The ASICS Alsager 5

at Alsager on Sunday 3rd February 2008


     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Phil Wicks                   Belgrave Harriers                 23:50
       2  Jean Ndaysenga               Birchfield Harriers               24:09
       3  Neil Speaight                Belgrave Harriers                 24:14
       4  Peter Riley                  Unattached                        24:16
       5  Glen Comish                  Sale Harriers Manchester          24:17
       6  Alan Buckley                 Leeds City                        24:20
       7   Steve Sharp                 Belgrave Harriers                 24:25
       8  Jason Ward                   Altrincham & District             24:35
       9  Billy Farquharson            Notts AC                          24:40
      10  Ian Boneham                  Notts AC                          24:41
      11  Ben Fish                     Blackburn Harriers                24:45
      12  Cathal Lombard               Unattached                        24:46
      13  Andrew Rayner                Blackheath & Bromley              24:50
      14  Ian Mitchell                 Tipton Harriers                   24:56
      15  Martin Whitehouse            Notts AC                          24:58
      16  James Trollope               Birchfield Harriers               24:58
      17  James Boxell                 Owls                              24:59
      18  Mark Powell                  Owls                              25:02
      19  Jorge Thomas                 Cardiff                           25:03
      20  Marc Hobbs                   Swansea                           25:04
      21  Mark Jennings                Cardiff                           25:08
      22  Ian Fisher                   Altrincham & District             25:09
      23  Carwin Jones                 Cardiff                           25:20
      24  Gordon Lee           V40   1 Owls                              25:35
      25  Lewys Hobbs                  Swansea                           25:37
      26  Simon Mills                  Sale Harriers Manchester          25:38
      27  Nathaniel Williams           North York Moors                  25:39
      28  Patrick Martin               Sunderland Strollers              25:41
      29  Oliver Howton                Swansea                           25:43
      30  Matt Blunden                 Notts AC                          25:43
      31  Steven Marriott              Tipton Harriers                   25:47
      32   Owain Matthews              Bedford And County AC             25:57
      33  Paul Green                   City Of Sheffield                 25:57
      34  Dave Roper                   Cheltenham Harriers               25:59
      35  Phillip Parry        V45   1 Bristol & West AC                 26:00
      36  James Douglas                Charnwood AC                      26:00
      37  Ben Gamble                   Stone Master Marathoners          26:03
      38  Steve Littler                Wesham RR                         26:09
      39  Steven Evison                City Of Sheffield                 26:17
      40  Damian Nicholls              Wilmslow RC                       26:19
      41  Matthew Bennett              Chiltern Harriers                 26:20
      42  Kieran Rowlands              Lancaster & Morecambe             26:22
      43  Alexander O'Gorman           Trafford AC                       26:23
      44  Steven Davies                Swansea                           26:25
      45  Glen Groves                  Liverpool Harriers                26:29
      46  Adam Elliot                  Sale Harriers Manchester          26:30
      47  Michael Claff                Kent                              26:34
      48  Gregg Taylor                 Trafford AC                       26:36
      49  Michael Rimmer               Liverpool Harriers                26:38
      50  James Bailey                 Sale Harriers Manchester          26:38
      51  Russell Parrington           Lancaster & Morecambe             26:41
      52  Andrew McNeill       V40   2 Long Eaton RC                     26:43
      53  Robert Nixon                 Ilford                            26:52
      54  Liam Thompson                Warrington AC                     26:56
      55  James Horman                 Liverpool Harriers                27:10
      56  Simon Mekevitt               Liverpool Harriers                27:13
      57  David Connell                Huntingdonshire AC                27:15
      58  Andrew Blair                 Sale Harriers Manchester          27:16
      59  Ian Yates                    Trentham                          27:20
      60  Andy Prophett                Cheltenham Harriers               27:26
      61  Robert Vaughan               Birmingham Rowheath               27:28
      62  Jan Pichl                    Newcastle (staffs)                27:30
      63  Andrew Wetherill     V50   1 Redhill RR                        27:36
      64  Ian Lowthian                 Sale Harriers Manchester          27:41
      65  Paul Lewis                   Long Eaton RC                     27:41
      66  Andrew Hussey        V40   3 Cheltenham Harriers               27:46
      67  Malcolm Eustace      V45   2 Tipton Harriers                   27:50
      68  Nicky Archer         L     1 Vale Royal AC                     27:51
      69  Marcus Maxwell               Woodstock                         27:55
      70  Mitch Blundell               Birchfield Harriers               27:56
      71  Darren Ridout                Heaton Harriers                   27:57
      72  James Davis                  Owls                              27:59
      73  Ben Harrison                 Morpeth Harriers                  28:06
      74  Chris Bailey                 Wrexham                           28:11
      75  Jenny Blizards       L     2 Rotherham                         28:15
      76  Alex Lewis                   Swansea                           28:19
      77  Peter Mallison               South Cheshire Harriers           28:25
      78  David Sprot                  Hallamshire Harriers              28:35
      79  Mathew Raden                 Stourbridge                       28:37
      80  Lee Slater                   Dudley And Stourbridge H          28:40
      81  Mike Hatton          V45   3 South Cheshire Harriers           28:42
      82  Mathew Kay                   Wigan Phoenix AC                  28:44
      83  Emily Adams          L     3 Aldershot & District              28:44
      84  Michael Harrington           Vale Royal AC                     28:46
      85  David Gee            V55   1 Manchester Harriers               28:47
      86  Stuart Doyle                 Vale Royal AC                     28:48
      87  Gary Castrey         V40   4 City Of Stoke                     28:49
      88  Liz Such             L     4 Hallamshire Harriers              28:49
      89  Graham Miles         V40   5 Vale Royal AC                     28:50
      90  Jonathan Williams            Swansea                           28:52
      91  Tom McGaff           V50   2 Wilmslow RC                       28:52
      92  Kenneth Moss         V55   2 Northern Veterans AC              28:53
      93  Peter Dimbleby               Birchfield Harriers               28:54
      94   Paul Davies         V45   4 Staffs Moorlands AC               28:55
      95  Helen Singleton      L     5 Wakefield                         28:55
      96  Steve Lomas                  Macclesfield Harriers             28:58
      97  Geoff Lowry          V40   6 Amber Valley AC                   29:01
      98  Craig Sabin          V45   5 Leicester Coritanians             29:01
      99  Tess Walker          L     6 Salford Harriers                  29:04
     100  Len Best             V55   3 Stockport Harriers                29:05
     101  Tom Annable          V40   7 Vale Royal AC                     29:11
     102  Jo Brewer            L     7 Cheltenham Harriers               29:12
     103  Justina Heslop       L     8 Clapham Chasers                   29:16
     104  Chris Bentley                Macclesfield Harriers             29:17
     105  Harvey Maguire       JM    1 Tipton Harriers                   29:20
     106  Kevin Francis        V40   8 Shrewsbury                        29:20
     107  Philippa Prescott    L     9 Bedford And County AC             29:21
     108  Ian Jackson                  Salford Harriers                  29:24
     109  Catherine Dugdale    L    10 Swansea                           29:25
     110  Raphael Murray       V50   3 Macclesfield Harriers             29:31
     111  Emma Jackson         L    11 City Of Stoke                     29:34
     112  Emma Phillips        L    12 Birchfield Harriers               29:36
     113  George Robinson              Stroud A.c.                       29:36
     114  Dave Carrington      V50   4 Altrincham & District             29:37
     115  Russell Parkin       V45   6 Derby AC                          29:38
     116  Emily Nelson         L    13 Epsom & Ewell                     29:40
     117  James Wood                   Congleton Harriers                29:46
     118  David Bratt                  Staffs Moorlands AC               29:50
     119  Richard Hunter       V40   9 Tipton Harriers                   29:51
     120  Sarah Harris         L    14 Macclesfield Harriers             29:52
     121  Anne Buckley         L40   1 Bingley Harriers                  29:53
     122  Mark Flint           V40  10 Newcastle (staffs)                29:56
     123  Anne Farmer          L    16 Macclesfield Harriers             29:56
     124  Paul Mannion                 Unattached                        29:56
     125  Marilyn Kitching     L35   1 Tattenhall Runners                30:02
     126  Sharon Orridge       L40   2 Long Eaton RC                     30:03
     127  Ian Sparkes                  Newcastle (staffs)                30:03
     128  John Todd            V45   7 Vale Royal AC                     30:04
     129  Mathew Sweeting              Vale Royal AC                     30:05
     130  Dave Gough           V40  11 Vale Royal AC                     30:16
     131  Nicki Cornock        L    19 Swansea                           30:21
     132  David Livingstone            Altrincham & District             30:21
     133  Dave Waddington      V40  12 Wigan Phoenix AC                  30:24
     134  Mark Dean            V40  13 Staffs Moorlands AC               30:25
     135  Dave Ayton                   Wrexham                           30:27
     136  Andrew Gray          V40  14 Macclesfield Harriers             30:28
     137  Robert Tabbanor      V45   8 Trentham                          30:29
     138  Caroline Harvey      L    20 Wrexham                           30:30
     139  Andrew Cleverley             Swansea                           30:31
     140  Dave Nation                  Dudley And Stourbridge H          30:31
     141  Martin Flueck        V40  15 Unattached                        30:33
     142  Ruth Watchorn-Rice   L40   3 Cheadle RC                        30:34
     143  Alex Haswell                 West Cheshire AC                  30:41
     144  Simon Elliott                Hatton Darts                      30:44
     145  Jim Holland                  Stone Master Marathoners          30:44
     146  Mark Wood            V40  16 Boalloy RC                        30:46
     147  Emma Parry           L    22 Wrexham                           30:49
     148  Tom Gregory                  Tipton Harriers                   30:50
     149  Peter Clayton                Vale Royal AC                     30:51
     150  Marcus Crompton      V40  17 Vale Royal AC                     30:53
     151  Jayne Dickens        L35   2 Stone Master Marathoners          30:53
     152  James Edwards        V45   9 Vale Royal AC                     30:56
     153  Adela Salt           L    24 Trentham                          30:57
     154  James Gavin                  Unattached                        30:59
     155  Paul Drabble         V45  10 Buxton & District AC              31:00
     156  Michelle Buckle      L    25 Newcastle (staffs)                31:00
     157  Paul Douglas         V55   4 Stafford Harriers                 31:02
     158  Sian Monahan         L45   1 Bristol & West AC                 31:02
     159  Barry Green          V45  11 Stourbridge                       31:03
     160  Steve Dempsey        V40  18 Wilmslow RC                       31:04
     161  Mick Fairs           V55   5 Wilmslow RC                       31:04
     162  Simon Dunn           V45  12 Trentham                          31:05
     163  Dave Boot            V40  19 Long Eaton RC                     31:07
     164  Leanne Sheehy        L    27 Salford Harriers                  31:12
     165  Frank Reilly         V60   1 Stockport Harriers                31:15
     166  Gemma Unsworth       L    28 Blackpool Wyre & Fylde            31:15
     167  Sean Whewell         V40  20 Stockport Harriers                31:17
     168  Lee Boulton                  Staffs Moorlands AC               31:18
     169  Neil Jones           V40  21 South Cheshire Harriers           31:19
     170  Lee Campbell         V45  13 Boalloy RC                        31:21
     171  Kelvin Amos          V45  14 Cheadle RC                        31:25
     172  Neil Scott           V40  22 Unattached                        31:29
     173  Del Pitcher                  Derbyshire Police                 31:30
     174  Mark Bale                    Wilmslow RC                       31:32
     175  Mike Saint-Dunn              Stafford Harriers                 31:33
     176  Kyle Bennett                 Marshall M K                      31:40
     177  Julia Myatt          L40   4 Newcastle (staffs)                31:42
     178  Markn Alden                  Epsom & Ewell                     31:43
     179  David Owen           V40  23 Nsrra                             31:45
     180  David Myatt          V50   5 Trentham                          31:46
     181  Mark Stoddard                Boalloy RC                        31:47
     182  Russell Williams     V45  15 Cheadle RC                        31:51
     183  Keith Tolfrey        V40  24 Victory AC                        31:52
     184  John Parrott         V50   6 Stockport Harriers                31:53
     185                ???         ???                               31:53
     186  Daniel Palin                 Unattached                        31:55
     187  Charlie Mulliner     V40  25 Unattached                        31:56
     188  Neil Cooper                  Unattached                        31:59
     189  Mark Walker                  Unattached                        32:01
     190  Tony Hulme           V60   2 Wilmslow RC                       32:03
     191  Guy Aartse-Tuyn      V40  26 Boalloy RC                        32:04
     192  Gordon Orme          V65   1 Birchfield Harriers               32:05
     193  Stan Winterton       V60   3 Trentham                          32:06
     194  Kevin Wakerley       V45  16 Birchfield Harriers               32:08
     195  David Haines                 Vale Royal AC                     32:09
     196  Jane Saunders        L35   3 Wilmslow RC                       32:10
     197  Ryan Holroyd                 Staffs Moorlands AC               32:11
     198  David Jones          V40  27 Sale Harriers Manchester          32:12
     199  Emma Calderbank      L    31 Serpentine                        32:15
     200  Chris Moss                   Congleton Harriers                32:17
     201  Daniel Thomas                Swansea                           32:19
     202  Anthony Derbyshire           Boalloy RC                        32:19
     203  Lindsay Kirkland     V45  17 Hatton Darts                      32:20
     204  Robin Maggart                Unattached                        32:21
     205  Jenny Reed           L    32 Matlock AC                        32:22
