The Jim Dingwall Elloughton 10k

at Elloughton on Sunday 12th August 2007

Elloughton -- FINAL RESULTS

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Daniel Agustus               Scarborough Athletic Club         31:28
       2  Steve Bateson                East Hull Harriers & Ac           32:40
       3  Jonathan Carter              East Hull Harriers & Ac           33:19
       4  Phill Taylor                 Bridlington Road Runners          33:55
       5  Darren Cooney        V40   1 Rotherham Harriers & Ac           34:05
       6  Thomas McKee                 Kingston Upon Hull A C            34:25
       7  Matthew Pye          U18   1 Kingston Upon Hull A C            34:42
       8  Jack Cutsforth       U18   2 Kingston Upon Hull A C            34:58
       9  Lance Kirlew         V45   1 East Hull Harriers & Ac           35:06
      10  John Broom                   Holmfirth Harriers Ac             35:26
      11  Mike Vinegrad                East Hull Harriers & Ac           36:14
      12  Pete Baker                   Unattached                        36:36
      13  Jon Tucker           U18   3 Kingston Upon Hull A C            36:59
      14  James Kraft          U18   4 Scarborough Athletic Club         37:11
      15  Adam Fozzard                 City Of Hull Ac                   37:12
      16  Eddie Rex                    East Hull Harriers & Ac           37:14
      17  Nigel Sisson                 East Hull Harriers & Ac           37:16
      18  Keith Williams       V55   1 Rotherham Harriers & Ac           37:18
      19  Richard Thompson             City Of Hull Ac                   37:23
      20  Andrew Watson        V40   2 East Hull Harriers & Ac           37:36
      21  John Tuton                   North Shields Poly Club           37:38
      22  Simon Richardson     V55   2 Pocklington Runners               37:41
      23  Tim McCune           U18   5 Kingston Upon Hull A C            37:46
      24  Paul Smith           V45   2 Unattached                        37:53
      25  Aubrey Morrell               Beverley Ac                       37:53
      26  James Stathers       JM    1 Beverley Ac                       38:06
      27  Ross Armstrong       JM    2 Beverley Ac                       38:12
      28  Ian Hird             V45   3 City Of Hull Ac                   38:14
      29  Tony Burgin          V40   3 White City (hull) Rrc             38:28
      30  Paul Frost           V50   1 East Hull Harriers & Ac           38:35
      31  Jim Emmines                  The Stragglers                    38:43
      32  David Cole           V50   2 Wolds Veteran Runners Club        38:44
      33  Martin Horbury       V40   4 Keighley & Craven Ac              38:47
      34  Mark Lawson                  Hull Springhead Harriers          39:09
      35  Ian Fenton                   Unattached                        39:14
      36  Ted Kraft            V50   3 Scarborough Athletic Club         39:16
      37  Rob Snaith                   Unattached                        39:17
      38  David Vickers                Scunthorpe & District Ac          39:21
      39  Ian Husband          V45   4 Beverley Ac                       39:24
      40  Daphne Ellmore       L55   1 Wolds Veteran Runners Club        39:26
      41  Steve Wardell                Unattached                        39:29
      42  Tony Collinson       V40   5 East Hull Harriers & Ac           39:31
      43  Elliot Hakner                Unattached                        39:40
      44  Kieran Blogg                 Unattached                        39:41
      45  Craig Smallbone              Loughton AC                       39:42
      46  Lee Phipps                   Unattached                        39:43
      47  Paul Body                    City Of Hull Ac                   39:52
      48  David Rowden         V40   6 Hull Springhead Harriers          39:55
      49  Gary Whitfield       V40   7 Unattached                        39:57
      50  Kristian Davis               Beverley Ac                       39:59
      51  Ian Boardley                 Beverley Ac                       39:59
      52  Ben Smales                   Unattached                        39:59
      53  Philip Burn          U18   6 Beverley Ac                       40:14
      54  David Porter         V40   8 City Of Hull Ac                   40:16
      55  Laura-Jane Day       L18   1 Kingston Upon Hull A C            40:19
      56  Neal Boardley                Unattached                        40:19
      57  Phil Dewberry        V55   3 Hull Springhead Harriers          40:27
      58  Steven Green         V55   4 Wolds Veteran Runners Club        40:31
      59  Russell Hardiman     V40   9 City Of Hull Ac                   40:34
      60  Paul Andrews         V40  10 East Hull Harriers & Ac           40:37
      61  Paul Freeman         V40  11 Wolds Veteran Runners Club        40:38
