Sheffield 10k Road Race

at Sheffield on Sunday 28th March 1999

Sheffield 10k - Men -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Wayne Jacques                Sheffield AC                      34:09
       2  David Hayes                  North Derbyshire RC               35:20
       3  Keith Williams       V45   1 Rotherham Harriers                35:30
       4  Shaun Hogton                 Kimberworth Striders              35:54
       5  Nigel Kent           V40   1 Sheffield AC                      36:13
       6  Jed Turner                   Sheffield AC                      36:20
       7  Jerry Spencer        V50   1 Rotherham Harriers                36:26
       8  Dean Oxley                   Hallamshire Harrier               36:42
       9  Barry Williams       V45   2 Steel City Strider                36:52
      10  Adrian Eagle                 Unattached                        36:59
      11  Terry Hawlwy         V50   2 Rotherham Harriers                37:03
      12  Mike Plint                   Sheffield AC                      37:10
      13  Malcolm Taylor       V40   2 Sheffield AC                      37:19
      14  Terry Eastwood       V40   3 Steel City Strider                37:24
      15  Lewis Banton                 Clowne RR                         37:25
      16  Mark Hall                    Steel City Strider                37:28
      17  Ian Nerurkar                 Hallamshire Harrier               37:32
      18  John Gregory         V50   3 Steel City Strider                37:37
      19  Philip Cashmore              Unattached                        37:46
      20  John Padgett         V40   4 Doncaster & Stainforth AC         37:47
      21  Tim Reason                   Unattached                        37:49
      22  Kieran Dowling       V45   3 Unattached                        37:51
      23  Tony Turner          V50   4 Rotherham Harriers                37:53
      24  Darren Bond                  Unattached                        37:55
      25  Simon Wiles                  Steel City Strider                38:09
      26  Richard Dunk                 Road Runners Club                 38:11
      27  Peter Bunker         V45   4 Rotherham Harriers                38:31
      28  David Bonnington     V45   5 Hallamshire Harrier               38:32
      29  Al Kirk                      Unattached                        38:36
      30  Peter Wilkinson      V50   5 Skipton AC                        38:43
      31  Phil Monaghan                Fearnville Running Club           38:46
      32  David Parkin                 Unattached                        38:48
      33  Duco VanOostrum              Hallamshire Harrier               38:49
      34  Jamie Yule                   Steel City Strider                38:52
      35  John Fortescue               Fearnville Running Club           38:52
      36  Steve Rhodes                 Killamarsh Kestrels               38:55
      37  David Fox            V45   6 Scarborough AC                    38:57
      38  David Hyones         V40   5 Dewsbury RR                       39:07
      39  Steven Bennett       V40   6 North Derbyshire RC               39:08
      40  Tim Blythen                  Unattached                        39:08
      41  Mick Collingwood     V50   6 Askern DRC                        39:10
      42  Ben Steiner                  Unattached                        39:12
      43  David Wright         V40   7 Unattached                        39:13
      44  David Claxton                Unattached                        39:14
      45  Andrew Pearson               Hallamshire Harrier               39:14
      46  Michael Theobald     V50   7 Hallamshire Harrier               39:21
      47  Jon Gilchrist                Totley Ac                         39:40
      48   Jeff Harris                 Unattached                        39:45
      49  Peter Coe                    Unattached                        39:45
      50  Patrick Corrigan     V45   7 Totley Ac                         39:51
      51  Mark Allen                   Unattached                        39:52
      52  Michael Hopson               Unattached                        39:53
      53  John Wasniowski              Unattached                        40:02
      54  Gary Willoughby              SYFR                              40:10
      55  Simon Rollitt                Unattached                        40:13
      56  Neil Shaw                    Rotherham Harriers                40:19
      57  David Hargreaves     V45   8 Vegetarian Cycling                40:21
      58  James Hague                  Unattached                        40:26
      59  Philip Brown         V40   8 Longwood Harriers                 40:30
      60  Alan Haythorne       V40   9 Unattached                        40:30
      61  Peter Badger         V40  10 Unattached                        40:41
      62  David Morris                 Steel City Strider                40:50
      63  Stephen Hilton               Unattached                        40:55
      64  David Hewitt         V45   9 Steel City Strider                40:56
      65  Mick Dobson          V50   8 Hallamshire Harrier               41:00
      66  Colin West           V40  11 Unattached                        41:00
      67  Matt Hancock         JM    1 Unattached                        41:05
