The Royal Childrens Hospital Half Marathon

at Swinton on Sunday 28th September 2008


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Ben Fish                     Blackburn Harriers & Ac         1:07:51
       2  Mark Russell         V40   1 Bolton Tri Club                 1:14:10
       3  Robert Jackson       V40   2 Horwich R M I Harriers          1:14:29
       4  Ben Riddell                  Radcliffe Ac                    1:15:24
       5  William Martin               Salford Harriers                1:15:57
       6  Darren Moran                 Salford Harriers                1:16:11
       7  Dominic Raby                 Chorley Harriers                1:16:25
       8  David Lockett                Salford Harriers                1:16:35
       9  Leykun Amde                  Salford Harriers                1:16:36
      10  Gary Matthews        V45   1 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC      1:18:34
      11  Peter Chan           V40   3 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:19:06
      12  Lee Wilkinson                Stockport Harriers & Ac         1:19:26
      13  Ian McIlwee                  Unattached                      1:19:30
      14  Keith Johnston               Chorley Harriers                1:19:53
      15  Shaun Moran          V45   2 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:19:54
      16  Steve Nolan          V45   3 Horwich R M I Harriers          1:19:55
      17  Mark Dodd                    Ellesmere Port Rc               1:19:56
      18  Steve Campbell               Swinton Running Club            1:20:31
      19  Mark Summerville     V40   4 Unattached                      1:20:35
      20  Jonathan Sacks               Salford Harriers                1:21:18
      21  Chris Marshall       V40   5 Ellesmere Port Rc               1:22:00
      22  Mark ???             V40   6 Chorley Harriers                1:22:04
      23  Mike Neary           V55   1 Horwich R M I Harriers          1:22:48
      24  Gary Cassidy                 Altrincham & District Ac        1:23:35
      25  Russell Barronn              Chorley Harriers                1:23:53
      26  Scott Christey       V40   7 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:24:10
      27  Keith Thomas         V50   1 Lostock Ac                      1:24:25
      28  Bev Jenkins          L35   1 Salford Harriers                1:25:01
      29  Tony Flanagan        V40   8 Swinton Running Club            1:25:13
      30  Graham Chesters      V45   4 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:25:35
      31  Simon Ford                   Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:25:47
      32  David Burke          V55   2 Swinton Running Club            1:26:23
      33  Barry Greaves        V50   2 Royton Road Runners             1:26:32
      34  Malcolm Bostock      V45   5 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:26:42
      35  Stan Curran          V60   1 Salford Harriers                1:27:08
      36  Wayne Roberts        V40   9 Spectrum Striders               1:27:12
      37  Roy Tomlinson        V45   6 Unattached                      1:27:12
      38  Andy Wright          V40  10 Unattached                      1:27:58
      39  Paul Hurst                   Unattached                      1:28:11
      40  Craig Bradbury               Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:28:24
      41  Dan Sate                     Manchester Tri Club             1:28:34
      42  Chris Lomax          V40  11 Swinton Running Club            1:28:39
      43  Paul Jackson         V40  12 Chorley Harriers                1:28:44
      44  Shane Wolstencroft           Salford Metropolitan Ac         1:28:48
      45  Stewart Jones        V45   7 Lostock Ac                      1:28:50
      46  Sean Cordell         V40  13 Salford Harriers                1:28:53
      47  Jacqueline Redmayne  L35   2 Chorley Harriers                1:28:56
      48  Peter Mulleady       V45   8 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:29:06
      49  Tony Holt            V45   9 Radcliffe Ac                    1:29:44
      50  Jason Bennett                Ellesmere Port Rc               1:29:44
      51  Stephen Rigg                 Unattached                      1:29:54
      52  Charlotte Finch      L     3 Wigan Phoenix                   1:30:02
      53  Danny Fegan          V40  14 St Helens Striders              1:30:18
      54  Gordon Johnston              Salford Metropolitan Ac         1:30:44
      55  Andy Farley          V50   3 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC      1:30:52
      56  Tom Kasprowicz       V40  15 Road Runners Club               1:31:04
      57  Colin Payne                  Unattached                      1:31:16
      58  Mark Hadfield                Middleton Harriers Ac           1:31:19
      59  Peter White                  Salford Metropolitan Ac         1:31:38