     206  Matthew Jackson              Newcastle (staffs)                32:23
     207  Amanda Dipple        L    33 Dudley And Stourbridge H          32:23
     208  Herve Martinez               Birchfield Harriers               32:28
     209  Simon Danks                  Uttoxeter RR                      32:33
     210  David Hollyoak       V40  28 Mvh Tri Club                      32:35
     211  Rob Gilbert                  Wilmslow RC                       32:35
     212  Arnold Melling       V55   6 Lostock AC                        32:35
     213  Alison Hartopp       L40   5 Macclesfield Harriers             32:36
     214  Kerry Wood           L40   6 Stockport Harriers                32:38
     215  Keith Singleton      V50   7 Wakefield                         32:38
     216  Claire Conway        L    36 Bristol & West AC                 32:39
     217  Russell Carp         V55   7 Unattached                        32:40
     218  Martin Wilkinson     V45  18 Birchfield Harriers               32:43
     219  Chris Smith                  Michelin                          32:43
     220  Matthew Pitt                 Unattached                        32:45
     221  Dennis Wharton       V50   8 St Helens Sutton                  32:47
     222  Mick Beardmore       V55   8 Cheadle RC                        32:48
     223  Neil Stretton        V50   9 Oak Park                          32:48
     224  Vicky Bryant         L    37 Wigan Phoenix AC                  32:48
     225  Christine Kilkenny   L55   1 Cannock                           32:49
     226  Steve Leafe          V45  19 Unattached                        32:50
     227  Helen Whitby         L    39 Vale Royal AC                     32:52
     228  Mark Maloney                 Michelin                          32:52
     229  Gemma Todd           L    40 Vale Royal AC                     32:54
     230  Ian Wood             V40  29 Oak Park                          32:56
     231  Brian Mackey         V60   4 Uttoxeter RR                      32:57
     232  Neil Pettie                  Unattached                        32:59
     233  Rob Ibbs                     Newcastle (staffs)                33:00
     234  Michael Isherwood    V40  30 Unattached                        33:01
     235  Ray Morris           V45  20 Newcastle (staffs)                33:02
     236  Steve Parsonage      V45  21 Uttoxeter RR                      33:03
     237  Robin Britton        V55   9 Staffs Moorlands AC               33:04
     238  David Barlow         V45  22 Nsrra                             33:04
     239  Sue Hool             L    41 Wilmslow RC                       33:07
     240  Steven France                Shrewsbury                        33:07
     241  Chris Harbron                Macclesfield Harriers             33:09
     242  Dave Nutton          V40  31 Buxton & District AC              33:11
     243  Steve Smith          V45  23 Wilmslow RC                       33:13
     244  Nick Kimberlee       V45  24 Unattached                        33:14
     245  Brian Duggan                 Unattached                        33:15
     246  Melvyn Cole          V55  10 South Cheshire Harriers           33:16
     247  Damian Jones                 Unattached                        33:16
     248  Ivan Bridgett        V45  25 Boalloy RC                        33:18
     249  Kevin Oakley         V40  32 Newcastle (staffs)                33:19
     250  Damian Utton         V40  33 Altrincham & District             33:21
     251  Shavaun Henry        L    42 Blackheath & Bromley              33:23
     252  David Dobberson      V45  26 Unattached                        33:24
     253  Dave Jones           V40  34 Newcastle (staffs)                33:25
     254  Ian Spencer          V45  27 Stafford Harriers                 33:28
     255  Peter Marquis-Jones          South Cheshire Harriers           33:30
     256  Danny Fegan          V40  35 St Helens Striders                33:33
     257  Terry Fowler         V40  36 Buxton & District AC              33:34
     258  Gillian Jubb         L    43 St Albans Striders                33:37
     259  John Turner          V60   5 Stratford AC                      33:45
     260  Jane Campion         L40   7 Vale Royal AC                     33:46
     261  Monica Fee           L    45 Long Eaton RC                     33:46
     262  Matt Boulton                 Stone Master Marathoners          33:47
     263  Guy Martin                   Trentham                          33:48
     264  Graham Bailey        V55  11 Preston Harriers                  33:49
     265  Andy Seal            V45  28 Telford Harriers                  33:50
     266  Hee Kathy Van        L    46 Hallamshire Harriers              33:51
     267  Emma Wharton         L    47 Buxton & District AC              33:54
     268  Dave Needham         V50  10 Swaledale RR                      33:55
     269  James Leicester              Unattached                        33:59
     270  Gary Payne                   Stone Master Marathoners          34:00
     271  Mark Jones                   Warrington Road Runners           34:04
     272  Steve Hall                   Staffs Moorlands AC               34:05
     273  Jeremy Wyatt                 Unattached                        34:07
     274  Alan McDonald        V55  12 Telford AC                        34:10
     275  Gregg Boughey                Unattached                        34:14
     276  Paul Wright          V45  29 Manchester Tri                    34:15
     277  Graham Cope                  Uttoxeter RR                      34:17
     278  Melanie Young        L    48 Newcastle (staffs)                34:19
     279  David Marsden        V50  11 Stafford Harriers                 34:20
     280  Peter Bouwhuis               Unattached                        34:21
     281  Arthur Zammit                Wolves & Bilston                  34:21
     282  Jonathan Morgan      V50  12 Whitchurch Whippets               34:21
     283  Mark Bentley         V45  30 Stafford Harriers                 34:24
     284  Peter Cooper                 South Cheshire Harriers           34:24
     285  Jamie McPhee                 Unattached                        34:25
     286  Stuart Calderbank    V60   6 Northern Veterans AC              34:26
     287  Amy Cope             L    49 Stone Master Marathoners          34:27
     288  Lynne Callaghan      L    50 Trentham                          34:32
     289  Paul Lloyd           V40  37 Unattached                        34:33
     290  Nigel Payne          V45  31 Michelin                          34:34
     291  Stephen Whincup      V45  32 South Cheshire Harriers           34:36
     292  Melanie Johnson      L    51 Vale Royal AC                     34:36
     293  Robert Perkins               Unattached                        34:37
     294  Brian Robertson      V45  33 Unattached                        34:40
     295  Charlie Rowlands             South Cheshire Harriers           34:41
     296  Andrew Dooley        V50  13 Styal RC                          34:44
     297  Robert Coupe                 Liverpool Harriers                34:48
     298  Robin Hope                   Staffs Moorlands AC               34:50
     299  John Green           V40  38 Staffs Moorlands AC               34:50
     300  Mick Williams        V45  34 Nsrra                             34:52
     301  Don Beech            V50  14 Staffs Moorlands AC               34:54
     302  Joanne Donnelly      L    52 Trentham                          34:54
     303  Amanda Vernon        L35   4 W Running Network                 34:55
     304  Robert Hall                  Shrewsbury                        34:55
     305  Don Bullough         V50  15 Wilmslow RC                       34:57
     306  Andrew Notley        V40  39 West Midlands Police              34:57
     307  Ian Allen            V40  40 Nsrra                             34:58
     308  Andrew Downes                Unattached                        34:59
     309  Guy Forster                  Bournville Harriers               35:00
     310  Febrice Juif                 Unattached                        35:01
     311  Paul Hodgkinson              Unattached                        35:01
     312  Ruth Sills           L35   5 Vale Royal AC                     35:02
     313  Hal Roberts                  Unattached                        35:05
     314  Derek Poole          V60   7 Holme Pierrepont RC               35:05
     315  Andrew Nicholls              Unattached                        35:05
     316  Mary Tavener         L45   2 Vale Royal AC                     35:06
     317  Danyl Dugdale        V40  41 Unattached                        35:07
     318  Ian Hancock          V40  42 Nsrra                             35:08
     319  Kate Sutton          L45   3 Wilmslow RC                       35:09
     320  Mark Armstrong       V50  16 Staffs Moorlands AC               35:11
     321  Jack Bayliss         V45  35 Bta                               35:11
     322  Anthony Grogan       V50  17 Oswestry Olympians                35:13
     323  Barbara Murray       L50   1 Macclesfield Harriers             35:14
     324  Giles Hodges                 Sndbach Striders                  35:15
     325  Rachel Meigh         L    58 Staffs Moorlands AC               35:16
     326  Robert Erskine               Unattached                        35:17
     327  Steve Turner         V45  36 Stafford Harriers                 35:19
     328  Rob Challoner        V50  18 Wolves & Bilston                  35:20
     329  Nicholas Hill        V45  37 Unattached                        35:20
     330   Andy Painter                South Cheshire Harriers           35:20
     331  Eddie Smith          V55  13 Stafford Harriers                 35:22
     332  Andrew Owen                  Unattached                        35:22
     333  James Upton                  Unattached                        35:22
     334  Anthony Hadfield             Unattached                        35:23
     335  Mark Pinkney                 Unattached                        35:25
     336 ?Catherine Lawton     L35   6 W Running Network                 35:29
     337  Anthony Collier      V50  19 Styal RC                          35:29
     338  Peter Stark          V55  14 Wolves & Bilston                  35:31
     339  Sally Price          L    60 Wilmslow RC                       35:33
     340  Mike Whitlock        V65   2 Newcastle (staffs)                35:34
     341  Peter Lawton         V50  20 Birchfield Harriers               35:37
     342  Graham Fletcher      V50  21 Newcastle (staffs)                35:38
     343  Barry Smith          V50  22 Unattached                        35:38
     344  Nigel Lee            V50  23 Newcastle (staffs)                35:40
     345  Gary Heppleston      V45  38 Bta                               35:42
     346  Ban Starbuck                 Mvh Tri Club                      35:44
     347  Catherine Goldstraw  L35   7 Unattached                        35:44
     348  Alan Burt            V45  39 Chase Harriers                    35:46
     349  Marco Marici         V50  24 MNU                               35:49
     350  Jason Blount                 Newcastle (staffs)                35:50
     351  Mike Duggan          V65   3 Alvis RC                          35:51
     352  Tom Rogers           V40  43 Nsrra                             35:52
     353  Mark Wheelton        V45  40 Macclesfield Harriers             35:52
     354  Alan Lewis           V65   4 Trentham                          35:54
     355  Richard Barratt              Altrincham & District             35:55
     356  Steven Pepper                Sndbach Striders                  35:56
     357  Ian Ashcroft         V60   8 Wilmslow RC                       35:57
     358  Nigel Smith          V40  44 Nsrra                             35:57
     359  Colin Rathbone       V60   9 Vale Royal AC                     35:58
     360  Billy Meakin         V45  41 Newcastle (staffs)                35:59
     361  Nigel Jones          V45  42 Biddulph RC                       35:59
     362  David Cooper                 Unattached                        36:00
     363  Clive Baggaley       V60  10 Uttoxeter RR                      36:00
     364  Dot Fellows          L60   1 Cannock                           36:02
     365  Dorian Garner        V40  45 Unattached                        36:03
     366  Fred Mbatha                  Crewe & Nantwich AC               36:05
     367  Chris Parr                   Unattached                        36:05
     368  Phillip Cliff        V40  46 South Cheshire Harriers           36:05
     369  Roland Meylan                Buxton & District AC              36:10
     370  Steven Vaughan               Unattached                        36:10
     371  Chris Hall                   Unattached                        36:11
     372  Roys Cummings        V40  47 South Cheshire Harriers           36:12
     373  Robert Mayers        V45  43 South Cheshire Harriers           36:13
     374  Allan Eley           V40  48 Chase Harriers                    36:14
     375  Anthony Dickens      V45  44 Unattached                        36:14
     376 ?Jo Molyneaux         L45   4 Vale Royal AC                     36:14
     377  Brian Worthington    V50  25 Birchfield Harriers               36:15
     378  Mark Thompson        V45  45 Stafford Harriers                 36:15
     379  Paul Mellor                  Unattached                        36:15
     380  Mark Woolridge       V45  46 Nsrra                             36:16
     381  James Brown          V50  26 Dudley And Stourbridge H          36:21
     382  Charles Larsson      V40  49 Newcastle (staffs)                36:21
     383  Mike Cutler          V50  27 South Cheshire Harriers           36:21
     384  Andrew Tettmar       V45  47 Unattached                        36:24
     385  William Barker       V60  11 Unattached                        36:29
     386  Richard Marks                Unattached                        36:31
     387  Neil Murphy          V45  48 Macclesfield Harriers             36:33
     388  Richard Scroop       V60  12 Road Runners Club                 36:33
     389  Mark Sigley                  Nsrra                             36:34
     390  Peter Haslop         V55  15 Stone Master Marathoners          36:35
     391  Ian Beattie          V50  28 Telford Harriers                  36:36
     392  John Houghton        V45  49 Warrington Road Runners           36:39
     393  John Leese           V60  13 Stafford Harriers                 36:39
     394  Chicken Cox          L    64 Newcastle (staffs)                36:40
     395  Bernard Wilkes       V50  29 Stafford Harriers                 36:42
     396  Neil Fowler          V40  50 Unattached                        36:42
     397  John Eardley         V45  50 Boalloy RC                        36:44
     398  Sam Thorneycroft             Unattached                        36:44
     399  Keith Jones          V45  51 Buckley Runners                   36:44
     400  Brian Powell         V55  16 Nsrra                             36:44
     401  Simon Grayson        V40  51 Unattached                        36:45
     402  Tim Grayston                 Unattached                        36:47
     403  Matt Stanlake                Newcastle (staffs)                36:48
     404  Gary Jones           V40  52 Michelin                          36:50
     405  Amanda Bradbury      L    65 Wilmslow RC                       36:51
     406  Paul Howle           V40  53 Milton                            36:53
     407  Chris Skellern       L45   5 Stafford Harriers                 36:53
     408  Vijay Tymms                  Liverpool Harriers                36:54
     409  Andrew Moss                  Unattached                        36:56
     410  Paul Clutterbuck             Vale Royal AC                     36:56
     411  Chris Bascombe               Unattached                        36:57