      68  Steven Ludlow        V50   9 Steel City Strider                41:07
      69  Stuart Platts                Clowne RR                         41:13
      70  Martin Lowe          V45  10 North Derbyshire RC               41:17
      71  John Croft           V40  12 Steel City Strider                41:20
      72  Andrew Rowland               Steel City Strider                41:25
      73  Geoffrey Spriggs             Unattached                        41:55
      74  Roy Thomas           V40  13 Kimberworth Striders              42:05
      75  Robert Bartle                Unattached                        42:14
      76  James Bicknell               Wiltshire Police                  42:16
      77  Ian Brookes                  Killamarsh Kestrels               42:20
      78  Clarkson Clarkson    V40  14 Barnsley Harriers                 42:30
      79  David Wattam         V40  15 Unattached                        42:36
      80  Martin Rhodes        V50  10 Steel City Strider                42:36
      81  Cross Cross          V50  11 North Derbyshire RC               42:46
      82  Andrew Eshelby               Rotherham Harriers                42:48
      83  Steele                       Unattached                        42:48
      84  David Trickett       V50  12 Hallamshire Harrier               42:50
      85  Peter Morgan         V50  13 Road Runners Club                 42:58
      86  Nicholas Meager              Unattached                        42:58
      87  Raymond Robinson     V50  14 Unattached                        43:01
      88  Robert Slow          V45  11 Unattached                        43:05
      89  Edward Marples       V45  12 Hallamshire Harrier               43:07
      90  Andrew Ward                  Steel City Strider                43:08
      91  Graham Bastock               Unattached                        43:11
      92  James Bower                  Steel City Strider                43:11
      93  Simon Goddard                Hallamshire Harrier               43:12
      94  David Hobson         V40  16 Unattached                        43:19
      95  Richard Smith        V45  13 Totley Ac                         43:21
      96  Harrison Harrison            Unattached                        43:27
      97  Paul Anwar                   Unattached                        43:31
      98  Neil Waslidge                Unattached                        43:32
      99  Kenneth Cunningham   V55   1 Steel City Strider                43:36
     100  Roy Butterworth              Rotherham Harriers                43:37
     101  Stephen Thornton     V40  17 Unattached                        43:42
     102  William Jeffs                Unattached                        43:51
     103  Richard Bakewell             Killamarsh Kestrels               43:52
     104  Keith Rooney         V40  18 Unattached                        43:54
     105  Eugene Rybinski      V45  14 Dark Peak FR                      43:55
     106  Eric Shaw            V40  19 Unattached                        43:55
     107  Andrew Fairbairn             Unattached                        43:58
     108  Andrew Porter        V40  20 Clowne RR                         44:06
     109  Stephen Wilkins      V40  21 Steel City Strider                44:12
     110  Roger Radford        V50  15 Clowne RR                         44:16
     111  Tony Jepson          V55   2 Unattached                        44:27
     112  Kevin Rowland                Steel City Strider                44:28
     113  Stuart Cartledge     V45  15 Steel City Strider                44:28
     114  Ian O'Connor                 Unattached                        44:31
     115  Russell Beresford            Unattached                        44:34
     116  Roger Aspinall       V40  22 Unattached                        44:35
     117  Wayne Wright                 Steel City Strider                44:37
     118  Ken Wright           V60   1 Chesapeake                        44:51
     119  Raymond Jacques      V45  16 Unattached                        44:55
     120  Roger Green          V50  16 Hallamshire Harrier               44:57
     121  David Gaughan        V45  17 Steel City Strider                44:57
     122  John Sowerby                 Unattached                        45:00
     123  Geraint Davies               Unattached                        45:04
     124  Geoff Hall           V55   3 Unattached                        45:04
     125  Iain Laing                   Unattached                        45:06
     126  Peter Woolley        V50  17 Unattached                        45:24
     127  Ashley Calow         V40  23 Rock'n'rollers                    45:32
     128  John Fitch           V50  18 Kimberworth Striders              45:43
     129  David Gibson                 Unattached                        46:03
     130  David Holland                Unattached                        46:04
     131  Michael Swift                Kimberworth Striders              46:15
     132  David Macbeath       V45  18 Kimberworth Striders              46:15
     133  Stephen Snook                Totley Ac                         46:20
     134  Jonathan Straker     V45  19 Dark Peak FR                      46:21
     135  Gary Morewood        V40  24 S/yorks Police                    46:21
     136  Julian Paul          V55   4 Steel City Strider                46:24
