Martin Stirna        V55  12 South Cheshire Harriers         1:55:39
     210  Gerald Davis         V70   2 Stone Master Marathoners        1:55:48
     211  Anne Robinson        L35  10 Unattached                      1:55:52
     212  Gavin Chadwick               Rolls Royce Harriers            1:55:57
     213  Tristian Appleby             Unattached                      1:56:00
     214  Lisa Davies          L35  11 Unattached                      1:56:11
     215  Daniel Pheasant              Unattached                      1:56:36
     216  Chris Elsley         V40  30 Unattached                      1:56:40
     217  Andrew Dixon         V45  27 Unattached                      1:57:01
     218  Stephen Cotter       V45  28 Hatton Darts                    1:57:24
     219  Paul Woolridge       V50  20 Unattached                      1:57:36
     220  Trevor Holloway      V60  12 Blythe Bridge RC                1:57:39
     221  Carol Ann Sharratt   L50   3 Hatton Darts                    1:57:40
     222  Ann Williams         L45  10 Nsrra                           1:57:48
     223  Sarah Poole          L    45 Nsrra                           1:58:01
     224  Susan Hill           L45  11 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:58:06
     225  Trevor Goodwin       V70   3 Trentham RC                     1:58:30
     226  Teresa Talbott       L35  12 Ivanhoe Runners                 1:58:37
     227  Colin Pheasant       V55  13 Chase Harriers                  1:58:43
     228  Dawn Hilditch        L40  13 Unattached                      1:58:47
     229  Stephen Symons       V45  29 Manchester Ymca Harriers        1:58:52
     230  Oliver Clarke                Nsrra                           1:59:04
     231  Sue Barron           L45  12 Uttoxeter Road Runners          1:59:15
     232  Jeremy Pert          V40  31 Unattached                      1:59:33
     233  Belinda Riley        L50   4 Newcastle (staffs) AC           1:59:49
     234  Trevor Rickman       V50  21 South Derbyshire RR             1:59:51
     235  Michael Jones        V65   3 Stafford Harriers               1:59:56
     236  Derrick Wallis       V60  13 Ashbourne RC                    2:00:11
     237  Graham McLachlan             Unattached                      2:00:39
     238  Silke Krieger-Ford   L40  14 Shelton Striders                2:00:43
     239  Robert Findler       V50  22 Newcastle (staffs) AC           2:00:56
     240  Karen O'Toole        L35  13 Washlands Women                 2:01:41
     241  Jeff Martin          V50  23 Stafford Harriers               2:01:44
     242  Amanda Bradbury      L40  15 Ivanhoe Runners                 2:02:13
     243  Dan Hall                     Unattached                      2:02:17
     244  Claire Rowcliffe     L35  14 Unattached                      2:02:32
     245  Benjamin Bouvry              Unattached                      2:02:44
     246  Lucy Webb            L50   5 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:02:44
     247  Nigel Fisher         V45  30 Tamworth AC                     2:02:52
     248  Karen Murray         L    56 Stafford Harriers               2:03:00
     249  Nick Jones                   Unattached                      2:03:18
     250  Julia Holbrook       L40  16 Unattached                      2:04:00
     251  Honor Cann           L45  13 Uttoxeter Road Runners          2:04:12
     252  Jeremy Brookes               Unattached                      2:04:24
     253  Colin Wynne          V60  14 South Cheshire Harriers         2:04:41
     254  Carolyn Dyall        L    59 Shelton Striders                2:05:09
     255  Shaun Cooper                 Shelton Striders                2:05:10
     256  Richard Caley                Stafford Harriers               2:06:24
     257  Elizabeth Hall       L    60 Manchester Ymca Harriers        2:06:37
     258  Dave Onion           V70   4 Redhill Road Runners            2:06:52
     259  Tom Rogers           V45  31 Stafford Harriers               2:06:57
     260  Anne-Marie Mountford L35  15 Stone Master Marathoners        2:07:33
     261  Jane Bright          L60   1 Larkfield AC                    2:07:56
     262  Matthew Ashton               Unattached                      2:08:19
     263  Joanne Hayter        L40  17 Unattached                      2:09:35
     264  Ian Manners          V45  32 Manchester Ymca Harriers        2:09:57
     265  Emma Jane Clay       L    64 Unattached                      2:10:04
     266  Geoff Hardy          V50  24 Unattached                      2:10:09
     267  Carl Pate            V40  32 Unattached                      2:10:12
     268  Susan Baker          L50   6 Cheadle RC                      2:11:06
     269  Angela Gill          L40  18 North Derbyshire                2:11:21
     270  George Singh         V70   5 Stafford Harriers               2:11:50
     271  Janet Evans          L40  19 South Cheshire Harriers         2:13:03
     272  Jane Wade            L45  14 Hatton Darts                    2:13:59
     273  Nathan Plant                 Unattached                      2:14:20
     274  Jo AartseTuyn        L40  20 Mow Cop                         2:15:10
     275  Andrew Evans                 Unattached                      2:17:20
     276  Bill Whitworth       V65   4 Stafford Harriers               2:17:24
     277  Claire Valentine     L    70 Stone Master Marathoners        2:17:33
     278  Vikki Johnson        L    71 Tamworth AC                     2:19:27
     279  Ruth Matthews        L40  21 Washlands Women                 2:22:24
     280  Anne Devenney        L35  16 Tamworth AC                     2:22:40
     281  Sharon Minshall      L45  15 Washlands Women                 2:23:51
     282  Debbie Reed          L40  22 Unattached                      2:24:42
     283  Sara Broome          L45  16 Stafford Harriers               2:27:05
     284  Denise Rogers        L45  17 Stafford Harriers               2:27:35
     285  Lauren McCarron      L    78 Unattached                      2:31:55
     286  Rachel Crook         L    79 Unattached                      2:35:39
     287  Frank Grant          V70   6 Stafford Harriers               2:39:00
     288  Andrew Butterworth           Unattached                      2:39:33
     289  Judith Colman        L55   2 Stafford Harriers               2:39:52
     290  Hazel Barlow         L50   7 Michelin AC                     2:40:02
     291  Kailey Woolley       L    82 Unattached                      2:44:26
     292  Matthew Baldwin      JM    8 Unattached                      2:46:46
     293  Hayley Donsett       L    83 Unattached                      2:57:15
     294  David Walker         L    84 Unattached                      3:09:41
     295  Shane Veitch         JM    9 Unattached                      3:14:42
     296  Jayne Hall           L35  17 Unattached                      3:16:08
     297  Ca Hammond-Whittaker L    86 Unattached                      3:16:22
     298  Linda Hammond        L55   3 Unattached                      3:16:23