     412  Phillip Smith        V55  17 Shropshire Shufflers              37:03
     413  John Robertson       V50  30 Milocarians                       37:04
     414  Joe Holford                  Unattached                        37:04
     415  Carl Krakowski               Unattached                        37:07
     416  Diane Hamilton       L40   8 Derby AC                          37:08
     417  Sean Conboy                  Unattached                        37:09
     418  Chris Lewis                  Telford AC                        37:14
     419  Andrew Baston        V40  54 Unattached                        37:14
     420  Robert Simpson       V40  55 Stafford Harriers                 37:15
     421  Paul Brown                   Unattached                        37:15
     422  Craig Johnson                Unattached                        37:15
     423  Tony Keatman         V60  14 Unattached                        37:16
     424  Michael Horton       V60  15 Boalloy RC                        37:17
     425  Andy Morris                  Unattached                        37:17
     426  Ian Hamilton         V55  18 Astley & Tyldesley                37:18
     427  Harold Pinkney       V55  19 Congleton Harriers                37:19
     428  Rachel Hall          L    68 Meynell Valley                    37:20
     429  Paul Feasey          V40  56 Unattached                        37:20
     430  Samantha Owen        L    69 Unattached                        37:21
     431  Darren Taylor        V40  57 Chase Harriers                    37:22
     432  Dave Thompson        V40  58 Unattached                        37:25
     433  Norman Collins       V55  20 Michelin                          37:25
     434  Janet Tate           L40   9 Unattached                        37:26
     435  Mathew Harper                Unattached                        37:34
     436  John Alley                   Nsrra                             37:36
     437  Sandra Lewis         L    71 Altrincham & District             37:38
     438  Andrew Barlow        V45  52 Unattached                        37:40
     439  Sammi Sheldon        L    72 Staffs Moorlands AC               37:42
     440  Andy Osgathorpe      V55  21 Stone Master Marathoners          37:43
     441  Philip Bradley       V40  59 Sndbach Striders                  37:44
     442  Dave Shaw            V50  31 Unattached                        37:44
     443  Malcolm Jackson      V40  60 Congleton Harriers                37:45
     444  Vicky Lowndes        L40  10 Stafford Harriers                 37:46
     445  Keith Robson         V65   5 Manchester Tri                    37:48
     446  Jonathan Clarke      V40  61 Styal RC                          37:49
     447  Charles Lowthian     V50  32 Styal RC                          37:52
     448  Andy Baines-Davies           Unattached                        37:53
     449  Claire Woolrich      L35   8 Staffs Moorlands AC               37:56
     450  Bill Stevenson       V45  53 Michelin                          37:56
     451  Alison Pye           L    75 Sale Harriers Manchester          37:57
     452  John Corrigan        V40  62 Unattached                        37:57
     453  Dale Richards        V40  63 Unattached                        37:58
     454  Debbie Hope          L35   9 Staffs Moorlands AC               38:01
     455  Stephen Askey        V50  33 Newcastle (staffs)                38:02
     456  Jo Waddilove         L35  10 Sndbach Striders                  38:04
     457  Gary Quinn           V45  54 Unattached                        38:06
     458  Anthony Bridgwood    V60  16 Michelin                          38:08
     459  Angus Varley         V45  55 South Cheshire Harriers           38:10
     460  Nigel Johnson                Unattached                        38:11
     461  Thomas Johnson       V45  56 Stone Master Marathoners          38:13
     462  Jason Bulley         V40  64 Sndbach Striders                  38:13
     463  John Lawton          V55  22 Sndbach Striders                  38:15
     464  Penny Hinke          L45   6 Wilmslow RC                       38:17
     465  Paula Parkin         L40  11 Derby AC                          38:20
     466  Colin Earp           V60  17 South Cheshire Harriers           38:21
     467  Joanne Edwards       L45   7 Vale Royal AC                     38:22
     468  Simon Bourne         V40  65 Unattached                        38:23
     469  Richard Ellis                Unattached                        38:24
     470  Andrew Pennington    V40  66 Unattached                        38:24
     471  Ian Jones                    Unattached                        38:25
     472  Alasdair Dyde        V40  67 South Cheshire Harriers           38:25
     473  Mark Povey                   West Cheshire AC                  38:26
     474  Mark Hughes          V50  34 Trentham                          38:27
     475  Georgia Greeves      L    81 Staffs Moorlands AC               38:27
     476  Sarah Gardner-Hall   L    82 Norton Canes RR                   38:28
     477  Tony Smith           V50  35 Congleton Harriers                38:28
     478  Paul Miles           V40  68 Unattached                        38:28
     479  Mansel Pope          V55  23 Altrincham & District             38:30
     480  Michael Bayliss      V55  24 Unattached                        38:32
     481  Mark Potts                   Audley Running Club               38:33
     482  Charlie Seddon       V50  36 Macclesfield Harriers             38:33
     483  Barrie Byrne         V55  25 Sndbach Striders                  38:34
     484  Kevin Holroyd        V45  57 Staffs Moorlands AC               38:36
     485  Steve Edwards                Unattached                        38:37
     486  David Cartwright     V40  69 Nsrra                             38:38
     487  Leon Holdgate                Liverpool Tri                     38:39
     488  Brian Rivers         V60  18 Nsrra                             38:40
     489  Pam Davies           L55   2 Stone Master Marathoners          38:41
     490  Paul Downing         V45  58 Unattached                        38:41
     491  Shaun Baynes         V40  70 Unattached                        38:43
     492  David Gaston         V50  37 Unattached                        38:44
     493  Graham Williams      V60  19 Stafford Harriers                 38:44
     494  Peter Sestic                 Unattached                        38:44
     495  Ashwin Bose                  Uttoxeter RR                      38:45
     496  Kaz Brandt           L    84 Trentham                          38:46
     497  Gerry Calvert        V70   1 Trentham                          38:47
     498  Phillip Cooper       V55  26 Unattached                        38:47
     499  Mick Bounford        V40  71 Unattached                        38:48
     500  Nicola Sayle         L    85 Unattached                        38:48
     501  Catriona Marshall    L40  12 Wilmslow RC                       38:50
     502  Michael Collins      V40  72 Longton Harriers                  38:53
     503  Wayne Vaughan                Unattached                        38:53
     504  David Lander         V45  59 Sinfin RC                         38:54
     505  Nefyn Williams       V55  27 Northern Veterans AC              38:54
     506  Andy Gildon          V50  38 Macclesfield Harriers             38:55
     507  Don Brookes          V70   2 Trentham                          38:56
     508  Kenton Sharpe                Unattached                        38:56
     509  Mathew Smith                 Unattached                        38:57
     510  Richard Shaw         V55  28 Stone Master Marathoners          38:57
     511  Richard Hulse                Unattached                        38:58
     512  Samantha Davies      L    87 Newcastle (staffs)                39:03
     513  Kevin McCourt        V40  73 Michelin                          39:05
     514  Chritian Jensen              Unattached                        39:08
     515  Karen Davis          L40  13 Stafford Harriers                 39:12
     516  Radka Moores         L    89 Unattached                        39:12
     517  Belinda Riley        L45   8 Newcastle (staffs)                39:12
     518  Terence Walton       V65   6 Longton Harriers                  39:14
     519  Keith Goss           V55  29 Uttoxeter RR                      39:15
     520  Neil Grant           V50  39 Unattached                        39:15
     521  Jon Fitton           V40  74 Unattached                        39:15
     522  Doug McCorry                 Unattached                        39:16
     523  Sandre Jackson       L45   9 Congleton Harriers                39:17
     524  David Goodwin        V50  40 Unattached                        39:17
     525  Jeremy Barlow                Unattached                        39:18
     526  Steven Farmer        V45  60 Esporta Running                   39:21
     527  Warren Webb                  Audley Running Club               39:21
     528  Kenny Johnson        V45  61 Michelin                          39:23
     529  Richard York                 Stockport Harriers                39:23
     530  Gareth Johnson               Vale Royal AC                     39:25
     531  Ruth Goreham         L35  11 Unattached                        39:27
     532  Ian Booth            V60  20 Sndbach Striders                  39:28
     533  David Wood                   Unattached                        39:29
     534  James Hilton                 Nsrra                             39:30
     535  Ruth Calderbank      L55   3 Blackpool Wyre & Fylde            39:30
     536  Sara Houlton         L    94 Stafford Harriers                 39:31
     537  Kenneth Harper       V50  41 Unattached                        39:34
     538  Chris Fernyhough     V40  75 Unattached                        39:37
     539  Gerrald Davis        V65   7 Stone Master Marathoners          39:37
     540  Andy Knee            V40  76 Unattached                        39:39
     541  Harriet Riley        L    95 Newcastle (staffs)                39:39
     542  Nigel Hopper         V40  77 Unattached                        39:40
     543  David Baker          V50  42 Staffs Moorlands AC               39:41
     544  Eva Berrill          L    96 Trentham                          39:41
     545  Julie Atton          L35  12 Unattached                        39:41
     546  Jon Parton                   Unattached                        39:43
     547  John Gordon          V40  78 Staffs Moorlands AC               39:44
     548  John Riley           V65   8 Northern Veterans AC              39:45
     549   John Holmes         V50  43 Milton                            39:46
     550  Rosie Pritchard      L40  14 Boalloy RC                        39:48
     551  Raza Barkatau                Unattached                        39:48
     552  Jayne Lomas          L40  15 Vale Royal AC                     39:54
     553  James Burton                 Unattached                        39:55
     554  Barry Roberts        V65   9 Birchfield Harriers               39:56
     555  Lee Billings                 Unattached                        39:57
     556  Nicky Clements       L   100 Uttoxeter RR                      39:58
     557  Kelsey Stair         L   101 Staffs Moorlands AC               39:59
     558  Peter Varley         V45  62 Wrexham                           40:00
     559  Sandra Poole         L60   2 Holme Pierrepont RC               40:01
     560  William Harvey       V50  44 Biddulph RC                       40:02
     561  Richard Turrell      V55  30 Lichfield Running Club            40:04
     562  David Kay                    Unattached                        40:05
     563  Russell Reid         V45  63 Nsrra                             40:07
     564  Jason Jones                  Congleton Harriers                40:11
     565  Phil Mellor          V50  45 Unattached                        40:11
     566  Steve Campion        V55  31 Unattached                        40:12
     567  Rachel Tweedie       L35  13 Newcastle (staffs)                40:13
     568  Angela Moulton       L40  16 Unattached                        40:13
     569  Trevor Goodwin       V70   3 Nsrra                             40:14
     570  Rebecca Redding      L   105 Newcastle (staffs)                40:14
     571  Nigel Symms          V40  79 Newcastle (staffs)                40:15
     572  Les Shaw             V40  80 Unattached                        40:15
     573  Deborah Drabble      L40  17 Buxton & District AC              40:17
     574  Jenny Tatler         L   107 Macclesfield Harriers             40:18
     575  Kate Hollins         L35  14 Boalloy RC                        40:18
     576  Lisa Dimbleby        L35  15 Birchfield Harriers               40:20
     577  Alan Pritchard       V50  46 Lichfield Running Club            40:20
     578  David Taylor         V55  32 Congleton Harriers                40:21
     579  Rosemary Britton     L55   4 Ashbourne AC                      40:22
     580  Bradley Baynes               Unattached                        40:22
     581  Martin Stirna        V50  47 South Cheshire Harriers           40:24
     582  Kathryn Morris       L45  10 Newcastle (staffs)                40:25
     583  Warren Simms         V40  81 Hatton Darts                      40:27
     584  Andy Willis          V40  82 Unattached                        40:29
     585  Andy Smith           V45  64 Unattached                        40:30
     586  Joe Park             V70   4 Cheshire Tally Ho                 40:33
     587  Mick Tobin           V45  65 South Cheshire Harriers           40:35
     588  Simon Cotton                 Unattached                        40:35
     589  Lew Badger           V60  21 Stone Master Marathoners          40:35
     590  Simon Hutt           V40  83 Unattached                        40:36
     591  John Beats           V50  48 Unattached                        40:37
     592  Claire Stewart       L40  18 Unattached                        40:38
     593  Iain Fortune         V60  22 Spectrum Striders                 40:39
     594  Roy Pownall          V55  33 Wilmslow RC                       40:42
     595  Nayalie Highte       L40  19 Boalloy RC                        40:44
     596  John Stone           V60  23 Unattached                        40:44
     597  George Singh         V65  10 Stafford Harriers                 40:45
     598  Claire Atherton      L35  16 Uttoxeter RR                      40:46
     599  Pauline Davies       L55   5 Vale Royal AC                     40:47
     600  Clare Pheasey        L35  17 Sndbach Striders                  40:47
     601  Mark Smith                   Bournville Harriers               40:47
     602  Mike Hammond         V60  24 Stone Master Marathoners          40:48
     603  Steven Dykes                 Unattached                        40:48
     604  Kirsty Smith         L35  18 Unattached                        40:54
     605  Julie Lucas          L40  20 Wilmslow RC                       40:55
     606  Jenny Reeve          L45  11 Lichfield Running Club            40:55
     607  Austin Smith         V40  84 Unattached                        40:55
     608  Daniel Carter        V45  66 Uttoxeter RR                      40:56
     609  Elizabeth Wynn       L55   6 Wrekin R R                        40:56
     610  Louise Spence        L40  21 Unattached                        40:56
     611  Inaki Echeverria             Unattached                        40:57
     612  Maria Owen           L45  12 Staffs Moorlands AC               40:57
     613  Thomas Shaw                  Michelin                          40:59
     614  Steven Sherman               Unattached                        40:59
     615   Wendy Fitzpatrick   L45  13 Unattached                        41:00
     616  Jeffrey Thompson     V40  85 Unattached                        41:03
     617  Frank Gould          V45  67 Unattached                        41:08