     137  Anthony Hulme        V45  20 Unattached                        46:27
     138  Tony Kennett         V40  25 Unattached                        46:27
     139  Hugh Maccullum       V45  21 S/yorks Police                    46:30
     140  Edward Pover                 Unattached                        46:35
     141  Michael Loughane     V50  19 Steel City Strider                46:36
     142  James Johnson                Steel City Strider                46:39
     143  Luigi Cazzato        V45  22 Steel City Strider                46:48
     144  Uriah Rennie                 Unattached                        46:49
     145  Chris Connors        V50  20 Unattached                        46:58
     146  Paul Clarke                  Unattached                        47:07
     147  Robert Steel                 Unattached                        47:12
     148  Philip Steel         V45  23 Unattached                        47:12
     149  Andrew Hunt                  Unattached                        47:16
     150  Michael Pover                Unattached                        47:19
     151  Peter Kenyon                 Unattached                        47:23
     152  John Burton          V40  26 Unattached                        47:23
     153  Guy Reilly                   Unattached                        47:26
     154  Michael Temprell             Unattached                        47:26
     155  Colin Hills                  Unattached                        47:28
     156  Paul Bainbridge      V45  24 Unattached                        47:29
     157  John Proffitt        V55   5 Clowne RR                         47:30
     158  Stephen O'Shea               Unattached                        47:31
     159  Gary Wharam          V40  27 Unattached                        47:37
     160  Malcolm Marston      V50  21 Killamarsh Kestrels               47:37
     161  Andrew Kenney                Unattached                        47:38
     162  Mark Bishop                  Penistone FR                      47:44
     163  Steve Rogan          V50  22 Kimberworth Striders              47:45
     164  Roger Cook           V50  23 Kimberworth Striders              47:49
     165  Mark Allison                 Unattached                        47:52
     166  Shaun Jones                  Meadowhall Charity                47:52
     167  Chris Green                  Unattached                        47:59
     168  David Brown          V55   6 Steel City Strider                48:00
     169  Idris Davies         V55   7 Unattached                        48:07
     170  Andrew Johnson               Steel City Strider                48:11
     171  Peter Cone           V50  24 Unattached                        48:24
     172  Jeffery Heath        V55   8 Unattached                        48:32
     173  Philip Widdowson             Rotherham Harriers                48:35
     174  Russell Barker               Steel City Strider                48:45
     175  Derek Smith          V45  25 Penistone FR                      48:45
     176  Alan Brock           V40  28 Steel City Strider                48:46
     177  John Benneman        V50  25 Unattached                        48:47
     178  Robert Rooker        V50  26 Unattached                        48:47
     179  Michael Marlow       U16   1 Unattached                        48:55
     180  Leslie Salmon        V55   9 Unattached                        48:56
     181  Paul Hood                    Unattached                        48:59
     182  Aubrey Yates                 Unattached                        49:00
     183  Hilton McCarthy              Meadowhall Charity                49:06
     184  Alfred Court         V55  10 Unattached                        49:16
     185  James Lambe                  Unattached                        49:31
     186  John Beardshaw       V50  27 Steel City Strider                49:31
     187  David Nash                   Unattached                        49:32
     188  Anthony Turner       V40  29 Penistone FR                      49:38
     189  Steven Poole                 Kimberworth Striders              49:41
     190  Carl Wilkinson               Unattached                        49:43
     191  John Marlow          V40  30 Unattached                        49:47
     192  Peter Gillott                Unattached                        49:51
     193  L Nashuili           V45  26 Unattached                        49:57
     194  Christopher Willis           Unattached                        49:58
     195  Frank Makison        V45  27 Unattached                        50:05
     196  Andrew Symonds               Unattached                        50:06
     197  Paul Turton                  Unattached                        50:08
     198  Brian Gillatt        V55  11 Unattached                        50:09
     199  James Whittington            Totley Ac                         50:20
     200  Kevin Thomas         V45  28 Rotherham Harriers                50:22
     201  Michael Poore        V50  28 Unattached                        50:30
     202  Paul Keen            V40  31 Unattached                        50:32
     203  Ray Smith                    Goole Viking Striders             50:35
     204  Neil Swallow                 Unattached                        50:39
     205  Ian Rodgers          V40  32 S/yorks Police                    50:42