      62  Cheryl Lyons         L35   1 Kingston Upon Hull A C            41:03
      63  Paul Wiles           V45   5 Beverley Ac                       41:10
      64  Gary Coulam          V45   6 Wolds Veteran Runners Club        41:20
      65  Sa Eugenio De        V50   4 Beverley Ac                       41:27
      66  John Smith           V50   5 City Of Hull Ac                   41:49
      67  Phill White                  Unattached                        41:51
      68   Graham Cook         V40  12 City Of Hull Ac                   41:58
      69  Stephen Brook        V60   1 Queensbury Running Club           42:00
      70  Michelle Stone       L18   2 Kingston Upon Hull A C            42:00
      71  Stephen Goldthorpe   V40  13 Unattached                        42:03
      72  Mike Holloway        V45   7 Unattached                        42:04
      73  Ian Rosser                   Unattached                        42:06
      74  Graham Havercroft    V45   8 East Hull Harriers & Ac           42:07
      75  Chris Dunn                   Beverley Ac                       42:12
      76  Huwie Davies                 Unattached                        42:18
      77  Simon Alexander              Kingston Upon Hull A C            42:20
      78  John Basker                  Unattached                        42:23
      79  Julie Donald         L35   2 Beverley Ac                       42:25
      80  Nigel Cook           V40  14 Rotherham Harriers & Ac           42:28
      81  Dawn Broom           L40   1 Holmfirth Harriers Ac             42:37
      82  Corey Arnott         U18   7 Beverley Ac                       42:46
      83  Pamela Richards      L35   3 City Of Hull Ac                   42:47
      84  Duncan Berriman      V40  15 Unattached                        43:04
      85  Andy Tate            V45   9 Beverley Ac                       43:12
      86  Daniel Barrass       V40  16 Unattached                        43:15
      87  Jordan Arnott        U18   8 Beverley Ac                       43:18
      88  Andrew Gristwod      V40  17 Cleethorpes & District Ac         43:20
      89  Mel Evans            L     8 Unattached                        43:21
      90  Stephen Coveney      V55   5 City Of Hull Ac                   43:22
      91  Phil Reay                    Haltemprice Road Runners Cl       43:28
      92  Daniel Aldus                 City Of Hull Ac                   43:29
      93  Andrew Lawtry                Unattached                        43:37
      94  Antony Keyworth              Unattached                        43:38
      95  Simon Chilton        V45  10 Unattached                        43:38
      96  Fiona Robinson       L40   2 City Of Hull Ac                   43:54
      97  Moira Armstrong      L45   1 Beverley Ac                       43:55
      98  Luc Clayton                  City Of Hull Ac                   43:57
      99  Neil Cavill          V40  18 City Of Hull Ac                   43:57
     100  Matthew Dean         JM    3 Unattached                        44:13
     101  Wayne Heppenstall            Holme Valley Ac                   44:16
     102  Steve Trout                  Valley Striders                   44:21
     103  Mark Dennison        V45  11 Unattached                        44:25
     104  Adrian Rooks         V45  12 Unattached                        44:27
     105  Ian Fergusson                Unattached                        44:31
     106  Jodie Spencer        L18   3 Kingston Upon Hull A C            44:33
     107  Rob Reid             V40  19 Beverley Ac                       44:37
     108  Michael Carter       V55   6 Unattached                        44:45
     109  Amanda Dean          L45   2 The YPI West Hull Ladies Rrc      44:46
     110  Andy Blake                   Unattached                        44:48
     111  Matthew Simpson              Unattached                        44:52
     112  Glen Rimmington      V40  20 Hull Achilles Ac                  44:53
     113  Vernon Chapman               Unattached                        44:54
     114  Mark Nurse           V45  13 Withernsea Harriers               44:57
     115  Paul Cairns                  Unattached                        45:02
     116   Darran Cook                 Unattached                        45:03
     117  Andrew Johnson               Unattached                        45:04
     118  Ian Pattison                 Unattached                        45:06
     119  Derek Martin         V60   2 Abbey Runners                     45:10
     120  Alex Eaton                   Unattached                        45:18
     121  Stephen Knowles      V45  14 Hull Springhead Harriers          45:24
     122  Graham Naylor        V55   7 White City (hull) Rrc             45:26
     123  Ian Tasker                   White City (hull) Rrc             45:28