     618  Keith Whitmarsh      V40  86 Unattached                        41:09
     619   Adrian Vickers              Unattached                        41:09
     620  Ann Williams         L40  22 Nsrra                             41:10
     621  Marie-Laure Bose     L35  19 Uttoxeter RR                      41:11
     622  Phillip Dale         V45  68 Boalloy RC                        41:13
     623  Alan Hodgkiss        V60  25 Telford Harriers                  41:13
     624  Mark Hulme                   Unattached                        41:13
     625  Anne Fortune         L55   7 Spectrum Striders                 41:14
     626  Jemma Plant          L   127 Liverpool Harriers                41:15
     627  Ben Cox                      Unattached                        41:15
     628  Emma Kerr            L   128 Unattached                        41:15
     629  Anthony Frain        V60  26 Birchfield Harriers               41:16
     630  Christopher Speed    V40  87 Unattached                        41:16
     631  Janice Cope          L50   2 Unattached                        41:18
     632  Andrew Sadler        V45  69 Unattached                        41:21
     633  Tom Graham           V55  34 Unattached                        41:23
     634  Craig Ball                   Cac                               41:23
     635  Malcolm Rushton      V55  35 Trentham                          41:25
     636  Simon Forbishley     JM    2 Unattached                        41:27
     637  Michael Murry                Unattached                        41:27
     638  Kerry Widdowson      L   130 Unattached                        41:28
     639  Andrew McLean                Unattached                        41:28
     640  Trevor Faulkner      V65  11 Wilmslow RC                       41:30
     641  Phil Edwards         V55  36 Unattached                        41:32
     642  Mary Carnell         L50   3 Unattached                        41:33
     643  Angela Foster        L40  23 Unattached                        41:33
     644  John Latham          V50  49 South Cheshire Harriers           41:34
     645  Adrian Machin                Unattached                        41:35
     646 ?Nigel Davenport      V40  88 Unattached                        41:35
     647  Ann Powell           L40  24 Unattached                        41:37
     648  Lucy Webb            L45  14 Uttoxeter RR                      41:42
     649  Jim Griffiths        V55  37 Birchfield Harriers               41:47
     650  Sean Gifford         V40  89 Trentham                          41:50
     651  Deann Rothwell       L35  20 Unattached                        41:54
     652  Leah Hulme           L   136 Liverpool Harriers                41:55
     653  Nicola Goode         L   137 Boalloy RC                        41:56
     654  Wendy Proctor        L40  25 Nsrra                             41:58
     655  Justin Davies        V45  70 Unattached                        41:59
     656  Virginia Allen       L   139 Newcastle (staffs)                42:02
     657   Dave Matthews       V55  38 Unattached                        42:03
     658  Robert Findler       V45  71 Newcastle (staffs)                42:04
     659  Ann Haywood          L45  15 Birchfield Harriers               42:05
     660  David Hindley        V60  27 City Of Stoke                     42:07
     661  Peter Wynne          V50  50 Wrekin R R                        42:12
     662  Karen Norcross-Downs L35  21 Unattached                        42:16
     663  Victoria Davenport   L   142 Unattached                        42:16
     664  Amy Dean             L   143 Staffs Moorlands AC               42:17
     665  Allan Freeman        V60  28 Unattached                        42:17
     666  Christopher Yeomans  V40  90 Unattached                        42:18
     667  Roger Key            V45  72 Staffs Moorlands AC               42:19
     668  Robin Davies         V60  29 Birchfield Harriers               42:19
     669  Martin Andradez      V40  91 Unattached                        42:21
     670  Mike Molloy          V40  92 Unattached                        42:24
     671  Ann-Marie Potts      L35  22 Unattached                        42:26
     672  Liz Latham           L   145 Unattached                        42:29
     673  Peter Williams       V45  73 Macclesfield Harriers             42:30
     674  Louise Powney        L   146 Unattached                        42:31
     675  Mick Broomhall       V55  39 Unattached                        42:31
     676  Margaret Williams    L50   4 Northern Veterans AC              42:32
     677  Peter Samuelson      V60  30 Spectrum Striders                 42:33
     678  Dane Heeley                  Unattached                        42:34
     679  Jane O'Hara          L35  23 Unattached                        42:35
     680  Christine Andrew     L45  16 Biddulph RC                       42:37
     681  Christine Allmark    L55   8 Newcastle (staffs)                42:39
     682  Stuart Carvell               Unattached                        42:44
     683  Andrew Kirk          V40  93 Unattached                        42:46
     684  David Troy                   Unattached                        42:46
     685  Brian Higgins        V55  40 Styal RC                          42:48
     686  Robert Hassall               Unattached                        42:50
     687  Karen Murray         L45  17 Stafford Harriers                 42:51
     688  Neil Palmer          V50  51 Unattached                        42:53
     689  Sarah Aston          L40  26 Wrekin R R                        42:54
     690  Phillip Newbold      V55  41 Sinfin RC                         42:56
     691  Stephen Evans        V40  94 Unattached                        42:57
     692  Consterdine-Tilley   L   153 City Of Stoke                     43:00
     693  Colin Pheasant       V50  52 Chase Harriers                    43:02
     694  Billy Clague         V45  74 Unattached                        43:04
     695  Madeline Richardson  L40  27 South Cheshire Harriers           43:08
     696  Nicola Stringer      L40  28 Unattached                        43:08
     697  Michael Hall         V45  75 Unattached                        43:09
     698  Ray Maskell          V45  76 Boalloy RC                        43:11
     699  Neil Smith                   Unattached                        43:11
     700  David Hancock        V55  42 Macclesfield Harriers             43:14
     701  Richard Warburton            Unattached                        43:17
     702  Anthony Simkin               Unattached                        43:19
     703  Natalie Mountford    L   156 Stafford Harriers                 43:22
     704  Polly Swain          L   157 Unattached                        43:23
     705  Daniel Evanson       U18   1 Unattached                        43:23
     706  Chris Smyth                  Unattached                        43:24
     707  John Bradbury        V40  95 Unattached                        43:24
     708  Susan Baker          L45  18 Cheadle RC                        43:25
     709  Joanne Cotton        L   159 Michelin                          43:25
     710  Janet Kelsall        L50   5 Unattached                        43:26
     711  Graham McLachlan             Nsrra                             43:26
     712  Lindsay Whitlock     L   161 Uttoxeter RR                      43:28
     713  Darren Walker        V40  96 Unattached                        43:29
     714  Wendy Astle-Rowe     L40  29 Unattached                        43:30
     715  Andrew Gadsby        V45  77 Hatton Darts                      43:30
     716  Jane Heath           L45  19 Unattached                        43:31
     717  Katrina Ackerley     L35  24 Unattached                        43:32
     718  Dianne Lapworth      L55   9 Unattached                        43:32
     719  George Smith         V65  12 Biddulph RC                       43:33
     720  Bill Whitworth       V65  13 Stafford Harriers                 43:34
     721  Sandra Durow         L35  25 Uttoxeter RR                      43:34
     722  Alexander Burton             South Cheshire Harriers           43:35
     723  Steve Treweeks       V40  97 South Cheshire Harriers           43:37
     724  Guy Lucchi                   Unattached                        43:43
     725  David Woakes                 Newcastle (staffs)                43:43
     726  Geoff Pike           V45  78 Unattached                        43:44
     727  Joanne Leese         L45  20 Nsrra                             43:44
     728  Karen Retford        L35  26 Unattached                        43:47
     729  Sally Burns          L   169 Stafford Harriers                 43:47
     730  Shelagh Swinnerton   L60   3 South Cheshire Harriers           43:48
     731  Rita Banks           L60   4 Stone Master Marathoners          43:50
     732  Wendy Swift          L35  27 Newcastle (staffs)                43:52
     733 ?Nigel Davenport      V40  98 Unattached                        43:54
     734 ?Catherine Lawton     L35  28 W Running Network                 43:54
     735  Dave Mulliner        V45  79 Unattached                        43:55
     736  Lisa Davis           L35  29 Unattached                        43:56
     737  Simon Banks          U18   2 Unattached                        43:57
     738  Gary Towers          V50  53 Unattached                        44:06
     739  John Luxford                 Unattached                        44:07
     740  Derek Okseniuk       V50  54 Longton Harriers                  44:08
     741  Robert Lynn          V55  43 Unattached                        44:08
     742  Daniel Jacobs                Unattached                        44:09
     743  Robert Almond        V55  44 Unattached                        44:09
     744  Alan Belford         V60  31 Nsrra                             44:10
     745  Mark Hancock                 Nsrra                             44:10
     746  Gail Green           L40  30 W Running Network                 44:10
     747  Jane Millichip       L40  31 Notts AC                          44:12
     748  John Guest           V45  80 Nsrra                             44:14
     749  Gordon Thorley       V50  55 Unattached                        44:15
     750  Sarah Leicester      L   177 Unattached                        44:20
     751  Samantha Cole        L   178 South Cheshire Harriers           44:21
     752  Helen Calder         L40  32 Unattached                        44:23
     753  Lesley Lunn          L40  33 Unattached                        44:25
     754  Christine Harding    L40  34 Sndbach Striders                  44:29
     755  Claire Wilson        L35  30 Unattached                        44:33
     756  Beth Arrowsmith      L   183 Unattached                        44:34
     757  Louise Weller        L40  35 Styal RC                          44:34
     758  Kate Poxon           L35  31 Meynell Valley                    44:35
     759  Millie Scott                 Unattached                        44:36
     760  Claire Connolly      L   186 Unattached                        44:38
     761  Steph Dudley         L40  36 W Running Network                 44:39
     762  Mark Dalgarno        V40  99 Newcastle (staffs)                44:40
     763  May Scott            L40  37 Unattached                        44:40
     764  Kathryn McFarlane    L40  38 Nsrra                             44:41
     765  Lauren Ashford       L   190 Unattached                        44:41
     766  Gail Lowe            L35  32 Newcastle (staffs)                44:48
     767  William Kennett      V40 100 Unattached                        44:50
     768  Chris Baumby         V40 101 Sndbach Striders                  44:50
     769  David Rutherford             Unattached                        44:51
     770  Elizabeth O'Keeffe   L50   6 Sndbach Striders                  44:52
     771  Calum Bradley                Sndbach Striders                  44:53
     772  Mathew Blackshaw     V40 102 Shelton Striders                  44:55
     773  Brian Antony Cox             M A Club                          44:58
     774  Jonathan Pinkney             Unattached                        45:09
     775  Simon Bussell        V45  81 Unattached                        45:11
     776  Geoff Shallcross     V60  32 Stone Master Marathoners          45:11
     777  Stephen Collier              Unattached                        45:12
     778  Rebecca Dearman      L45  21 Unattached                        45:12
     779  Margaret Shaw        L55  10 Stone Master Marathoners          45:14
     780  Sarah Scott                  Unattached                        45:16
     781  Colin Wynne          V55  45 South Cheshire Harriers           45:20
     782  Paula Lawson         L   195 Unattached                        45:22
     783  Elizabeth Baker      L50   7 Staffs Moorlands AC               45:22
     784  Sam Lightfoot                Unattached                        45:23
     785  Luan Donaldson       L   197 Unattached                        45:24
     786  Gina Weatherall      L65   1 Nsrra                             45:26
     787  Julie Fletcher       L45  22 Newcastle (staffs)                45:27
     788  Sara Moreton         L35  33 Unattached                        45:27
     789  Geoff Howarth        V70   5 Northern Veterans AC              45:30
     790  Nancy Medley         L35  34 Unattached                        45:32
     791  Malcolm Bourne       V45  82 Unattached                        45:33
     792  Sharon Buckley       L40  39 Michelin                          45:35
     793  Kathleen Gildon      L60   5 Unattached                        45:36
     794  Pam Kay              L45  23 Spectrum Striders                 45:37
     795  David Smith                  Cac                               45:41
     796  Neil Parsons         V40 103 Unattached                        45:42
     797  John Noakes          V70   6 Unattached                        45:44
     798  Mark Pendlebury      V45  83 Congleton Harriers                45:45
     799  Lynne Cook           L50   8 Shropshire Shufflers              45:46
     800  Martin Wood                  Unattached                        45:46
     801  Fiona Seabridge      L   206 Unattached                        45:46
     802   Joanne Aartse-Tuyn  L35  35 Boalloy RC                        45:47
     803  Jerome Smith                 Unattached                        45:50
     804  Keith Biggs          V65  14 Unattached                        45:50
     805  Glenn Cowie          V45  84 Meynell Valley                    45:51
     806  Chandresin Thakasala L   208 Unattached                        45:52
     807  Rachel Skinner       L   209 Unattached                        45:54
     808  Denise Rogers        L40  40 Norton Canes RR                   45:55
     809  John Rockey          V60  33 Newcastle (staffs)                45:55
     810 ?Jo Molyneaux         L45  24 Vale Royal AC                     45:56
     811  Craig Dobson                 Unattached                        45:58
     812  Paul Lewis                   Unattached                        45:58
     813  Graham Rowe          V65  15 Newcastle (staffs)                46:00
     814  Derek Nicholls       V50  56 Unattached                        46:03
     815  Lynn Tamplin         L50   9 Congleton Harriers                46:06
     816  Stephen Tamplin      V50  57 Congleton Harriers                46:07
     817  Cheryl Johnson       L45  25 Unattached                        46:08
     818  David Thomas         V45  85 Michelin                          46:08
     819  Stan Kakouri         V40 104 Unattached                        46:08
     820  Chris Pickford       V45  86 South Cheshire Harriers           46:09
     821  Yoland Marconi-Nolan L55  11 Brodysynni Ac                     46:14
     822  Dean Brown           V45  87 Unattached                        46:15
     823  Andrew Bell          V45  88 Unattached                        46:15