      60  Tim Murphy           V40  16 Spectrum Striders               1:31:43
      61  Steve Eldridge               Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:31:55
      62  Paul Jackson         V40  17 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:32:05
      63  Steven Vasiliou      V45  10 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:32:36
      64  Steve Foster         V45  11 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:32:45
      65  Andrew Nightingale           Wigan Phoenix                   1:32:53
      66  Lee Farnell                  Unattached                      1:32:57
      67  Annette Bowden       L35   3 Holme Valley Ac                 1:33:00
      68  Richard Waring       V40  18 Swinton Running Club            1:33:33
      69  Adrian Loughrey      V40  19 Penny Lane Striders             1:33:53
      70  Robert Kellett       V40  20 Royton Road Runners             1:33:56
      71  Tom Daniels          V60   2 Salford Harriers                1:34:02
      72  Caroline Hemming     L40   1 Spectrum Striders               1:34:10
      73  Chris Brierley       V50   4 Unattached                      1:34:12
      74  Carl Balshaw                 Horwich R M I Harriers          1:34:14
      75  Duncan North         V45  12 Swinton Running Club            1:34:18
      76  James Matthews               Chorley Harriers                1:34:25
      77  Chris Nightingale            Wigan Phoenix                   1:34:29
      78  Ian Blunt                    Unattached                      1:34:30
      79  Gary Doodson                 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC      1:34:31
      80  Alan Jeavans         V60   3 Unattached                      1:34:33
      81  Helen Welch          L35   4 Unattached                      1:34:37
      82  Gareth Davidson              Unattached                      1:34:40
      83  Nicola Raby          L40   2 Chorley Harriers                1:34:46
      84  Ian Crabtree         V40  21 Chorley Harriers                1:34:46
      85  Mark Nevin                   Unattached                      1:35:14
      86  Terry Gardiner       V45  13 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:35:15
      87  Craig Little                 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:35:16
      88  Joanne Iborra        L     8 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:35:17
      89  John Naylor          V40  22 Gt Manchester Fire Service Aa   1:35:41
      90  Nick Haywood                 Vale Royal Ac                   1:36:10
      91  Koos Rademaker       V60   4 A.v. Triatlon Amersfoort        1:36:16
      92  Jason Wilson                 Unattached                      1:36:46
      93  Paula Abernethy      L40   3 Radcliffe Ac                    1:36:54
      94  Ivor Johnson         V60   5 Unattached                      1:37:04
      95  Philip Crowe                 Unattached                      1:37:28
      96  Anneka Sanders       L    10 Salford Harriers                1:37:31
      97  Michael Cunliffe     V40  23 Radcliffe Ac                    1:37:34
      98  Phil Mair            V50   5 Unattached                      1:37:43
      99  Owen Burns                   Mossley Hill                    1:38:01
     100  Adam Balmer                  Unattached                      1:38:05
     101  Girish Patel         V40  24 Unattached                      1:38:07
     102  Briony Taby          L35   5 Mossley Hill                    1:38:08
     103  Scott Ward           V40  25 Unattached                      1:38:10
     104  David Phillips       V60   6 Royton Road Runners             1:38:12
     105  David Abernethy      V40  26 Unattached                      1:38:15
     106  Stephen Jones        V45  14 Salford Harriers                1:38:17
     107  Lauren Marsden       L35   6 Swinton Running Club            1:38:22
     108  Tim Warner           V50   6 Garstang Running Club           1:38:40
     109  John Seddon          V55   3 Unattached                      1:38:55
     110  Steven Yates                 Unattached                      1:38:57
     111  Ian Davies                   Unattached                      1:38:59
     112  Antony Golding               Unattached                      1:39:08
     113  David Wrighton               Unattached                      1:39:13
     114  Brenda Wane          L45   1 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:39:15
     115  David Wilson                 Unattached                      1:39:37
     116  Gary Hamilton                Salford Harriers                1:40:03
     117  Gary Ford                    Unattached                      1:40:04
     118  Stephen McGeagh              Unattached                      1:40:05
     119  Robert Towell        V65   1 Salford Harriers                1:40:45
     120  Ian Hamilton                 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:40:54
     121  Linda Leyland        L50   1 Northern Veterans Ac            1:41:41