     124  Simon Jack           V55   8 Unattached                        45:32
     125  Mike Bayston         V40  21 East Hull Harriers & Ac           45:33
     126  Paul Maddison                Unattached                        45:35
     127  Ricky Kipling                Unattached                        45:39
     128  C Williamson         V45  15 Unattached                        45:40
     129  Neil Pattison        V40  22 Scunthorpe & District Ac          45:43
     130  Tina Wardropper      L40   3 Beverley Ac                       45:45
     131  Barrie Buxton        V60   3 City Of Hull Ac                   45:48
     132  Stephen Howden               Unattached                        45:53
     133  Bob Newell           V70   1 Scunthorpe & District Ac          45:56
     134  Alan High            V40  23 Unattached                        46:00
     135  Richard Beare                Unattached                        46:07
     136  Michael Day          V45  16 Kingston Upon Hull A C            46:12
     137  Jackie Wright        L40   4 Unattached                        46:19
     138  Shane Page           V45  17 City Of Hull Ac                   46:23
     139  Malclom Denison      V45  18 Kirkstall Harriers                46:25
     140  Stewart Kinghorn     V55   9 Unattached                        46:26
     141  Danny Candlin                Unattached                        46:38
     142  Nick Baldwin                 Unattached                        46:43
     143  Lindon Washby                East Hull Harriers & Ac           46:56
     144  Tony Beck                    Beverley Ac                       47:09
     145  Linda Hardy          L    15 Border Harriers & Ac              47:10
     146  Pat Brady            V50   6 Abbey Runners                     47:27
     147  Alan Cuff            V65   1 East Hull Harriers & Ac           47:30
     148  Kelvin Westerman     V50   7 East Hull Harriers & Ac           47:36
     149  Carole Brattan       L40   5 Hull Achilles Ac                  47:38
     150  Paul Witherwick              Unattached                        47:39
     151  Colin Watson         V60   4 Dewsbury Road Runners             47:40
     152  Darren Cairns                Unattached                        47:41
     153  Ashley Arnott        JM    4 Beverley Ac                       47:42
     154  Robin Smith          V50   8 Unattached                        47:45
     155  Jez Aintly                   Unattached                        47:46
     156  John Myers           V40  24 Unattached                        47:47
     157  Alberto Girolami     V40  25 Unattached                        47:48
     158  Paul Broderick       V45  19 Unattached                        47:50
     159  Brian Watts          V60   5 Unattached                        47:52
     160  Matthew Wright               Unattached                        47:54
     161  Gavin Atkinson               Unattached                        47:58
     162  Lauren Halkon        L    17 Unattached                        48:00
     163  David Brookes        V50   9 Unattached                        48:01
     164  Alan Burton          V45  20 Unattached                        48:02
     165  Sally Precious       L35   4 Hull Achilles Ac                  48:06
     166  Michael Palmer               Unattached                        48:07
     167  Helen Storr          L40   6 Beverley Ac                       48:09
     168  Jayne Dale           L45   3 Beverley Ac                       48:11
     169  Heidi Booth          L    21 Unattached                        48:12
     170  John Horncastle      V50  10 Hull Springhead Harriers          48:15
     171  Dave Ripton                  Unattached                        48:20
     172  Helene Cundill       L35   5 The Village                       48:25
     173  Graham Southard      V45  21 Unattached                        48:25
     174  Gail Tombs           L55   2 Ackworth Road Runners             48:26
     175  Sally Yarrington     L45   4 Scunthorpe & District Ac          48:27
     176  Claire Windeatt      L    25 Unattached                        48:35
     177                ???         ???                               48:36
     178  Craig Palmer                 Unattached                        48:37
     179  Cath Wadforth        L55   3 Hull Springhead Harriers          48:40
     180  Tim Wood             V45  22 Unattached                        48:44
     181  Colin Utterson       V60   6 York Acorn Running Club           48:48
     182  Mark Willis                  White City (hull) Rrc             48:48
     183  Richard Riby                 Unattached                        48:52
     184  Sarah Rose           L50   1 Unattached                        48:58
     185  Philip Newton                Unattached                        48:58