     824  Ken Robbins          V55  46 Whitchurch Whippets               46:15
     825  Andrew Bews          V40 105 Unattached                        46:17
     826  Rebecca Bostock      L35  36 Stafford Harriers                 46:17
     827  Judith Winchup       L45  26 South Cheshire Harriers           46:18
     828  Tony Griffiths       V50  58 Unattached                        46:20
     829  Jessica Wilkins      L   217 Unattached                        46:24
     830  Lyndsey Gater        L   218 Newcastle (staffs)                46:29
     831  Imogen Smith         L   219 Newcastle (staffs)                46:31
     832  Jenny Barnett        L   220 Unattached                        46:32
     833  Linda Hobson         L35  37 Unattached                        46:33
     834  Amrik Rai            V45  89 Milton                            46:37
     835  Liz Painter          L35  38 South Cheshire Harriers           46:38
     836  Claire McDonnell     L   223 Unattached                        46:38
     837  Keith Fletcher       V60  34 Altrincham & District             46:40
     838  Carole Williams      L55  12 Vale Royal AC                     46:43
     839  Samantha Russett     L   225 Unattached                        46:46
     840  Anna Ravenscroft     L   226 Unattached                        46:49
     841  Keith Gater          V50  59 Unattached                        46:50
     842  Andrew Griffiths     V40 106 Michelin                          46:53
     843  Les Hall             V60  35 Norton Canes RR                   46:54
     844  Helen Stanley        L   227 Unattached                        46:55
     845  David Cresswell              Unattached                        46:56
     846  Akex Hunter                  Unattached                        46:57
     847  Emma Foster          L   228 Unattached                        47:01
     848  Tony Gamble          V55  47 Unattached                        47:01
     849  Laura Ford           L   229 Unattached                        47:06
     850  Sarah McKeown        L40  41 W Running Network                 47:06
     851  Steph Bath           L50  10 Newcastle (staffs)                47:07
     852  David Foulkes                Nsrra                             47:07
     853  Gael Earp            L45  27 Nsrra                             47:07
     854  Alan Hartley         V55  48 Unattached                        47:08
     855  Ruth Hadfield        L35  39 Unattached                        47:10
     856  Chris Jane           V40 107 Unattached                        47:11
     857  Rachel Newby         L   234 Unattached                        47:11
     858  Zoe Watts            L   235 Newcastle (staffs)                47:13
     859  Vanessa Bradbury     L   236 Unattached                        47:14
     860  Laura Entwistle      L   237 Unattached                        47:15
     861  Asmaa Akhtar         L   238 City Of Stoke                     47:18
     862  Gemma Cutler         L   239 South Cheshire Harriers           47:19
     863  Andrew Birch         V40 108 Unattached                        47:20
     864  Martin Parkinson             Unattached                        47:21
     865  James Warburton              Unattached                        47:27
     866  Caroline Partner     L   240 Congleton Harriers                47:28
     867  Stuart Dunn          V60  36 Newcastle (staffs)                47:29
     868  Sam Woodvine                 Unattached                        47:33
     869  Dawn Batsford        L45  28 Birchfield Harriers               47:37
     870  Sylvia Smallwood     L65   2 South Cheshire Harriers           47:38
     871  Charm Parker         L40  42 South Cheshire Harriers           47:38
     872  Joe Riordan          V45  90 Road Runners Club                 47:39
     873  Desiree Cowie        L45  29 Meynell Valley                    47:41
     874  Janet Evans          L35  40 Unattached                        47:42
     875  Margaret Fox         L70     Congleton Harriers                47:43
     876  Barry Knapper        V45  91 Unattached                        47:43
     877  Jennie Thomas        L35  41 Michelin                          47:46
     878  Amanda Chu           L35  42 Unattached                        47:48
     879  Cindy Morrissette    L45  30 Staffs Moorlands AC               47:50
     880  Sara Rodgers         L40  43 Wrekin R R                        47:52
     881  Oscar Bairstow       V55  49 Unattached                        47:55
     882  Hazel Barlow         L45  31 Michelin                          48:01
     883  Angela Oakes         L45  32 Unattached                        48:08
     884  Joan Brailsford      L50  11 W Running Network                 48:17
     885  Marion Newby         L55  13 Unattached                        48:19
     886  Helen Robbins        L55  14 Whitchurch Whippets               48:21
     887  Martin Ford          V45  92 Unattached                        48:24
     888  Clare Grant          L45  33 Unattached                        48:38
     889  Emma Hughes          L   257 Unattached                        48:40
     890  Hayley Hopwood       L   258 Unattached                        48:44
     891  Brian Fowler         V65  16 Barnett & District AC             48:47
     892  Judith Colman        L55  15 Stafford Harriers                 48:51
     893  Carol Bradbury-Jones L45  34 Whitchurch Whippets               48:52
     894  Wynne Thomas         V45  93 Unattached                        48:53
     895  John Rowlands        V55  50 Telford Harriers                  48:54
     896  David Taylor         V50  60 Staffs Moorlands AC               49:03
     897  Lisa Lancaster       L35  43 Unattached                        49:07
     898  Paul Allsop          V50  61 Meynell Valley                    49:09
     899  Lorraine Dixon       L45  35 Unattached                        49:10
     900  Michael Maloney      V60  37 Michelin                          49:12
     901  Catherine Davies     L   263 Sndbach Striders                  49:14
     902  Sue Clarke           L45  36 Nsrra                             49:17
     903  Lisa Champ           L35  44 Nsrra                             49:17
     904   Frank Grant         V65  17 Stafford Harriers                 49:19
     905  Louise Perry         L35  45 Unattached                        49:19
     906  Steve Lennon                 Unattached                        49:22
     907  Andrew Riley         V50  62 Unattached                        49:22
     908  Christopher Richards         Unattached                        49:23
     909  Joanne Emmerson      L   267 Unattached                        49:28
     910  Vicky Crockett       L   268 Unattached                        49:29
     911  Rachel Biggs         L   269 Bournville Harriers               49:31
     912  Liz Withington       L   270 Michelin                          49:32
     913  Maurice Heathcock    V65  18 Nsrra                             49:43
     914  Chris Bailey         L55  16 Unattached                        49:46
     915  David Lea            V65  19 Birchfield Harriers               49:48
     916  Tracey Bettaney      L35  46 Unattached                        49:55
     917  Terence Parker       V70   7 Birchfield Harriers               50:01
     918  Tracy Churton        L35  47 Unattached                        50:05
     919  Paula Simpson        L40  44 Unattached                        50:09
     920  Jayne Mounsey        L45  37 Unattached                        50:09
     921  John Glover          V65  20 Nsrra                             50:10
     922  Gillian Caldwell     L65   4 Nsrra                             50:11
     923  John Hateley         V60  38 Stafford Harriers                 50:11
     924  Hannah Lockett       L   277 Unattached                        50:12
     925  Carl Lockett                 Unattached                        50:13
     926  Carol Bryant         L50  12 W Running Network                 50:17
     927  Jane Underwood       L35  48 W Running Network                 50:17
     928  Angela Newton        L   280 Unattached                        50:20
     929  Trevor Holloway      V60  39 Longton Harriers                  50:20
     930  Wayne Olorenshaw     V45  94 Unattached                        50:27
     931  Sonya Hale           L   281 Unattached                        50:33
     932  Sarah Heath          L35  49 Unattached                        50:34
     933  Rachel Passey        L40  45 Holmes Chapel Running Club        50:34
     934  Jackie Russo         L40  46 Holmes Chapel Running Club        50:44
     935  Hilary Shipley       L40  47 Unattached                        51:03
     936  Gwyned Jones         L60   6 Sndbach Striders                  51:08
     937  Yeeling Tang         L   287 Unattached                        51:10
     938  Fiona Bennett        L35  50 Unattached                        51:10
     939  Charlotte Bracks.m.m L   289 Unattached                        51:13
     940  Louise Barber        L   290 Unattached                        51:14
     941  Angela Smith         L45  38 Unattached                        51:25
     942  Christine Middleton  L50  13 Unattached                        51:26
     943  Sarah Davies         L   293 Unattached                        51:29
     944  John Girdwood        V55  51 Unattached                        51:32
     945  Tasha Zacune         L35  51 Unattached                        51:33
     946  Linda Scragg         L45  39 Unattached                        51:33
     947  Marie Clubb          L45  40 W Running Network                 51:34
     948  Sandra Hatfeild      L40  48 W Running Network                 51:35
     949  Kate Foster          L50  14 Unattached                        51:37
     950  Jackie Edwards       L45  41 Unattached                        51:37
     951  Jayne Webster        L40  49 Unattached                        51:40
     952  Janet Bancroft       L40  50 Unattached                        51:45
     953  Lizzie Marshall      L35  52 South Cheshire Harriers           51:48
     954  Sarah Saunders       L   303 Unattached                        51:49
     955  Julie Sorrell        L35  53 Stone Master Marathoners          51:52
     956  Jacqui Holdcroft     L35  54 W Running Network                 52:04
     957  Anne Garnett         L50  15 South Cheshire Harriers           52:09
     958  Ken Parry            V75   1 Birchfield Harriers               52:12
     959  Elizabeth Goodwin    L45  42 Uttoxeter RR                      52:15
     960  Wendy Grantham       L40  51 Unattached                        52:15
     961  Beryl Smith          L45  43 Michelin                          52:23
     962  Cynthia Lewis        L55  17 Telford AC                        52:27
     963  Blair Grant          V45  95 Unattached                        52:31
     964  Heather Kinch        L40  52 Unattached                        52:35
     965  Simon Donnelly               Unattached                        52:35
     966  Carol Frain          L60   7 Unattached                        52:53
     967  Linda Barwick        L40  53 South Cheshire Harriers           52:55
     968  Patricia Bolton      L65   5 Biddulph RC                       52:59
     969  Tina Dunn            L60   8 Newcastle (staffs)                53:03
     970  Heather Chadburn     L40  54 Unattached                        53:08
     971  Mac McCoig           V55  52 Stone Master Marathoners          53:10
     972  Margaret Wallace     L40  55 Unattached                        53:21
     973  Sheila Harling       L60   9 Nsrra                             53:24
     974  Deb Williamson       L40  56 W Running Network                 53:24
     975  Angela Stanyer       L40  57 W Running Network                 53:25
     976  Roy Fitton           V70   8 Northern Veterans AC              53:33
     977  Andy Worsley                 Nsrra                             53:39
     978  Vicky Hartley        L50  16 Nsrra                             53:44
     979  Elinor Williamson    L35  55 Barnett & District AC             53:48
     980  Adrian Williamson            Unattached                        53:49
     981  John Summerton       V70   9 Birchfield Harriers               53:57
     982  Lesley Bayliss       L50  17 Unattached                        54:04
     983  Wendy Thompson       L35  56 Unattached                        54:30
     984  Vanessa Dawson       L   325 Unattached                        54:35
     985  Ian Shaw             V40 109 Unattached                        55:05
     986  Peter Dilks          V70  10 Rolls Royce Harriers              55:14
     987  Phil Cooper          V50  63 Uttoxeter RR                      55:17
     988  Joan Goodwin         L50  18 Unattached                        55:33
     989  Pamela Keates        L60  10 Unattached                        55:46
     990  Barbara Deegan       L50  19 Unattached                        56:38
     991   Helen Morley        L40  58 Unattached                        56:45
     992  Anne Burke           L40  59 Unattached                        57:19
     993  Lisa Cresswell       L35  57 Unattached                        57:20
     994  Emma Dugdale         L   332 Unattached                        57:26
     995  Clair Taylor         L   333 Unattached                        58:10
     996  Helen Wood           L   334 Unattached                        58:43
     997  Kathy Ling           L65   6 Wrekin R R                        58:52
     998  Angela Glendenning   L70     Stone Master Marathoners          59:03
     999  Jean Payne           L70     Michelin                          59:05
    1000  Patrick Keily        V65  21 Unattached                      1:00:07
    1001  Phillip Horrobin     V60  40 Nsrra                           1:00:10
    1002  Sara Broome          L40  60 Stafford Harriers               1:00:39
    1003  Margaret Shaw        L65   9 Michelin                        1:00:44
    1004  Catherine Wheawell   L60  11 W Running Network               1:01:17
    1005  Julia Borthwick      L40  61 Newcastle (staffs)              1:01:19
    1006  Zoe Papiernik        L   342 Unattached                      1:01:55
    1007  Jennie Hancock       L40  62 Unattached                      1:01:56
    1008  Sue Richards         L35  58 Unattached                      1:03:00
    1009  Ged Rooney                   Unattached                      1:03:02
    1010  Dave Bloor                   Unattached                      1:03:43

Alsager 5 - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Belgrave Harriers                  10
                                 1  Phil Wicks          
                                 3  Neil Speaight       
                                 6  Steve Sharp         
  2  Notts AC                           30
                                 8  Billy Farquharson   
                                 9  Ian Boneham         
                                13  Martin Whitehouse   
  3  Owls                               53
                                15  James Boxell        
                                16  Mark Powell         
                                22  Gordon Lee          
  4  Cardiff                            57
                                17  Jorge Thomas        
                                19  Mark Jennings       
                                21  Carwin Jones        
  5  Swansea                            68
                                18  Marc Hobbs          
                                23  Lewys Hobbs         
                                27  Oliver Howton       
  6  Sale Harriers Manchester           72
                                 4  Glen Comish         
                                24  Simon Mills         
                                44  Adam Elliot         
  7  Birchfield Harriers                83
                                 2  Jean Ndaysenga      