     206  Michael Jones                Unattached                        50:45
     207  John Cuthbert                Meadowhall Charity                50:46
     208  Tony Di.Laurenzio            Unattached                        50:51
     209  David Boothroyd              Unattached                        50:51
     210  Stephen Johnson              Unattached                        50:52
     211  Stephen McGovern             Unattached                        50:57
     212  Graham Tonks         V40  33 Meadowhall Charity                51:03
     213  Bob Teasdale         V50  29 Unattached                        51:09
     214  Jeff Clark                   Unattached                        51:14
     215  Peter Hollis         V40  34 Unattached                        51:16
     216  David Thompson       V50  30 Unattached                        51:23
     217  Alan Plater          V60   2 Clowne RR                         51:36
     218  John Benson          V50  31 Rushton                           51:39
     219  Jason Major                  Unattached                        51:46
     220  George Turton        V65   1 Handsworth Roadhogs               51:58
     221  John Barry           V50  32 Unattached                        52:03
     222  Kenneth New          V45  29 Unattached                        52:14
     223  Ian Shepherd         V50  33 Steel City Strider                52:20
     224  Graham Benton        V40  35 Rotherham Harriers                52:20
     225  Phillips Phillips            Kimberworth Striders              52:34
     226  Keith Severn         V50  34 Unattached                        52:47
     227  Anthony Carlton              Meadowhall Charity                52:49
     228  Ashley Godbehere             Unattached                        53:10
     229  Robert Gilmore       V40  36 Unattached                        53:13
     230  Mark Sabin                   Unattached                        53:18
     231  Philip Robinson      V50  35 Dark Peak FR                      53:21
     232  John Gittins         V55  12 Dark Peak FR                      53:24
     233  Geoffrey Dimelow     V40  37 Penistone FR                      53:25
     234  Alex Brown           V65   2 Rotherham Harriers                53:27
     235  Matt Hayes           JM    2 Unattached                        53:28
     236  Martin Davenport             Unattached                        53:31
     237  John Pearson                 Unattached                        53:37
     238  Richard Nield                Meadowhall Charity                53:38
     239  Maxwell Hayter       V40  38 Unattached                        53:42
     240  Derek Bettison       V50  36 Unattached                        53:46
     241  David Taff           V45  30 Unattached                        53:48
     242  Chris Mason                  Meadowhall Charity                53:52
     243  Robin Widdowson              Unattached                        53:55
     244  John Richard Guy     V50  37 Clowne RR                         53:56
     245  John Johnson         V45  31 Handsworth Roadhogs               54:01
     246  Peter Hardie                 Unattached                        54:03
     247  John Davidson        V40  39 Unattached                        54:14
     248  Donald Summerskill   V65   3 Northern Veterans AC              54:20
     249  Colin Kendrick               Unattached                        54:23
     250  Lee Jones                    Unattached                        54:58
     251  Robert Bainbridge    V45  32 Unattached                        55:01
     252  Lloyd Bramall                Unattached                        55:02
     253  Scott Yellott                Unattached                        55:04
     254  Jack Wood            V50  38 Unattached                        55:08
     255  Dave Pitt            V40  40 Unattached                        55:18
     256  Adrian Ripley                Unattached                        55:32
     257  Jerry Alcock         V45  33 Unattached                        55:51
     258  Glyn Benton          V40  41 Unattached                        56:53
     259  Christopher Hunnam           Unattached                        56:58
     260  Alan Parrett         V45  34 Unattached                        56:58
     261  Darren Rodgers               Unattached                        57:41
     262  Mark Marriott                Steel City Strider                57:44
     263  Terence Hobson       V50  39 Unattached                        57:58
     264  David Dodd                   Unattached                        57:58
     265  Richard Hurd                 Unattached                        58:17
     266  Timothy Breislin             Unattached                        58:28
     267  Derek Gill           V65   4 Bingley Harriers                  59:06
     268  George Waslidge              Unattached                      1:00:42
     269  Rodney Unwin         V55  13 Unattached                      1:01:25
     270  Mark Breislin        V40  42 Unattached                      1:01:59
     271  Michael Clarkson     V45  35 Sheffield Triathlon             1:02:11
     272  Leslie Briddon       V65   5 Reebok RC                       1:03:14
     273  Philip Bagshaw       V50  40 Unattached                      1:04:43
     274  Richard Lintott              Unattached                      1:05:53