     186  Laura Reynolds       L    28 Hull Springhead Harriers          48:59
     187  James Ward                   Unattached                        49:02
     188  Paul Herbert                 Unattached                        49:05
     189  Paul Shepherd        V40  26 Unattached                        49:06
     190  Verena Golach        L45   5 City Of Hull Ac                   49:07
     191  Alan Pye             V45  23 Unattached                        49:09
     192  Olafia Kvaran        L35   6 Unattached                        49:10
     193  Barry Spriggs        V40  27 Unattached                        49:12
     194  Samantha Ritson      L35   7 Scunthorpe & District Ac          49:17
     195  Martyn Precious      V40  28 Hull Achilles Ac                  49:21
     196  Michael Tonkin               Unattached                        49:22
     197  Claire Chapman       L    32 Unattached                        49:22
     198  Steve Richmond       V50  11 East Hull Harriers & Ac           49:24
     199  Gary Laws            V40  29 Unattached                        49:32
     200  Ellie Beill          L    33 Unattached                        49:33
     201  Brian Dobson         V45  24 Pocklington Runners               49:34
     202  Graham Harper        V50  12 Haltemprice Road Runners Cl       49:49
     203  Ian Tattersall       V50  13 Unattached                        49:49
     204  Walter Cammish       V60   7 Unattached                        49:51
     205  Keith Clayton        V55  10 Unattached                        49:54
     206  David Rudd           V45  25 Unattached                        49:57
     207  Jodie Marshall       L    34 Unattached                        50:00
     208  Stuart Benyon        V40  30 Unattached                        50:01
     209  Graham Scott                 Unattached                        50:04
     210  Andrew Sutton                Unattached                        50:06
     211  Jane Curran          L    35 Barracuda Tri                     50:12
     212  Charles Paterson             Unattached                        50:18
     213  Angela Collins       L40   7 Beverley Ac                       50:20
     214  Jeffrey Copping      V55  11 City Of Hull Ac                   50:22
     215  Patricia Warran      L55   4 Hull Springhead Harriers          50:24
     216  Adele Shipley        L35   8 Pocklington Runners               50:27
     217  Susan Crankshaw      L    39 Unattached                        50:37
     218  Victoria Baker       L    40 Unattached                        50:38
     219  Alistair Williams    V40  31 Unattached                        50:46
     220  Richard Bartlett     V50  14 Unattached                        50:48
     221  Chris Sumpton                East Hull Harriers & Ac           50:51
     222  John Clark           V45  26 Unattached                        50:53
     223  Paula Whyte          L40   8 Unattached                        50:54
     224  David Pickering      V55  12 Unattached                        50:55
     225  Matthew Redfern      V40  32 Unattached                        51:01
     226  Julia Quait          L    42 Unattached                        51:04
     227  Vicky Harne          L    43 Beverley Ac                       51:05
     228  Gavin Ruler          V40  33 Unattached                        51:08
     229  Anna Doughty         L35   9 Unattached                        51:11
     230  Judith Lawtry        L50   2 Unattached                        51:28
     231  Ric Lings            V40  34 Unattached                        51:33
     232  Paul Hearn                   Unattached                        51:40
     233  Robert Hastie                Unattached                        51:51
     234  John Pawson          V60   8 City Of Hull Ac                   52:00
     235  Les Jones            V50  15 Unattached                        52:02
     236  Terri Willmott       L    46 The YPI West Hull Ladies Rrc      52:04
     237  Sam Bixby                    Unattached                        52:11
     238  Peter Henderson      V60   9 Unattached                        52:14
     239  C Preston-Routledge  V40  35 Unattached                        52:21
     240  Nicola Heron         L    47 Beverley Ac                       52:22
     241  Jonathan Young               Unattached                        52:23
     242  Mike Willis          V60  10 Scarborough Athletic Club         52:24
     243  Giulia Wilkins       L    48 Scarborough Athletic Club         52:26
     244  Rekha Ravichandran   L    49 Unattached                        52:27
     245  Peter Storey         V45  27 City Of Hull Ac                   52:35
     246  Karl Addrison        V40  36 Unattached                        52:37
     247  Matthew Harrison             Unattached                        52:44
     248  Georgina Crichton    L    50 The YPI West Hull Ladies Rrc      52:44