     122  Julie Fairclough     L40   4 Stockport Harriers & Ac         1:41:43
     123  Owen Rayner                  Unattached                      1:41:46
     124  Rose Blackburn       L    16 Sale Harriers Manchester        1:41:57
     125  Ian Mirrelson                Tri Wigan                       1:42:14
     126  Neil Inman                   Unattached                      1:42:15
     127  Peter McElhatton     V50   7 Unattached                      1:42:22
     128  Kevin Curran         V40  27 Radcliffe Ac                    1:42:55
     129  Luke Vincent                 Unattached                      1:43:11
     130  Adrian Boud                  Unattached                      1:43:26
     131  John Brett           V45  15 Salford Harriers                1:43:30
     132  Steve Riddle         V40  28 Unattached                      1:43:35
     133  David Blezard                Unattached                      1:43:38
     134  Kevin McGilvray      V50   8 Radcliffe Ac                    1:43:41
     135  David Owen           V55   4 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:43:44
     136  Steve Ho                     Unattached                      1:43:55
     137  Andrew Pickles       V40  29 Unattached                      1:44:05
     138  Steve Errington              Unattached                      1:44:27
     139  Allan Kay            V60   7 100 Marathon Club               1:44:41
     140  Lee Kinder                   Unattached                      1:44:54
     141  Mike Newell                  Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:45:02
     142  Bob Parker           V55   5 Tynedale Harriers               1:45:08
     143  Paul Finnigan        V40  30 Unattached                      1:45:09
     144  Susan Binder         L    17 Unattached                      1:45:18
     145  Andriej Wieckolski           Unattached                      1:45:39
     146  Samantha Webster     L    18 Unattached                      1:45:49
     147  Darren Reid                  Unattached                      1:46:03
     148  Martin Holden                Unattached                      1:46:07
     149  John Pickup          V45  16 Swinton Running Club            1:46:16
     150  Ann-Marie Rampley    L40   5 Radcliffe Ac                    1:46:24
     151  Philip Housley               Unattached                      1:46:53
     152  Moore Kyrinda Hurst  L40   6 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:47:08
     153  Patrick Farrelly     V50   9 Salford Metropolitan Ac         1:47:23
     154  Mark Crowley         V45  17 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:47:45
     155  Philip Mahoney       V45  18 Warrington Road Runners         1:47:59
     156  Stuart Grundy        V55   6 Unattached                      1:48:33
     157  Jayne Booth          L45   2 Radcliffe Ac                    1:48:40
     158  Scott Slevin                 Unattached                      1:48:44
     159  Ian Digweed          V40  31 Unattached                      1:48:50
     160  Jane Bilton          L    22 Salford Harriers                1:49:06
     161  David Shelley                Unattached                      1:49:11
     162  Teresa Hollins       L50   2 Middleton Harriers Ac           1:49:22
     163  Simon Darlington             Unattached                      1:49:28
     164  Paul Home                    Unattached                      1:50:08
     165  Michelle Fairclough  L    24 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:50:09
     166  Stephen Blakemore    V45  19 Unattached                      1:50:26
     167  Jo Robbins           L35   7 Sale Harriers Manchester        1:50:31
     168  Mark Fogg                    Unattached                      1:50:40
     169  Mark Riches          V45  20 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:50:43
     170  Lenny Bowers         V50  10 Unattached                      1:50:54
     171  Jennifer Fishwick    L    26 Unattached                      1:51:04
     172  Mattea Solomon       L    27 Unattached                      1:51:58
     173  Dave Clarke                  Unattached                      1:51:58
     174  Shane Weight                 Unattached                      1:52:13
     175  John Simpson         V55   7 Wetherby Runners                1:52:26
     176  Stevie Reid          L    28 Unattached                      1:52:26
     177  David Brown          V55   8 Unattached                      1:52:41
     178  Suzanne Brooks       L    29 Unattached                      1:52:41
     179  Dave Reid            V45  21 City Of Chester Triathlon Club  1:52:50
     180  Carole Baines        L40   7 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:52:51
     181  Mike Clinch          V45  22 Unattached                      1:53:08
     182  Ann Cherry           L50   3 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC      1:53:16