                                14  James Trollope      
                                67  Mitch Blundell      
  8  Tipton Harriers                   106
                                12  Ian Mitchell        
                                29  Steven Marriott     
                                65  Malcolm Eustace     
  9  Altrincham & District             127
                                 7  Jason Ward          
                                20  Ian Fisher          
                               100  Dave Carrington     
 10  Liverpool Harriers                143
                                43  Glen Groves         
                                47  Michael Rimmer      
                                53  James Horman        
 11  Cheltenham Harriers               154
                                32  Dave Roper          
                                58  Andy Prophett       
                                64  Andrew Hussey       
 12  Vale Royal AC                     243
                                79  Michael Harrington  
                                81  Stuart Doyle        
                                83  Graham Miles        
 13  Long Eaton RC                     245
                                50  Andrew McNeill      
                                63  Paul Lewis          
                               132  Dave Boot           
 14  Wilmslow RC                       252
                                38  Damian Nicholls     
                                85  Tom McGaff          
                               129  Steve Dempsey       
 15  Newcastle (staffs)                271
                                60  Jan Pichl           
                               105  Mark Flint          
                               106  Ian Sparkes         
 16  Macclesfield Harriers             281
                                89  Steve Lomas         
                                94  Chris Bentley       
                                98  Raphael Murray      
 17  South Cheshire Harriers           286
                                73  Peter Mallison      
                                77  Mike Hatton         
                               136  Neil Jones          
 18  Staffs Moorlands AC               303
                                88  Paul Davies         
                               103  David Bratt         
                               112  Mark Dean           
 19  Trentham                          303
                                57  Ian Yates           
                               115  Robert Tabbanor     
                               131  Simon Dunn          
 20  Stone Master Marathoners          351
                                35  Ben Gamble          
                               120  Jim Holland         
                               196  Matt Boulton        
 21  Stockport Harriers                359
                                92  Len Best            
                               133  Frank Reilly        
                               134  Sean Whewell        
 22  Boalloy RC                        404
                               121  Mark Wood           
                               137  Lee Campbell        
                               146  Mark Stoddard       
 23  Cheadle RC                        457
                               138  Kelvin Amos         
                               147  Russell Williams    
                               172  Mick Beardmore      
 24  Stafford Harriers                 459
                               127  Paul Douglas        
                               141  Mike Saint-Dunn     
                               191  Ian Spencer         
 25  Dudley And Stourbridge H          462
                                76  Lee Slater          
                               117  Dave Nation         
                               269  James Brown         
 26  Shrewsbury                        500
                                96  Kevin Francis       
                               182  Steven France       
                               222  Robert Hall         
 27  Buxton & District AC              504
                               126  Paul Drabble        
                               184  Dave Nutton         
                               194  Terry Fowler        
 28  Uttoxeter RR                      519
                               164  Simon Danks         
                               176  Brian Mackey        
                               179  Steve Parsonage     
 29  Wrexham                           533
                                71  Chris Bailey        
                               113  Dave Ayton          
                               349  Peter Varley        
 30  Nsrra                             545
                               144  David Owen          
                               181  David Barlow        
                               220  Mick Williams       
 31  Congleton Harriers                554
                               102  James Wood          
                               158  Chris Moss          
                               294  Harold Pinkney      
 32  Michelin                          557
                               170  Chris Smith         
                               174  Mark Maloney        
                               213  Nigel Payne         
 33  Northern Veterans AC              627
                                86  Kenneth Moss        
                               212  Stuart Calderbank   
                               329  Nefyn Williams      
 34  Hatton Darts                      639
                               119  Simon Elliott       
                               161  Lindsay Kirkland    
                               359  Warren Simms        
 35  Wolves & Bilston                  680
                               208  Arthur Zammit       
                               234  Rob Challoner       
                               238  Peter Stark         
 36  Styal RC                          755
                               216  Andrew Dooley       
                               237  Anthony Collier     
                               302  Jonathan Clarke     
 37  Sndbach Striders                  784
                               232  Giles Hodges        
                               253  Steven Pepper       
                               299  Philip Bradley      
 38  Chase Harriers                    805
                               245  Alan Burt           
                               265  Allan Eley          
                               295  Darren Taylor       
 39  Telford Harriers                  846
                               199  Andy Seal           
                               276  Ian Beattie         
                               371  Alan Hodgkiss       
 40  Biddulph RC                      1001
                               258  Nigel Jones         
                               350  William Harvey      
                               393  George Smith        
 41  Milton                           1051
                               285  Paul Howle          
                               347  John Holmes         
                               419  Amrik Rai           
 42  Longton Harriers                 1059
                               327  Michael Collins     
                               334  Terence Walton      
                               398  Derek Okseniuk      

Alsager 5 - Men (Vets) -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Vale Royal AC                      51
                                10  Graham Miles        
                                17  Tom Annable         
                                24  John Todd           
  2  Wilmslow RC                        84
                                11  Tom McGaff          
                                36  Steve Dempsey       
                                37  Mick Fairs          
  3  Stockport Harriers                 97
                                16  Len Best            
                                40  Frank Reilly        
                                41  Sean Whewell        
  4  Staffs Moorlands AC               108
                                13  Paul Davies         
                                27  Mark Dean           
                                68  Robin Britton       
  5  Trentham                          113
                                29  Robert Tabbanor     
                                38  Simon Dunn          
                                46  David Myatt         
  6  South Cheshire Harriers           121
                                 7  Mike Hatton         
                                42  Neil Jones          
                                72  Melvyn Cole         
  7  Boalloy RC                        124
                                30  Mark Wood           
                                43  Lee Campbell        
                                51  Guy Aartse-Tuyn     
  8  Cheadle RC                        153
                                44  Kelvin Amos         
                                47  Russell Williams    
                                62  Mick Beardmore      
  9  Newcastle (staffs)                163
                                23  Mark Flint          
                                66  Ray Morris          
                                74  Kevin Oakley        
 10  Macclesfield Harriers             165
                                19  Raphael Murray      
                                28  Andrew Gray         
                               118  Mark Wheelton       
 11  Birchfield Harriers               166
                                52  Gordon Orme         
                                54  Kevin Wakerley      
                                60  Martin Wilkinson    
 12  Buxton & District AC              182
                                33  Paul Drabble        
                                70  Dave Nutton         
                                79  Terry Fowler        
 13  Stafford Harriers                 197
                                34  Paul Douglas        
                                77  Ian Spencer         
                                86  David Marsden       
 14  Nsrra                             208
                                45  David Owen          
                                69  David Barlow        
                                94  Mick Williams       
 15  Uttoxeter RR                      257
                                65  Brian Mackey        
                                67  Steve Parsonage     
                               125  Clive Baggaley      
 16  Altrincham & District             268
                                20  Dave Carrington     
                                75  Damian Utton        
                               173  Mansel Pope         
 17  Northern Veterans AC              284
                                12  Kenneth Moss        
                                89  Stuart Calderbank   
                               183  Nefyn Williams      
 18  Styal RC                          359
                                92  Andrew Dooley       
                               107  Anthony Collier     
                               160  Jonathan Clarke     
 19  Michelin                          391
                                90  Nigel Payne         
                               146  Gary Jones          
                               155  Norman Collins      
 20  Chase Harriers                    397
                               114  Alan Burt           
                               129  Allan Eley          
                               154  Darren Taylor       
 21  Telford Harriers                  439
                                82  Andy Seal           
                               139  Ian Beattie         
                               218  Alan Hodgkiss       
 22  Stone Master Marathoners          460
                               138  Peter Haslop        
                               156  Andy Osgathorpe     
                               166  Thomas Johnson      
 23  Congleton Harriers                483
                               153  Harold Pinkney      
                               158  Malcolm Jackson     
                               172  Tony Smith          
 24  Sndbach Striders                  492
                               157  Philip Bradley      
                               167  Jason Bulley        
                               168  John Lawton         
 25  Hatton Darts                      501
                                56  Lindsay Kirkland    
                               208  Warren Simms        
                               237  Andrew Gadsby       
 26  Biddulph RC                       562
                               124  Nigel Jones         
                               200  William Harvey      
                               238  George Smith        
 27  Milton                            602
                               147  Paul Howle          
                               197  John Holmes         
                               258  Amrik Rai           
 28  Longton Harriers                  610
                               181  Michael Collins     
                               188  Terence Walton      
                               241  Derek Okseniuk      

Alsager 5 - Ladies -- PROVISIONAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Nicky Archer         L     1 Vale Royal AC                     27:51
       2  Jenny Blizards       L     2 Rotherham                         28:15
       3  Emily Adams          L     3 Aldershot & District              28:44
       4  Liz Such             L     4 Hallamshire Harriers              28:49
       5  Helen Singleton      L     5 Wakefield                         28:55
       6  Tess Walker          L     6 Salford Harriers                  29:04
       7  Jo Brewer            L     7 Cheltenham Harriers               29:12
       8  Justina Heslop       L     8 Clapham Chasers                   29:16
       9  Philippa Prescott    L     9 Bedford And County AC             29:21
      10  Catherine Dugdale    L    10 Swansea                           29:25
      11  Emma Jackson         L    11 City Of Stoke                     29:34
      12  Emma Phillips        L    12 Birchfield Harriers               29:36
      13  Emily Nelson         L    13 Epsom & Ewell                     29:40
      14  Sarah Harris         L    14 Macclesfield Harriers             29:52
      15  Anne Buckley         L40   1 Bingley Harriers                  29:53
      16  Anne Farmer          L    16 Macclesfield Harriers             29:56
      17  Marilyn Kitching     L35   1 Tattenhall Runners                30:02
      18  Sharon Orridge       L40   2 Long Eaton RC                     30:03
      19  Nicki Cornock        L    19 Swansea                           30:21
      20  Caroline Harvey      L    20 Wrexham                           30:30
      21  Ruth Watchorn-Rice   L40   3 Cheadle RC                        30:34
      22  Emma Parry           L    22 Wrexham                           30:49
      23  Jayne Dickens        L35   2 Stone Master Marathoners          30:53
      24  Adela Salt           L    24 Trentham                          30:57
      25  Michelle Buckle      L    25 Newcastle (staffs)                31:00
      26  Sian Monahan         L45   1 Bristol & West AC                 31:02
      27  Leanne Sheehy        L    27 Salford Harriers                  31:12
      28  Gemma Unsworth       L    28 Blackpool Wyre & Fylde            31:15
      29  Julia Myatt          L40   4 Newcastle (staffs)                31:42
      30  Jane Saunders        L35   3 Wilmslow RC                       32:10
      31  Emma Calderbank      L    31 Serpentine                        32:15
      32  Jenny Reed           L    32 Matlock AC                        32:22