Uttoxeter - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Stafford Harriers                  51
                                 3  Matthew Woodman     
                                 8  Russell Barron      
                                13  Steve Vaughan       
                                27  Paul Douglas        
  2  Staffs Moorlands AC                58
                                 4  Darren Perry        
                                 5  Craig Jeffery       
                                 9  Kelvin Amos         
                                40  Christopher Bascombe
  3  Hatton Darts                       69
                                 7  Gordy Smith         
                                14  Anthony Harper      
                                20  Matthew Wagstaffe   
                                28  Stanislaw Knopik    
  4  Ivanhoe Runners                   130
                                10  Brian Stout         
                                16  Stuart Douglas      
                                21  Alistair Chambers   
                                83  Martin Yeomans      
  5  Tamworth AC                       135
                                11  Thomas Orton        
                                12  Dave Williams       
                                41  Stephen Deegan      
                                71  Derek Bolton        
  6  Boalloy                           138
                                 6  Carl Moulton        
                                25  Julian Goodwin      
                                44  Carl Wiliams        
                                63  Andrew Stephens     
  7  Trentham RC                       145
                                17  Roger Grand         
                                23  Paul Burslem        
                                51  Stan Winterton      
                                54  Chris Mosiuk        
  8  Uttoxeter Road Runners            152
                                 2  James Clark         
                                19  David O'Farrell     
                                55  Steve Parsonage     
                                76  Grahame Cope        
  9  Cheadle RC                        174
                                18  Daz Ward            
                                37  Russell Williams    
                                46  Lee Plimley         
                                73  Mick Beardmore      
 10  Newcastle (staffs) AC             225
                                15  Matt Driver         
                                24  Craig Taylor        
                                80  Daniel Peel         
                               106  Andrew Dasey        
 11  South Cheshire Harriers           237
                                22  Andrew Mayers       
                                47  Neil Jones          
                                49  Paul Hancock        
                               119  Colin Earp          
 12  South Derbyshire RR               297
                                59  Steve Leafe         
                                75  Chris Gunstone      
                                77  Jon Mayman          
                                86  Ray Udall           
 13  Shelton Striders                  315
                                26  James Walker        
                                78  Ian Crompton        
                                98  Kevin Milwain       
                               113  David Keegan        
 14  Stone Master Marathoners          322
                                32  James Holland       
                                72  John Cooke          
                                91  Adam Doig           
                               127  Gerald Davis        
 15  Manchester Ymca Harriers          370
                                56  Robert Iredian      
                                67  Bryn Machin         
                               114  Mark Griffiths      
                               133  Stephen Symons      
 16  Nsrra                             463
                               103  Michael Horton      
                               109  Adrian Lees         
                               117  John Dunn           
                               134  Oliver Clarke       

Uttoxeter - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Hatton Darts                       39
                                 4  Naomi Warr          
                                 8  Claire Calladine    
                                12  Wendy Freeman       
                                15  Emma Hallas         
  2  Trentham RC                        50
                                 1  Mandy Vernon        
                                 5  Deborah Thomas      
                                16  Rosemary Wilson     
                                28  Jill Phillips       
  3  Newcastle (staffs) AC              63
                                 2  Michelle Buckle     
                                 9  Melanie Young       
                                19  Jane Holt           
                                33  Nicola Lomas        
  4  Shelton Striders                   95
                                11  Pascale Holden      
                                21  Moira Birch         
                                29  Catherine Clifford  
                                34  Wendy Wheawall      
  5  Stafford Harriers                 128
                                 6  Chris Skellern      
                                10  Ruth Umerah         
                                48  Karen Murray        
                                64  Sara Broome         
  6  Ivanhoe Runners                   142
                                25  Carolyn Osborne     
                                30  Ruth Shaw           
                                41  Teresa Talbott      
                                46  Amanda Bradbury     
  7  Stone Master Marathoners          153
                                20  Linda Cooke         
                                22  Lynne Shepley       
                                52  Anne-Marie Mountford
                                59  Claire Valentine    
  8  Uttoxeter Road Runners            178
                                40  Susan Hill          
                                42  Sue Barron          
                                47  Lucy Webb           
                                49  Honor Cann          

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2011