     183  Soraya Mason         L40   8 Unattached                      1:53:19
     184  Dave Onion           V65   2 Redhill RR                      1:53:26
     185  Andrew Connolly      V60   8 Lostock Ac                      1:53:42
     186  Paul Bardsley                Unattached                      1:53:52
     187  Eileen Royle         L60   1 Radcliffe Ac                    1:54:06
     188  Andrew Smith                 Swinton Running Club            1:54:44
     189  William Toye         V60   9 Radcliffe Ac                    1:54:45
     190  Kathryn Davies       L45   3 Radcliffe Ac                    1:54:48
     191  Glen Marsh           V40  32 Unattached                      1:54:50
     192  Kristal Jones        L    35 Unattached                      1:54:58
     193  Lydia Arnold         L    36 Unattached                      1:55:20
     194  Thomas Hogan                 Unattached                      1:55:20
     195  Tony Lever           V55   9 Isle Of Man Aa                  1:55:34
     196  Helen Gibson         L    37 Unattached                      1:55:48
     197  Pat Bratherton       L45   4 Unattached                      1:55:52
     198  Mark Flatley         V40  33 Unattached                      1:55:58
     199  Michael Owen         V40  34 Trafford Athletic Club          1:56:03
     200  Jacqueline Crowther  L45   5 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC      1:56:41
     201  Katie Unwin          L    40 Unattached                      1:56:56
     202  Pat Haslam           L55   1 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC      1:57:20
     203  Vanessa Thomson      L    42 Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner  1:57:46
     204  Shirley Duckworth    L55   2 Unattached                      1:57:48
     205  Clive Barker         V45  23 Unattached                      1:58:14
     206  Yasmin Parapia       L    44 Radcliffe Ac                    1:58:19
     207  Michael Flatley      V50  11 Unattached                      1:59:05
     208  Clifford Stanley     V50  12 Unattached                      1:59:09
     209  Julian Walsh         V40  35 Unattached                      1:59:48
     210  Harold Brako                 Unattached                      2:00:24
     211  Harry Williamson     V50  13 Unattached                      2:00:25
     212  Steve Hart           V50  14 Unattached                      2:00:27
     213  Carol Hart           L40   9 Unattached                      2:00:27
     214  Joginder Singh       V55  10 Unattached                      2:00:53
     215  Lisa Pearson         L40  10 Unattached                      2:00:56
     216  Naomi Youngberg      L    47 Unattached                      2:00:56
     217  Michael Skinkis      V50  15 Unattached                      2:01:11
     218  Helen Barrand        L    48 Unattached                      2:01:14
     219  Paula Herstritt      L50   4 Unattached                      2:01:29
     220  Mary Madden          L60   2 Unattached                      2:01:45
     221  Tony Walker          V40  36 Unattached                      2:01:53
     222  Jen Wolstenholme     L40  11 Unattached                      2:02:02
     223  Paul Ong             V50  16 Unattached                      2:02:02
     224  Paul Trimble                 Unattached                      2:02:34
     225  Mark Eaton           V45  24 Unattached                      2:02:42
     226  Vera Cockx           L40  12 Unattached                      2:03:00
     227  Kenneth Woodruff     V60  10 Unattached                      2:03:18
     228  Julie Jenkins        L45   6 Leigh Harriers & Ac             2:03:30
     229  Gia PasottiBrowning  L35   8 Unattached                      2:03:30
     230  Rees Aeron           V75   1 Northern Veterans Ac            2:03:32
     231  Ben Knight                   Unattached                      2:03:52
     232  Liz Prokopowicz      L    55 Unattached                      2:04:15
     233  Christian DeGoede            Unattached                      2:05:52
     234  Malcolm Towler       V65   3 Northern Veterans Ac            2:05:59
     235  Philip White         V40  37 Unattached                      2:06:43
     236  Jared Bainbridge             Unattached                      2:07:20
     237  Lucy Woodall         L    56 Unattached                      2:07:37
     238  Michael Christensen          Unattached                      2:07:55
     239  Viv Gillanders       L45   7 Unattached                      2:08:43
     240  Mark Airey           V40  38 Unattached                      2:08:43
     241  Elaine Helme         L40  13 Holme Valley Ac                 2:09:43
     242  Moira Farrelly       L    59 Salford Metropolitan Ac         2:10:43
     243  Louise Bell          L    60 Unattached                      2:10:55
     244  Sian Owen            LJ    1 Unattached                      2:10:55
     245  Ana Quintana         L    62 Salford Harriers                2:11:06