      33  Amanda Dipple        L    33 Dudley And Stourbridge H          32:23
      34  Alison Hartopp       L40   5 Macclesfield Harriers             32:36
      35  Kerry Wood           L40   6 Stockport Harriers                32:38
      36  Claire Conway        L    36 Bristol & West AC                 32:39
      37  Vicky Bryant         L    37 Wigan Phoenix AC                  32:48
      38  Christine Kilkenny   L55   1 Cannock                           32:49
      39  Helen Whitby         L    39 Vale Royal AC                     32:52
      40  Gemma Todd           L    40 Vale Royal AC                     32:54
      41  Sue Hool             L    41 Wilmslow RC                       33:07
      42  Shavaun Henry        L    42 Blackheath & Bromley              33:23
      43  Gillian Jubb         L    43 St Albans Striders                33:37
      44  Jane Campion         L40   7 Vale Royal AC                     33:46
      45  Monica Fee           L    45 Long Eaton RC                     33:46
      46  Hee Kathy Van        L    46 Hallamshire Harriers              33:51
      47  Emma Wharton         L    47 Buxton & District AC              33:54
      48  Melanie Young        L    48 Newcastle (staffs)                34:19
      49  Amy Cope             L    49 Stone Master Marathoners          34:27
      50  Lynne Callaghan      L    50 Trentham                          34:32
      51  Melanie Johnson      L    51 Vale Royal AC                     34:36
      52  Joanne Donnelly      L    52 Trentham                          34:54
      53  Amanda Vernon        L35   4 W Running Network                 34:55
      54  Ruth Sills           L35   5 Vale Royal AC                     35:02
      55  Mary Tavener         L45   2 Vale Royal AC                     35:06
      56  Kate Sutton          L45   3 Wilmslow RC                       35:09
      57  Barbara Murray       L50   1 Macclesfield Harriers             35:14
      58  Rachel Meigh         L    58 Staffs Moorlands AC               35:16
      59 ?Catherine Lawton     L35   6 W Running Network                 35:29
      60  Sally Price          L    60 Wilmslow RC                       35:33
      61  Catherine Goldstraw  L35   7 Unattached                        35:44
      62  Dot Fellows          L60   1 Cannock                           36:02
      63 ?Jo Molyneaux         L45   4 Vale Royal AC                     36:14
      64  Chicken Cox          L    64 Newcastle (staffs)                36:40
      65  Amanda Bradbury      L    65 Wilmslow RC                       36:51
      66  Chris Skellern       L45   5 Stafford Harriers                 36:53
      67  Diane Hamilton       L40   8 Derby AC                          37:08
      68  Rachel Hall          L    68 Meynell Valley                    37:20
      69  Samantha Owen        L    69 Unattached                        37:21
      70  Janet Tate           L40   9 Unattached                        37:26
      71  Sandra Lewis         L    71 Altrincham & District             37:38
      72  Sammi Sheldon        L    72 Staffs Moorlands AC               37:42
      73  Vicky Lowndes        L40  10 Stafford Harriers                 37:46
      74  Claire Woolrich      L35   8 Staffs Moorlands AC               37:56
      75  Alison Pye           L    75 Sale Harriers Manchester          37:57
      76  Debbie Hope          L35   9 Staffs Moorlands AC               38:01
      77  Jo Waddilove         L35  10 Sndbach Striders                  38:04
      78  Penny Hinke          L45   6 Wilmslow RC                       38:17
      79  Paula Parkin         L40  11 Derby AC                          38:20
      80  Joanne Edwards       L45   7 Vale Royal AC                     38:22
      81  Georgia Greeves      L    81 Staffs Moorlands AC               38:27
      82  Sarah Gardner-Hall   L    82 Norton Canes RR                   38:28
      83  Pam Davies           L55   2 Stone Master Marathoners          38:41
      84  Kaz Brandt           L    84 Trentham                          38:46
      85  Nicola Sayle         L    85 Unattached                        38:48
      86  Catriona Marshall    L40  12 Wilmslow RC                       38:50
      87  Samantha Davies      L    87 Newcastle (staffs)                39:03
      88  Karen Davis          L40  13 Stafford Harriers                 39:12
      89  Radka Moores         L    89 Unattached                        39:12
      90  Belinda Riley        L45   8 Newcastle (staffs)                39:12
      91  Sandre Jackson       L45   9 Congleton Harriers                39:17
      92  Ruth Goreham         L35  11 Unattached                        39:27
      93  Ruth Calderbank      L55   3 Blackpool Wyre & Fylde            39:30
      94  Sara Houlton         L    94 Stafford Harriers                 39:31
      95  Harriet Riley        L    95 Newcastle (staffs)                39:39
      96  Eva Berrill          L    96 Trentham                          39:41
      97  Julie Atton          L35  12 Unattached                        39:41
      98  Rosie Pritchard      L40  14 Boalloy RC                        39:48
      99  Jayne Lomas          L40  15 Vale Royal AC                     39:54
     100  Nicky Clements       L   100 Uttoxeter RR                      39:58
     101  Kelsey Stair         L   101 Staffs Moorlands AC               39:59
     102  Sandra Poole         L60   2 Holme Pierrepont RC               40:01
     103  Rachel Tweedie       L35  13 Newcastle (staffs)                40:13
     104  Angela Moulton       L40  16 Unattached                        40:13
     105  Rebecca Redding      L   105 Newcastle (staffs)                40:14
     106  Deborah Drabble      L40  17 Buxton & District AC              40:17
     107  Jenny Tatler         L   107 Macclesfield Harriers             40:18
     108  Kate Hollins         L35  14 Boalloy RC                        40:18
     109  Lisa Dimbleby        L35  15 Birchfield Harriers               40:20
     110  Rosemary Britton     L55   4 Ashbourne AC                      40:22
     111  Kathryn Morris       L45  10 Newcastle (staffs)                40:25
     112  Claire Stewart       L40  18 Unattached                        40:38
     113  Nayalie Highte       L40  19 Boalloy RC                        40:44
     114  Claire Atherton      L35  16 Uttoxeter RR                      40:46
     115  Pauline Davies       L55   5 Vale Royal AC                     40:47
     116  Clare Pheasey        L35  17 Sndbach Striders                  40:47
     117  Kirsty Smith         L35  18 Unattached                        40:54
     118  Julie Lucas          L40  20 Wilmslow RC                       40:55
     119  Jenny Reeve          L45  11 Lichfield Running Club            40:55
     120  Elizabeth Wynn       L55   6 Wrekin R R                        40:56
     121  Louise Spence        L40  21 Unattached                        40:56
     122  Maria Owen           L45  12 Staffs Moorlands AC               40:57
     123   Wendy Fitzpatrick   L45  13 Unattached                        41:00
     124  Ann Williams         L40  22 Nsrra                             41:10
     125  Marie-Laure Bose     L35  19 Uttoxeter RR                      41:11
     126  Anne Fortune         L55   7 Spectrum Striders                 41:14
     127  Jemma Plant          L   127 Liverpool Harriers                41:15
     128  Emma Kerr            L   128 Unattached                        41:15
     129  Janice Cope          L50   2 Unattached                        41:18
     130  Kerry Widdowson      L   130 Unattached                        41:28
     131  Mary Carnell         L50   3 Unattached                        41:33
     132  Angela Foster        L40  23 Unattached                        41:33
     133  Ann Powell           L40  24 Unattached                        41:37
     134  Lucy Webb            L45  14 Uttoxeter RR                      41:42
     135  Deann Rothwell       L35  20 Unattached                        41:54
     136  Leah Hulme           L   136 Liverpool Harriers                41:55
     137  Nicola Goode         L   137 Boalloy RC                        41:56
     138  Wendy Proctor        L40  25 Nsrra                             41:58
     139  Virginia Allen       L   139 Newcastle (staffs)                42:02
     140  Ann Haywood          L45  15 Birchfield Harriers               42:05
     141  Karen Norcross-Downs L35  21 Unattached                        42:16
     142  Victoria Davenport   L   142 Unattached                        42:16
     143  Amy Dean             L   143 Staffs Moorlands AC               42:17
     144  Ann-Marie Potts      L35  22 Unattached                        42:26
     145  Liz Latham           L   145 Unattached                        42:29
     146  Louise Powney        L   146 Unattached                        42:31
     147  Margaret Williams    L50   4 Northern Veterans AC              42:32
     148  Jane O'Hara          L35  23 Unattached                        42:35
     149  Christine Andrew     L45  16 Biddulph RC                       42:37
     150  Christine Allmark    L55   8 Newcastle (staffs)                42:39
     151  Karen Murray         L45  17 Stafford Harriers                 42:51
     152  Sarah Aston          L40  26 Wrekin R R                        42:54
     153  Consterdine-Tilley   L   153 City Of Stoke                     43:00
     154  Madeline Richardson  L40  27 South Cheshire Harriers           43:08
     155  Nicola Stringer      L40  28 Unattached                        43:08
     156  Natalie Mountford    L   156 Stafford Harriers                 43:22
     157  Polly Swain          L   157 Unattached                        43:23
     158  Susan Baker          L45  18 Cheadle RC                        43:25
     159  Joanne Cotton        L   159 Michelin                          43:25
     160  Janet Kelsall        L50   5 Unattached                        43:26
     161  Lindsay Whitlock     L   161 Uttoxeter RR                      43:28
     162  Wendy Astle-Rowe     L40  29 Unattached                        43:30
     163  Jane Heath           L45  19 Unattached                        43:31
     164  Katrina Ackerley     L35  24 Unattached                        43:32
     165  Dianne Lapworth      L55   9 Unattached                        43:32
     166  Sandra Durow         L35  25 Uttoxeter RR                      43:34
     167  Joanne Leese         L45  20 Nsrra                             43:44
     168  Karen Retford        L35  26 Unattached                        43:47
     169  Sally Burns          L   169 Stafford Harriers                 43:47
     170  Shelagh Swinnerton   L60   3 South Cheshire Harriers           43:48
     171  Rita Banks           L60   4 Stone Master Marathoners          43:50
     172  Wendy Swift          L35  27 Newcastle (staffs)                43:52
     173 ?Catherine Lawton     L35  28 W Running Network                 43:54
     174  Lisa Davis           L35  29 Unattached                        43:56
     175  Gail Green           L40  30 W Running Network                 44:10
     176  Jane Millichip       L40  31 Notts AC                          44:12
     177  Sarah Leicester      L   177 Unattached                        44:20
     178  Samantha Cole        L   178 South Cheshire Harriers           44:21
     179  Helen Calder         L40  32 Unattached                        44:23
     180  Lesley Lunn          L40  33 Unattached                        44:25
     181  Christine Harding    L40  34 Sndbach Striders                  44:29
     182  Claire Wilson        L35  30 Unattached                        44:33
     183  Beth Arrowsmith      L   183 Unattached                        44:34
     184  Louise Weller        L40  35 Styal RC                          44:34
     185  Kate Poxon           L35  31 Meynell Valley                    44:35
     186  Claire Connolly      L   186 Unattached                        44:38
     187  Steph Dudley         L40  36 W Running Network                 44:39
     188  May Scott            L40  37 Unattached                        44:40
     189  Kathryn McFarlane    L40  38 Nsrra                             44:41
     190  Lauren Ashford       L   190 Unattached                        44:41
     191  Gail Lowe            L35  32 Newcastle (staffs)                44:48
     192  Elizabeth O'Keeffe   L50   6 Sndbach Striders                  44:52
     193  Rebecca Dearman      L45  21 Unattached                        45:12
     194  Margaret Shaw        L55  10 Stone Master Marathoners          45:14
     195  Paula Lawson         L   195 Unattached                        45:22
     196  Elizabeth Baker      L50   7 Staffs Moorlands AC               45:22
     197  Luan Donaldson       L   197 Unattached                        45:24
     198  Gina Weatherall      L65   1 Nsrra                             45:26
     199  Julie Fletcher       L45  22 Newcastle (staffs)                45:27
     200  Sara Moreton         L35  33 Unattached                        45:27
     201  Nancy Medley         L35  34 Unattached                        45:32
     202  Sharon Buckley       L40  39 Michelin                          45:35
     203  Kathleen Gildon      L60   5 Unattached                        45:36
     204  Pam Kay              L45  23 Spectrum Striders                 45:37
     205  Lynne Cook           L50   8 Shropshire Shufflers              45:46
     206  Fiona Seabridge      L   206 Unattached                        45:46
     207   Joanne Aartse-Tuyn  L35  35 Boalloy RC                        45:47
     208  Chandresin Thakasala L   208 Unattached                        45:52
     209  Rachel Skinner       L   209 Unattached                        45:54
     210  Denise Rogers        L40  40 Norton Canes RR                   45:55
     211 ?Jo Molyneaux         L45  24 Vale Royal AC                     45:56
     212  Lynn Tamplin         L50   9 Congleton Harriers                46:06
     213  Cheryl Johnson       L45  25 Unattached                        46:08
     214  Yoland Marconi-Nolan L55  11 Brodysynni Ac                     46:14
     215  Rebecca Bostock      L35  36 Stafford Harriers                 46:17
     216  Judith Winchup       L45  26 South Cheshire Harriers           46:18
     217  Jessica Wilkins      L   217 Unattached                        46:24
     218  Lyndsey Gater        L   218 Newcastle (staffs)                46:29
     219  Imogen Smith         L   219 Newcastle (staffs)                46:31
     220  Jenny Barnett        L   220 Unattached                        46:32
     221  Linda Hobson         L35  37 Unattached                        46:33
     222  Liz Painter          L35  38 South Cheshire Harriers           46:38
     223  Claire McDonnell     L   223 Unattached                        46:38
     224  Carole Williams      L55  12 Vale Royal AC                     46:43
     225  Samantha Russett     L   225 Unattached                        46:46
     226  Anna Ravenscroft     L   226 Unattached                        46:49
     227  Helen Stanley        L   227 Unattached                        46:55
     228  Emma Foster          L   228 Unattached                        47:01
     229  Laura Ford           L   229 Unattached                        47:06
     230  Sarah McKeown        L40  41 W Running Network                 47:06
     231  Steph Bath           L50  10 Newcastle (staffs)                47:07
     232  Gael Earp            L45  27 Nsrra                             47:07
     233  Ruth Hadfield        L35  39 Unattached                        47:10
     234  Rachel Newby         L   234 Unattached                        47:11
     235  Zoe Watts            L   235 Newcastle (staffs)                47:13
     236  Vanessa Bradbury     L   236 Unattached                        47:14
     237  Laura Entwistle      L   237 Unattached                        47:15
     238  Asmaa Akhtar         L   238 City Of Stoke                     47:18