     249  Eddy Wharton                 Unattached                        52:49
     250  Robert Precious              Unattached                        52:55
     251  Laura Simpson        L    51 Unattached                        53:02
     252  Peter Isaacs         V45  28 Wakefield District H & Ac         53:04
     253  Don Lyall            V50  16 Unattached                        53:07
     254  Nick Beedham         V45  29 Unattached                        53:11
     255  Robert Weaver                Road Runners Club                 53:27
     256  Charlie Palmer       V45  30 Unattached                        53:36
     257  David Walmsley       V40  37 Unattached                        53:47
     258  Natasha Tomlinson    L    52 Unattached                        53:47
     259  Glenn Halsley        V40  38 Hull Springhead Harriers          53:49
     260  Niki Marshall        L    53 White City (hull) Rrc             53:49
     261  Tony Barker                  Unattached                        53:51
     262  Wendy Burnett        L    54 Hull Springhead Harriers          53:51
     263  Helen Cassidy        L    55 Unattached                        53:51
     264  Paul Blackburn       V50  17 Unattached                        53:53
     265  Jade Stowell         L    56 Kingston Upon Hull A C            54:02
     266  Kate Birkenhead      L45   6 Unattached                        54:11
     267  Robert Budd          V55  13 Unattached                        54:18
     268  David Annandale      V50  18 East Hull Harriers & Ac           54:20
     269  Sean Hewitt          V45  31 Unattached                        54:24
     270  Rachel Potter        L    58 Unattached                        54:34
     271  Sarah Armstrong      L    59 Unattached                        54:35
     272  Tracey Heath         L40   9 Unattached                        54:35
     273  Dean Patrick                 Unattached                        54:46
     274  Ben Thompson                 Unattached                        54:52
     275  Carolyn Brown        L35  10 Unattached                        54:56
     276  Rob Moffatt                  Unattached                        55:02
     277  John Boardley        V60  11 Beverley Ac                       55:04
     278  Denise Olds          L55   5 Hull Springhead Harriers          55:06
     279  Martin Dennison              Unattached                        55:08
     280  Neil Myers                   Unattached                        55:12
     281  Stephen Lamyman              Unattached                        55:12
     282  Steve Parker         V40  39 Unattached                        55:13
     283  Iain Hill            V40  40 Unattached                        55:23
     284  Alison Windas        L40  10 Unattached                        55:30
     285  Raymond Stead        V45  32 Unattached                        55:32
     286  Chris Denley         V55  14 Hull Springhead Harriers          55:47
     287  Katrine Denley       L55   6 Hull Springhead Harriers          55:49
     288  Stuart Clark         V45  33 Unattached                        55:51
     289  Mark Leighton        V40  41 Unattached                        55:59
     290  Robert Dinsdale      V45  34 White City (hull) Rrc             56:00
     291  Sharon Whitworth     L35  11 Meltham Ac                        56:02
     292  David Scott          V60  12 Scunthorpe & District Ac          56:04
     293  Christopher Day      V50  19 Scunthorpe & District Ac          56:16
     294  Tim Booth            V40  42 Driffield Striders                56:18
     295  Angela Maltas        L35  12 Unattached                        56:20
     296  Stewart Boddy                Unattached                        56:26
     297  Sophie Teasdale      L40  11 Unattached                        56:27
     298  Ann Cunningham       L55   7 Unattached                        56:27
     299  Terrie Williamson    L40  12 Unattached                        56:36
     300  Mike Green           V55  15 Unattached                        56:45
     301  John Wardell         V50  20 Unattached                        56:50
     302  James Simpson        V60  13 Swaledale Road Runners            56:53
     303  Greg Clarkson        V55  16 Unattached                        56:54
     304  Lisa Horner          L    70 Unattached                        56:54
     305  Miranda Bartlett     L50   3 Unattached                        57:01
     306  Caroline Bowditch    L45   7 Unattached                        57:03
     307  David Glenville      V50  21 City Of Hull Ac                   57:04
     308  Hilary Wallis        L55   8 Unattached                        57:09
     309  Ivor Ibbitson        V65   2 Unattached                        57:10
     310  David Russell        V50  22 Unattached                        57:11