     275  Glenn Smedley                Unattached                      1:06:33
     276  Ernest Putland       V55  14 Unattached                      1:06:58
     277  John Bettison        V40  43 Unattached                      1:08:43

Sheffield 10k - Men -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Sheffield AC                       12
                                 1  Wayne Jacques       
                                 5  Nigel Kent          
                                 6  Jed Turner          
  2  Rotherham Harriers                 20
                                 3  Keith Williams      
                                 7  Jerry Spencer       
                                10  Terry Hawlwy        
  3  Steel City Strider                 37
                                 9  Barry Williams      
                                13  Terry Eastwood      
                                15  Mark Hall           
  4  Hallamshire Harrier                47
                                 8  Dean Oxley          
                                16  Ian Nerurkar        
                                23  David Bonnington    
  5  North Derbyshire RC                81
                                 2  David Hayes         
                                32  Steven Bennett      
                                47  Martin Lowe         
  6  Clowne RR                         128
                                14  Lewis Banton        
                                46  Stuart Platts       
                                68  Andrew Porter       
  7  Kimberworth Striders              132
                                 4  Shaun Hogton        
                                50  Roy Thomas          
                                78  John Fitch          
  8  Totley Ac                         136
                                36  Jon Gilchrist       
                                37  Patrick Corrigan    
                                63  Richard Smith       
  9  Killamarsh Kestrels               147
                                29  Steve Rhodes        
                                52  Ian Brookes         
                                66  Richard Bakewell    
 10  Dark Peak FR                      267
                                67  Eugene Rybinski     
                                82  Jonathan Straker    
                               118  Philip Robinson     
 11  S/yorks Police                    276
                                83  Gary Morewood       
                                85  Hugh Maccullum      
                               108  Ian Rodgers         
 12  Penistone FR                      293
                                91  Mark Bishop         
                                99  Derek Smith         
                               103  Anthony Turner      
 13  Meadowhall Charity                304
                                94  Shaun Jones         
                               101  Hilton McCarthy     
                               109  John Cuthbert       

Sheffield 10k - Ladies -- FINAL RESULTS ($=non-counter)

     Pos  Name                 Cat/Pos Club         Time  

       1  Penny Thackray       L     1 Sheffield University              35:26
       2  Brown Brown          L     2 Chester Le Street Rc              37:27
       3  Heidi Nicholls       L     3 Hull Achillies                    38:20
       4  Julie O'Mara         L     4 Rotherham Harriers                39:03
       5  Susan Garrod         L40   1 Goole Viking Striders             39:15
       6  Alexandra Tomkinson  L     6 Peterborough AC                   39:39
       7  Jenny Chambers       L45   1 Hallamshire Harrier               40:04
       8  Hilary Garrison      L35   1 Rotherham Harriers                40:09
       9  Alice Butler         L     9 Wakefield Harriers                40:58
      10  Sharon Marshall      L    10 Rotherham Harriers                41:11
      11 $Mary Picksley        L45   2 Steel City Strider                42:24
      12  Sarah Bruce          L    12 Steel City Strider                42:45
      13  Nicola Bolderstone   L    13 Sheffield Hallam Uni              43:56
      14  Mary Hart            L    14 Unattached                        43:58
      15  Yuette Arthur        L35   2 Wakefield Harriers                44:09
      16  Ascension Vizinho    L    16 Unattached                        44:49
      17  Carole Baugh         L35   3 Unattached                        44:53
      18  Barbara Edwards      L35   4 Unattached                        44:54
      19  Janice Ashforth      L45   3 Hallamshire Harrier               44:56
      20  Pauline Straw        L35   5 Totley Ac                         44:59
      21  Rebecca Harris       L    21 Steel City Strider                45:08
      22  Sue Fletcher         L45   4 Steel City Strider                45:15
      23  Mary Howarth         L45   5 Steel City Strider                45:47
      24  Jackie Davidson      L40   2 Steel City Strider                46:14
      25  Theresa Ferraro      L35   6 Dark Peak FR                      46:20
      26  Kathryn Baines       L18   1 Hallamshire Harrier               46:27
      27  Diana Ensor          L    27 Unattached                        46:45
      28  Lynda Bradshaw       L45   6 Steel City Strider                46:47