     239  Gemma Cutler         L   239 South Cheshire Harriers           47:19
     240  Caroline Partner     L   240 Congleton Harriers                47:28
     241  Dawn Batsford        L45  28 Birchfield Harriers               47:37
     242  Sylvia Smallwood     L65   2 South Cheshire Harriers           47:38
     243  Charm Parker         L40  42 South Cheshire Harriers           47:38
     244  Desiree Cowie        L45  29 Meynell Valley                    47:41
     245  Janet Evans          L35  40 Unattached                        47:42
     246  Margaret Fox         L70     Congleton Harriers                47:43
     247  Jennie Thomas        L35  41 Michelin                          47:46
     248  Amanda Chu           L35  42 Unattached                        47:48
     249  Cindy Morrissette    L45  30 Staffs Moorlands AC               47:50
     250  Sara Rodgers         L40  43 Wrekin R R                        47:52
     251  Hazel Barlow         L45  31 Michelin                          48:01
     252  Angela Oakes         L45  32 Unattached                        48:08
     253  Joan Brailsford      L50  11 W Running Network                 48:17
     254  Marion Newby         L55  13 Unattached                        48:19
     255  Helen Robbins        L55  14 Whitchurch Whippets               48:21
     256  Clare Grant          L45  33 Unattached                        48:38
     257  Emma Hughes          L   257 Unattached                        48:40
     258  Hayley Hopwood       L   258 Unattached                        48:44
     259  Judith Colman        L55  15 Stafford Harriers                 48:51
     260  Carol Bradbury-Jones L45  34 Whitchurch Whippets               48:52
     261  Lisa Lancaster       L35  43 Unattached                        49:07
     262  Lorraine Dixon       L45  35 Unattached                        49:10
     263  Catherine Davies     L   263 Sndbach Striders                  49:14
     264  Sue Clarke           L45  36 Nsrra                             49:17
     265  Lisa Champ           L35  44 Nsrra                             49:17
     266  Louise Perry         L35  45 Unattached                        49:19
     267  Joanne Emmerson      L   267 Unattached                        49:28
     268  Vicky Crockett       L   268 Unattached                        49:29
     269  Rachel Biggs         L   269 Bournville Harriers               49:31
     270  Liz Withington       L   270 Michelin                          49:32
     271  Chris Bailey         L55  16 Unattached                        49:46
     272  Tracey Bettaney      L35  46 Unattached                        49:55
     273  Tracy Churton        L35  47 Unattached                        50:05
     274  Paula Simpson        L40  44 Unattached                        50:09
     275  Jayne Mounsey        L45  37 Unattached                        50:09
     276  Gillian Caldwell     L65   4 Nsrra                             50:11
     277  Hannah Lockett       L   277 Unattached                        50:12
     278  Carol Bryant         L50  12 W Running Network                 50:17
     279  Jane Underwood       L35  48 W Running Network                 50:17
     280  Angela Newton        L   280 Unattached                        50:20
     281  Sonya Hale           L   281 Unattached                        50:33
     282  Sarah Heath          L35  49 Unattached                        50:34
     283  Rachel Passey        L40  45 Holmes Chapel Running Club        50:34
     284  Jackie Russo         L40  46 Holmes Chapel Running Club        50:44
     285  Hilary Shipley       L40  47 Unattached                        51:03
     286  Gwyned Jones         L60   6 Sndbach Striders                  51:08
     287  Yeeling Tang         L   287 Unattached                        51:10
     288  Fiona Bennett        L35  50 Unattached                        51:10
     289  Charlotte Bracks.m.m L   289 Unattached                        51:13
     290  Louise Barber        L   290 Unattached                        51:14
     291  Angela Smith         L45  38 Unattached                        51:25
     292  Christine Middleton  L50  13 Unattached                        51:26
     293  Sarah Davies         L   293 Unattached                        51:29
     294  Tasha Zacune         L35  51 Unattached                        51:33
     295  Linda Scragg         L45  39 Unattached                        51:33
     296  Marie Clubb          L45  40 W Running Network                 51:34
     297  Sandra Hatfeild      L40  48 W Running Network                 51:35
     298  Kate Foster          L50  14 Unattached                        51:37
     299  Jackie Edwards       L45  41 Unattached                        51:37
     300  Jayne Webster        L40  49 Unattached                        51:40
     301  Janet Bancroft       L40  50 Unattached                        51:45
     302  Lizzie Marshall      L35  52 South Cheshire Harriers           51:48
     303  Sarah Saunders       L   303 Unattached                        51:49
     304  Julie Sorrell        L35  53 Stone Master Marathoners          51:52
     305  Jacqui Holdcroft     L35  54 W Running Network                 52:04
     306  Anne Garnett         L50  15 South Cheshire Harriers           52:09
     307  Elizabeth Goodwin    L45  42 Uttoxeter RR                      52:15
     308  Wendy Grantham       L40  51 Unattached                        52:15
     309  Beryl Smith          L45  43 Michelin                          52:23
     310  Cynthia Lewis        L55  17 Telford AC                        52:27
     311  Heather Kinch        L40  52 Unattached                        52:35
     312  Carol Frain          L60   7 Unattached                        52:53
     313  Linda Barwick        L40  53 South Cheshire Harriers           52:55
     314  Patricia Bolton      L65   5 Biddulph RC                       52:59
     315  Tina Dunn            L60   8 Newcastle (staffs)                53:03
     316  Heather Chadburn     L40  54 Unattached                        53:08
     317  Margaret Wallace     L40  55 Unattached                        53:21
     318  Sheila Harling       L60   9 Nsrra                             53:24
     319  Deb Williamson       L40  56 W Running Network                 53:24
     320  Angela Stanyer       L40  57 W Running Network                 53:25
     321  Vicky Hartley        L50  16 Nsrra                             53:44
     322  Elinor Williamson    L35  55 Barnett & District AC             53:48
     323  Lesley Bayliss       L50  17 Unattached                        54:04
     324  Wendy Thompson       L35  56 Unattached                        54:30
     325  Vanessa Dawson       L   325 Unattached                        54:35
     326  Joan Goodwin         L50  18 Unattached                        55:33
     327  Pamela Keates        L60  10 Unattached                        55:46
     328  Barbara Deegan       L50  19 Unattached                        56:38
     329   Helen Morley        L40  58 Unattached                        56:45
     330  Anne Burke           L40  59 Unattached                        57:19
     331  Lisa Cresswell       L35  57 Unattached                        57:20
     332  Emma Dugdale         L   332 Unattached                        57:26
     333  Clair Taylor         L   333 Unattached                        58:10
     334  Helen Wood           L   334 Unattached                        58:43
     335  Kathy Ling           L65   6 Wrekin R R                        58:52
     336  Angela Glendenning   L70     Stone Master Marathoners          59:03
     337  Jean Payne           L70     Michelin                          59:05
     338  Sara Broome          L40  60 Stafford Harriers               1:00:39
     339  Margaret Shaw        L65   9 Michelin                        1:00:44
     340  Catherine Wheawell   L60  11 W Running Network               1:01:17
     341  Julia Borthwick      L40  61 Newcastle (staffs)              1:01:19
     342  Zoe Papiernik        L   342 Unattached                      1:01:55
     343  Jennie Hancock       L40  62 Unattached                      1:01:56
     344  Sue Richards         L35  58 Unattached                      1:03:00

Alsager 5 - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Macclesfield Harriers              64
                                14  Sarah Harris        
                                16  Anne Farmer         
                                34  Alison Hartopp      
  2  Vale Royal AC                      80
                                 1  Nicky Archer        
                                39  Helen Whitby        
                                40  Gemma Todd          
  3  Newcastle (staffs)                102
                                25  Michelle Buckle     
                                29  Julia Myatt         
                                48  Melanie Young       
  4  Trentham                          126
                                24  Adela Salt          
                                50  Lynne Callaghan     
                                52  Joanne Donnelly     
  5  Wilmslow RC                       127
                                30  Jane Saunders       
                                41  Sue Hool            
                                56  Kate Sutton         
  6  Stone Master Marathoners          150
                                23  Jayne Dickens       
                                49  Amy Cope            
                                78  Pam Davies          
  7  Staffs Moorlands AC               194
                                58  Rachel Meigh        
                                67  Sammi Sheldon       
                                69  Claire Woolrich     
  8  Stafford Harriers                 213
                                63  Chris Skellern      
                                68  Vicky Lowndes       
                                82  Karen Davis         
  9  Birchfield Harriers               230
                                12  Emma Phillips       
                                99  Lisa Dimbleby       
                               119  Ann Haywood         
 10  Boalloy RC                        289
                                89  Rosie Pritchard     
                                98  Kate Hollins        
                               102  Nayalie Highte      
 11  Uttoxeter RR                      305
                                91  Nicky Clements      
                               103  Claire Atherton     
                               111  Marie-Laure Bose    
 12  City Of Stoke                     306
                                11  Emma Jackson        
                               126  Consterdine-Tilley  
                               169  Asmaa Akhtar        
 13  Sndbach Striders                  318
                                72  Jo Waddilove        
                               105  Clare Pheasey       
                               141  Christine Harding   
 14  W Running Network                 335
                                53  Amanda Vernon       
                               138  Gail Green          
                               144  Steph Dudley        
 15  Nsrra                             360
                               110  Ann Williams        
                               117  Wendy Proctor       
                               133  Joanne Leese        
 16  Meynell Valley                    383
                                65  Rachel Hall         
                               143  Kate Poxon          
                               175  Desiree Cowie       
 17  South Cheshire Harriers           402
                               127  Madeline Richardson 
                               135  Shelagh Swinnerton  
                               140  Samantha Cole       
 18  Congleton Harriers                412
                                84  Sandre Jackson      
                               157  Lynn Tamplin        
                               171  Caroline Partner    
 19  Wrekin R R                        412
                               108  Elizabeth Wynn      
                               125  Sarah Aston         
                               179  Sara Rodgers        
 20  Michelin                          459
                               130  Joanne Cotton       
                               152  Sharon Buckley      
                               177  Jennie Thomas       

Alsager 5 - Ladies (Vets) -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Vale Royal AC                      41
                                12  Jane Campion        
                                14  Ruth Sills          
                                15  Mary Tavener        
  2  Wilmslow RC                        49
                                 8  Jane Saunders       
                                16  Kate Sutton         
                                25  Penny Hinke         
  3  Stafford Harriers                  70
                                19  Chris Skellern      
                                21  Vicky Lowndes       
                                30  Karen Davis         
  4  Newcastle (staffs)                 75
                                 7  Julia Myatt         
                                31  Belinda Riley       
                                37  Rachel Tweedie      
  5  Staffs Moorlands AC                95
                                22  Claire Woolrich     
                                23  Debbie Hope         
                                50  Maria Owen          
  6  Stone Master Marathoners          100
                                 5  Jayne Dickens       
                                28  Pam Davies          
                                67  Rita Banks          
  7  Boalloy RC                        116
                                34  Rosie Pritchard     
                                39  Kate Hollins        
                                43  Nayalie Highte      
  8  Sndbach Striders                  141
                                24  Jo Waddilove        
                                46  Clare Pheasey       
                                71  Christine Harding   
  9  Uttoxeter RR                      150
                                44  Claire Atherton     
                                52  Marie-Laure Bose    
                                54  Lucy Webb           
 10  W Running Network                 156
                                13  Amanda Vernon       
                                69  Gail Green          
                                74  Steph Dudley        
 11  Nsrra                             171
                                51  Ann Williams        
                                55  Wendy Proctor       
                                65  Joanne Leese        
 12  Birchfield Harriers               192
                                40  Lisa Dimbleby       
                                56  Ann Haywood         
                                96  Dawn Batsford       
 13  Wrekin R R                        213
                                49  Elizabeth Wynn      
                                61  Sarah Aston         
                               103  Sara Rodgers        
 14  South Cheshire Harriers           218
                                62  Madeline Richardson 
                                66  Shelagh Swinnerton  
                                90  Judith Winchup      
 15  Congleton Harriers                219
                                32  Sandre Jackson      
                                87  Lynn Tamplin        
                               100  Margaret Fox        
 16  Michelin                          287
                                82  Sharon Buckley      
                               101  Jennie Thomas       
                               104  Hazel Barlow        

Results copyright © G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2008