     246  Chris Byrom          V65   4 E Cheshire H & Tameside AC      2:11:18
     247  Brenda Connell       L35   9 Unattached                      2:12:03
     248  Steven Harris        V40  39 Unattached                      2:12:49
     249  Karen Sweeney        L    64 Unattached                      2:12:58
     250  Lindsay Stokoe       L    65 Unattached                      2:13:04
     251  Christine Wallace    L45   8 Unattached                      2:13:35
     252  John Gaskin          V70   1 Unattached                      2:13:54
     253  Nicola Phair         L    67 Unattached                      2:15:14
     254  Rachael Campbell     L35  10 Unattached                      2:15:51
     255  Jimmy Daley          V70   2 Penny Lane Striders             2:18:51
     256  Claire Hewitt        L    69 Unattached                      2:20:25
     257  Philip Pau           V50  17 Unattached                      2:20:40
     258  Jo Clubb             L45   9 Unattached                      2:21:20
     259  Jane Nicholls        L45  10 Holme Valley Ac                 2:22:41
     260  Caroline Patten      L    72 Unattached                      2:23:30
     261  Edwin Legge          V45  25 Unattached                      2:24:37
     262  Philip Moore         V50  18 Middleton Harriers Ac           2:24:42
     263  Karen Asemper        L    73 Unattached                      2:25:28
     264  Darren Maddon                Unattached                      2:25:33
     265  Paul Lee             V40  40 Unattached                      2:29:40

Swinton - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Salford Harriers                   28
                                 5  William Martin      
                                 6  Darren Moran        
                                 8  David Lockett       
                                 9  Leykun Amde         
  2  Chorley Harriers                   63
                                 7  Dominic Raby        
                                13  Keith Johnston      
                                20  Mark ???            
                                23  Russell Barronn     
  3  Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner     77
                                11  Peter Chan          
                                14  Shaun Moran         
                                24  Scott Christey      
                                28  Simon Ford          
  4  Horwich R M I Harriers             99
                                 3  Robert Jackson      
                                15  Steve Nolan         
                                21  Mike Neary          
                                60  Carl Balshaw        
  5  Swinton Running Club              108
                                17  Steve Campbell      
                                26  Tony Flanagan       
                                29  David Burke         
                                36  Chris Lomax         
  6  Middleton Harriers Ac             159
                                27  Graham Chesters     
                                31  Malcolm Bostock     
                                48  Mark Hadfield       
                                53  Steven Vasiliou     
  7  Radcliffe Ac                      197
                                 4  Ben Riddell         
                                42  Tony Holt           
                                71  Michael Cunliffe    
                                80  Kevin Curran        
  8  Salford Metropolitan Ac           220
                                38  Shane Wolstencroft  
                                45  Gordon Johnston     
                                49  Peter White         
                                88  Patrick Farrelly    
  9  E Cheshire H & Tameside AC        222
                                10  Gary Matthews       
                                46  Andy Farley         
                                64  Gary Doodson        
                               102  Chris Byrom         

Swinton - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Astley & Tyldesley Road Runner     63
                                 7  Joanne Iborra       
                                12  Brenda Wane         
                                21  Michelle Fairclough 
                                23  Carole Baines       
  2  Salford Harriers                   63
                                 1  Bev Jenkins         
                                 9  Anneka Sanders      
                                19  Jane Bilton         
                                34  Ana Quintana        
  3  Radcliffe Ac                       67
                                 8  Paula Abernethy     
                                16  Ann-Marie Rampley   
                                18  Jayne Booth         
                                25  Eileen Royle        

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2008