      29  Norma Betts          L50   1 Totley Ac                         46:55
      30  Jacqui Robinson      L    30 Unattached                        47:25
      31  Brown Brown          L    31 Unattached                        47:36
      32  Louise Baines        LJ    1 Hallamshire Harrier               47:59
      33  Zoe Willoughby       L    33 Hallamshire Harrier               47:59
      34  Beverley Brown       L40   3 Unattached                        48:46
      35  Ross Ross            L    35 Unattached                        49:18
      36  Helen Baines         L18   2 Hallamshire Harrier               49:45
      37  Laurie Smith         L18   3 Penistone FR                      50:18
      38  Amanda Plant         L    38 Unattached                        50:21
      39  Gina France          L40   4 Steel City Strider                50:27
      40  Michele Hassen       L    40 Unattached                        50:28
      41  Collette Leetham     L35   7 Goole Viking Striders             50:35
      42  Gail Wright          L    42 Handsworth Roadhogs               50:39
      43  Helen Stothard       L    43 Unattached                        50:58
      44  Jean Locking         L65   1 Steel City Strider                51:17
      45 ?Jenny Chambers       L45   7 Hallamshire Harrier               51:18
      46  Ivana Pavlikova      L    46 Unattached                        51:31
      47   Bev Clark           L    47 Unattached                        52:08
      48  Susan Bragger        L50   2 Steel City Strider                52:15
      49  Elaine Watson        L35   8 Unattached                        52:20
      50  Kim Harris           L    50 Handsworth Roadhogs               52:52
      51  Jean Gregory         L45   8 Steel City Strider                53:08
      52  Kyley Gains          L    52 Unattached                        54:13
      53  Helen Rose           L    53 Unattached                        55:08
      54  Susan Tudor          L    54 Unattached                        55:18
      55  Janet Butterworth    L55   1 Clowne RR                         56:01
      56  Marie Barrett        L35   9 Unattached                        56:18
      57  Andrea Benson        L35  10 Unattached                        56:58
      58  Gill Dawson          L40   5 Unattached                        57:19
      59  Michelle Richards    L    59 Unattached                        57:21
      60  Llinos Owen          L    60 Unattached                        57:38
      61  Tracy Schofield      L35  11 Unattached                        57:45
      62  Nicola Nelson        L    62 Meadowhall Charity                57:52
      63  Joanne Rollitt       L35  12 Unattached                        58:04
      64  Deborah Robinson     L    64 Unattached                        58:08
      65  Dawn Dannatt         L    65 Unattached                        58:10
      66  Karen Hurd           L    66 Unattached                        58:18
      67  Tracy Salmon-Ripley  L35  13 Unattached                        58:21
      68  Vivienne Honey       L    68 Unattached                        58:35
      69  Marjory Scott        L55   2 Totley Ac                         58:48
      70  Pamela Rawson        L55   3 Hallamshire Harrier               59:16
      71  Helen Howden         L    71 Unattached                        59:24
      72  Karen Clifton        L    72 Unattached                      1:00:08
      73  Helen Guy            L40   6 Clowne RR                       1:00:56
      74  Michele Doyle        L    74 Unattached                      1:01:41
      75  Keturia Robinson     L    75 Unattached                      1:01:48
      76  Sally Clarkson       L    76 Sheffield Triathlon             1:01:59
      77  Wendy Figures        L    77 Unattached                      1:03:42
      78  Carol Raynes         L    78 Unattached                      1:04:45
      79  Sara Widdowson       L    79 Unattached                      1:06:01
      80  Rosemary Wright      L55   4 Chesapeake                      1:06:02
      81  Carol Jacques        L40   7 Unattached                      1:06:02
      82  Ann Putland          L50   3 Unattached                      1:06:06
      83  Elizabeth Rush       L55   5 Unattached                      1:06:21
      84  Immy Lee             L45   9 Unattached                      1:08:04
      85  Janet Wilson         L40   8 Unattached                      1:10:02

Sheffield 10k - Ladies -- TEAM RESULTS

    NOTE: Unattached and non-counters are DELETED before teams are calculated

  1  Rotherham Harriers                 22
                                 4  Julie O'Mara        
                                 8  Hilary Garrison     
                                10  Sharon Marshall     
  2  Hallamshire Harrier                42
                                 7  Jenny Chambers      
                                14  Janice Ashforth     
                                21  Kathryn Baines      
  3  Steel City Strider                 44
                                11  Sarah Bruce         
                                16  Rebecca Harris      
                                17  Sue Fletcher        
  4  Totley Ac                          75
                                15  Pauline Straw       
                                23  Norma Betts         
                                37  Marjory Scott