     311  Graham Benton        V50  23 Maltby Running Club               57:15
     312  Steve Cunningham             City Of Hull Ac                   57:16
     313  Lisa Beal            L    74 Unattached                        57:17
     314  Anne Bakker          L55   9 Unattached                        57:20
     315  Lee Swift            V40  43 City Of Hull Ac                   57:23
     316  Claire Swift         L35  13 City Of Hull Ac                   57:23
     317  Debbie Beedham       L45   8 Unattached                        57:25
     318  Sarah Coates-Madden  L35  14 Unattached                        57:31
     319  John Ledger          V45  35 Unattached                        57:36
     320  Sharon Hartley       L55  10 The YPI West Hull Ladies Rrc      57:38
     321  Ann Henderson        L55  11 Unattached                        57:38
     322  Sarah Anderson       L45   9 Unattached                        57:42
     323  Emily Loukes         L    82 Unattached                        57:42
     324  Anthony Loukes       V65   3 Unattached                        57:42
     325  Keith Tyler          V60  14 Cleethorpes & District Ac         57:46
     326  Chris Drinnan                Unattached                        57:49
     327  Johanna Vicary       L18   4 Pocklington Runners               57:52
     328  Samuel Black         V60  15 Abbey Runners                     58:08
     329  Alan Scarborough     V45  36 Unattached                        58:12
     330  Sue Vicary           L45  10 Pocklington Runners               58:35
     331  Janet Strachan       L45  11 Unattached                        58:48
     332  Pete Elwick                  Hartshead                         58:48
     333  Karen Towner         L50   4 White City (hull) Rrc             58:48
     334  Steve Warran         V55  17 Hull Springhead Harriers          58:55
     335  Robert Thomson       V70   2 Haltemprice Road Runners Cl       59:02
     336  Michael Mooney       V60  16 Unattached                        59:07
     337  Pam Worrall          L35  15 Unattached                        59:15
     338  Ian Roberts                  Unattached                        59:31
     339  Christopher Davis    V55  18 Unattached                        59:37
     340  Tanya Davies         L    88 Unattached                        59:39
     341  Barbara Dykes        L50   5 Goole Viking Striders             59:40
     342  Rebecca Dean         L18   5 The YPI West Hull Ladies Rrc      59:48
     343  Shaun Wright         V45  37 Unattached                        59:54
     344  Millie Cawood        L35  16 Unattached                      1:00:01
     345  Sue Pettigrew        L    92 Unattached                      1:00:02
     346  David Rennie         V55  19 Unattached                      1:00:09
     347  Emma Dawber          L40  13 East Hull Harriers & Ac         1:00:25
     348  Anne Haughan         L50   6 Unattached                      1:00:27
     349  Don Haughan          V60  17 Unattached                      1:00:31
     350  Emma Barrow          L50   7 Hull Springhead Harriers        1:00:34
     351  William Edmonds      V50  24 Unattached                      1:00:37
     352  Frank Birkenhead     V70   3 Unattached                      1:00:46
     353  Cheryl Whitehouse    L    96 Unattached                      1:01:04
     354  Alex Campbell                Unattached                      1:01:04
     355  Karen Hood           L40  14 Unattached                      1:01:13
     356  Denise Harlington    L50   8 Unattached                      1:01:14
     357  Judi Jobling         L60   1 Unattached                      1:01:17
     358  Steff Maughan        LJ    1 Unattached                      1:01:34
     359  Yendis Westerman     L50   9 Unattached                      1:01:44
     360  Shaun Horton         V45  38 Unattached                      1:02:07
     361  Melvin White         V50  25 Unattached                      1:02:09
     362  Paul Clarke          V60  18 Haltemprice Road Runners Cl     1:02:11
     363  Robert Pearson       V55  20 Unattached                      1:02:12
     364  Anita Shipley        L50  10 Unattached                      1:02:36
     365  Anita Coupland       L35  17 Unattached                      1:03:02
     366  Peter Shillings      V50  26 Unattached                      1:03:18
     367  Rachel Kitching      L   104 Unattached                      1:03:18
     368  Martin Holloway              Unattached                      1:03:18
     369  Claire Cairns        L   105 Unattached                      1:03:29
     370  Sandra Barrass       L50  11 Hull Springhead Harriers        1:03:29
     371  Nigel Risper         V65   4 Unattached                      1:04:22
     372  Robert Reay          V60  19 Haltemprice Road Runners Cl     1:04:40
     373  Monette Parkinson    L   107 Unattached                      1:04:48
     374  Elizabeth Boardley   L35  18 Unattached                      1:05:14
     375  Cheryl Elsworthy     L35  19 Unattached                      1:05:16
     376  Amanda Walker        L35  20 Unattached                      1:05:19
     377  David Walker         V60  20 Unattached                      1:05:19
     378  Barry Fenton         V50  27 Unattached                      1:06:32
     379  Jennifer Dennison    L40  15 Unattached                      1:07:07
     380  Tracy Norman         L40  16 The YPI West Hull Ladies Rrc    1:12:29
     381  Nicky Robinson       L   113 Unattached                      1:17:29
     382  Vicky Chapman        L   114 Unattached                      1:17:29
     383  Gilly Newsam         L   115 Unattached                      1:17:31
     384  Rose Brattan         L60   2 Unattached                      1:29:26

Elloughton - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  East Hull Harriers & Ac            14
                                 2  Steve Bateson       
                                 3  Jonathan Carter     
                                 9  Lance Kirlew        
  2  Kingston Upon Hull A C             21
                                 6  Thomas McKee        
                                 7  Matthew Pye         
                                 8  Jack Cutsforth      
  3  Scarborough Athletic Club          47
                                 1  Daniel Agustus      
                                13  James Kraft         
                                33  Ted Kraft           
  4  City Of Hull Ac                    58
                                14  Adam Fozzard        
                                18  Richard Thompson    
                                26  Ian Hird            
  5  Beverley Ac                        72
                                23  Aubrey Morrell      
                                24  James Stathers      
                                25  Ross Armstrong      
  6  Rotherham Harriers & Ac            80
                                 5  Darren Cooney       
                                17  Keith Williams      
                                58  Nigel Cook          
  7  Hull Springhead Harriers          115
                                32  Mark Lawson         
                                39  David Rowden        
                                44  Phil Dewberry       
  8  Wolds Veteran Runners Club        123
                                30  David Cole          
                                45  Steven Green        
                                48  Paul Freeman        
  9  White City (hull) Rrc             178
                                27  Tony Burgin         
                                75  Graham Naylor       
                                76  Ian Tasker          
 10  Scunthorpe & District Ac          192
                                34  David Vickers       
                                78  Neil Pattison       
                                80  Bob Newell          
 11  Abbey Runners                     278
                                73  Derek Martin        
                                86  Pat Brady           
                               119  Samuel Black        
 12  Haltemprice Road Runners Cl       283
                                64  Phil Reay           
                                97  Graham Harper       
                               122  Robert Thomson      

Elloughton - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Kingston Upon Hull A C              9
                                 2  Laura-Jane Day      
                                 3  Cheryl Lyons        
                                 4  Michelle Stone      
  2  Beverley Ac                        26
                                 5  Julie Donald        
                                 9  Moira Armstrong     
                                12  Tina Wardropper     
  3  City Of Hull Ac                    38
                                 7  Pamela Richards     
                                 8  Fiona Robinson      
                                23  Verena Golach       
  4  Hull Springhead Harriers           70
                                21  Cath Wadforth       
                                22  Laura Reynolds      
                                27  Patricia Warran     
  5  The YPI West Hull Ladies Rrc       74
                                11  Amanda Dean         
                                30  Terri Willmott      
                                33  Georgina Crichton   
  6  Pocklington Runners               113
                                28  Adele Shipley       
                                42  Johanna Vicary      
                                43  Sue Vicary          

Results copyright (c) G.J. Fecitt (SportSoft) 2007